Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1354: Mysterious Thief

"Brother, brother, your family is dead, come out and see, what's going on?"

   An exclamation of Yu Wuqian, the elder of Feijianzong, came from outside the door.

   "Your family is dead."

   Lin Beichen ate a little bit, hiccuped, touched his belly, and said, "Laoyu, you crow's mouth..." he walked out leisurely.

   But seeing Yu Wuque looking at the corpse of the black-robed masked man at the door, he looked shocked.

   "Who is he? Why did he die here?"

   Yu Wuqian asked.

   Lin Beichen observed very carefully, Lao Yu’s shocked and unexpected expressions did not seem to be pretending, there is a high probability that he really didn’t know this person.

"I don't know. In the morning, I was in the yard to enjoy the coolness. This person rushed in and threatened me, saying that I still had a [Feathering Fairy Fruit] left on my body, and asked me to hand it over, otherwise I would be disfigured... "

   Lin Beichen said calmly: "Who knows that he has bad eyesight, and the appearance of his legs and feet are not bright. He accidentally fell at the door, broke his arm, broke his head, and fell directly to death."

   Yu Wuqian picked up his nose.

  (* ̄ro ̄).

   I believe you a ghost.

   A master who is also at least a Tier 3 cultivation base, died in a wrestling?

   What's more, this injury, although it is indeed a broken head and a broken arm, it is obviously not a fall, right?

   seems to be some kind of powerful sword skill to kill.

   Lao Yu is also a wise man. When Lin Beichen used such a perfunctory excuse, he stopped questioning him, let alone whether Lin Beichen really had one [Yuhua Fairy Fruit] left.

   The two entered the yard, and Lin Beichen threw it over a straw pier and said, "Sit down, don't be polite."

   Yu Wuqian: "..."

   He can see that this Lin Beichen is really a strange flower.

   It was someone else who was detected as a waste body. I was afraid that he had already sighed and fell into despair. But this guy, even if he was neglected by the Flying Sword Sect, was thrown on this weed peak, he was extremely optimistic.

  奇人 also.

   When I think that Lin Beichen is so unlucky and so optimistic, the depression and annoyance in Yu Wuque's heart seem to be nothing.

   "My brother, this time I have good news to tell you."

Yu Wuque sat on the Caodunzi and said, "Your brother Xiao Binggan is really a genius who speaks of loyalty. He has always missed you and interceded for you several times. The headmaster finally agreed to give you a cultivator. opportunity."


   Lin Beichen's heart moved: "What opportunity?"

   I haven't seen Xiao Binggan for more than a month. This kid is finally a little conscientious. He also knows that planning for his brother has never been in vain.

   "The headmaster finally agreed to let you practice the [Heiner Mind Method] of this school."

   Yu Wuqian said: "This mental method is the basic training method of my Feijian Sect. It is simple and easy to understand. It can be practiced even without the guidance of a master. It is suitable for those who start martial arts, but..."

   Speaking of this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

   "But what?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   Yu Wuqian said with ashamed expression on his face: "Originally, this matter has been decided, but later encountered a little trouble, and Qiu Heng, the elder of the transmission of power, strongly opposed it."

   "Damn, the head has already spoken, he is an elder who opposes a hammer." Lin Beichen was not angry.

   Such subordinates who have no vision should be beaten to death.

"Qiu Heng is the elder of my Feijian Sect, who is responsible for teaching the exercises. He has a high position and is the master's uncle in his seniority. So he opposes it and things will be difficult," Yu Wuque said helplessly. "Finally, the major elders discussed and decided that three days later, the sect was selected by Xiaobi and gave you a chance to be tested. If you can pass the test successfully, you can practice the [Heiner One Qi Min Method]."

   "What assessment?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   He kind of wants to practice this [Haina Yiqi Min Method] to try and understand whether the martial arts practice in the prehistoric world is of any use to him.

   "I don't know for the time being, it will be set by Elder Qiu Heng at that time." Yu Wuque said, comforting Lin Beichen, and said: "I suggest you try it. This is a rare opportunity."

   "Yes, then try it."

   Lin Beichen replied calmly and asked, "By the way, does Qiu Heng have any hatred with me? I didn't plan his ancestral grave, nor did I steal his daughter-in-law. Why did I target me like this?"

   "Shhh, speak carefully."

   Yu Wuque was taken aback, and said: "If these words reach Elder Qiu, you will immediately be expelled from Feijian Sect..."

After a pause, he explained: "In fact, the reason is very simple. Your brother Xiao Binggan, who has broken the bloodline, was valued by the head of the sect as soon as he arrived at the sect. He gave him countless precious resources and replaced Qiu. The elder's granddaughter Qiu Luoyao is the first genius in the sect. Qiu Luoyao has been spoiled and loved since he was a child. He is defiant and naturally dissatisfied. Elder Qiu is just sighing for his granddaughter."

   It turned out to be like that.

   Lin Beichen expressed understanding.

   Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

   "It's a pity that I'm just an ordinary elder, and I can't say a few words for you. The weight is not as good as your brother Xiao Binggan... ashamed, ashamed."

   Yu Wuqian is very authentic.

   Lin Beichen said: "It's okay, you don't need to blame yourself. In fact, I have long seen that you really have no position in Feijian Sect."

   Yu Wuqian: "???"

   I said this on a horse, to comfort you, and to find resonance by the way, not to let you hit my heart.

   "How do you see it?"

   Yu Wuqian asked.

   "If you were a serious elder with real power, then Feijian Sect would not let you enter Yunmengze to venture out and find [Yuhuaxianguo], what's the difference between it and death?"

   Lin Beichen said naturally.


   Yu Wuwu almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

   is hitting the nail on the head.

   He doesn't want to talk anymore, thinking that this Lin Beichen chat can kill people.

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Don't be discouraged, you are still young, and you have a lot to do in the future. There is a good saying, fat first is not fat, and then fat is overwhelming. Maybe you can accumulate your hair and come first."

   "I thank you and your family."

   Yu Wuque is very sincere.

   "You're welcome... By the way, since I'm about to start practicing, Lao Yu, can you popularize the cultivation techniques and levels of the martial arts world?"

   Lin Beichen looked shamelessly asking.

Yu Wuque was so angry that the clappers hurt, but he still patiently explained: "In the prehistoric world, I take my Feijian sect as an example. After the disciple starts to cultivate his mind, he can be regarded as entering the stage. , Tier 1 is the entry level, Tier 2 is inflow, Tier 3 is first-class, Tier 4 is top, Tier 5 is peerless...Of course, it’s out of the Azure Rain Realm, but it’s another way of saying that the peerless master of this realm is in the Great Realm. Domain and Star Road may not be peerless."

  啧啧, this peerless powerhouse is really worthless.

   "What kind of elders, what realm is that?"

   Lin Beichen is a grudge.

Yu Wuqian said, "Elder Qiu Heng was already at the pinnacle of Tier 4 two hundred years ago. Now maybe it’s not necessarily at Tier 5. It’s the second strongest of Feijian Sect. It’s not what you can hate. You are still honest. Really dispel this idea."

   Lin Beichen curled his lips and said, "Who is the strongest one?"

   "Of course it is Liu Wuyan's head. A hundred years ago, he was Tier 5 peerless, otherwise you think why Brother Liu is the head."

   There is no lack of jade.

Lin Beichen sighed and said, "Old Yu, you have to be a little bit more vigorous, you say you, you obviously took the name of a protagonist, why did you become a supporting role at a young age? If you are the head, then my cultivation matter , Wouldn't it be easy to solve."

   Yu Wuqian: "..."

   I'm stuck and don't want to talk.

   "I think at the beginning, I too... Alas, I can't bear to look back on the past, so I don't want to mention it."

   He sighed.

   Lin Beichen heard, this is a story.

   As expected, names like Yu are not ordinary people.

   He digs into the roots, but Yu Wuque doesn’t say anything. 

   "By the way, the sect is not peaceful recently, and weird things have happened continuously. Brother, you'd better stay simple, don't walk around. If you have anything, please contact me as soon as possible."

   Yu Wuqian gave Lin Beichen a messenger talisman, and when he was in danger, he could crush the jade art and send out the messenger.

   "What's the strange thing?"

   Lin Beichen asked curiously.

Yu Wuwei gritted his teeth and said: "There is a mysterious robber who specializes in robbing the elders. Six elders of the Flying Sword Sect have been beaten with sap, and half of their life savings have been looted. Until now, this mysterious robber has not been caught, elders. At risk."

   Lin Beichen: "???"

   A familiar feeling rushed over.

   Yu Wuque stood up and said goodbye, "You get ready, I will lead you to the assessment in three days."


The first update, the fourth update today.

Everyone thinks, who is the mysterious thief? O(∩_∩)O

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