Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1355: Challenges at the martial arts show

Lin Beichen was a little guilty.

   must be the dog goddess Jian Xue Wuming.

   Sap, rob...

   This routine is really familiar.

   No wonder this guy carries a black stick every day and he doesn't see anyone. It turns out that he went to robbery.

   This dog goddess is not easy.

   It was obviously a waste body, and as a result, she could still rob the elder of the Flying Sword Sect... Tsk tusk, it seems that she must have hidden something in the previous bloodline test.

   "By the way, Lao Yu, don't rush to go, do me a favor."

   Lin Beichen remembered something, and quickly grabbed Yu Wuqian's arm and said, "Lend me some money."

   "No problem, how much to borrow?"

   Lao Yu is very bold, like a rich kid.

   ", one thousand taels of Honghuang silver." Lin Beichen originally wanted to say five hundred, but seeing Lao Yu so happy, he doubled on the spot.

"How many?"

   Yu Wuqian was taken aback, and said, "I only have two hundred taels for a month of offering resources. You can borrow one thousand when you open your mouth? Are you slaughtering me as a fat pig?"

   "I have borrowed and repaid, I am not repaying you."

   Lin Beichen smiled authentically.

   This Flying Sword Sect is also very poor, and the monthly salary of an elder is only two hundred, or it is too miserable to say that the old jade is too mixed.

"just you?"

Yu Wuque glanced at Lin Beichen and said with contempt: "The holy emperor's blood, if you put it plainly, you are useless. Staying in my Feijian Sect to eat and drink, lending you money is equivalent to doing charity, and counting on you. Give me back? No, just two hundred taels. Would you like it?"

   said, took out two hundred yuan of silver, turned around and left.

   "Hey? Wait, there's something else..."

   Lin Beichen took Hong Huangyin and chased him up.

   "No more, one or two are gone."

   Yu Wuqian walked faster, as if he was kicked by a dog.

   "It's not borrowing money."

   Lin Beichen hurried to catch up, and handed over the two hundred taels of unregistered silver bills previously found from the black-clothed masked man, and said: "Help me, find a place to redeem this silver bill, and send the silver back."

   Yu Wuqian: "..."

   Gan Li Niang.

   Are you still lending me when you have money?

   "I will give it to you in three days."

   He flew with his sword, turning into a sword light, and flew away like being beaten by a wolf.

   "Lao Yu is a good person."

   Lin Beichen sighed.

   Speaking of two people didn't have much friendship, they borrowed a month's salary at once, no wonder they were unsatisfactory in the Flying Sword Sect. Can you beat those old rivers and lakes with such a lack of heart and eyes?

   Back in the yard, Lin Beichen continued to study the mobile app.

  [Happy Farm] You can only steal once a day, and the number of steals each time is limited, so you can only take it slowly.

   Except for the [Condensed Farm], Lin Beichen did not find a second farm in the mountainous area that can be explored, which is a little flawed.

   "By the way, I forgot to ask Lao Yu a moment ago, do you recognize someone called Condensation?"

   Lin Beichen patted his forehead, a bit regretful.

   He lay on the chair and started to play with the phone.

   Considering that he had some money on hand and had to deal with the test three days later, Lin Beichen decided to pay more attention to it and buy some weapons to arm himself.

   He opened the [Taobao] APP.

   After searching, I dispelled the idea of ​​buying 98K, AWM and 69-too expensive to afford.

   After making a final selection, he chose a weapon that he hadn't bought before—UZI.

   is also known as Uzi.

   One-handed submachine gun.

   The main feature of this gun is—

   shoot fast.

   can pour out a large number of bullets in the shortest time. It can be said that it is the fastest shooting mini submachine gun.

   In addition to shooting fast, it is also cheap.

   The price of Naked Gun 180 taels of Honghuang silver was within Lin Beichen's tolerance—he originally wanted to buy an AK47, but the price of the 550 was too expensive to afford for the time being.

   "The power of this gun should be able to cause trouble for Tier 4 masters."

   Lin Beichen looked at the product introduction and looked forward to it very much.

   If someone insists on opposing himself, he has no alternative but to suddenly kill Qiu Heng that dog...and his granddaughter.

   In addition, Lin Beichen also bought a ‘first-class body armor’.

Although he still has the [Immortal King Set] in his hand, this thing seems to be a set of ordinary armor that has been purchased in the world. It is estimated that it cannot prevent the unarmed attack of the fourth-order strong, and the second hand holding a sharp weapon like the Naihe gun. The stab attack of the third-order powerhouse.

   It is better to be cautious.

   These orders directly cost Lin Beichen 250 taels of silver, the money borrowed from Lao Yu, plus the hard-earned savings before, spent four-fifths.

   Heartache and unable to breathe.

   After doing all this, Lin Beichen lay under the tree and continued to sleep.

   In the evening, there was a reluctant voice in my ear.

   Jianxue came back sneakily without a name.


   Lin Beichen beat a grass carp, jumped up, and asked: "What are you doing when you leave early and come back late these days?"

   "Go hunting."

   Jianxue Wuming said casually: "Get some meat."

   "Not a robbery?"

   Lin Beichen tentatively.

   "Of course not." Jian Xue's nameless eyes flickered, and she strongly denied: "Am I the kind of person who likes to get something for nothing?"

   I went to robbery as expected.

   deserves to be you, the dog goddess.

   Lin Beichen lay down again, did not ask much, and said calmly: "Be careful, don't be hurt by the prey."



   In a blink of an eye.

   Three days have passed.

   Early in the morning, Yu Wuqian Yujian came, with two hundred taels of silver, and led Lin Beichen to the main peak of Feijian Sect's "Jianlai Peak".

   Lao Yu's sword is very stable, and its speed is comparable to that of a high-speed rail.

"Today's procedure is like this. First, the sect competition is a master contest for the younger generation in the sect. Five disciples will be selected to participate in the new generation of human clan sect martial arts meeting 20 days later, and wait until the competition is over. , Is your chance to be tested."

   Yu Wuque, while impending his sword, instructed Lin Beichen on the various rules of the Flying Sword Sect, so as not to accidentally make mistakes.

   after a moment.

   The two arrived at Jianlai Peak and sat down in the designated area.

   In the martial arts field of the main peak, there are still hundreds of new generation disciples of Feijian Sect, gathered under the leadership of their masters, eagerly gearing their hands, waiting for the martial arts to begin.

   After a while, the head Liu Wuyan and other powerful figures in the house also appeared.

   Liu was speechless behind, followed by Xiao Binggan—he put on the uniform of Feijianzong’s core disciple, he was still gnawing on sauce pig’s feet, his eyes swept around, and he greeted Lin Beichen very happily when he saw Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen smiled and nodded.

   The young disciples on the martial arts field cheered.

   Liu Wuyan has a high prestige in Feijian Sect, and is an idol-level character.

   After some unexpected heads encouraged to speak, the performance of martial arts officially began.

   Most of these young disciples are second-tier cultivation bases, and the techniques of cultivation can be considered exquisite. They display magical powers and secret skills, and most of them use elemental flow with swordsmanship.

   Lin Beichen looked seriously.

   This is indeed an opportunity to understand the martial arts of the prehistoric world.

During the    martial arts competition, a young woman with long black hair and a short red leather skirt caught the attention of Lin Beichen.

   This woman looks like she is in her early twenties. She has a pretty face and an arrogant complexion. Her tight leather skirt outlines the waist and hips of the water snake. Her only shortcoming is that her family is too wealthy and she has her own airport at a young age.

  Her strength is quite good, basically there is no enemy in one, she swept all the opponents, the performance is very strong, and the shot is cruel, and the same door she competed with, vomited blood and retired...

   After a battle in martial arts, this arrogant woman won the first place in Feijianzong's new-generation martial arts.

   But there was not a trace of joy on her face.

   On the contrary, it was overcast, as if he was owed hundreds of millions of dollars.

   "Master Master, I want to challenge Junior Brother Xiao Binggan."

   The woman strode to the forefront of the martial arts field and said loudly.

   This is obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

   Liu Wuyan frowned slightly, and looked at Qiu Heng, the elder of the power transmission beside him.

   The latter's complexion was indifferent, without any reaction.

The woman took a few steps forward, drew her sword, pointed at Xiao Binggan standing behind Liu Wuyan, sneered and said loudly: "Xiao Binggan, aren't you known as the first genius of the sect? Ever since you came to the Flying Sword Sect , All the training resources are for you first, and the rest is given to us. I am not convinced, Xiao Binggan, if you are still a man, then you will come down and fight me upright, let all the disciples take a look, you Is it worthy to have Feijianzong's best training resources."


The second is more.

Ask for a monthly pass.

Today is still 4 more guaranteed.

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