Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1356: Sneak attack

This sudden change is beyond everyone's expectations.

   "This woman is Qiu Luoyao, the granddaughter of Elder Qiu."

   Yu Wuqian whispered in Lin Beichen's ear: "Xiao Binggan was this woman before the future. She was called the number one genius of the Flying Sword Sect, and she exclusively enjoyed Dao-level resources."

   no wonder.

   Lin Beichen suddenly realized.

   Under the gaze of countless gazes, Xiao Binggan didn't even notice, and calmly ate his soy pig's feet without even looking at Qiu Luoyao.

   "Xiao Binggan, are you still a man?"

   Qiu Luoyao sternly said: "Are you scared?"

"Oh yes."

   Xiao Bing nodded naturally.


   Qiu Luoyao is so angry.

   admitted so shamelessly.

   "If you are afraid, get out of Flying Sword Sect by yourself. Our Flying Sword Sect does not have your greedy and fearful generation."

   "Yes, let's go."

   "It's impossible for me to be the chief Taoist of Flying Sword Sect."

  In the crowd, there are younger disciples who seized the opportunity to fan the flames, expressing their dissatisfaction one after another. It seemed that all of them were filled with righteous indignation, as if they were speaking out of righteousness.

   But Lin Beichen can tell the clue even with sidelights.

   These guys must have colluded with Qiu Luoyao in advance, or at least Qiu Luoyao's licking dog would clamor so hard.

   And this kind of contradiction to the head, it is impossible to say that there is no Kung Fu elder Qiu Heng behind the scenes, otherwise, how can ordinary young disciples dare to make trouble on such an occasion?

   Lin Beichen was like a mirror in his heart.

   Then he was stunned again.


   I can think so deeply?

   I seem to be smart.

   "Xiao Binggan, my disciple of the Flying Sword Sect, my head can be broken, and my ambition can't be lost. How can I retreat in the face of challenges?"

   Chuan Gong elder Qiu Heng said, "Go down and fight Qiu Luoyao. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you always want to bring out the style of the descendants of the Feijian Sect."

   Xiao Binggan still nibbled the sauced pig's feet intently, completely ignoring it.

   "Binggan has only been in Feijianzong for more than a month, and he has been practicing for ten days, but his skill has not been achieved. How is Luo Yao's opponent for a disciple who has been practicing for more than ten years?"

  The head Liu Wuyan said, "Let's postpone this challenge. It won't be too late to try again when Binggan is cultivated to Xiaocheng."

   His tone is relatively mild.

In order to ensure that Xiao Binggan can grow up smoothly and avoid being targeted by all parties, the matter of the bloodline breaking limit is temporarily kept secret. Except for Liu Wuyan, only Yu Wuwei, who has been to Yunmengze that day, etc. are a few of them. People know the inside story, even Qiu Heng, who is the elder Chuan Gong, does not know it. This is one of the reasons why all parties are jealous of Xiao Binggan's resources.

"Uncle Master, I am not convinced." Qiu Luoyao gritted her teeth, raised her neck, and said: "I can suppress the cultivation base, maintain the same realm as Xiao Binggan, fight with him, and want to be the Dao of my Flying Sword Sect. My disciples, at least I have to bring out something for today's junior and senior brothers and sisters to take a look."

   Liu frowned silently.

   "Master, don't be confused, your old man, I have only practiced for a few days, and she has practiced for decades, even at the same level, I can't beat her."

   Xiao Binggan spoke, speaking in a serious tone.

   is very simple, just don't want to fight.

   "Hehe, Xiao Binggan, you really are a coward. If you are afraid, you can say aloud in front of everyone: I'm not as good as Qiu Luoyao... Today I won't push you anymore."

   Qiu Luoyao sneered with contempt.

   Liu said silently and slowly: "Binggan, let's go to discuss with your Senior Sister Qiu at the end, just click until you finish."

   "I don't cut it."

   Xiao Binggan shook his head straight.

   "Go ahead."

   Liu was speechless and solemn.

   One evasive, but let some people in the door catch the truth, which is not conducive to Xiao Binggan's establishment of prestige. In the future, he will be judged badly in Feijian Sect and will not be conducive to taking over the sect in the future.

   "No, Master?"

   Xiao Binggan chirped and said, "You really want me to do it?"

   "Go ahead."

   Liu said speechlessly.

   Xiao Binggan sighed helplessly, and said, "Master, I'm actually not afraid of getting hurt, I'm afraid that I might accidentally kill Senior Sister Qiu."


   Qiu Heng sneered.

   "Oh, why don't you believe me."

   Xiao Binggan walked slowly towards the martial arts field, carefully placing his unfinished sauced pig's feet on a stone table next to him.

   "Come on, learn from each other."

   He beckoned to Qiu Luoyao and said, "If you want to cut it, cut it quickly, or my pig's feet will be cold in a while."

   good fellow.

   Qiu Luoyao laughed outrageously.

   "I want to see how you beat me to death."

   She sneered and urged her true energy. The light silver elemental power adhered to the surface of her body, her legs suddenly exerted force and turned into an afterimage, and she quickly arrived in front of Xiao Binggan, her long legs swept out like an iron spear.

  The air riots.

   Xiao Binggan was very calm, folded his arms on his chest, and insisted on a note.


   Explosion with energy.

   The violent air current radiated in all directions, and the young disciples who were watching the game around were staggered and backed up by the air rushing toward their faces.

   Xiao Binggan stood there, motionless.

   Qiu Luoyao's complexion changed, and she launched a frenzied attack, fists and feet exploded, falling like a violent storm.   Boom boom boom.

   There was a constant roar of shocks in the field.

   After four breaths.

   The shadows separate.


Qiu Luoyao was slightly protruding, bent over, the airport was slightly swelled, panting with big mouthfuls, with a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, staring at Xiao Binggan on the opposite side, and said: "You...your can Isn’t it just entering the sect? You are already a third-order, your physical body..."

   She was shocked and couldn't accept it.

   The physical strength of the opponent is far beyond her imagination, it is too hard to bear.

   Xiao Binggan calmly patted the dirt on his sleeves, and said, "You are too weak, and you will spend more time practicing in the future. Don't challenge me at all times and waste my time."

   He turned around and came to the stone table and picked up his sauced pig's feet.

   The surrounding area is quiet.

  The new-generation elite disciples of Flying Sword Sect are all stupid.

   Is this fat white man really just entering the sect for more than a month? How can it be so strong? In such a short period of time, Senior Sister Qiu couldn't stand it.

   Liu's speechless face was filled with joy.

   This is the one who has broken the limit-level bloodline.

   One month is worth a few years of hard work for others.

   Qiu Heng, the elder of the power transmission next to him, was shaking, and a pair of old eyes flickered. It seemed to vaguely understand why Liu Wuyan attaches so much importance to this little fat man. Such a performance, I am afraid that he is a person of the upper limit bloodline.

   It seems that Yaoer is really inferior.

   was thinking about it, and heard Liu Wuyan's angry shout: "Bold...Don't stop."

   Qiu Heng was startled.

When    looked up, he was suddenly surprised.

   But on the martial arts field, Qiu Luoyao had a spiteful expression, took out an elemental secret sword in her arms, urged a powerful force, silently attacked, and blasted towards Xiao Binggan's back.

"not good."

   Qiu Heng showed his posture right now and rushed to the martial arts field.

   And Liu Wuyan is one step faster than him and has already shot.


   The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

   The figure flickered like a residual electricity.


   There was a deafening blast.

   The terrifying air current surging like a stormy sea, there was a cry of exclamation from the martial arts field, and some disciples with poor strength rolled out like a gourd.

  The air flow escapes.

   The martial arts field fell still for an instant.

   On the sidelines, Lin Beichen stood up suddenly, his eyes flashing with icy killing intent.


Third, there is one more

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