Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1359: Look open

Liu Wuyan snorted and said, "Elder Yu, give him the exercises."

   Everyone dispersed.

   Yu Wuque ‘pressed’ Lin Beichen and returned to the Weed Peak.

   "Got it-know it-know it..."

   Jin Cicada's cry is very rhythmic, which makes people listen to it. There is a wave of peace of mind, and the hot weather seems to cool down.

   "My brother, you broke the sky today."

   Yu Wuqian looked at Lin Beichen with extremely complicated eyes.

   He just vaguely felt that this kid hid one hand, but he did not expect that he hid several hands. He lay corpses on this weed peak all day, not making a sound for a month, making a blockbuster.

   "Stop talking nonsense, get the exercises."

   Lin Beichen stretched out his hand, not being polite with Lao Yu.

   Yu Wuqian handed the book of [Heina Yiqi Minfa] to Lin Beichen, and explained it again patiently.

   "Old Jade, why are you so good to me? You wouldn't be..."

   Lin Beichen looked at him and said, "I advise you not to think too much. I don't like men."


   Yu Wuqian almost bit off his tongue: "It's not because you owe me money. If you die, who will ask for my two hundred yuan of silver?"

   "It's okay, I will pay it back next time."

   Lin Beichen said, "Lao Yu, I am short of money again, can you lend me some more?"

   Yu Wuque’s face turned green: "No."

   "What if I change it with this thing?"

   Lin Beichen said, took out a small red apple-like fruit, and said: "How much is this thing worth?"

   These days, I steal vegetables once a day.

   Lin Beichen has never been idle.

   "Sacred Heart Fruit?"

   Yu Wuqian jumped up all of a sudden, and said: "You...this Tier 4 medicinal fruit from you? This is a specialty of my Feijianzong medicine garden, you..."

He suddenly remembered a strange thing in the sect. Recently, the elders of the "Flower of Flying Sword Sect" were very irritable. Some people said that the menopause was early, and some people said that they came to the aunt. According to the news, a small thief voted for the sacred heart fruit cultivated by the first beauty elder of the sect, which caused her mentality and personality to collapse...

   Is it?

   Yu Wuqian looked at Lin Beichen with a shocked expression: "You stole the cold elder's medicine garden?"

"What is this nonsense?"

   Lin Beichen was very dissatisfied, and said: "How can you say that the matter of the blood of the sacred emperor is stealing? Do you want it?"


   Yu Wuqian photographed two hundred honghuang silver without hesitation, and said, "A sacred heart fruit 250 taels of honghuang silver is priced outside. I will give you two hundred taels. After all, this game is not good."


   Lin Beichen didn't want to squeeze his only friend in Feijian Sect too hard.

   "Are there any more?"

   Jade ate the sacred heart fruit without missing a few bites, swallowing even the core slag, and said: "The more the better."

   Lin Beichen looked at him suspiciously: "Do you still have money?"

   "I can borrow it."

   Yu Wuque patted his chest and said: "For so many years, my popularity in Feijian Sect is pretty good."

   "If you have money, I will have fruit."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Go and borrow it."

   Yu Wuqian is a man with strong mobility. Without saying anything, he turned around and flew with a sword, soaring into the sky, leaving the Weed Peak, and excitedly borrowing money.

   Lin Beichen looked at the place where Lao Yu disappeared with sympathetic eyes.

   Talking about money hurts feelings.

   It is estimated that Lao Yu will soon find out that he has no friends in Feijian Sect.

   sent away Lao Yu, Lin Beichen set up the [outdoor field tent], lay in it and began to summarize the gains and losses of today's war.

   Obviously, firearms after the magic change are trustworthy.

  [Snow Eagle] can injure Tier 4 powerhouses, and UZI can also severely wound powerhouses of this level. This means that assault rifles such as AK47 and M416 can definitely threaten the so-called Tier 5 peerless powerhouses.

   As for 98K, AWM, a long-distance, high-damage weapon, that pair of powerhouses above Tier 5 can definitely be killed.

   I have a gun in my hand.

   "Even if the combat skills of the sacred emperor's bloodline are missing and the inheritance is withered, I am not afraid. These guns are comparable to the strongest combat skills. I can use them to make a unique path."

   Lin Beichen was very excited.

   He has already seen the prototype of himself killing the Quartet.

   The only thing that needs to be made up is that you have to seize the time to increase your infuriating strength.

   Guiyuan Chaos Qi is a kind of True Qi.

   His current true Qi state was the second-order last night.

The bullets that firearms need are transformed with true qi. If the true qi is insufficient, then you will encounter a real strong person, or encounter a prepared opponent, or a group battle, and the qi will run out and the bullet will hit. It will be misfired afterwards.

   Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone, scanned the book of the [Haina Yiqi Min Method], generated the corresponding APP in the mobile phone, downloaded it, and started practicing.

   of course is lying down and practicing.

   The APP was running in the background, and Lin Beichen started to visit [Taobao].

   The great silver on hand is still not enough. I can't buy an AK47 for the time being. After thinking about it, he bought two ‘grenades’, two [incendiary bombs], and two [smoke bombs], which cost 150 taels of great silver.

   The rest is temporarily stored and used as the reserve battery of the mobile phone.

   In the next few days, the days passed by.

   Lin Beichen’s attention is mainly focused on the practice of the [Haina Yiqi Mind Method].

   This technique is worthy of being the core basic cultivation technique of a large human race like Feijian Sect. The effect is not unexpectedly stronger than the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue].

   Stealing vegetables and eating fruits every day, plus mobile phone practice.

   Fifteen days later, Lin Beichen's Zhen Qi cultivation base finally steadily stepped into the third-order realm, and the Gui Yuan Chaos Zhen Qi in his body was flowing happily like a small river.

   The progress of this practice is very fast.

   Lin Beichen scruples, it will not be too difficult for him to enter Tier 4 in another month at most.

   During this period of time, Jian Xue Wuming still went out early and returned late, and looked sneaky. Lin Beichen didn't bother to care about her and let her go.

   Now he feels more and more that the dog goddess was pretending before.

   Her identity is not simple.

   So many elders have been robbed, and now the Feijian Zong Jifeigou jumped into full martial law, but she still hasn't noticed that she is the great master of sap.

   It is worth mentioning that Yu Wuque did not come to Weed Peak again.

   Until the departure [Chaotianque] The day before participating in the martial arts meeting of the new generation disciples of the human clan, Lao Yu, full of alcohol, appeared on the Weed Peak.

   He is languid, as if he is broken in love.

   "Get ready, tomorrow morning, I will pick you up, and go to Chaotianque to watch the excitement..." Lao Yu said weakly.

   "Old jade, are you swollen, old jade?"

   Lin Beichen asked with concern.

Yu Wuque sighed and said in a melancholy manner: "Oh, this life is really boring and cruel. Never expect too much from others. There are so many people who can call it true. confidant?"

"speak English."

   Lin Beichen Road.

Yu Wuqian poured himself a sip of wine and said, "I am anxious for justice and benevolent. I think I have a very good popularity. I think there are many sincere brothers in the Flying Sword Sect. Until this time, I went to borrow money, only to find out...Oh, I am in Feijian Sect now, and I don't have any friends anymore."

   Lin Beichen almost laughed to death.

   "Look at the open point, think about everything that is good."

  He sincerely consoled him, saying: "You are outside the Flying Sword Sect, and you don't have any friends."

   Yu Wuqian: "..."

   Please be your own person.

   Anyway, I have been in contact with Lin Beichen for such a long time, Lao Yu has become accustomed to being stabbed.

He drank a few sips of wine and said, "Just talk about business, your luck is really good. Qiu Tianjing, the son of the elder Qiu Heng, has been in retreat, so he didn't come to trouble you and waited until tomorrow. Flying Sword Sect, don't come back, stay outside for a while to avoid the limelight, the Qiu Tianjie Tianzong wizard is not easy to deal with, this time the retreat is over, I am afraid that I will enter the fifth stage..."

   The voice did not fall.


   Flying Sword Sect’s Heavenly Realm Peak direction, there was an astonishing roar, and the surging elemental power seemed to surge like the ocean.

   There was a long howl.

   A wave of elemental sword energy burst through the air.

   "Hahaha, I finally entered Tier 5."

   A domineering and arrogant voice, like a nine-day thunder, swept from the direction of the Heavenly Peak, shaking the entire Feijian Sect's countless mountains.

   Hezong shakes.

   Yu Wuqian stunned.

   Lin Beichen was speechless for a while, looked at Lao Yu, and said viciously: "Crow's mouth, I officially announce that you have now lost your last friend in Feijian Sect."


Third more.

One more thing, ask for a monthly pass, brothers and sisters help me rush.

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