Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1360: I am dedicated to the sect

"Qiu Tianjing has left the customs."

Yu Wuque’s complexion changed drastically, and said: "He has entered the fifth rank, and he is in trouble now. The Qiu family has swallowed his breath these few days, just waiting for him to leave the customs. It is estimated that they will come to you soon. ."

   Lin Beichen sighed and said, "It seems that I am going to kill evil again."

   Yu Wuqian: "..."

"Brother, you're a little floating, I advise you not to be careless. Qiu Tianjing is not Qiu Heng. The terrible of the fifth-order powerhouse is beyond your imagination. Although there is only one word difference between the fifth and fourth orders, they are definitely two. Concepts."

   Yu Wuqian had to remind him seriously.

   "Really? Then tell me, where is Tier 5 strong?"

   Lin Beichen is very curious.

"The fifth level is a hurdle, it is difficult to enter, and once you step into this step, it means that the true energy can go from the virtual to the real, and it can stimulate the'sect master level' combat skills, called the supreme master level powerhouse, between moves, It can open mountains, break cities, and split the ground. In the Azure Rain Realm, only the Sect Master can be called a peerless power."

When    Yu Wuqian introduced, his tone was full of yearning.

   Sect Master?

   Lin Beichen thoughtfully, said: "From the virtual to the real, what does it mean?"

"Simply put, before the fifth rank, the true qi cultivated by the martial artist is empty qi. What is virtual qi? It is not enough condensed. Although it can strengthen oneself and injure the enemy, it is like a plate of sand, like a cloud of smoke, which has its shape. It is infinite and difficult to be concrete. For example, even though Qiu Heng could use his true energy to condense the blue shield on the same day, he was the pinnacle of Tier 4 after all, and he did not enter Tier 5. The true qi was empty energy, and the blue shield was barely condensed. You can’t hold back your sword aura, so you’re badly injured by your shield breaking, but if you change to a Tier 5 powerhouse, your true qi will be condensed, and the elemental shield will be condensed from the virtual to the real, and it should be able to block your sword aura attacks."

   Yu Wuqian explained in detail.

   Lin Beichen thoughtfully.

The principle of    is very simple.

   Entering the fifth stage, the condensed degree of the true qi in the body increases, the intensity also soars, and it becomes more tenacious.

   "To Lao, Lao Yu, you just said that Tier 5 is the sect master level. Is that above the sect master level, and there are higher levels of powerhouses?"

   Lin Beichen wants to figure out the force value system in this world as soon as possible.

Yu Wuwu nodded, and said: "Entering the fifth step is considered as stepping into the threshold of the suzerain class. Between the fifth and the ninth steps, it is the nine steps of the suzerain. If you cross the nine steps to enter the tenth step, you are the lord. There is only one lord-level powerhouse in the rain world, that is, Lord Wang Sichao, the lord of Chaotianque."

   Lin Beichen's heart was stunned, and he continued to ask: "What about above the lord level?"

"Above the lord, it is the domain master level. This level is too far away from us. Maybe it may not be achieved for a lifetime. So you should not think about it. It will only increase your troubles. It is your brother Xiao Binggan who broke the limit. The strength of the first-class bloodline is shocking to the world. If the opportunity is right, maybe one day, it can reach this level." Yu Wuqian said while sighing.

   He has never expected this kind of state.

   For the human martial arts powerhouses in the Azure Rain World, that is the legendary level, which is beyond hope and cannot be imagined, and dare not even dream of it.

"Old jade, it's not that I said you, you are really persuading me, martial artists of my generation are practicing against the sky. You can't even think of those realms, and naturally you can never reach them. The so-called seeking the best is one of them. Seek the best from the bottom, but not the bottom. The higher Flange’s success, the higher your accomplishment. Don’t underestimate yourself.”

   Lin Beichen hated it indisputably.

   Yu Wuqian curiously said: "What is Flange?"

   "It's ambition."

   Lin Beichen said: "You are determined to pursue the realm of the domain master. Maybe one day you can set foot on the lord level. How can you know if you don't want to?"

   Yu has a wry smile.

  He knows all the truth, but there are some things that can't be done just knowing the truth.

   "Above the domain master level, what realm is it?"

   Lin Beichen broke the casserole and asked to the end.

Yu Wuque shook his head, and said: "I don't know about that. The Azure Rain Realm can clearly say that there are only a handful of people in the martial art realm above the domain master level... You don't want to be too far-fetched, but first think about how to deal with Qiu Heaven Realm. "

   "It's very simple. If you lend me some money, it will be fine."

   Lin Beichen reached out for it.

   "Do you want to borrow money to run away?"

Yu Wuwu nodded, and said, "Well, it's a handsome man who can bend and stretch. I still have 400 wild silver at the bottom of the box. You can take it. Take the time to leave the Flying Sword Sect and find a place to hide. I'll talk about it when the wind has passed. ."

   400 two Honghuangyin were placed in front of Lin Beichen.

  Rao is a man with such a heart-skinned and dark-skinned Young Master Lin, and he couldn't help but be taken aback: "Laoyu, you... are you short-minded, aren't you afraid that I will abscond with donations and never come back?"

   Yu Wuqian said indifferently: "Anyway, I am here in Flying Sword Sect, and I have no real friends, so what if you Lin Beichen still treats me as a person, and let me go unconscious and stupid once?"

   Lin Beichen did not pretend to say anything, patted Lao Yu on the shoulder, and collected 400 taels of silver.

   "Don't be so pessimistic."

   Lin Beichen smiled, and said: "Tell you a secret, the fifth-order Sect Master level powerhouse, I will not miss the hammer. From now on, this Flying Sword Sect, I will cover you."



   Tianjing Peak.

   Qiu Tianjing was wearing sackcloth and filial piety, bowed down to his old father in the mourning hall, and then came to the coffin of his daughter Qiu Luoyao. He looked as if he was a sweet sleeping daughter, and remained silent for a long time.   The main characters of the Qiu clan gathered in the mourning hall. The sentiment was so exciting that they waited for Qiu Tianjing to raise his arms and immediately went to the Weed Peak to kill the lunatic.

   But Qiu Tianjing's expression is very calm.

   He has already watched the battle scene of the martial arts field that day through the ‘Leave Light Elemental Mirror’, and carefully studied Lin Beichen’s combat skills and abilities.

   This person is not easy to deal with.

   Even if it is the fifth-order cultivation base, it may not be able to eat the opponent securely.

   Moreover, the head Liu Wuyan's posture also illustrates some problems.

   This matter, the hidden information behind it, is definitely not simple.

   may be a trap, just waiting for myself to jump down.

   The more Qiu Tianjing thinks, the clearer his heart becomes.

   He restrained his hatred and anger, and quickly calmed down.

"Tell everyone, don’t go to the Weed Peak, don’t act rashly, everything will be carried out according to the original plan, let me speak for me, the hatred of killing father and daughter is not shared, but Qiu Tianjing never forgets that the interests of the sect are always first. , I won’t be distracted by family affairs at this time. After this Human Clan New Generation Huiwu Competition is over, I will fight with Lin Beichen on a fair fight and end my grievances."

   Qiu Tianjing slowly and authentic.

   Everyone in the mourning hall was surprised when they heard the words.

   is so tolerable?



   The time that can't be pretended to be forced goes by quickly.

   In a blink of an eye, it was five days later.

Leading by the head Liu Wuyan, with the sect elders Qiu Tianjing, Yu Ying, and Yu Wuque, as well as Xiao Binggan and other new generation disciples, plus two outsiders who watch the excitement, Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming. , A total of 36 members of the Flying Sword Sect delegation, flying with the sword, left Jianlai Peak.

   A group of people went to Chaotianque, the first martial arts force of the human race in the Qingyu world, to participate in this martial arts competition.

   The journey is safe and sound.

   A day later, I arrived at the Yunjuan Mountains where Chaotianque is located.

   Outside the mountain, Chaotianque’s disciples had long been waiting for introduction, and the Feijianzong delegation was introduced to the mountain gate and arranged to live in the guest post area.

   The Yunjuan Mountain range at this time has brought together all the representatives of the human clan who have flowed in the entire Qingyu Realm. It can be said that the storm is surging, and the heroes are overwhelming.

   In addition, some representatives of the big forces of the orc race have also rushed over.

   This is a grand event.

   Not surprisingly, delegations from the other five major sects, including Shenshui Palace, Shengshuizong, and Duan Long Island, also came here one after another.


Something was delayed tonight.

To get up early tomorrow morning to line up for the vaccine, I hope to maintain a stable update

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