Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1374: You are forcing me

"The Orcs not only betrayed their alliances, but also colluded with the Demon. In the raid at dawn today, a lord-level powerhouse of the Demon appeared to unite with [Orca King] to besiege Lord Wang Sichao, and dozens of demon envoys joined forces. The six kings of the orcs and other powerful men attacked and killed us, and in a hurry, we suffered heavy losses..."

   Lengchuan's tone is angrily and authentic.

  He is Condensed's brother.

The two main surnames of Feijianzong, Qiu and Leng, are the largest in number. The heads of the past generations basically appeared from these two surnames. The contemporary head Liu Wuyan is an exception, relying on personal strength. Forcibly won the position of the head from the control of the two surnames.

   "Then the result of the battle on Chaotian Peak?"

   Condensation couldn't help asking.

   "We lost, we lost..."

Leng Chuan was covered in blood, his tone of grief, anger, and desolation, said: "The guardian of the Chaotianque died in battle, the six elders died in battle, and the first of the four halls fell two. The other major sects suffered heavy losses. The three heads of Hai and Shui Jingdao died on the spot, and the four elders of the Holy Water Sect...Lord Wang Sichao couldn't hold on for too long. He made the powerhouses of Chaotianque desperately drag the people of the Demon Race and the Orc Race to death. Let us break through and escape, and we don't know how many strong men of the Eleven Great Sects can escape or survive... Qingyu Realm Human Race is over."

   When everyone heard the words, their hearts sank into the abyss like falling rocks.

   had guessed that the situation was critical, but he didn't expect it to be so depressed.

   Yu Wuqian said nothing, and controlled his flying sword like a gallop.

   At the critical moment, it was this ordinary elder, who had always been in the Feijian Sect and had a low status and reputation, and showed the most calmness.

   There was a roar of breaking air from behind.

   Like a harsh magic sound.

   "They are chasing..."

   The condensed complexion changed.

   Lin Beichen looked back and looked back.

   I saw four purple foamy streamers in the void, breaking through the air wave cloud layer, like an arrow from the string, extremely fast, tearing the void chasing everyone.

   "It's the demons."

   Lengchuan gritted his teeth authentically.

   Everyone's hearts are stunned.

   came so fast.


   The vibrating void formed an echo-like magic laugh: "Sirs of Feijian Sect, why are you leaving in a hurry? Please stay, Master Yanshan in my family will have time to entertain you all in the future."

   This strange magical laughter seems to possess a kind of weird magic power, which makes people unconsciously want to do what he says.

   Several disciples of the Flying Sword Sect on the giant flying sword have already subconsciously turned their heads and walked towards the rear.

"go with."

   Condensation reprimanded in a low voice, raised his hand and shot out four red light pills.


   Hikari Pill broke through the air and attacked the four purple lights that were chasing after each other.

   Boom boom boom boom.

   There was a popping sound.

   The red flames exploded in the void, like a wall of fire, isolating the four purple lights.

   This is the technique of condensing pill.

  In the Flying Sword Sect, she is the only elder who did not choose to practice elemental swordsmanship, but to practice pill medicine.

Those four red pills are the "Fire Pill" she collected from the sky and refined the fire. It can be used to drive away the cold, and it can be activated by means of alchemy. It can explode flames, kill and besiege the enemy like a magic weapon. .

But at this time, the four precious'Fire Pills' only slightly blocked the time of two or three breaths for the four powerful Demons who were pursuing them. After that, the four squirming streamers of purple bubbles broke through the wall of fire and increased their speed again. Chase.


   Two core elite disciples of Flying Sword Sect urged the ‘Elemental Secret Sword’.

   Two sword lights more than ten meters long, broke through the air.   Elemental Secret Sword is one of Feijian Sect’s unique secret techniques. It uses elemental power to seal and condense the full blow of the sect elders, store them, and use secret techniques to release them at critical moments.

   At the beginning of the Zongmen Xiaobi, Qiu Luoyao attacked Xiao Binggan with this secret technique.

   Boom boom.

   Two bursts in the void.

   The light of the elemental secret sword was shattered.

   The chase of the powerful demon was not prevented.

   Feijianzong's other powerhouses also began to constantly attack, using elemental secret swords, manipulating flying swords, and bombarding them remotely.

   But the effect is minimal.

   The strong demon clan chased closer and closer.

   Lin Beichen can already see their faces clearly.

Except for the bright purple eyes and the strange light, they are exactly the same as the human race. They wear a peculiar bony armor and a purple mask close to the surface of the skin. They outline the facial contours and fly. The way seems to be to jump in the air, each jump is several kilometers...

   The energy lingering around the four powerful demons is purple foamy fluorescence, which is different from the true blood of the human race. It is extremely strange. It is a kind of negative energy that exudes a strong evil and violent aura...

   Boom boom boom.

   A series of purple energy beams continuously burst from the hands of the powerful demon clan, and bombarded them.

  The people on the flying sword desperately intercepted and resisted.

   But there was an oversight after all.

  Some purple energy beams bombarded the shield of the giant flying sword, and the transparent and trembling air cover like glass appeared cracked like glass...

   Sweat beads appeared on Yu Wuqian's face.

   His breath began to turbulent.

Xiao Binggan held a [Elemental Secret Sword] in his hand and was about to actuate it—this was one of Liu Wuyan's life-saving methods, which contained the full blow of Liu Wuyan, the second strongest of the Qingyu Realm Human Race The prestige.

   Lin Beichen stretched out his hand and shook his head slightly.

   Xiao Binggan then put away the elemental secret sword again.

   This scene fell into the condensed eyes of the glamorous mature woman Stun Elder, and she didn't say anything.

  Because she also knows very well, it is more dangerous to do so.

It’s not far from the Yunjuan Mountain Range. Once the Elemental Secret Sword emits a force equivalent to Liu’s wordless blow, it will be like a burst of fire in the dark night. It’s too attractive, and it is likely to attract demons and beasts in an instant. The stronger of the clan pursued.

   But the current situation is also very critical.

   Boom boom boom.

   A violent energy explosion sounded.

   Several consecutive purple energy beams blasted on the giant flying sword mask, and the frantic air current burst out.

   "No, we all have to die if this continues."

   Yu Wuqian said in a low voice: "Can't fly anymore...Everyone is ready, we are going to land."

   The voice did not fall.

   The giant flying sword swooped into the primitive jungle below, like a paper kite with a broken line, plunged into the vast green sea below...

   The four purple streamers that followed closely followed, swooping down.

   Soon, the battle below began.

   The burst of energy and the sound of shouting and fighting continued to be heard in the jungle below.

   Looking down from the sky, I saw huge tracts of vegetation and giant trees burning, roaring sound, sword light and purple beams of light exploded, and the green forest was directly cut by the terrifying force, and there appeared blank areas filled with smoke and dust.

   The battle lasted for twenty breaths, and then slowly stopped.

   In the jungle.

  Four powerful demons, each occupying one side, surrounded by purple carapace monsters, densely packed like insects and ants, intercepting the Flying Sword Sect from all sides and ‘surrounding’ them.

   In the battle just now, although the Feijian Sect had not been downsized, the situation was extremely dangerous.

   Condensation, Lengchuan and other elders have been seriously injured.

  The head Liu Wuyan fell into a coma, still not awake.

   The true qi in Yu Wuqian's body was almost exhausted.

   There are more than a dozen new-generation disciples left, and everyone's faces are frightened and panic. The various [Elemental Secret Swords] and hole cards in their hands have all been used up, and they have not achieved the expected results.

   desperate situation.

   The young disciples are about to have a nervous breakdown.

They grew up in the peaceful age and have never seen such a **** and terrifying battle. The previous martial arts were all done until the end. Now facing the threat of death, if there weren’t even the elders of the division, they were afraid at this time. Has completely lost the will to fight.

   The sour purple monster carapace creeps and approaches.

   There is a purple, evil and seductive energy brilliance surging around.

   The corners of the condensed mouth overflowed with blood, and the beautiful face was as white as jade. The long hair covered a scar on the neck, and the blood stained the robe that Lin Beichen gave her.

   She whispered in Xiao Binggan’s ear: "Use your elemental secret sword to bombard the southwest..."

   At this time, there can be no more reservations.

   There is only one breakthrough, and everyone has the hope of escape from the Demon Clan Insect Sea. Every time it delays, the chance of survival is one point less.

   Xiao Binggan nodded, and secretly took out the [Elemental Secret Sword].

   Lin Beichen held up his hand and shook his head.

   Condensed and glared.

   Lin Beichen slowly said: "Let me come."

   He directly turned on the WIFI mobile phone hotspot and connected to Xiao Binggan's signal.

   A familiar feeling came.

   Xiao Binggan's eyes lit up.

   He knows what **** and stubborn path to practice is cut off. For his brother, it is a joke, and his brother will always be synonymous with miracles, and nothing can stop him from pretending to be compelling.

   Lin Beichen took out an incendiary bomb, stuffed it into Xiao Binggan's hand, and handed it over a [Snow Eagle] equipped with a silencer and expansion magazine.

   No need to say anything.

   The tacit understanding between the two brothers has long been formed in countless previous side-by-side battles.

   And Lin Beichen himself raised his hand and put on a pair of aqua-green mirrored Tyrannosaurus toad sunglasses.

   The shape is very strange.

   These equipment can only be seen by Xiao Binggan.

   Other Feijian Sect members were confused by his series of inexplicable actions.

Under the gaze of the enemy and us, Lin Beichen also held a miniature UZI equipped with a silencer and expansion magazine in his right hand. He clasped a grenade in his left hand and slowly separated the crowd and walked forward. .

   "Can you give me a way to survive?"

   Lin Beichen looked at the four demons and said sincerely, "Why kill them all?"


   The Demon Race powerhouse directly opposite gave a faint sneer, and in the eyes under the mask, purple light flourished, with undisguised contempt and contempt.

  A small new-generation disciple of Feijian Sect, who is also worthy to talk to him?


   "Hey, why do you have to force me to shoot."

   Lin Beichen sighed, and immediately made a strange laughter, like a perverted villain, grinning with big white teeth, and said: "You are looking for death...Jiejiejie."

  He slowly raised his hand.

Only two people can see the muzzle Hessen.


Four more guarantees today.

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