Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1375: Broken Shadow Demon King

The thermal weapons sold in mobile phones are the products of technological civilization. It cannot be said that they have nothing to do with the martial arts system of this world, and they can definitely be regarded as having nothing to do with them.

   Therefore, the early warning of martial arts powerhouses did not work in the first place.

   Lin Beichen's actions fell in the eyes of other people, as if the clown was deliberately showing off for delaying time.

   Even the people of Feijian Sect did not hold the slightest hope.


   Zi La Da Da Da Da.

At the moment when a series of strange sound barriers broke the sound of the sound of the sword, the body of the strong demon on the opposite side was splashed with clusters of blood. In the eyes under the face mask, there was a look of consternation and surprise, and his body trembled. Falling on your back like cramping...

   This sudden change made everyone startled.

   Except for Xiao Binggan.


   He gave a clear drink, and when he put his left and right arms around the pair of elder brothers, he rushed towards the square of the slain demon strongman.

   Others wake up like a dream.

   "Quickly, rush over together." Yu Wuqian exclaimed in surprise.

   He had seen Lin Beichen kill Qiu Heng in the process, so he knew that he mastered such a sword skill, he was really shocked by a sword, just like a heavenly man.

   I almost forgot about it.

   He is very excited.

   Without the control of the powerful demon clan, the purple carapace demon insect on this side froze immediately, lost order, and was scattered by the flying sword sect.

   The other three demon powerhouses reacted and immediately controlled the shell demon to surge in, and at the same time, they intercepted it.

   "Go, uncle."

   Lin Beichen threw a grenade backhand.


   The projectile was in blue smoke, and was flooded by the carapace worms that swarmed up.

   After three breaths.


   There was a deafening crack of terror.

   The terrible energy wave is like a miniature mushroom cloud rising into the sky, and the shell monster within a radius of 20 meters, like the thin snow under the blazing sun, disappears in an instant.

   The grenades after the magic change are amazingly powerful.

   The earth trembles.

   was bombed out of a small black pit with a diameter of ten meters.

   The rocks around the small hole were broken like powder, and the trees and grasses further away fell down toward the outer circle like a dead man with a waist.

  The three powerful demons who rushed up were killed two by the explosion on the spot, without a whole body, and the other one was blown into the lower body, and there would be a breath of...

   But he was completely stunned.

   This is something he cannot understand.

   There were no energy fluctuations and signs before the attack, and such a powerful attack could only be achieved by the legendary formation of one of the twenty human bloodlines, but it was impossible to arrange it in such a short time.

   "Jie Jie, didn't you expect it?"

   Lin Beichen stood in the distance, with a smile in the eyes of this powerful demon, more terrifying than ghosts, he smiled and waved, and said, "Bye bye."

   Zi Da.

   There was a burst of sound that broke the sound barrier.

   A **** flower bloomed on the eyebrows of this powerful demon: " lord will not let you go, you... escape... can't escape..."

   his head crooked.

   passed away directly.

   Lin Beichen went up, licked his bag, and found that this powerful demon was dying of poverty, with no silver and other treasures, so he had to turn around and follow the Feijian Sect.

   Under Yu Wuqian's suggestion, the crowd did not use their swords again, but used their physical skills to run wildly in the jungle, with the help of the cover of dense woods, to avoid being spotted by the demon and orc powerhouses chased by the air.

   Lin Beichen was very tired from running.

   He thought about it, and directly summoned a mountain bike from [Baidu Netdisk] and rode it on.

   is a bicycle that has been magically modified by mobile phones.

   is not only fast, but also good at damping, and it doesn’t take much effort to kick.

   Even in such a dense forest, it is like a flat ground.

   "It's a pity that the money is not enough, otherwise, just buy a motorcycle, or a big guy like a Mercedes-Benz G or a 300 tank, that's called pulling wind."

   Lin Beichen is not without regret.

   But his appearance is different in the eyes of others.

In the eyes of everyone in Feijian Sect, Lin Beichen kept his upper body still, his waist was straight, and the lower two legs turned like wheels. The posture was very strange, but the effect was amazingly good. The speed was casually commenting on their full use. Not to mention the state of Dharma, it also looks very relaxed and calm...

  Sacred emperor blood, are they so different?

   A group of people ran away like this.

   Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

   The sky is clear.

   A bright red sun rose slowly from the distant forest sea, the temperature between heaven and earth soared, and the darkness and coldness of dawn was swept away.

   Fei Jianzong was exhausted and stopped.

   Everyone chose to be on the bank of an unnamed big river, stopped, and took advantage of the cover of the rugged stone forest on the river beach to temporarily rest, exercise energy and adjust the breath, and restore the vitality.

   Great Elder Qiu Tianjing is still in a coma.

   Liu Wuyan, the head of the house, has regained consciousness.

   Knowing what happened when he fled before, Liu looked at Lin Beichen who was sitting on the riverside and fleeing bored with a complex expression.

   I didn't expect that in the most dangerous time, it was this ‘waste body’ that I had given up to save myself and everyone.

   Judging from the descriptions by Yu Li et al., Lin Beichen was afraid that he was blessed by swallowing the [Yuhuaxianguo], so he accidentally opened the way for the blood of the sacred emperor before the fifth level.

   Once completed, it will be invincible at the same level.

   The same combat skills, in the hands of this kind of blood, the power that bursts out far exceeds that of others.

   The terrifying place of the blood of the sacred emperor is vividly demonstrated.


   There is no two days in the sky, the unparalleled emperor of the clan.

   Such a peerless physique, but the road ahead has been cut off. The road before the fifth step came out by chance. After the fifth step, it is an abyss, no, it should be said that it is a sky moat, it is simply impossible.

   "Master, you can't die, right?"

   Xiao Binggan walked over with concern and said, "How is the injury?"

   Liu wordlessly almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

   This evildoer...

   However, he was also happy in his heart.

  Because I had heard before, Xiao Binggan risked going to the battlefield to support himself when he was stationed... This foodie apprentice still has a good conscience.

  The people of Flying Sword Sect gathered around Liu Wuyan to discuss the next countermeasures.

   Lin Beichen was sitting on the rock by the river, slapped in the water.

   He is a little worried now that the prince Bao Li Yu and the dragon tattoo girl Long Na will be destroyed, and in the chaos, he doesn't know whether the two of them will survive.

   As for Jianxue Wuming?

   Although the whereabouts of the dog goddess is also unknown, Lin Beichen is not too worried, always thinking that she will not have an accident.

   Of course, it’s impossible to find people back and forth.

   is not the Qin priest and the light sauce.

   The friendship with Li Yu and Long Na has not yet reached this point.

What's more, the current situation, let alone the master-level, even the lord-level powerhouses are involved in occupying, Lin Beichen himself is also the third-order Guiyuan Chaos True Qi cultivation base, relying on gunfire to kill the fifth-tier peerless powerhouse, but Grandmasters above Tier 5 were simply not what he could fight against.

   Now Lin Beichen is worried about the situation in the entire Qingyu Realm.

   The demon and the orcs colluded, and the sky was destroyed overnight. The 13th human clan suffered heavy losses. It is conceivable that the next two clans against the human clan will be brutal.

   They will not let go of the big sect of human race.

   At that time, the Qin priest, Guangjiang, Zhahu and others will all be affected.

   Unfortunately, there is no WeChat of these people, otherwise we will contact you directly...

   Speaking of WeChat?

   Lin Beichen summoned his cell phone and sent a message to Jian Xue Wuming.

   "I'm fine, I'm making a fortune, don't bother me."

   The dog goddess quickly recovered the news.

   Making a fortune?

   Lin Beichen was stunned, and immediately realized that fishing in troubled waters is what the goddess of dogs is best at doing?

Today, there is a chaotic chaos in the sky. Many spiritual fields, medicine gardens, treasure houses, Buddhist scriptures, etc., are afraid that there are no expert guards. The dog goddess seizes the opportunity to steal and search for treasures everywhere, if it is really necessary. Make a windfall.

   Thinking of this, Lin Beichen couldn't help but regret it.



   Why didn't I think of it.

   It's a pity that it's too late to go back, I'm afraid the orcs and demons have completely taken over the Yunjuan Mountain Range.

"What are you thinking?"

   An unfamiliar voice came.

   Lin Beichen looked up and saw Leng Chuan, the elder of Feijian Sect.

   Leng Chuan is a speaker of the contemporary Leng family of Feijian Sect. His status in Feijian Sect is second only to Qiu Tianjing. He is a slender middle-aged beautiful man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a crown jade, and he is very temperamental.

   "I wonder why Elder Condensing is so amazing, why didn't he get married."

   Lin Beichen casually scorns.

Leng Chuan was startled, and immediately smiled: "The sister-in-law is proud and arrogant, and she is obsessed with the technique of herbal medicine. When her parents were alive a few years ago, she occasionally found some suitable handsome men and asked her to go on a blind date. After all, now my parents have passed away, and no one can control her...little brother, if you are interested in my sister, you must be more intensive in the technique of herbal medicine, and you can also ask me for help."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   I just made a joke casually.

   I didn't expect you to be such a guy who wanted to marry his sister out.

   It seems that you and I are really destined.

   "Thank you for the help of the little brother last night."

   Lengchuan people are very talkative, and said: "The head of the house has decided just now that he must hurry back to Feijian Sect and invite you to go with my little brother..."

   The voice did not fall.


   A black shadow protruded out of the river without warning, like a rope, wrapped around the cold river, dragged it into the billowing flood next to it, and disappeared after a splash of water flashed out.

   Lin Beichen's hair is straight.

   A living martial arts expert, disappeared in the blink of an eye?

"Be careful…"

   Xiao Binggan in the distance exclaimed and warned.

   Lin Beichen can't think too much, just flips (beats) the body (rolls) with a golden (lazy) dragon (donkey), throws aside...

   Intuitive ears howled the strong wind.

   A huge boulder under the buttocks has been wrapped by the black ‘rope’, dragged into the muddy river water and disappeared.

   "It's a monster."

   Yu Wuqian shouted, "Don't go over, stay away from this river."

   Lin Beichen ran on his bicycle.

   Away from the river bank.

  The remnants of the Flying Sword Sect had a solemn expression.

   "But [Shadow Demon King] is coming?"

   Liu took a deep breath without words, his left arm sleeves fluttered in the wind, and slowly stepped forward, blocking everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Since we have chased, why not show up?"


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