Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1383: Purple palm

how to say?

Qiu Tianjing’s current feeling is as if he had finally caught a plump duck, cut his throat and scalded it in boiling water, and shed its hair. When it was about to be cooked, the duck suddenly said, “I’m dead, I’m not oily. Heaven and earth flipped over the lid to escape.

   This feeling is very irritating.

"kill him."

   Qiu Tianjing waved his hand and said, "Give it to me."

   "Haha, Yanshan is dead, who else is my opponent?"

   Lin Beichen's domineering side leaked, and he had already replaced an AK47 in his hand.

   "Let you **** broken and invisible sword energy."

   The sound of the AK49 bullet ejected with a silencer is very nice, biubiubiubiu for a while, the few demons masters who rushed to the front, like paper, were instantly torn apart.

   "Kill that old man, quickly..."

   Qiu Tianjing pointed to Liu Wuyan, who was already faltering and couldn't hold on.

   swish swish.

   More than a dozen demon master figures, desperately rushed towards Liu Wuyan, wanting to kill him.


  The demon powerhouse rushing in the forefront suddenly exploded his head, turning into a mist of red and white blood, directly floating away.


   The sound of head bursting continued.

   Every strong Demon clan close to Liu Wuyan will continue to die just like being named by the **** of death on the'Death Book'.

   Death is a burst of head.

   This treacherous way of death made the demon powerhouse, who is not afraid of death, also feels chills and hesitates in his actions.

   This is Xiao Binggan, who is hiding in the dark, and is supporting him remotely.

   Although the power of M24 is not as good as AWM, it is filled with bullets of Tier 8 [Wind Dog Fighting Qi] level, which is more than enough to kill these powerful demons of Tier 4, 5 and 6 in seconds.

good chance.

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate to take out a grenade.

   Raise the string.

   buckle in the hand to calculate the time.

   Then he shouted: "Eat me [Invisible Thunderstorm Sword Qi]."


   The invisible grenade exploded as soon as it landed in the crowd.

  The terrifying explosion wave, like a hurricane wave in the sea that swallows all souls, radiates in all directions.

   The powerful demon flies all over the sky.

   The torn clothes fly with the bones, the broken arm dances with blood.

   Death came at this moment.


   In the screams, a famous Demon expert was blown to pieces.

   This thunder directly killed fifty or sixty powerful demons. It was so powerful that almost none of the people present were heartbroken.

  Tututututututututututu!  AK47 is still spitting energy bullets.

   A famous demon ancestor powerhouse, it seems that the straw under the sickle fell one after another and plunged into a pool of blood.

   Soon, the morale of the powerful demon ancestor collapsed.

   It's not that they are not good at fighting.

   It's not that they are not brave.

   But the opponent's combat skills are too strong, it is directly the slaughter of the crushing level.

   Under such a scene, courage and will can no longer affect the result, forcibly rushing forward, it is no different from sending death.


   "Go ahead."

   "Recover the sacred body of Lord Demon Head."

   Someone shouted and commanded.

   The demons began to back away.

   Seeing that the situation is not good, Qiu Tianjing said nothing, turned around and fled.

  He realized that the plan laid out by the young master was completely destroyed in Feijian Sect—not only was it destroyed, but also suffered a huge loss. He was not Lin Beichen's opponent at all. This waste body was too sharp with an invisible sword energy...

   How to go back to work is no longer a question that should be considered now.

  The top priority is to save lives.

   But how could Lin Beichen let this traitor with thick eyebrows and big eyes go?


   is another crisp typewriter-like sound.

   Qiu Tianjing's thighs directly exploded into blood mist and disappeared.

   The power of AWM is too strong. Lin Beichen deliberately didn't hit his head and broke his leg blindly, leaving Qiu Tianjing with his life. After all, there are still many things to be tortured in detail.


   Qiu Tianjing screamed and fell to the ground, the expression on his face distorted because of pain.

  The injury of the broken leg was very strange, and the wound was corroded by the fighting spirit of the orc race, and it couldn't heal at all.

   "Bom, do I agree that you are leaving?"

   Lin Beichen stepped on his back: "Stay and let's talk about it."

   At the same time, he raised his hand and shot.

   Several powerful demons who tried to steal the corpse of Demon Shou Yanshan turned into corpses themselves and piled them on top of the corpse mountain.

   Hundreds of powerful demon ancestors died and injured more than two-thirds, and in the end less than 50 people were left, scattered as birds and beasts, and fled in all directions.

  Lin Beichen held a gun in his hand, constantly shooting, killing mercilessly, avenging the dead disciple of Feijian Sect.

   At the end, the demons who really escaped alive, fewer than ten people, like the bereaved dog, sank into the void in the distance.

   Lin Beichen did not hunt down again.

   bang bang bang.

   Three shots were fired, and he directly interrupted Qiu Tianjing's limbs, and then dragged him to Liu Wuyan.

   Liu Wuyan was in a very poor state at this time, barely standing with his sword, and looking at Qiu Tianjing who was covered in blood, he could only sigh. The anger before, turned into melancholy at this time.   "You two talk slowly."

   Lin Beichen threw a [Sacred Heart Fruit] to Liu Wuyan, turned and walked towards Shishan.

   The golden seat looks very valuable.

   must be put away quickly.

   And if he can use the devouring blood to absorb the power of the Demon Head Yanshan, the next increase in his combat power will undoubtedly be a leap-forward skyrocket.

  The ‘Wind Dog Fighting Qi’ of the Eighth-Order Demon King [Wind Dog Demon King], the bullet injected can already kill the ninth-level Grandmaster, can the bullets injected with the Void Demon Qi of the ninth-level master be able to kill even the lord?

   Lin Beichen is full of expectations.

   Out of respect for the dead of the human race, Lin Beichen did not set foot on the corpse mountain.

   Instead, the volley took the corpses of Demon Head Yanshan and several powerful demons.

On the body of    Demon Head Yanshan, there is also a bracelet [printing device] that stores precious things that he carries with him. It cannot be opened for the time being and can only be put away.

   "Sure enough, there is still a vigorous force that has not dissipated."

Lin Beichen's palm was placed on the position of Yanshan's huge body dantian, and he felt a wave of Void Demon Qi energy full of violence, killing and face blowing. He hesitated slightly and absorbed part of it, and found that this Void Demon Qi had entered his body. It can be controlled, and there seems to be no adverse reaction, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

   Under the guidance of Guiyuan Primal Chaos True Qi, the majestic and pure Void Demon Qi power was swallowed into his right hand, temporarily sealed and stored.

The side effect is that the palm of his right hand and five fingers swelled in a circle, turning into a pure bright purple, like some kind of purple spar, shining with a strange light, the whole palm seems to be no longer a flesh and blood body, but has become A certain kind of'weapon'.


   Lin Beichen took a breath.

   [Wind Dog Fighting Qi] and [Void Demon Qi] mutually repel each other, one occupies the small arm on the right, the other occupies the palm of the hand...Are they staking it?

   He tried to move his right hand.

   The five fingers are extremely flexible, and the flexibility is not affected at all, and they can completely engage in a kind of super-friendship and good interactive traditional arts.

   He gently pressed his palm on the ground.

   like touching slime.

   A purple handprint on the rock on the ground is clear, and every palm print, texture pattern and even pores can be seen clearly.

  This power...

   Let's give up that terrible idea.

   Otherwise, if the strength is not well controlled, he will become a forest soul.

   What is this?

   Desperately ecstasy palm?

   Lin Beichen has a feeling that if he encounters the [Wind Dog Demon King] again, he can let the [Wind Dog Demon King] die on the spot without using the plug-in on his mobile phone.

  Oh, it’s so annoying, I got stronger without any preparation.


Fourth, ask for a monthly pass

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