Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1384: Head Liu realized again

But the palm of your hand has become like this, and it looks like you have cultivated the Void Demon Qi. If it is discovered, will it be treated as a ‘human traitor’ and cleaned up?

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and summoned [Desolate God Gloves], covering his right hand.

   Although I am strong, I still have to be cautious.

   "Hey, if there are five more gems inlaid on the glove, I will snap my fingers again..."

   He couldn't help but diverge thinking.

   and then began to touch the bodies of other powerful demons.

   Then Lin Beichen was surprised to find that most of the demons were poor.

It is estimated that they have been pursued and killed by the various major sects of the human race in the past few years. All of them have fled everywhere, and they dare not collect money. Except for a few powerful demon heads, most of the strong demons are poor as if they have been killed. It's like being robbed. It's an exaggeration to say that you can't even afford test paper. After shit, you almost use tiles to scrape chrysanthemums.

   This made the corpse toucher Lin Daxiao, and could not help but shed a tear of sympathy for them quietly.

   A group of poor.

   After Lin Beichen touched the corpse, when he looked back, he found that Qiu Tianjing was dead.

   was killed by Liu Wuyan.

   The [Heavenly Sword] that pierced Liu Wuyan's body, pierced Qiu Tianjing's eyebrows, and ended this silly life of two or five boys.

   Lin Beichen's eyebrows beat.

   Liu Wuyan, this old fox is also a ruthless person.

   I thought he would give Qiu Tianjing a chance to make corrections with the benevolence of a woman, but he didn't expect to be stabbed to death with a single sword...

   is really not a merciful soldier.

   No one is soft-hearted as the head.

   Lin Beichen walked over calmly, pulled up the'Heaven Realm Sword', and said, "This sword is not bad, it will take me more than 100,000 days to pick me up."

   Liu was speechless for a while.

   After he ate [Sacred Heart Fruit], he regained some mobility, his vigorous true energy has temporarily suppressed the injuries in his body, and said, "Little friends, where are they, Elder Leng?"

   Lin Beichen said: "It's on the Weed Peak... I'll call them over."

   said, facing the hidden direction of Xiao Binggan, made a few gestures.

   Xiao Binggan, who had been observing here through a magnifying lens, knew what he knew, and immediately turned around and headed to Weed Peak.

   Liu was speechless and wanted to say something, but saw Lin Beichen use the Heavenly Realm Sword to cut through the cracks in his good clothes...

   "A good robe, you..."

   Liu was speechless and could not understand.

   But Lin Beichen ignored him at all.

I saw that Young Master Lin dipped Qiu Tianjing's blood on the ground again, and wiped it on his body. The clothes he wiped in a blink of an eye were bloody, as if he had been chopped hundreds of knives. At first glance, it was really miserable. .

  What is this kid doing?

   The old Jianghu Liu Wuyan has a big question mark in his head.

  At this time—


   The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

   Yu Wuwei Yujian, with condensation, and two siblings, like streamers, came to Jianlai Peak.


Seeing that Liu Wuyan was still alive, Yu Wuque, the old tool man, was very excited and excited. He rushed over to support Liu Wuyan and said incoherently, "Brother head, you are not dead. Great, great... "

   Liu was also relieved silently.

   The big waves scoured the sand, and the real gold was first seen.

Yu Wuque did not have a high sense of presence in the sect before, and was once considered to have no future. Unexpectedly, in this catastrophe, he showed the style of a general and a firm stand, far better than Qiu Tianjing and his ilk. , I don’t know how much stronger it is.

   Such a person is the true foundation of Feijian Sect's reconstruction.

   Of course, there is also Elder Condensation.

   Liu Wuyan thought of this, looked at the beauty elder, just wanted to say something, but the expression on his face gradually stiffened.

   Because of condensation, he didn't pay attention to his seriously injured head.

I saw her rushing towards Lin Beichen nervously, seeming to be frightened by the blurring of Lin Beichen's body. She subconsciously stretched out her white tender jade hand to help him, and asked with concern: "How are you...? Are you okay? "

   "I'm fine."

   Lin Beichen's voice was hoarse, as if blood was stuffed in his throat, and he tried very hard to maintain calmness, and said, "Go and help Zhangmen Liu heal his injuries, he is very badly injured."

Condensing glanced at Liu Wuyan, and quickly retracted his gaze, saying: "He has a high cultivation base, his injury has been suppressed, it is not a major problem, but you... sit down, stay still, and be careful to affect the wound. One [Blood Recovering Pill], take it quickly."

Liu Wuyan on the side of    stunned the dog directly.

   He finally realized a little bit.

  Why is he still a single dog at his age, but Lin Beichen was able to knock on Feijianzong's cold and arrogant Elder Dancao in such a short time.

   Since ancient times, the true feelings are unreliable, only routines are popular.

"what happened to your hand?"

   Condensed saw Lin Beichen's glove on his right hand.

"Fighting with the Demon Head Yanshan, in order to save the head of Liu, I had to fist with the Demon Head, shaking the palms of blood and blood, and the Void Demon Qi invaded, so... But it's okay, I have walked on the edge of death countless times. , What kind of injury is this, as long as you can do something for Flying Sword Sect, what is the abolishment of a hand?"

   Lin Beichen raised his chin forty-five degrees, faintly authentic.

   "Remove the glove, I will help you clean up the wound and bandage it."

   is the Dancao elder of the Flying Sword Sect. In addition to being good at planting and cultivating various spiritual herbs, he is also quite proficient in medical skills.

   "No, I can recover by myself."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand faintly and said: "Head Liu is very seriously injured, Elder Leng, don't surround me all the time, go help Head Liu to bandage and heal it."

  Looking at him so indifferent, Condensing felt a little bit aggrieved in his heart, but he still behaved very obediently, turned and left obediently, and treated the head Liu Wuyan.

   This operation made Liu Wuyan realize again.

   A simple rest.

   Lin Beichen took the pill and put on new clothes, and his condition looked much better.   Jade has no faults and burns the fire, cremating the dead disciples of Feijian Sect.

   blazing flames, soaring into the sky.

   Condensation put the corpse of the big brother Leng Chuan in the flame.

   There were tears in the beautiful eyes of the glamorous stunner, and the white and tender small knuckles that he held tightly turned white, and he secretly vowed that he must avenge the dead sect children.

   After experiencing this catastrophe, Fei Jianzong only has a few people left.

   Fortunately, the sect inheritance is still there.

   Pass the fire.

  With Liu Wuyan and Yu Wuque among others, Fei Jianzong still has a chance to rebuild and revive in the future.

   The premise is that the catastrophe in the Azure Rain World can be dissipated.

   This is difficult.

   Everyone gathered together to discuss the next countermeasures.

   "People are about to die and their words are good, Qiu Tianjing confessed everything before he died."

   Liu Wuyan also took a few healing pills, his breath recovered a lot, his state was stable, and he sighed: "The situation is not optimistic..."

   Everyone looked at him.

Liu Wuyan explained in detail, saying: "This time the demons who swept the Azure Rain Realm are not limited to the Demon Head Yanshan, the group of inner demons who were originally hiding everywhere, and the top powerhouses outside the world intervened. , Demon Head Yanshan can only be regarded as the third person."

   Outer Demon Race?

   Yu Wuqian and Condensed heart are all startled.

   In this case, the situation is undoubtedly worse than expected.

"The sudden betrayal of the orcs has something to do with the trend of the war on the Star Road. This war broke out very suddenly. The Demon Race is powerful. The Great Demon Head [Fen Tian Yuzhu] led the Demon Race powerhouse and swept the Luyuan Star Road. , And the Blue Pole Star, the capital of our race on the star road, seems to have fallen, and the orc race does not dare to fight [Burning Heaven Lord] and can only fall to the demon race."

   "According to Yuwen Xiuxian's plan, not only Feijian Sect but also the other Eleven Human Clan sects in Qingyu Realm have been attacked. I am afraid that the end will be..."

"However, according to Qiu Tianjing, the young master Yu Wen Xiuxian who was in charge of the Qingyu World War this time, did not blindly kill, but once ordered that once the elders and Dao-level descendants of the big sect were captured alive , They were all sent to the Chaotianque Yunjuan Mountains. Our Feijian Sect elders and elite disciples, after more than a hundred people were captured, have been sent to the Yunjuan Mountains..."

   Lin Beichen breathed a sigh of relief.

   What he is most worried about right now is the priest Qin and Guangjiang.

   Before, he was thinking about going to the Holy Water Sect and Broken Dragon Island to rescue and find.

   But now it sounds like it should go straight back to Yunjuan Mountain.

   If Lord Qin and the others are still alive, they should have been escorted to the Yunjuan Mountains.

   must go back.

   Lin Beichen made a decision instantly.

   At this moment, after Liu Wuyan said these words, several people also looked at Lin Beichen.

   Liu Wuyan, who had seen Lin Beichen's'strength', knew very well in his heart that if the human race of the Qingyu realm could be saved, then the savior must be Lin Beichen.

   Although he claims to be the second strongest in the Azure Rain Realm, but now he is seriously injured, and under such a general situation, he can't stand the situation at all.

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