Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1388: I just did a small thing

"Who are you?"

   Lin Beichen is very hot.

The young man was very proud, with eyes above the top, staring at Lin Beichen with contempt, and said: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you are not qualified to appear within 30 meters of Goddess Qin. I advise you to be the best..."


   Lin Beichen directly slapped him to the ground.


   He stomped on his face cursingly.

   Feet feel average.

   The others were shocked.

what happened?

   The prisoner who arrived later, hasn't been sealed in innocence?

Lin Beichen came to the priest Qin and said with a grin: "Ah, you are okay, I am finally relieved. I haven't seen you for more than a month. Sister Qin, you really are even more immortal. No wonder you are recruiting so many crazy bees and butterflies. , But don’t worry, I’m here, and I’ll help you get rid of these nasty flies."

   Master Qin's face was cold, but there was a slight smile in his bright eyes, and he said, "What did you call me just now?"

   "Uh... Sister Qin."

   Lin Beichen is serious and authentic.

   The priest Qin snorted, seeming to be very dissatisfied. What she asked was the first sentence Lin Beichen said when she met, but she didn't pursue it anymore, and said: "Why are you also arrested?"

   She knows Lin Beichen's methods and slickness very well.

   The demon should not be able to catch him.

   has also been sent to [Heavenly Sinking Caves].

"I heard that sister, you have been arrested. I can’t sleep at night, can’t swallow, tossing and turning, insomnia, dreaminess, inflammation of the prostate... Alas, I finally decided to go back to the Yunjuan Mountains, and I took the initiative to expose my identity without hesitation. If you are behind bars, you will also come to this prison to accompany your sister, and cannot be separated from you."

   Lin Beichen vowed to be authentic.

   The priest Qin seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said: "Can I have more dreams if I have insomnia?"

   "Ah this..."

   Lin Beichen showed an awkward and polite smile on his face.

   Sister Qin used to disdain my verbal ridicule. Generally, she can move her hands and never speak. Why is it now provoking a logical loophole in my language?

   He didn't hesitate, but he changed the subject decisively, and said, "Who was that fly just now, your acquaintance?"

   The priest Qin said indifferently: "I don't know it."

   This sentence made He Yunfei, the owner of the Yunwu Mountain hill, who had just gotten up from the ground and had no time to wipe off the shoe marks on his face, suddenly suffered a heart attack and almost died on the spot with a myocardial infarction and a cerebral thrombosis.

  Too heartbreaking.

   He has spent so many days trying to ‘lick’ in front of and behind the horse for so long, but he did not expect Goddess Qin to even remember her name.

   Besides, several of his young people were curiously and shockedly guessing the identity of Lin Beichen at this time.

   After all, before this, Goddess Qin had no pretense to any man, and many older generations of strong men were not in his eyes, but they were uncharacteristically and had a very happy conversation with the newcomer Lin Beichen.

   Is it just because he is too handsome?

   A few self-esteem licking dogs, all of a sudden, they all broke their defenses.

   But they dare not move.

  Because they are all sealed with innocence.

   Human race martial artist, without the infuriating blessing, lost ninety-nine percent of his combat power, and could not even beat a Tier 2 master, let alone that handsome Tier 3 teenager who was a bit too much.

far away.

   Condensed looking at Lin Beichen, with a murderous light in his eyes.

   Attracting bees and butterflies everywhere?

   "They are Sushen."

   Yu Wuqian explained quietly.

   He didn't know why he had to explain such a sentence, but he felt it was necessary.

   Condensation did not speak.

   was quietly relieved.

At this time, Liu Wuyan had gathered the surviving heads and elders of the eleven major sects, as well as more than a dozen well-known casual cultivation experts in the Qingyu world, to his side, to fight the battle of the sky. I told everyone about the matter.

   The crowd boiled.

  Many humans think that what will be waiting for them is ruthless slaughter, humiliation, death or endless torture.

   I didn't expect there to be a chance.

   "The demons are too arrogant."

   "Is this trying to kill people and punish the heart? Yu Wen Xiuxian, this rebellious son, is really ambitious."

   "He really dare to uncover the seal of our true anger?"

   The crowd was talking.

   The next moment—


   An unparalleled energy of fighting energy radiated through the entire cave space.

   Everyone only felt that the moment the fighting energy radiated, the alien energy that blocked the True Qi meridians in the body dissipated instantly, and the True Qi began to flow surgingly like a blocked river.

   "My true energy...recovered?"

   "The seal is broken."

   Feeling the powerful force returning to his body, the warriors of the human race are extremely excited.

   Strength is the source of their pride.

   is also the foundation of confidence.

   Restored strength, to a certain extent, is tantamount to mastering his own destiny again.

   "Everyone joins forces and rushes out."

   "Yes, I can't believe the demons, I can't sit here and wait for death."

   "Fight with the cubs of the demons."

   Some of the human warriors who are armed with a weapon, have a murderous heart, and have restored their strength are already ready to move.

   Liu was speechlessly disappointed.

   He had to stand up again, stopped loudly, and clearly informed everyone that the demons would threaten the lives of more than 10 million people around the Yunjuan Mountains. At this time, if they escape, countless people will be implicated...

   In the mountain cave cell, the restlessness gradually calmed down.

   Photographed by the strength of the Sword Saint of the Azure Rain World Human Race, these people who are ready to move have temporarily extinguished the thought of fleeing in their hearts.

   But some people ignited another more dangerous idea in their hearts.

   Such as He Yunfei, the lord of Yunwu Mountain.

   He was running the infuriating energy of Tier 4 cultivation base, step by step, came to Lin Beichen's face, gritted his teeth and said: "Come here, kneel down, and apologize."

   Lin Beichen is promoting the relationship with the priest Qin. He raised his head when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "Are you talking to me?"

"of course."

   He Yunfei sneered, and said: "Little thing, the slap you slapped on me just now, the foot that you stepped on, I want you to pay back a hundred times."

   "Do you think you can do it again?"

   Lin Beichen couldn't laugh or cry.

   Is this the new generation of warriors from the top sect of the human race?

   When is it?

   Don’t forget to be jealous of the wind.

  Unlike my Young Master Lin, I will only feel sorry for Sister Qin.

   "Hehe, I'm really angry again, but will I still be afraid of you?"

He Yunfei sneered, feeling the powerful true energy surging in his body, full of confidence, and proudly said: "Even with a hand tied, I can easily trample you under your feet... Look at the face of Goddess Qin, as long as If you knelt down and apologized, I would not do anything for myself and forgive you once."


   Lin Beichen sighed and said, "Brother, help catch the flies."


   Xiao Binggan put away the sauced pig's feet, got out of the crowd, and flew to the sky with scissors.


   He Yunfei flew out on the spot.


   He slammed into the rock wall, slid down slowly, spouted a mouthful, and fainted neatly.

   A few disciples who thought that the hill owner would win while watching the lively Yunwu Mountain rushed up in shock, and quickly helped He Yunfei up, which was another qi and treatment.

   After three or four breaths, He Yunfei regained consciousness with spurting blood.

   "What happened... just now?"

   He said blankly: "Who hit me?"

   The strong men of Yunwu Mountain, seeing this scene, couldn't help covering their faces, it was really shameful.

   Yunwu Mountain’s Taoist descendant, He Zhengqing, also sighed helplessly in her heart.

  The mountain lord is such a talented martial arts hero, but it is difficult to avoid family troubles. For He Yunfei, this only son, he has been too indulgence and pampering, so that he has developed such a lawless temper.

  He Zhengqing knows Lin Beichen.

   At the banquet, Lin Beichen instantly killed Bian Yushu, which caused a huge shock to him. Knowing that this handsome young man was as beautiful as a demon, he was really cruel and merciless.

   He just went out and said something.

at this time-

   "The mountain lord is here."

   A junior from Yunwushan, gently grabbed him.

   Sure enough, I saw He Wushang, the owner of Yunwu Mountain, slowly coming to Lin Beichen and the others under the gaze of countless eyes.

   The seventh-ranked strongman on the martial arts list of the Cyan Rain World Human Race, freedom and tyrannical aura, not ordinary young generation sect disciples can resist.

He Wushang first stared at Xiao Binggan, his gaze was like a sword, and he said strongly: "Old man Yunwushan He Wushang, young man, no matter who you are, what status you are, what teacher you are covering... these are meaningless, you If you hurt the old man's son, you must give the old man an explanation."

   "Explain?" Xiao Binggan took a mouthful of sauced pig's feet, and said casually: "Go to my master to explain."

   "Who is your master?"

   He Wushang asked lightly.

   "It's an old man."

   Sword Saint Liu, the second-ranked sword sage of the Blue Rain World Human Race Martial Arts Ranking, was speechless, with a gloomy face and obvious dissatisfaction in his tone, and slowly walked out.

   He Wushang's mouth twitched.

   Oh, that's okay.

   He had to hold back the bad breath, turned to look at Lin Beichen, and said: "Young man, you..."

Lin Beichen directly raised his hand to interrupt, and immediately began to rush to answer, saying: "Don't ask, I can tell you directly now, I have no master, no teacher, no father and no mother, in addition to being handsome and handsome, Without any decent background, I have nothing to do with Flying Sword Sect."

   He Wushang breathed a sigh of relief.

   is not a member of the Flying Sword Sect, that's easy to say.

   What did he just say...

   Lin Beichen added, "Do you want to explain? It's not impossible, but I did a trivial thing in Feijian Sect before, which may make you change your mind."

"whats the matter?"

  He Wushangdao.

   Lin Beichen looked at Liu Wuyan.

  The latter had to act as a tool man again, saying: "He killed Demon Head Yanshan."

   He Wushang was taken aback, and said: "Who killed?"


   Liu was speechless and said one by one: "One hit kills in seconds."

   He Wushang suddenly felt a little dizzy.

   He turned around decisively, strode over, grabbed He Yunfei, his son who had not fully recovered from his injuries, and grabbed it like a baby chicken. He was just slapped in the face, and the stars in front of He Yunfei's eyes were shining and the universe evolved.

   "How many times have I told you, don't cause trouble..."

   He Wushang beat and scolded.

   The disciples of Yunwu Mountain were dumbfounded.

   It turns out that the mountain lord also beats his son.


One more

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