Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1389: Teacher Qin's small class has started

He Wushang's beating of his son, placed in the past, is definitely an event of great concern among the great sects of the human race of the Azure Rain Realm.

   But at this time, most of the Zhenqi warriors didn't even look at this pair of father and son.

   but looking at Lin Beichen.

   This handsome boy who was like a demon killed Yanshan, the devil's head?

   Yanshan has been a great enemy of the Cyan Rain Realm human race for hundreds of years. It has supported the demon race's survival with its own strength. It has long existed at the ninth-level grandmaster level.

   was killed by this young man in a single blow?

   If this was not said from Liu Wuyan's mouth, I'm afraid it would be scorned as a joke.

   But now, many elder-level human race powerhouses have believed it.

   An existence that can kill the Great Master of the Ninth Tier in a second, turned out to be a huge benefit for the human race that is now precarious.

   For a while, many people became awed when they looked at Lin Beichen.

   "I'm just lucky."

   Lin Beichen decided to keep a low profile and said: "At that time, Yanshan had fought with Liu Zhangmen for an hour and was seriously injured, so I succeeded in the sneak attack."

   Injured, sneak attack.

   Many people caught these two words at once.

if it is like this…

   That's also terrible.

   I have never heard that most people can sneak attack on the Grand Master of Tier Nine Peak.

   Insufficient strength, let alone succeeded in a sneak attack, I am afraid that when the idea came up, he was stared to death by the great master.

   "Brother Lin, we meet again."

   Yunwu Mountain Taoist heir He Zhengqing came to salute, with a respectful tone, and said: "Thank you, Brother Lin, for slaying the devil Yanshan for my human race."

   "Thank you, Brother Lin, for killing the Demon Head Yanshan for my human race."

   Zhou Meiyu, the descendant of Taoism between water and cloud, also walked over, holding a fist and saluting.

   "So you are the person that Junior Sister Qin missed in her heart."

Chu Liusu, the descendant of Moon Bay Taoism, is pure and sweet, tall and lively, full of youthfulness all over his body, smiled and fisted at Lin Beichen, saying: "Sister Qin is now the chief genius of Moon Bay, last time Huiwu, because she did not attend the retreat, if she were there, she would definitely be the top three in the new generation martial arts list."

   "Senior Brother Lin, your killing has added morale to my human race."

   Dayan Haidao species-level heir Yan Bad also salutes.

   Suddenly, the new generation of coquettish figures in the sects of the various great races, representing their respective sects and elders, released their kindness to Lin Beichen one after another.

   Lin Beichen responded nonchalantly.

   He is very vigilant and must keep a low profile.

   Otherwise, they will be slaughtered by these dog days as pigs, and they will be sent to death in the ‘Battle of Heaven’.

   Young Master Lin declined the invitation of the elders of the major sects, and did not participate in their ‘preparatory meeting’. Instead, he took the lead priest Qin, Xiao Binggan, Guangjiang, Zhahu, and Wang Zhong to build small groups.

   Li Yu looked envious.

   Long Na didn't regard herself as an outsider, and she didn't know what her prince was scrupulous about, so she directly dragged Li Yu and joined the small group.

   The others felt the barrier and just watched from a distance.

   The little friends get together and report their own fate and current situation after parting.

   Although it has only gone through more than a month of cultivation, everyone's cultivation base has grown very fast.

   Long Na and Xiao Binggan, the two peerless geniuses who have broken the limit, have already stepped into the fourth-order realm.

   Although the priest of Qin is not breaking the limit, but with great wisdom and comprehension, he has stepped into the fourth level.

  The rest are all third-tier.

   In more than a month, from scratch, directly promoted to the third-order realm, it sounds a bit shocking, but it is a fact.

   In addition to the full cultivation of each other's sect, the most important thing is that everyone has eaten [Yuhuaxianguo], the reason why the medicinal power is constantly merging.

   medicinal power, resources, exercises.

   plus the bloodline talent.

   The four in one, represent the miracle of martial arts.

   Therefore, in a short period of time, a few of them have completed the road that other sect disciples could only walk for decades, which is reasonable.

   "The next battle for the heavens is not something we can mix, so you should be clear-headed. Don't be encouraged by a few words and you won't know that the sky is high and the earth is going to die."

   Lin Beichen is very vigilant and authentic.

   This sentence sets a strategic policy for the next action benchmark of the small group.

   Normally, people in a small group, except for their own record, although other people are enchanting, they are not instant combat power that can change the situation, so the probability of being selected to participate in the battle of heaven is not high.

   But I still have to get a vaccination.

   Guangjiang was very excited to see Lin Beichen.

   The scum tiger also lay aside obediently, calmer and much calmer than before.

   "I found some clues about the soul-recovering technique, the bloodline of the ‘Witch Zhu’ of the 17th ancestor of the human race, who is good at this technique and can summon the souls of the dead and bring them back to life."

   The Lord Qin said.


   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

  His previous thoughts were all on the route of Dancao medicine. Although he found ‘Returning Soul Grass’, he only had a general idea on how to use it.

   I didn’t expect that the seventeenth ancestor bloodline of the human race’s 24 bloodline cultivation roads, the "Witch Zhu" way, is actually good at calling souls...

   Then you can do both.

   "If you go from the virtual to the real as soon as possible, and then enter the lord level, you will be able to open the host true continent in this world."

   The priest Qin said again.

   Lin Beichen was startled, and said: "How to say?"

Lord Qin glanced at the friends, and slowly said: "I have roughly understood the principles of the bloodline cultivation road in the prehistoric world. The 24 human bloodline cultivation roads are the first bloodline'Holy Body'. , The second bloodline'Nian Li', the third bloodline'dan grass', the fourth bloodline'poison', the fifth bloodline'beastization', the sixth bloodline'summoning', the seventh bloodline'alchemy', the eighth bloodline'blood Demon', the ninth bloodline'time and space', the tenth bloodline'transformation', the eleventh bloodline'sage', the twelfth bloodline'madness', the thirteenth bloodline'shadow', the fourteenth bloodline'Med The emperor, the fifteenth bloodline'Tianjin', the sixteenth bloodline'Tianji', the seventeenth bloodline'Wuzhu', the eighteenth bloodline'plants', the nineteenth bloodline'Controlling the beast', the twentieth bloodline 'Elements', the twenty-first bloodline doctor, the twenty-second bloodline'transformation', the twenty-third bloodline'swallow', the twenty-fourth bloodline'lust'..."

   She finished speaking in one breath, then paused, waiting for everyone to digest the information.

   It was the first time that Lin Beichen knew the true names of the twenty-four bloodlines.

   As the name suggests, you can roughly guess the direction of some bloodline cultivation roads.

   Seeing that everyone is almost digested, Lord Qin continued to explain: "There is a very important message. You must understand it clearly from now on. This will have an important guiding role for future cultivation."

   "What is it?"

   Lin Beichen is curious and authentic.

Master Qin said: "The so-called bloodline training system does not divide human martial artists into different camps based on their bloodlines. In fact, more than 99% of the human bloodlines in the human race are the blood of the human race, which is very unified. There are only high and low distinctions, no distinctions... Can you understand me when I say that?"

   Teacher Qin's small class has started.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   He can only speak, seemingly understanding but not understanding.

   Long Na asked seriously, "What do we mean by our bloodline test before, and the various bloodline levels?"

Master Qin looked at Long Na with the look of admiring good students, and slowly said: "Imperfection level, lower mediocre level, mediocre level, upper mediocre level, upper limit level, and broken limit level... These levels all refer to bloodline concentration. ."

   "Blood vein concentration?"

   Li Yu also began to enter the state.

The priest Qin nodded and said: "The blood flowing in the human body contains majestic energy. The higher the concentration, the stronger the energy. The blood test we have received before is used to determine the strength of this energy contained in the body. Weak, the strongest is the limit-breaking level, so the blood vein concentration is the highest, the weakest is the defect level, and the blood vein concentration is the lowest."

  光chan holding a small blackboard, making notes in a swift manner.

   Xiao Zhahu also pricked his ears and listened very carefully.

   Lin Beichen also vaguely understood.

Master Qin continued to attend the class, saying: "The first person who discovered this energy contained in the blood of the human race was His Majesty the Holy Emperor. He then called this energy the power of blood, and then developed twenty-four kinds of energy. The cultivation path of using, condensing, and exerting this energy is called the blood of the twenty-four ancestors."

   Lin Beichen finally understood a little bit.

   This is equivalent to saying that everyone has brains. The Holy Emperor first discovered this, and then opened 24 elective courses for everyone to choose according to their own interests, so as to continue to improve their brain power and wisdom.

   Holy Emperor, this is the earliest doctoral supervisor.

The priest Qin looked at Lin Beichen and said: "The cultivation path of the human race in the wild world is essentially the process of using the blood energy in the body to burst out the strongest strength. The cultivation before the fifth level is the beginning of this road. Trying, the powers you master are very virtual, not condensed enough, and cannot be realized. Only when you step into the fifth level can you be considered as a real entrance. And this step is "from the virtual to the real", the strong human race of the Qingyu world, 90% of the capital Being blocked from this step, this is the origin of the title of Tier 4 top powerhouse and Tier 5 peerless powerhouse. Because reaching Tier 5, there are already tens of thousands of species in the blue rain world, the Eleventh human race Ninety-nine percent of the elders of the sect can't'from the virtual to the real', they can only be regarded as the top level of the fourth rank, and the few who enter the fifth rank can be called peerless...These are the terms of the frog at the bottom of the well."

   Wang Zhong said quickly: "Hush, keep your voice down."

   If this kind of evaluation is heard by the people around you, it will probably become annoyed.

   Lin Beichen is also thoughtful.

  'From the virtual to the real', Yu Wuque also said before.

The priest Qin continued: "After entering the fifth stage,'from the virtual to the real', you can visualize your true qi and greatly increase your combat power. Only then can you be qualified to enter and exit the realm, enter the star road, and only enter the star road. Only then can you comprehend the rules of the prehistoric galaxy world, practice stronger combat skills and techniques, and achieve the most basic conditions for impacting the realm of the lord. And entering the lord level, you can completely refine the spiritual accumulation of the host true continent and use it Become your "territory", you can freely shuttle between the host Zhenzhou continent and the prehistoric world with a single thought."

   These words were specifically told to Lin Beichen.

  Because only by entering the lord level and opening the host real continent, can you save Chuhen, Qianqian, Qianqian and others.

   In just one month, the chief priest of Qin has thoroughly clarified his thoughts and the best ‘project plan’.

   Is this the Xueba?

   Lin Beichen was ashamed.

   At the same time, he thought that if he enters the Star Road, he can go to the eldest wife in the early morning, after all, the two people had an agreement at the beginning.

   When the chief priest Qin said so, his thinking became clear.

  The top priority is to become stronger as soon as possible.

   This kind of strength is not reflected in combat power.

   must be reflected in the realm.

  His Zhen Qi cultivation base is Tier 4, and he must strive to reach Tier 5 in the shortest possible time and become a True Qi master.


Goodnight everybody.

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