"I don't believe it. Without him, Lin Beichen, our Qingyu Realm human race would not have won the [Battle of the Sky]. In 11 battles, we only need to win six games to drive away these demons."

   Yunwu Mountain Lord He Wushang sneered and said, "No matter what, my Yunwu Mountain's patriarchal mind and combat skills will never be handed over."

   "Indeed, you can't indulge Lin Beichen too much. The origin of this younger generation is unknown, who knows if it is the spy of the devil." Taoist Shui Jing said while Zuohu also said.

   Zhou Zhou, the head of Shuiyunjian frowned, and asked: "He killed the Demon Head Yanshan, how could he be a demon spy?"

   He Wushang said: "Yanshan is a dog with many tricks. Perhaps this is his bitter trick. He used his own death in exchange for our trust in Lin Beichen, and the plan is even greater."

   Liu shook his head speechlessly and sighed.

  The sects of the great human races in the Qingyu world have been in the common for a long time, and there has been no heroic courage of the ancestors of the past. It is nothing more than the unity and the vision of judging the situation.

   The situation was so bad that it turned out to be still entangled in the little grudges before, and was unwilling to cooperate with Lin Beichen.

   "It's really this brother Kobayashi, who asked a lot."

Yan Sanxing, the head of Dayanhai, said: "If we all hand over the Zhenzong Mind and Combat Techniques, it will surely cause the ancestors' methods to spread in our hands. What's more, we get so many Mind and Warfare. Skills, when the demon retreats, the eleven major sects, don’t they want to become Lin Beichen’s vassal? In the future, who else can control him?"

   Listening to the conversation of the heads, even Yunwu Mountain Taoist disciple He Zhengqing only felt ridiculous and sad.

   These people are senior experts who control the fate of the Azure Rain Realm human race, but they are so short-sighted.

  [The Battle of the Sky] hasn't ended yet, I'm already thinking about controlling Lin Beichen...

  Do they really think that the human race powerhouses who have been reduced to prisoners can defeat the demon race in the sky?

   Liu wordlessly tried to persuade everyone.

   The situation is so dangerous that it must rely on Lin Beichen.

"It's okay. Eleven battles are not a battle to determine the victory or defeat. We can fully adopt a strategy. For the top powerhouses of the Demon Race such as [Orca King] and the Envoy of the Demon Race from the outside, we can completely give up fighting with them, as long as we achieve Six wins are enough..."

   Shui Jingdao Taoist Bian Zuohu said in a relaxed tone.

   In the end, the sect of the Eleventh Great Human Race still did not reach an agreement and did not split.

   Shui Jingdao, Yunwu Mountain and Dayanhai resolutely opposed, and held a group to resist.

  The other sects, headed by Liu Wuyan, decided to accept Lin Beichen's conditions.

   But because of the resistance of the three sects, the conditions for gathering the eleven major sects' minds and combat skills could not be met.

   Liu was speechless and had to drop his old face and go to see Lin Beichen again.

   "Little friend, old man, I am not the lord of Wang Sichao after all, and I cannot persuade the head of the three sects..." When Liu Wuyan said the result, his old face was hot.

   After all, letting Lin Beichen participate in the [Battle of the Sky] is to let him fight for his life, and it is most likely to deal with the most powerful enemy.

   In fact, Lin Beichen cannot be regarded as a talent in the Azure Rain Realm. From the time he walked out of Yunmeng Daze, he has been underestimated and neglected by the Azure Rain Realm, and has never been taken seriously or cared for.

  The Battle of the Sword Laifeng, he had fought desperately for Feijianzong, but now he wanted to make such a request...When he said this, Liu Wuyan felt very ashamed.

   "Okay, I promised."

   Lin Beichen stood at the door of the ‘single room’ with a calm expression and directly agreed.

   Such a thing was in his expectation.

   Some people really don’t shed tears without seeing the coffin.

   This has nothing to do with status and knowledge.

   is simply selfishness at work.

   In his previous life, he had read some materials about the demise of the Ming Dynasty, including a very absurd historical record.

In the 17th year of Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty, when the city of Beijing was besieged by the peasant uprising army, the Emperor Chongzhen asked the ministers of the Chinese military to donate money to support the city. He said that his family was poor and refused to donate money, and some only donated hundreds and tens of taels of silver. However, after the city was broken, the army found that these poor ministers were actually rich in wealth, more than the national treasury...

   Lin Beichen felt incredible at the time.

   The city will be destroyed, the country will be destroyed, and the family will die. Are these ministers fools? They still can't afford the money. They all want money and don't kill them. In the end, they were tortured and searched to death by the insurgents.

   What is the difference between the performance of the Shuijingdao and Yunwushan sects and those of the ministers of the late Ming Dynasty?

   Liu Wuyan was overjoyed when Lin Beichen agreed.

Lin Beichen said: "The reason why I went to war is because I am also a human race. Although I am unaccompanied in the Qingyu world, Lao Yu and Elder Leng treat me like relatives. This love must be paid back. I have a grace for Lin Beichen. Newspaper."

Liu Wuyan couldn't help sighing, and said, "I don't know people. Unfortunately, time can't go back. If I can go back to the day outside of Yunmeng Daze, Feijian Sect will do its best to help. Lin Xiaoyou is practicing."

   As he said, he handed in Feijianzong, Shuiyunjian, Shenshui Palace, Shengshuizong, Chaotianque, Duanlong Island, Moon Bay, and even Tianshui Hall's eight major sects' heart techniques and combat skills.

   There are also 7000 taels of great silver, several valuable treasures, as well as the seeds of the eight rare spirit grasses, etc., all delivered to Lin Beichen.

   A penny stumps heroes.

   As prisoners, it took a long time to get these resources out.



   The sky sinks into the cave.

   The lowest level, the Prisoner's Stone Room.

An ordinary face, thin old man, dressed in blood, seven Fengyuan needles, nailed between his shoulder blades and chest and abdomen, but he looked calm, sitting in front of the chessboard, and the fat three meters tall opposite The blue-skinned brawny played against each other.


   The iron door opens.

   A handsome young man in a white robe walked in slowly, carrying a black food container in his hand, and saluting the blood-clothed old man, saying: "Master."

  The blood-clothed old man is just the leader of the Qingyu Realm Human Race's first sect Chaotianque, the number one strongman in the Human Race's martial arts rankings, and Wang Sichao, who has the legendary title of "Turning the Sky".

   The brawny blue-skinned man in the game laughed, and took the opportunity to directly scramble the game that was about to lose, and said, "Pharaoh, your precious disciple is here. This game is considered a draw."

   said, without waiting for the blood-clothed old man to reply, he got up and left the "Prison Demon Stone Room".

  The blood-clothed old man Wang Sichao raised his head and glanced at Yu Wen Xiuxian, and said, "You know you came to see me as a master? What good food did you bring?"

   Yu Wen Xiuxian placed a pot of wine, a plate of longan rice, and two mixed side dishes on the chess table, and said: "Master, your elderly people like to eat most on weekdays."

  The blood-clothed old man Wang Sichao picked up his chopsticks, and started eating and drinking himself.

   Yubun Soo Hyun snapped his fingers.

   Ding Ding Ding.

   The seven Fengyuan needles vibrated and shot out from Wang Sichao's body.

   Blood came out of the wound.

   A powerful and inexplicable terrifying real aura emerged from Wang Sichao's body, which made the creatures in the entire sky sink and cavern tremble at this moment.

   Inside the stone room is also a riot of air currents, like the stormy waves hitting the shore.

   The wound on his body healed instantly.

   The original ordinary old man, at this moment, is like a lord over the world.

   "Why? Untie the [Seven Star Sealing Needle], so I'm not afraid that I will run away, Master?"

  Wang Sichao's chopsticks paused, and continued to pick up the dishes, smiling faintly, and said: "I still think that I, the injured lord, is not worth mentioning."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian did not answer directly, but said the whole story of [Battle of Heaven] and said, "Master, please prepare for the battle calmly."

   "Boy, you want to borrow your reputation as a teacher to help protect the Qingyu people." Wang Sichao smiled faintly, and said: "[Overlooking the sea of ​​clouds], which level have you cultivated to?"

   "Thirteen floors."

   "Where is [Devil Origin Void True Scripture]?"

   "The First Realm of Great Perfection."

   "Okay, Wang Sichao, I really accepted a good apprentice. Go back. If you want to take the old man's reputation as your stepping stone, it depends on your methods. Master can give you a chance."

   "Thank you, Master."

"get out."

   "One more thing, please teacher father."


   "The three of my brothers and sisters were living on Liuyuan Star Road, and the master took me in. Where are my brothers and sisters?"

"I do not know."

   "Is the master unwilling to tell me, or doesn't he know?"

   "A hidden demon bloodline has already caused a catastrophe. If you find them, wouldn't the entire human race on the Liuyuan Star Road fall into a disaster?"

   "Then why did the master take me in back then?"



Woo Wen Soo Hyun finally turned and left.


The second is more.

2 more

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