Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1392: The first battle

Three days later.

   More than one hundred and sixty celebrities and warriors were transported out of the caves in the heavens and caves, arrived on the ground, and finally saw the sky again.

   Feeling the long-lost sunlight, they realized so deeply for the first time that light is so precious.

   Everyone was transported to a broken peak.

This is the'Shenbi Peak', one of the main peaks in the past. It is solitary and straight like a magic pen, but now it is cut off by the demons with great magical powers. The cross-section is as smooth as a mirror. It can hold thousands of people and is designated as a gathering place for Terran warriors.

  There are strong men from the demons and orcs around to monitor.

   is about five hundred meters away from Shenbi Peak. The upper half of Chaotian Peak in the past, suspended in the air with the top of the peak downward and cross-section upward, is the battlefield of today's "Battle of the Sky".

   The suspended battlefield is 500 meters further east, and it is the lower half of the former Chaotian Peak. The height is about three-quarters of the former. The black magic palace stands toweringly, like a black seal, suppressing the entire Yunjuan Mountain Range.

   In addition, Chaotianque Sixteen Peaks were also cut off their peaks and turned into platforms.

   There are captured Terran City Lords, big shots, rangers, and respected men.

   There are also spectators of the demons and orcs.

There are many living creatures in the Azure Rain Realm, but the intelligent races are mainly human races, orcs races and demons—to be precise, they are mainly the first two. The demons have been hunted down and slaughtered over the years, and they have not survived much, even if they are now standing in the sunshine again. The total number is no more than 100,000.

   In the sky above five hundred meters, there are three formations operating at the same time.

   are Human Race’s [Elemental Realm], Orc Race’s [Mirror Flower Water Moon], and Demon Race’s [Void Backtracking]. They are used to broadcast the ‘Heaven Seizing Battle’ that determines the fate of this world to the entire Azure Rain World.

In places tens of thousands of miles away from the Yunjuan Mountains, large and small cities of the human race, large and small settlements of the orcs, this kind of battle will be played to ensure that all intelligent creatures can see the whole battle. .

   The red sun is slowly coming from the east.

   The mountains and rivers turned golden red, as if they were stained with blood.

   The wind is rustling, and the white clouds are curling up.

   Qingyu World is rainy, but today is a rare sunny and good weather.

   "The first battle."

   A sound like a tsunami and rolling thunder came in the direction of the magic palace.

   is the voice of [Orca King], saying: "According to the rules of the war, in this battle, the human race will send the warriors first."

  According to the rules of the game, the two sides took turns to send the team first.

   Cross section of Shenbi Peak.

   The general candidates for the human race have been delineated.

   "You can send one person first to test the reality of the demons."

   Shui Jingdao Taoist Bian Zuohu proposed, saying: "The number of strong in the demons is limited, so we don't need to worry too much."

   When you say this, most people look at him like a fool.

   Liu frowned silently, and retorted: "The first battle is about morale, and we must not give up easily...Today's 11th battle, every battle is related to the fate of my people's thousands of creatures, so there must be no carelessness and depravity."

   "Yes, Liu Jiansheng's words are reasonable."

   Zhou Zhou, the head of the water and clouds, looked solemn and authentic.

   The atmosphere is very tense.

   The heart of every strong human race raised his throat.

   The situation in the Battle of Heaven is very serious.

"Since this battle is so important, it's better to invite Lin Beichen to fight." Yunwu Mountain Lord He Wushang said indifferently: "Brother Lin has the ability to kill Demon Head Yanshan. As a candidate for the first battle, it's perfect. Up."

   countless eyes, looking at the small group of Lin Beichen.

  Wang Zhong jumped his feet directly and yelled: "The surname is He, you a dog, embarrassing my young master, can you **** die?"

He Wushang was unable to figure out the depth of the old man who became the lord of the Palace of Shenshui Palace for no apparent reason. He snorted coldly, and said, "What is embarrassment? As far as I know, Lin Beichen has accepted the resources and resources of various sects. Gongfa, promise to play..."


   There was a soft sound.

  Blood water filled the bone foam and splashed.

   He Wushang's head burst and disappeared on the spot.

   Lin Beichen faintly blew his hand (gun) finger (pipe), greeted the horrified and shocked gazes around him, and said: "Whoever is yin and yang strange, this is the end."

  Is it true that he can't kill people?

   For some black sheep, Lin Beichen will never be soft.


   He Wushang's headless body fell heavily.

   The blood stained the rocky ground.

   There is no sound around.

   This is the first time many people have seen Lin Beichen take action.

   It was the first time I saw the "Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi" in Liu Wuyan's description.

   Everyone just felt chills in their hearts.

   This kind of instantaneous sword aura is actually enough to instantly kill a Tier 6 master class powerhouse... and he really dares to kill.

   This child is cruel and terrifying.

   Liu was speechless when he saw that, knowing that Lin Beichen was unwilling to choose the first battle, he gritted his teeth and said: "This first battle, let me do it..."

   The voice did not fall.


   A stream of light pierced the air, like a heavenly sword appeared.

   The human lord Wang Sichao, dressed in blood, appeared on the battlefield, with his hands behind his back, standing quietly in place, exuding the aura of the pinnacle of free martial arts.

   "Lord King."

   "It is the Lord of Que."

   "Lord Lord appears."

   Above the broken peak of the magic pen, the strong human race cheered.

   This is a subconscious reaction of everyone.

   After all, for hundreds of years, Wang Sichao has always been the martial art myth of the Qingyu world human race, the only lord-level powerhouse, and the invincible peak warrior.

   His appearance suddenly brought confidence and hope to many human warriors.

   Even Liu was speechless, his heart suddenly relaxed.

   "Human sinner Wang Sichao, ask for war."

The voice of the lord    resounded like a rolling thunder, surging between the heaven and the earth, centered on the battlefield of the broken peak, layers of sound waves and air waves that were visible to the naked eye blasted out in the void.

   The sky and the earth resonate.

   This is the power of the lord.

   is the powerhouse of the demons and the orcs, and at this time he couldn't help but change his color.

  The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

   Under the prestigious name, there are no vanities.

  Wang Sichao's prestige, but he came out of actual combat.

   The sound is rolling between the sky and the earth.

   Many people are guessing who the demons will send to fight.

Will    be a messenger from the outside world?

   Even Lin Beichen is a little curious.

   He asked Guangjiang and Zhahu, who had not yet completed the promotion task, to continue to do exercises such as raising their legs and curling their abdomen, speeding up their exercises, in order to complete the task at the last moment, and at the same time looked at the broken peak battlefield.

   Suddenly, a purple streamer shot out from the direction of the magic palace.


   fell to the ground and turned into a figure in white armor.

   Tall and handsome, Danfeng eyes are like stars, long purple hair is flying thick, and he is born with a unique chic aura that blends luxury and peace, if he is not like a person in this world.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian.

   The first person of the Demon Race to fight, turned out to be Woo Wen Soo Hyun.

   This demon spy, a traitor to the human race, unexpectedly made such a choice, confronting his mentor, and going head-to-head with a lord-level powerhouse?

   Suddenly, there was a loud noise on the broken peak of the magic brush.

   Liu Wuyan and others' faces appeared astonished.

   Woo Moon Soo Hyun, is this going to die?

   Still, the person who presides over the events of the Demon Race in the Qingyu world is not Yu Wen Xiuxian, but someone else, forcing Yu Wen Xiuxian to play?

   Broken Peak Battlefield.

   "Master... this is my last claim that you are a master."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian respectfully paid the respect of the human race to pay a respectful greeting to the teacher, and then pointed a ray of sword energy, and directly cut off the hem of his armor suit.

   Cut the robe and cut righteousness.

  The feeling of mentor and apprentice is cut off.


Third, there is one more

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