Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1393: Two Lords of True Qi and Devil Qi

Wang Sichao smiled faintly, feeling like an ancient well.

   has already reached the top of the Broken Peak battlefield, so acting like this is meaningless.

   Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, there was a trace of regret in his heart.

   After so many years of nurturing, it is not the source of blood.

   The disciple who had high hopes, after all, chose the path he didn't want to see the least.

   The difference in thoughts back then created a disaster for the Azure Rain Realm Human Race.

  Everything in the past, it's okay to be closed today.

"I studied martial arts at the age of three, entered the ranks at the age of ten, entered the fifth rank at the age of ten, and achieved the realm of grand masters, and ten years later, entered the realm of great masters, advanced to the rank of lord at the age of thirty-five, and now three hundred and fifty years old. Lord-level five Jiazi, who repaired Chaotianque’s [Chaotianguanyunhai] Mind Method and [Clouds Potian 36 Sanshou]..."

   Wang Sichao's voice echoed between heaven and earth, and everyone could hear clearly.

He continued: "Three years ago, [Yunhai Potian Thirty-Six Sanshou] was simplified and combined into three Sanshou, namely'Heaven','Di', and'Ren'. These three Sanshou are me The most powerful martial arts trick in your life."

  He slowly raised his hand, ticked off, and said, "Today's battle is limited to these three tricks, how about?"


   "I can't ask for it."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian's purple hair is flying in the wind, her face is cold and beautiful, and the purple magical energy burns outside, saying: "I also happen to have three forbidden moves of people, demons, and evils, and I am willing to teach the king's three martial arts."

   Wang Sichao stopped talking.

   Zhenqi revolves.

   The power in the body roared like thunder.

   The power of elements between heaven and earth gather.

The blue rain world is rainy and the water element is the most vigorous, and the true energy cultivated by Wang Sichao's [Viewing Clouds and Seas from the Sky], he took the road of the twentieth bloodline of the human race, and there seemed to be huge waves surging between the world and the earth. Similarly, water vapor surges in the air, water mist breeds in the mountains...

  He stepped out.

   The sky and the earth resonate.

  A field of mist formed around his body.

   Invincible momentum suddenly emerged.

   Here is a lord-level powerhouse. The exercises are energized and will form their own unique areas around the body. The effects are different, but for their own bonuses, they can be said to be unique.

   "The first blow of Sanshou...Ren Wang is angry."

   Wang Sichao's figure is floating in the air, and the white clouds and water mist are boiling behind him. As he presses it with one hand, the clouds and water mist condense into a giant hand of 100 meters, and press it in the air.

   This giant hand is the condensation of the power of the domain.

   The elemental power guided by ordinary true energy, when touched by this power, it will break and collapse.

   Between the sky and the earth, the waves are loud.

The sky was originally clear in an instant, dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, endless thunder and lightning injected into this hundred-meter cloud giant hand, making the giant hand stare more, like the hand of a fairy, with clear muscle texture, containing the power of destruction, like Thousands of creatures roared at the same time at this moment.

   is more than five hundred meters apart, the strong men of all races around the Broken Peak battlefield have also changed their colors.

   In one move, to change the climate of the world, with the help of the power of heaven, is this the power mastered by the lord-level powerhouse?

   Yu Wen Xiuxian dances wildly with purple hair.

"The younger generation is not talented. I have been taught by the seniors for many years. I have learned about the Chaotian Que [Chaotianguanyunhai] Mind Method and [Clouds Potian 36 Sanshou], and got a blow, named [Guardian Po], today’s blow , I used this trick to give back the teaching grace of the predecessors."

   said, looking up at the sky.

I saw his true energy surging towards the sky, it was the most pure and authentic human true energy, and it easily mobilized the power of the water element in the surrounding world, condensed around the body, and turned into a **** of heaven. The shape of the sword, the sword light flickered, and the sword energy flowed and burst frantically.

   "Lord level."

   Liu was speechless and exclaimed.

   The energy displayed by Yuwen Xiuxian is clearly a lord-level cultivation base.

   The giant elemental sword is the condensation of the power of the domain.

   The heads of the other human clan sects were also beating wildly, feeling choked by bursts of suffocation, looking at Yu Wen Xiuxian on the Broken Peak battlefield in disbelief.

   This former human race's first genius, the strongest realm that has ever been shown, is only the peak of Tier 5, which is enough to shock the world.

   How did you suddenly have a master-level repair base?


   But one person can hide such a clumsy one?

so horrible.

   is really a big horror.

   I thought it was a crushing game by Wang Sichao, but now it seems...

   Everyone's hearts hang up.

   And this time—


   Sword Qi broke through the air.

   Yu Wenxiu sage swords are unified, transforming into a great sword, pushing the giant sword with the body, against the trend, and stab towards the giant palm of the cloud, thunder and lightning in the sky.

   Its power is decisive.

   As if to directly pierce and smash this world.


   A violent energy explosion sounded.

   At the place where the giant sword hit the giant palm, the space suddenly sagged inward, and immediately radiated outward along with the layer of cloud airflow. The collapsed and twisted void suddenly expanded and exploded outward.

  The air wave swept across the world.

   The peaks vibrated wildly.

   The crowd around watching the battle, an intuitive hurricane hit head on, some people with insufficient strength directly screamed and were lifted off, rolling out like a gourd.

   The continuous explosion sound lasted for more than ten breaths.

   When everything is gone, the world is quiet.

   The dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky have long since disappeared, and the sky has turned blue again, as clean and bright as washing.

   On the battlefield of Broken Peak.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian and Wang Sichao stood relative to one hundred meters.

   Both of them are solid like rocks, all over their bodies, and their clothes are intact, without the slightest scars.

   evenly matched?

   Everyone around, big question marks popped up in their hearts.

   For the strong human race, this is undoubtedly bad news. After all, Wang Sichao is the strongest human race in the Azure Rain Realm. With such a powerful blow, he failed to kill a younger generation.

   For the Mozu, it was an exciting scene.

   Especially the members of the guards of Qing E, Zi Yan and others, trembling with excitement.

   This is their idol.

   is the master they admire and are willing to die for.

   Positively regretted the strongest human race in this realm without letting go.

   "The second type... the ground is long!"

   Wang Sichao's complexion was cold, and he once again used the second trick in the hands of Heaven, Earth and Human Sansan, "Earth Qi grows", infuriating the power of the elements.

  The clouds covering the sky and the sun condense again.

   Lightning and thunder in the sky.

   The downpour instantly swept down.

   Wang Sichao soared into the sky, suspended for a hundred meters, and then, on his head and feet, he pressed a palm towards Yu Wen Xiuxian below, and the rain water turned into a giant palm in the domain, covering almost the entire Broken Peak battlefield.

   This blow is stronger.

   Yuwen Xiuxian looked up to the sky and screamed, and immediately was full of human qi, all transformed into a rich purple void demon energy, the whole person was transformed into a human demon, and the endless purple flames soared wildly, enveloping him.

   "The Demon Lord?!"

   Liu was speechless and exclaimed.

   This is ridiculous.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian thought it was a double-qi lord level cultivation base?

How did you do it?

   Could it be that this young man was a certain demon who could not reincarnate?

   "Magic will rise!"

   He only heard Yu Wen Xiuxian yelling, knees slightly bent, carrying endless magic flames, like stars rising up into the sky, crashing into Wang Sichao falling from the sky.

   The terrible energy impact reappeared.

   The waves of energy are like turbulent waves, centered on the explosion point, surging wildly, endlessly.

   Everyone around, for a while, they almost couldn't open their eyes.

   After a long time, the energy rushed away.

   On the battlefield of Broken Peak, the two figures stood opposite each other again.

   is just one of them, his left arm bends like a broken, pierced flesh and blood, and the blood falls to the ground ticking along the pierced bones...

   Finally, has the winner been decided?

   Everyone's hearts jumped to their throats, looking towards the injured person's face.


Good night brothers

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