Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1396: The Dignity of the Juggernaut


   A few disciples of the Holy Water Sect went black and passed out.

   The little dragon girl Long Na also shed tears of grief.

   Since coming to the Azure Rain Realm, Master Bai Luzi has taken care of her in every possible way, just like a family member, so that the little dragon girl who hatched from the dragon egg from childhood feels the warmth of her mother for the first time.

  Unexpectedly, in just a short time, it would be a farewell to life.

   "Master, mourning, the Holy Water Sect wants you to support..."

   Several elite disciples of the Holy Water Sect salute the little dragon girl Long Na.

   This makes Long Na feel a little at a loss.

   Soon, Bai Luzi's body was sent back to the peak of the magic pen.

   Looking at the crying disciple of the Holy Water Sect, Lin Beichen didn't know what to say.

He didn’t have much intersection with Bai Luzi. The first meeting was when he just walked out of the forbidden area of ​​Yunmeng Daze, and he hadn’t even said a few words... Such a beautiful woman still died on the battlefield of Broken Peak. Sigh.

   Among the strong human race, many people are desperate.

   The head of the eleven major sects is not as good as the one of the guards beside Yu Wen Xiuxian?

   An atmosphere of despair spreads.

   In the countless human cities of the Blue Rain Realm, the crying is louder, and despair is like a cloud covering everyone.

   On the contrary, it is the cheers of the demons.

   In the sky, I don't know when it will start, clouds appeared, and light rain began to fall on the ground.

   "I want to play."

   Little Dragon Girl Long Na clenched her fists, said loudly, and walked out of the crowd.

   "Corona, are you crazy?"

  Counseling Prince Bao Li Yu was taken aback, and quickly grabbed her and said, "Are you going to die?"

   Long Na said: "I... want to avenge Master."

   "You have just entered the fifth stage, your true energy is not stable, and you haven't completed the'from the virtual to the real'. How can you be the opponent of those demons..." Li Yu was very worried, repeatedly persuaded, and finally directly said: "I don't allow you to play."

   Ronna was silent.

   She hasn't learned to disobey Li Yu's will.

   "Forget it, let me do it."

   Lin Beichen glanced at the stubborn tiger who was crazily curled, and slowly walked out of the crowd, and said: "This third battle, I will fight."

   Terran really can't lose anymore.

   Although the previous [KEPP] double-touch acceleration task [you need to level up] has not been completed yet, it seems that it is coming soon... but I can’t wait any longer.

   The strong human race looked at Lin Beichen.

  Before, Lin Beichen asked for exercises and combat skills, as well as various resources, which made some people feel dissatisfied with him. Although it was not directly expressed like He Wushang, but it was also hidden in his heart.

   At this time, seeing him in despair of seeing Wang Sichao and Bai Luzi die in battle, he actually took the initiative to stand in for him, and suddenly he could not help but change a little.

   At this time, the voice of [Orca King] also echoed between heaven and earth.

   "In the third battle, the human race first selects and sends the warriors."

   It's time to play.

   Lin Beichen is about to set foot on the battlefield of Broken Peak.

   "Wait a minute."

   Liu Wuyan, who had been silent all the time, suddenly pressed Lin Beichen's shoulder.

   He looked into his eyes, shook his head, and said, "This battle, I will come."

   "Head of Liu, you..."

   Lin Beichen glanced at Liu Wuyan's severed hand.

   Others may not know, but Lin Beichen understands very well that this kendo powerhouse ranked second in the Human Race's martial arts rankings has not fully recovered from his injuries, and his combat strength is less than 70% of the previous ones. Even if he is playing, he is not completely sure.

   Playing in this state is simply to die.

   But Liu Wuyan still insisted.

   "Human race, must win a battle."

   He looked at Lin Beichen with anticipation in his eyes, and once again regretted it. If he could see Lin Beichen's enchanting place earlier that day, and cultivate him with all his strength, perhaps the Human Race would be more certain today.

   Terran, must win a battle.

   These words made Lin Beichen understand what Liu Wuyan meant.

   is very simple, this third battle is the first battle of the human race.

   The demons have the upper hand.

   Once they see that Lin Beichen is going to fight, the Demon Race can completely select Lord-level messengers from the Star Road to fight, to seize the opportunity and completely suppress it.

   Therefore, Liu Wuyan didn't want Lin Beichen to play.

   If the Human Race is doomed to lose in this [Sky-Squatting Battle], it should at least win one game to retain the last trace of dignity.

   And only Lin Beichen is the only possibility of this victory.

   Therefore, you must only play when you have absolute certainty.

   lightly patted Lin Beichen on the shoulder, Liu Wuyan turned around, turned into a sword light, and landed on the floating and broken peak battlefield 500 meters away.

   "Human, Liu is speechless."

   When he reported his name, Liu Wuyan held his sword and waited.

   A ray of bloom occurred in the temple, and many people suddenly realized that this Qingyu Realm Human Race Sword Master is actually old.

   Years are like a knife, killing countless arrogances.

   Willow stands upright silently, standing still, his robe hunting in the wind.

   In the direction of the Heavenly Broken Peak, the Black Magic Palace did not send out warriors in the first time this time.

   After about ten breaths.

   Everyone felt a flower in front of them.

   A purple figure appeared on the Battlefield of Broken Peak.

   His whole body is covered in purple robe, like a dazzling purple flame lingering around his body, he can't see his face clearly, and he can't distinguish his gender. However, his strong breath is fully revealed.

   "It is the messenger of the demons on the way to the outer planet."

   Yu has a look of despair.

   Mozu sent the strongest candidate.

   In the battle of Chaotianque, Liu Wuyan's hand was injured because he was severely injured by a demon envoy from the sky.

   Other powerful sects are also ashamed.

   This battle is about to lose again.

   Liu Wuyan on the battlefield of Broken Peak also sighed silently in his heart.

   He has been defeated by this person once, seriously injured and escaped.

   I didn't expect to meet again in the Battle of Heaven.


   The long sword vibrated, and the sword burst out.

   Liu wordlessly mobilized all the true energy without hesitation, manipulating the elemental power between heaven and earth, condensing the elemental sword that soars into the sky...

   Give it a go.

   This is the final dignity of the Human Sword Saint.


"one move."

   The messenger of the demons is indifferent.

   said, patted lightly with a palm.

   Under the sleeve robe, a slender soft as white as jade broke through the air, seeming to be slow and urgent, and in a short while, it arrived in front of Liu Wuyan.

   With just one palm, Liu Wuyan tried to condense the sword of elements that had not yet reached the peak.

   Sword Qi collapsed.

   White and soft palms were printed on Liu Wuyan's chest.


   A thick bulge appeared on Liu Wuyan's back, and a clear palm print appeared on the armor, revealing **** flesh.

   Liu was speechless and stiff.


   The long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

   The demon envoy didn't say a word, turned around and left, turned into a streamer, and disappeared in place.


   A mouthful of blood, mixed with broken internal organs, spouted from Liu Wuyan's mouth.

   He gave a miserable laugh and turned around staggeringly.

   The opponent defeated him with one move.

   But he turned around dismissively and left without killing him.

   This is more humiliating than killing on the spot.

   Liu said nothing, turned around and walked outside the battlefield of Broken Peak.

   He flew back to the peak of the magic brush with difficulty.

   "Liu Zhangmen..."



   The crowd flocked over, looking concerned.

   Liu did not say a word.

   His movements were a little stiff, forcibly suppressing the injuries in his body, he took a deep look at Lin Beichen, and then pressed one hand on Xiao Binggan's forehead.

  The powerful power that did not know where it came from, burst out from the body of this seriously injured and dying Human Race Sword Saint, and the bright sword light appeared all over him, covering himself and Xiao Binggan in it.

   "Brother head..."

   Jade has no lack of sorrow.

  He didn't expect that the senior brother, holding a mortal body, came back from the battlefield of Broken Peak, hoping to use the last bit of strength to perfect his disciple.


One more

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