Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1397: Who is the weak?

The sword energy was poured into Xiao Binggan's body.

   In the past month or so, Xiao Binggan has cultivated Feijianzong's mental method, so he does not reject the infusion of the same kind of true energy.

  At this moment, other people also saw Liu Wuyan's intention.

   The true energy that has been cultivated for more than three hundred years, although it has been consumed a lot because of the previous battle, but it is poured into Xiao Binggan's body, which is equivalent to letting him get hundreds of years of cultivation out of thin air...

   This is a great blessing.

   In some people's eyes, there is a look of envy.

   This kind of opportunity is really envious.

Fortunately, Xiao Binggan entered the realm of a Tier 5 peerless strongman through the exercise of [KEEP] before, and his body endurance greatly increased. He actually resisted such sword qi infusion forcibly, and was still rapidly fusing refining. .

   Lin Beichen retracted his gaze and looked in the direction of the magic palace.

   I don't know why, when the Demon Clan Celestial Envoy made a move just now, it gave him a very weird feeling.

   This mysterious messenger is indeed very powerful.

   He could see that even if Liu Wuyan was at his peak, he might not be able to catch the slender palm print.

   But this kind of power gave Lin Beichen an indescribable sense of familiarity.

   He felt that he seemed to have seen this mysterious demon messenger somewhere.

   between thoughts.

   "In the fourth battle, according to the rules of the battle of the heavens, the Holy Ancestors will send participants to the battle."

  【Orca King】The thunderous sound echoed between the heaven and the earth of the Yunjuan Mountains.

   A stream of light flew out from the direction of the magic palace and landed on the Broken Peak battlefield.

  Purple robe and hoodie, burning with turbulent purple flames...

   powerful and mysterious.

   If it weren't for the taller and burly figure, the three-meter-tall figure was too eye-catching, and perceiving from the breath, everyone thought it was the envoy of the Star Road Demon Clan who defeated Liu Wuyan before breaking the rules and fought again.

   "Another Demon Envoy from Star Road?"


   "This battle is at stake."

   The faces of the strong human races were slumped, like the end of the day.

   has lost three games.

   As a result of this fourth battle, the opponent sent by the other party was an envoy from the Star Road, and it was still heinously strong.

   "I will try my best."

   Moon Bay Lord Yue Wu Xie walked out slowly.

   She is the third strongest in the human martial arts list, second only to Wang Sichao and Liu Wuyan, but she is not absolutely sure.

   However, the current situation is at this point, and there is no refund.

   Even though the human race is destined to lose today, it absolutely cannot kneel to death.

   "Sect Master Yue, let me play the battle."

Peng Shaojie, the owner of Duanlong Island, slowly walked out. He ranked eighth in the human martial arts rankings. Playing a battle is tantamount to death, but you can also survive this one. Inferior horses can be opposed to superior horses. There is a chance to win one game later.

   "Hehe, seniors, heads, why don't you let the juniors play?"

   Yunwu Mountain Taoist-level disciple He Zhengqing spoke suddenly.

   This is even more clear that he is going to die.

   "Is there any reason for the juniors to die? The old man can just play."

   "Joke, I will give you this opportunity to show your face? Half a year ago, if you lose my trick, you should retreat. The old man will play the best."

   "This old man, this bone, is trying to sell a good price before he died."

   Out of despair, he burst out with amazing courage.

   The elders of the major sects, the famous figures of the older generation, suddenly rushed to die generously.

   At this time, Yu Wuque spoke quietly and said: "Don't fight...someone has already gone to war."

   Everyone in the quarrel was suddenly startled.

   When he turned his head to look at the Broken Peak battlefield, I didn't know when, the young man named Lin Beichen had already stood opposite the demon envoy.

  He finally played.

  The elders and seniors of the major sects, their hearts tightened for a while, and they seemed to hang in their throats again.

  Unexpectedly, the young man who had deliberated three days ago was evasive and asked for compensation. At this moment, he suddenly took the initiative.

   Just, can he win?

   Under the situation that Wang Sichao and Liu Wuyan were defeated successively, Lin Beichen, who could kill the ninth-order master, was undoubtedly the last card of the human race to guard the dignity of martial arts.

   Tension, nervousness.

   Suspense Suspense Suspense.

   The atmosphere is suffocating.

   On the battlefield of Broken Peak.

   "The human race is really unmanned, and it sent a young man who is still young."

   The demon messenger with a body height of three meters, looked down and looked down. The purple eyes under the hoodie seemed to be two starry sky vortex burning purple fire, which could instantly devour the soul of shredded people.

   "When will the weak dare to say such things?"

   Lin Beichen also sneered.

   The messenger of the demons said: "The weak, you mean me? Haha, you..."


   A typewriter-like voice sounded.

   interrupted the demon envoy.

   His head leaned back, exploding a cloud of purple blood.

   The skull was lifted off directly, exposing the white brain.

   The breath of life fades quickly like an hourglass.


   The powerful vitality of the lord level made this three-meter-tall giant like a messenger not die in an instant, and his eyes were full of horror and astonishment.

   bang bang bang.

   Three consecutive purple blood flowers exploded on his left chest, lower abdomen and crotch.

   Lin Beichen didn't give him any chance at all.

   The huge impact of'Invisible Sword Qi' instantly shattered his muscles and bones and shattered his internal organs.

   The heart of the lord class was beating frantically at this moment, and he wanted to save himself by a blood transfusion.

   But the gap in the body is bleeding like a leak.

   The boundless darkness flooded.

   He really came from the Star Road. He never thought that he would die in this small place where birds don’t **** in such a unexpected way.

   But time cannot go back.

   All the spectators around, whether they are demons or humans, did not react to what happened.

   Lin Beichen slowly blew his hand (gun) and pointed (mouth).

   Very good.

   Everything is under control.

  The AWM bullets filled with the pure void magic energy of the magic mountain and inkstone stored in the palm of the hand are indeed amazing.

   The tall and burly Demon Star Path Envoy in front of him should be a tenth-level cultivation base, and he has just entered the realm of the lord level, but at such a close distance, he was caught off guard, and was still shot headshot.


   The tall body fell on his back.

   Lin Beichen rushed forward quickly.

   The palm of his hand was pressed on the body of the dead little giant demon lord.

   The power of devouring is activated.

   Sure enough, he felt an extremely pure source of magic power, hidden in his body, and immediately began to absorb and swallow it without hesitation.

   This time, he chose the left hand.

   In an instant, not only the left hand, but the entire skin of the right arm turned dark purple.

   also swelled in a circle.

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate to summon the [Immortal King Set] armor illusion, covering his entire left arm.


   An exclamation sound like an explosion of energy came from all directions.

   Those are spectators of all races who were scared.

   Regardless of whether it is a human race, a demon race, or an orc race, the reaction at this moment has nothing to do with happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy.

   but a simple shock.

   No, to be precise, it was horror.

   They couldn't believe what they saw.

   Even the strong human races who still have the last trace of luck in their hearts, are praying for Lin Beichen's victory in their hearts, but for such a simple and neat moment of victory, I feel incredible, subconsciously thinking that I have seen an illusion.

   Is that the "Broken Invisible Sword Qi" that killed the Demon Head Yanshan in a second?

   is too scary.


Fourth, good night everyone.

Have you ever wondered why Lin Beichen and others had just arrived in Qingyu Realm for a month when the Demon Ancestor on Liuyuan Star Road suddenly launched a counterattack.

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