Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1408: Enter the Star Road

This time, Lin Beichen did not blow the cannon.

   because it may burn your mouth.

   He is very satisfied.

   The power of Type 69 lives up to expectations.

   The six-sided small shield seemed to have very powerful special effects, transforming into a basalt, and it was directly shattered by the front.

   Lin Beichen is quite satisfied.

   Since the Battle of the Heavens, he has ‘searched’ a fortune, and naturally it is the first time to ‘shop online’ to arm himself. Type 69 is the latest choice.

   Fortunately, ‘online shopping’ is timely.

   finally came in handy.

   Otherwise, it would be more troublesome to face this Huyan Yulong today.

   "Scum, go get the six-sided shield back."

   Lin Beichen jumped from the Zhahu's back and patted the Zhahu's ass.

   The little scum tiger was very obedient, and turned into a golden light and rushed out.

   Lin Beichen is very proud.

  Who said that tiger **** can't be touched?

   I'm not touching it casually.

   "Brother, go, drag it over."

   Lin Beichen said again.

   Xiao Binggan did not hesitate, rushed over and dragged Hu Yan Yukong, who was in a coma, with his legs on his back.

   At this time, the little scum tiger also picked up the six small [Six Wu Xuan Gui Yu] small shields.


   Lin Beichen lost a few grains of cat food bought online.

   The little scum tiger was overjoyed immediately, his tail wagging like a windmill, lying on the ground offering flattery.

   He especially likes to eat cat food.

   This is the ‘strange thing’ recently discovered by Lin Beichen.

   can probably be attributed to the fact that the cat food after the mobile phone magic change is fatal to the scum tiger.

   "Your urine is yellow, come and wake him up."

   Lin Beichen said again.

   Xiao Zhahu did not hesitate to face Hu Yan Yulong's face, then lifted up and backed up.


The high-ranking congressman finally recovered from his coma. His mind was still not sober. Just now he had a concussion, dizziness and blurred vision. He only felt that his face was wet, and he subconsciously licked it. The show was sweet. ?

   Then, he shook his head, feeling a little better.

   Condensed saw Lin Beichen who was looking down at him with a smile.

   Everything that happened before, instantly surged like a tide.

   "Small miscellaneous..."

   Hu Yan Yulong was shocked, and immediately mobilized the true energy in his body.


   bang bang.

   Two bursts of blood mist bloomed.

   His legs were directly interrupted.

Lin Beichen blew the muzzle of the [Snow Eagle]—there is no such defense equipment as [Six Wu Xuan Tortoise Royal], even the body of the thirteenth lord can’t hold the lord-level magic pistol. Bombard at close range.

   Of course, if Huyan Yulong is the No. 1 Saint Body Bloodline in the Twenty-Four Bloodline Martial Arts, that's an exception.

   "Ah, ah..."

   Hu Yan Yulong screamed like a pig.

   The long-term pampering and treatment made his willpower not as good as the ordinary martial arts master.

   "Tsk tusk, it turns out that the councillors are also afraid of pain."

   Lin Beichen smacked his lips.

   Hu Yan Yulong points hatred and madness.

   Nonsense, why the congressman is not afraid of pain.

   He twitched all over, his face twisted.

   "You are finished, your relatives and friends are finished..."

He almost gritted his teeth and said, "I am a member of Parliament. You may not know what a member of parliament represents. You killed my guard and injured me badly. The Human Race Council on Liuyuan Star Road will never let you go... No one can save you from the heavens and the earth, thousands of stars."

   "Heh...what a stupid line."

   Lin Beichen raised his hand again with two "Broken Invisible Sword Qi".

   "Ah, ah..."

   Hu Yan Yulong screamed again, his remains bend like dried shrimps.

   Lin Beichen squatted down and said fiercely: "Since no one can save me from heaven and earth, then I will kill you directly and let you bury me."

   Hu Yan Yulong was in a daze.

   What I said just now seems to be really stupid.

He quickly withdrew the threats, and quickly pleaded: "No, don't kill me, don't... You let me go, I can treat that nothing happened, I can excuse you, and I can recommend you to become a councillor... yes yes yes , I recommend that you become a member of Parliament. Your strength has been proven. You have saved the Qingyu world. This feat can completely become a member of Parliament..."

   "But I mutilated my compatriots and killed He Wushang."

   "It doesn't matter, He Wushang colluded with the demons, the crime was deserved."

   "I also killed the two heads of Bian Zuohu and Yan Sansheng."

   "Ah, it doesn't matter, these two old thieves fan the flames and frame you as a human hero. Even if you don't kill them, I won't bypass them... kill well."

   "But I also killed your guard Zhang."

"Actually, I have found out that Yun Hong was carrying me on his back, arbitrarily taking arbitrarily, seeking money and killing him on Liuyuan Star Road. I wanted to rectify his law a long time ago. If you kill him, if you kill him well, you can be considered a decent one. The ending..."  "Really?"

   "Really, absolutely true."

   "But I hurt you..."

   "I don't blame you, I actually escaped from the star road battlefield, I..."

   In the middle of the last sentence, he suddenly realized that it was wrong and immediately shut up.

   Lin Beichen looked at him with a smile, stood up, and suddenly realized: "Oh, deserter."

   He turned his head and said, "Lao Yu, do you hear it?"

   "I heard clearly."

   Yu Wuqian is loud and authentic.

   He realized that Lin Beichen was about to come back again.

   "Have you recorded it?"

   He looked at Xiao Binggan again.

   The white and pure little fat man nodded repeatedly and said, "Fortunately, the master taught me [Elemental Mirror] before, and it has been recorded." As he said, he triumphantly brightened the elemental mirror in his hands that was condensed with innocent energy.

   Hu Yan Yulong's pupils shrunk and his face was desperate.

   He knew that this time, he was completely planted.

   It turned out that I was not as strong as I thought.

   For nearly a hundred years since he became a member of Parliament, he has always been pampered, unknowingly dispelled his will, been flattered for too long, has never experienced such a terrible and terrifying situation, and has always firmly grasped and fooled the fate of others.

   But today, everything he was proud of was broken.

Under such severe pain and Lin Beichen's fierce killing intent, the former proud Linglong mind was shattered unknowingly, and was completely led by the nose by the other party. In panic, she even said it. The truth is irretrievable.

   "What kind of thing is this, give me the method of manipulation."

   Lin Beichen lit up the emerald green shield in his hand [Six Wuxuanguiyu].

   Hu Yan Yulong's face is like ashes, without saying a word.

  Since everything is gone, it's a big deal.

   "Tsk tsk, tough right?"

   Lin Beichen threw out a few cat food at the scum tiger, then winked, and said, "It's work."

   The scum tiger roared, ate the cat food, leaned over, licked Huyan Yulong's **** thighs, and the barbs on his tongue directly swept away a large piece of flesh and blood.


   Hu Yan Yulong screamed like a pig again, and had a complete breakdown: "I said, I said, I just want to die."

   then handed over the control method of [Liuwu Xuanguiyu].

   "Huh? Ling Tianfu? Ling's?"

   Lin Beichen heard the origin of this [Gift Xuangui Yu], and his heart moved.

  Ling’s family, will it have something to do with the early morning?

   Maybe you should check it out then.

   He continued to ask.

Hu Yan Yulong, who was completely frightened, explained the whole story of everything, including the fact that he wanted to take over Lin Beichen’s fame and was unable to solicit donations. He had a fight with Bian Zuohu, Yan Sansheng and others, and released various rumors. Framed, prepared to execute Lin Beichen to frighten everyone, and ran away completely after collecting a small amount of donation...

   "It's over, Luyuan Star Passerby is over."

   Hu Yan Yulong lamented.

   After he finished speaking, the whole square was once again silent like a midnight grave with no one dancing.

   The sound of the wind is bleak.

   The beliefs in the hearts of many human warriors are rapidly collapsing.

   No one dared to look at Lin Beichen's eyes anymore, and they dropped their heads in shame.

   Occasionally, some of the eyes that look at Huyan Yulong are also full of anger and hatred.

   They realized that from the very beginning, in the eyes of Huyan Yulong, Qingyu Realm was a land of leeks, and they were the leeks that Huyan Yulong was about to harvest and discard.

   They were fooled, used, and eventually abandoned.

   If there were no Lin Beichen, they would definitely become a group of paupers shivering in the cold rain, and they could only die in despair.

   The huge anger, like a volcano in the making, gathered in the crowd.

   Under Lin Beichen's persecution, Hu Yan Yulong handed over all his treasures, including the control and property rights of the Star Road Flying Ship [Yangwei].

   At this time, the priest Qin and others packed up their things and came to Jianlaifeng Square.

   bang bang.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand, which directly resulted in Hu Yan Yulong.

   He squatted down and used the power of ‘Swallow’, and as expected, he felt an extremely pure force of true energy remaining in the body of this thirteenth-order lord powerhouse.

   Huyan Yulong walked on the "Elemental Bloodline".

   Lin Beichen absorbed this pure lord's true energy and stored it in his left palm and left arm.

   The arms and palms swelled in a circle without accident.

   What makes him even more dumbfounded is that the left hand now has two-thirds of the area, and the four fingers are still pure purple. What is stored here is the void devil energy that consumes the remaining Demon Race Star Path Envoy.

   and the **** is light silver.

  The arm is too.

   stores the elemental qi of Huyan Yulong.

   "It can be used for a while, Huyan Yulong's cultivation level is higher, and the bullets and shells poured out should be more powerful...beautiful."

   Lin Beichen covered his right hand with the gloves he had prepared.

   took out the phone again and turned on the face camera to take a look.


   As expected, a strand of pure white as silver hair appeared in the temple.

   This is unscientific.

  Why did you absorb other people's alien qi and change your palms, and your hair color would also change?

   It seems that I have to buy hair dye online again on [Taobao].

   It all costs money.

  He is heartbroken.

"let's go."

   Lin Beichen stood up, took the priest Qin and others, and walked towards the [Yangwei] spacecraft.

   It's up here.

   It's time to go to the Star Road to see it.

   In addition, we must also seize the time to realize the law of the star road, strive to advance to the realm of the lord as soon as possible, and open the host Zhenzhou continent.

   Everyone on the square looked at Lin Beichen's back.

   Their mood is very complicated.

   "Lin...Master Lin, please stay."

   Suddenly, the lord of Shixing City, the No. 1 human race city in the Qingyu world, rushed out of the crowd and said loudly.

   Lin Beichen looked back.

   "Master Lin, please take us with you."

   He bends down and pleads with a pleased look.

   "Yes, the Luyuan Star Passerby is over. If you want to escape here, only this spaceship is the only one. Please take us and leave."

   "We are willing to pay for travel."

   "Yes, yes, we have money, and everything is up to you."

   Some other people also rushed out, expecting to please, and pleading bitterly.

   Lin Beichen said indifferently: "Who said I want to leave Liuyuan Star Road?"

   "Then you are..."

   The city lord of Shixing City who spoke first was puzzled.

   "I'm going to Liuyuan Star Road and join the war against the demons."

   Lin Beichen was awe-inspiring, and gave a reason that even he found a little perfunctory and ridiculous.

   Of course this is perfunctory.

   The crowd was silent for a while.

"Impossible, you lied, you must escape from Liuyuan Star Road, but you don't want to take our burdens,...why? This [Yangwei] spaceship is our last hope, since you will be a hero , You can’t be so selfish..."

   The city lord of Shixing City suddenly became very excited and roared angrily.


   responded to him with a 【Broken Invisible Sword Qi】.

   Shixing City Lord’s head exploded, and the corpse fell slowly.

   "Ethical kidnapping? You idiots, why don't you understand?"

   Lin Beichen blew his hand (gun) and finger (pipe).

   iconic action.

   He said inexplicably, "I've never been a good person with strong morals, I'm worse than Huyan Yulong... For the sake of the same human race, one last warning, don't die."

   finished speaking, and turned around.

   then walked towards the [Yangwei] spaceship.

  Along with him, there are the priest Qin, Wang Zhong, Jin Chan, Guangjiang, and Xiaohuhu.

   Xiao Binggan stayed.

  Because he wanted to repay Liu Wuyan for passing on merit, reorganize Feijian Sect.

   Counseling Prince Bao and Dragon Girl Long Na also stayed.

   After a while.


  【Yangwei】The huge hull shook slowly, bursting with kinetic energy, breaking away from the gravity of the earth, and slowly flying into the air.

   "Brother, take care, when I recast the Flying Sword Sect, I will definitely go to the Star Road to find you."

   Xiao Binggan waved his arms loudly.

   He has already reached the fifth rank, and he has been given the gift of Liu Wuyan's hundreds of years of skill. He only needs to digest slowly, and sooner or later he can be promoted to the realm of the great master.

  The reason why he chose to stay was that in addition to recasting Feijian Sect and repaying Liu Wuyan's kindness, he also wanted to exercise himself, try to leave Lin Beichen's shelter, and take his own path.

   He wants to one day be able to fight alongside Lin Beichen.

   instead of hiding under Lin Beichen's wings as in the Azure Rain Realm.

   Long Na and Li Yu, the prince Bao Bao, probably have the same psychology.


  【Yangwei】The spaceship rose into the air, turned into a small black spot, and disappeared above the sky in the distance.

   On the square, the crowd has different expressions and their faces are at a loss.

   "I blame him."

   "This dog-chan..."

   "Dogs are worse."

   The angry crowd needs a point of venting.

   So countless powers that shone with different luster relentlessly bombarded Huyan Yulong's corpse, blasting it into powder.


The eighth volume is finished.

This is an excessive volume.

Mainly based on the Qingyu world, showing some settings of the prehistoric world.

After entering the Star Road, some of the previous foreshadowings will appear one after another, such as the early morning, such as Fat Tiger and his old wife, such as Han, who has not seen him for a long time... The big era is unfolding, and Lin Beichen is going to kill the Quartet.

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