Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1409: Meet head-on

The light black starship flies in the cosmic starry sky at extreme speed.

   "Unexpectedly, the dream of interstellar navigation that could not be realized in the age of earth science and technology was realized in the different world of martial arts civilization..."

   Lin Beichen stood on the deck and looked around.

   Galaxy is lonely.

   The vacuum is cold and vast, boundless.

   The stars are like sesame seeds scattered on the black curtain, small and distant, as if they are out of reach.

The appearance of a starship is similar to that of a large ship sailing in the ocean. It is divided into a deck and a cabin. It does not have sails and masts. At first glance, it is not much different from a ship in the water.

   Differences There is a star array mask like transparent glass on the deck, covering the entire deck, which can maintain the necessary conditions such as gravity and air for the survival of living things.

   There are a large number of star arrays on the starship, forming three different system matrices, which are used to maintain the three functions of survival, combat, and navigation.

   At this time, under the operation of the sailing star array, [Yangwei] absorbed the power of the elements in the void of the universe to form a tide, and with the help of its demeanor, it pushed the huge starship to fly at a rapid speed.

high speed.

   Thousands of times the speed of sound.

   The huge hull is like a black sea beast cruising in the boundless ocean.

   "Master, there is still a quarter of an hour before the next anchor jump."

   A middle-aged galaxy sailor with a beard wearing a gorgeous black armor, reporting respectfully.

  Member Hu Yanyulong’s [Yangwei] rank is not small. There are 26 galaxy sailors on board, all of whom are experienced interstellar voyagers. They are divided into two shifts and can be used to control the starship perfectly.

The name of Luo Hu is Ming Xuefeng, the captain of the [Yangwei]. He was previously employed by Huyan Yulong. He has rich experience in galaxy navigation and is quite prestigious. Now he has brought him under Lin Beichen’s “convincing people with reason”. Along with the other sailors, officially declared allegiance to Lin Beichen.

   "I see, go get ready."

   Lin Beichen nodded.

   For a starship to realize travel and transportation between planets, its own speed alone is obviously far from enough.

On the star road, there are some fixed-position “anchors”, which are naturally existing gaps in space. After the transformation of the star array, they become the “doors” for the starship to jump over time. Through these “anchors”, the starship It can instantly span a long distance and realize the navigation between boundary stars.

   This is also the most basic way to connect between the stars on the star road.

   To put it simply, the so-called "anchor points" are the entrances and exits of the expressway. Every anchor point jump is equivalent to a high-speed drag racing.   Lin Beichen turned and returned to the starship cabin.

  【Yangwei Number】shocked slightly.

   When the anchor point jumps, the star array will shrink and cannot protect the exposed deck area. If you continue to stay on the deck, you will only end up with one—


  Whether it's a human race, an orc race, a demon race, or a predecessor race, non-domain master-level powerhouses cannot physically be exposed to the vacuum of the universe.

  What is a domain owner?

   The cultivation base has reached the twenty-first level or above.

   Based on Lin Beichen's wickedly supplemented knowledge of martial arts theory in the prehistoric world in Teacher Qin's small class, dividing the martial arts realm by the level of rank is a system created by the great sacred emperor of the human race.

For tens of thousands of years, this system has spread rapidly along with the continuous expedition and colonization of the human race between galaxies, and finally spread among the orcs, demons, and prehistoric tribes, and finally became the entire prehistoric tribe. Standard martial arts realm system.

   Regarding this, Lin Beichen can only say one thing, His Majesty the Holy Emperor of the Human Race is awesome.

   Tier 5 and below are common divisions within the boundary star.

   Tier 5 to Tier 10 is the master.

   The eleventh to the twentieth level is the lord.

   Twenty-first to thirty-level domain masters.

  In the Luyuan Star Road, the domain master-level existence is already the top strongest of the pyramid, and the number is scarce, and it is very important.

   Only after reaching the domain master level can you physically cross the starry sky.

Because the distance between the planets is too far, there is generally no star array that can achieve cross-plane transportation. Therefore, the warriors below the domain master need to use starships, star beasts, or other special equipment to be able to travel in the galaxy. Travel across between.

  [Yangweihao] violently shakes.

   The feeling of ‘anchor jump’ is strange, like weightlessness, but also very short.

  The time of each jump will not exceed twenty breaths.

   Soon, [Yangwei] completed the second ‘anchor jump’.

   The slight shock of the hull gradually stopped.

   The Qin priest, Zhahu, Guangjiang and others were in retreat in the exercise cabin.

   When Wang Zhong counted the wealth collected by Yan Yulong on the [Yangwei Number], he completely entered the role of the housekeeper.

   Lin Beichen looked very leisurely because he was practicing.

  He has a fascination with the starry sky, so he walked towards the reopened deck for the first time.

   Pedal Pedal.

   There are rapid footsteps.

   "Master, there is a situation outside."    Captain Luojihu Ming Xuefeng ran up quickly.

   Lin Beichen moved in his heart and led him to the deck.

   I was surprised at first glance.

   I saw hundreds of corpses floating in the vacuum beyond the ‘anchor’. They have been completely unrecognizable due to the loss of pressure, but it can be vaguely seen that most of the dead are humans...

"That is…"

   A water finger pointed forward.

   Lin Beichen looked and found that it was a damaged starship, which had basically disintegrated, and it was still emitting exploding light, which was a phenomenon that the star array burst when it was short-circuited.

   "It's the starship of Ling Tianfu."

   Hu Mingxuefeng had a solemn expression on his cheeks, and said: "The equipment transport starship of the Ling family, they encountered the starry sky pirates of the demons... No, the battle is not over yet."

   I can only see the stars in the distance, there are flashes of fire.

   There are faint energy fluctuations coming.

   Lin Beichen took out a ‘telescope’ and looked up.

   I saw a giant starship that was more than four times the size of [Yangwei]. It was under attack. On the deck, strong humans and demons were fighting. The fighting was fierce, and people kept falling down and turned into corpses...

   The miniature demon starships are like hyenas besieging the lion, densely approaching the giant starships.

   "It is one of the four major transportation flagships of the alchemy family Ling Tianfu [Dawn]."

   Mingxuefeng also saw the battle through the star mirror.

   "Master, shall we avoid, or..."

   He looked at Lin Beichen.

"What do you think?"

   Lin Beichen encountered this situation for the first time and decided to consult a professional.

Ming Xuefeng said: "There are too many demons, and we don’t have enough manpower. Even if we go to support, it will not help... It is better to avoid them as soon as possible to avoid being involved in the battle. The interstellar pirates of the demons are cruel and crazy. We must die."

   "What you said makes sense."

   Lin Beichen nodded earnestly, and said, "So, let's go and support it."

  Ming Xuefeng: "..."

   logical thinking like this...

   The newly recognized master probably has a brain disease.

   But since they have sworn allegiance, their life is the life of the master, so they can only bite the bullet and rush up.

  【Yangweihao】Accelerated and rushed into the battlefield.


The second is more. Goodnight everybody.

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