Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1410: Lingtian Mansion's Second Beauty

Twenty-six interstellar sailors, including Ming Xuefeng, are fully armed, equipped with swords, arrows, flying claws, masks, and metal wings.

   This is the standard suit of Galaxy Sailor.

   The chopper is used for close combat. The arrows can kill the enemy at a long distance. The flying claws are used to seize the deck and escape. The metal wings and helmets can be used in a short distance and a short time to fight in a vacuum.

   "Master, we are ready."

   Ming Xuefeng led the crowd to appear on the deck, his expression calm and determined.

  The sailors all had a generous and tragic look, as if they were going to die.

   Lin Beichen showed a strange color on his face and said, "What are you doing?"

   "Fight to the death with the demon interstellar pirates."

   Ming Xuefeng had the consciousness of fighting to death in his heart.

  In the star road, galaxy sailors have a high mortality rate and are a high-risk occupation.

   When encountering danger, they are often the first to be cannon fodder.

   "Who let you play?"

   Lin Beichen waved his hand in a dumbfounded manner, and said, "Go back and control the starship. Just leave the battle to me."

   Ming Xuefeng and others were taken aback.

   Didn't you let them play?

   Could it be that this young master entered the Galaxy for the first time and didn't know the unspoken rules of the battle.

   no matter what.

   It's always good not to die.

   Ming Xuefeng waved his hand and was about to take the sailors back to the cabin.

"and many more."

   Lin Beichen suddenly spoke again.

   The sailors trembled in their hearts.

   I heard Lin Beichen continue: "Your outfit is pretty good. Are there any extras? Give me a few sets for fun."

   "There are forty spare sets on board."

   Ming Xuefeng ordered someone to fetch it immediately and give it to Lin Beichen.

  The sailors all returned to the cabin for the first time.

   "Boss, this young master's brain is not normal. It seems that he is going to work hard by himself." The veteran sailor Zhang Zheng touched his chin.

   "Yes, the fledgling young child is afraid that he will die in the hands of the demon. This group of demon interstellar pirates dare to rob even the flagship of Ling Tianfu. It is definitely not easy..." Another sailor Zhou Long also said.

Ming Xuefeng touched her beard, waved her hand, and said, "At least we don't have to work hard. Don't be careless. When you get close to the battlefield, prepare carefully. Once the situation is not right, you will immediately control the starship to escape... Whether you can survive, it depends Up."

   A group of sailors are preparing nervously.

  【Yangwei】 is fast approaching the battlefield.



   "Hahaha, Ling Taixi, I didn't expect it, you have this day too."

   The triumphant laughter echoed on the deck of [Dawn].

   Huo Jianbo, who was wearing a dark armor and a metal cloak on his back like wings, laughed. The machete in his hand cut off the head of a Lingtianfu Lord-level warrior, stepping on the blood, and approaching in strides.


   The last more than one hundred galaxy sailors, warriors of Ling Tianfu, alchemist, and young palace master Ling Taixi on board [Dawn] were forced to the deck for the final struggle.

   But the situation has fallen to one side.

   Ling Taixi was shocked and angry.

As one of the several young palace masters of Ling Tianfu, Ling Taixi looked like he was in his twenties. He was extremely young, with fair face, sword eyebrows and star eyes. The white robe was covered with golden armor, and there was a kind of bookish air on his body, like He looked like a white-faced scholar, his expression extremely angry at this time.

   "Huo Jianbai, I regard you as a close even colluded with the Mozu?"

   Ling Taixi's eyes split, watching the Huo family warriors and demon warriors coming like a tide, furious and unspeakable.

  Ling Tian Mansion dispatched its flagship this time to deliver the latest alchemy equipment to the capital of Liuyuan Star Road, Blue Pole Star. Tens of thousands of alchemists from the Ling family work around the clock, custom-built armors and weapons for the human army on the Blue Pole Star battlefield.

   This batch of alchemy equipment is very important.

   With the addition of this batch of equipment, the human army on the Blue Pole Star battlefield will greatly increase its strength, and it may not necessarily be able to reverse the current extremely unfavorable battlefield situation.

   Therefore, as the son of the palace lord, he personally escorted him.

   This operation is extremely hidden, and the route is very cleverly designed.

   The time of action is also the highest level of secrecy.

   did not expect to be ambushed to intercept the attack.

   The original problem appeared here.

   As the Young Patriarch of the Huo Family, one of the nine chairperson families on Liuyuan Star Road, Huo Jianbai secretly colluded with the demons.

   Is he crazy?

   "Haha, colluding with the demons?"

   Huo Jianbo had a cold smile on his face, and said: "We and the saints have been the best cooperative allies over the years, and we have cooperated a lot. Unfortunately, it is too late for you to know now. The dead cannot reveal secrets."

   [Dawn] has been basically controlled, and the overall situation has been determined.

   These high-priced equipment are already in the bag.

   The sound of fighting gradually stopped.

   In the end, there were less than 100 members of Ling's family, most of them were wounded on their bodies and clustered together, protecting the young palace lord Ling Taixi in the middle, and they were blocked in the bow of the [Dawn] ship.

   There is no way out.

   "Ling Taixi, you can catch it with your hands."

   Huo Jianbai waved his hand.

  The offensive also stopped.

   The densely packed corpses on the deck, blood flowing like a stream.

"Nianzai is the same as the'ten princes' on Liuyuan Star Road. You treated me well in the past. I can give you a whole body and return your body to Lingtian Mansion so that you can bury the ancestral mausoleum." Huo Jianbo stared at the crowd. Surrounded by Ling Taixi, said: "Otherwise, in the chaotic battle, the dignified'Young Master Jin Li' will just add to his body, drifting in the cold and dark starry sky, turning into stardust, and real death will not be buried. Land."

  The human races on the Star Road—especially the nobles, pay attention to the peace after death.

   If the corpse is not completely drifting in a vacuum, it will turn into stardust sooner or later, it will become a wandering soul, and it will never be able to return home.

   Ling Taixi sternly said: "It's just death, why are you afraid?"

   "You are not afraid of death, are you not afraid of your sister being humiliated in front of you?"

   Huo Jianbai waved his hand gently.

   Two Huo family martial artists in demon costumes pressed a beautiful girl with excellent appearance who was sealed and restrained by her arms, and pushed to the front of the formation.


   The girl was crying loudly with tears on her face.

   "Sister, why are you... here?"

   Ling Taixi saw this scene, his heart seemed to be severely grasped.

   Isn’t sister Ling Lingling in Ling Tianfu?

How did    get caught here?

"Hehe, the little girl is very naive and kind, and easily believes in people. I just lied to her to take her out on a galaxy trip. She happily told her parents and quietly came out with me, the brother Huo you introduced to her. Up."

   Huo Jianbai smiled faintly and walked to Ling Lingling.

   raised his hand to pinch the girl's chin, Huo Jianbo admired: "At a young age, Ling Tianfu's second-ranked beauty...hehe, watching her crying pear flower with rain, I really feel sorry for me."

  Ling Taixi breathed fire into his eyes: "Huo Jianbo, you beast, you..."

   is also the ten great sons of Liuyuan Star Road, the outstanding new generation Tianjiao of the human race, he and Huo Jianbo have a good personal education, and the younger sister knows Huo Jianbo through his brother's introduction.

did not expect…

   Knowing people, knowing faces and not knowing the heart, drawing dragons and tigers is difficult to draw bones.

Huo Jianbai let go of Ling Lingling’s chin, which was carved like mutton fat and white jade, and said indifferently: "How, I heard, before your short-lived mother is dying, I have repeatedly told you to take care of her and protect her. , I also regard this little girl as Ni Lin. For her, she gave up her position as the heir of the palace lord, and even threatened that anyone outsiders who dares to touch will die. Now she is in my hands. If you don’t hold your hands, you will catch her. Her fate is better than death. It's still miserable."

   Ling Taixi's face was bulging with blue veins, his joints in his hands were almost crushed, and his eyes were like swords, staring at Huo Jianbo.

   The latter smiled faintly, and said, "Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce it. The senior who joined me this time is the [Infatuated Elder] of the ancestor... Brother Ling, you should have heard of his great reputation."

   At this time, an old man in powder robe standing beside Huo Jianbo licked his lips and laughed.

   Ling Taixi's complexion changed wildly.

  [Infatuated Elder] Fan is like a dream?

   This person is one of the elder-level giants of the ‘Xuanxue Sect’ of the Demon Clan on the Luyuan Star Road.

  Fen Rumeng walks the way of the gods melting pot, which is also extremely rare among the demons. The destructive double cultivation takes women of the right age as the training material and discards them after use. In the demons, it is also an evil cultivation that everyone hates.

   Once any woman falls into the hands of [Infatuated Elder] Fan Rumeng, it can be said that life is worse than death.

   "Huo Jianbai, are you still a human?"

   Ling Taixi's anger is hard to suppress, but he has nothing to do.

   "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

   Ling Lingling's tears were raining, knowing that she had made a big mistake, but at this time she couldn't even commit suicide.

at this time-

   "My son, there is a Terran starship approaching in the distance."

   The deputy of this operation [Eight Armed Battle Dragon] Huo Juxue walked to Huo Jianbo's side and reported softly.


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