Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1419: Burning domain master

At this moment, Lin Beichen also felt inexplicable heart palpitations.

   He has a creepy feeling.

   seemed to be stared at by some terrifying behemoth standing at the top of the food chain, his heartbeat speeded up, blood flow speeded up, his mouth was dry and tongue, and every hair on his body seemed to be madly telling him two words—

   Run away.

   Then, Lin Beichen saw the figure in the coarse black robe that suddenly appeared.

   That is a

   She is more than four meters tall, burly, muscular, and her first look reminds Lin Beichen of the female warrior Wu Hong of the Cloud Dream City Fire Rose Adventure Team.

   But obviously, this is a woman who is countless times stronger than Wu Hong.

She suddenly appeared like a ghost. She was covered in a simple black coarse cloth robe, which was very rough cut, and she wore very old suede boots on her feet. She looked plain like an ordinary farmer who worked all day long, but she had some pen and ink on her body. An indescribable sense of ethereal and ethereal.

   Of course, this is not the reason for Lin Beichen's horror.

   With a flick of the burly woman, she flicked away the AK47 bullets filled with the seventeenth-order gold vindictiveness directly like a mosquito...This is a **** joke.

  Waiting to realize that this burly woman did not wear alchemical equipment, but with a coarse cloth robe, she survived in a vacuum without any obstruction...

  Domain master level.

   Young Master Lin finally reacted.

   "Are you Lin Beichen?"

The burly woman of the domain master class is amazing, her wheat-colored skin is full of health and strength, her bright eyes are like blooming violets, and she looks like a purple whirlpool, as if she can see through people at a glance. soul.


   Lin Beichen was really shocked.

   This mysterious landlord actually knows his real name?

what happened?

   "This seat burns the sky."

   The tall and burly woman is faintly authentic.

   Demons Burning Heaven Domain Lord?

A flash of lightning flashed in Lin Beichen's mind, and he immediately realized that the burly and beautiful woman who was more than four meters high in front of him was the rumored one, and led the declining demons to destroy the Luyuan Star passerby. The giant of the magic road 【Burning Heaven Domain Master】.

   What evil did I do?

   How come I met such a giant-level murderer when I just went out.

   Lin Beichen's throat throbbed, and asked the doubts in his heart, and said: "How do you know my name?"

   "You don't need to be nervous."

   The Lord of Burning Heaven has a calm complexion, his expression is calm, his violet-like eyes look lightly at Lin Beichen, and he said, "I know you because someone told me not to kill you."


   In Lin Beichen's mind, a light bulb lit up instantly.

   The first time he thought of the dog goddess Jianxue Wuming.

   It must be so.

   The real Yu Wen Xiuxian is loyal to Jian Xue Wuming. Once he hears someone pretending to be Yu Wen Xiuxian on the Star Road, he can make a judgment and know his true identity by asking about the details.

   "That person, is that a woman?"

   Lin Beichen asked tentatively.

   "You shouldn't know these."

The Lord Burning Heaven’s tone was indifferent and full of unquestionable majesty, saying: "She is not a human...the supreme lord, the eternal lord who controls everything, the wise man who has insight into the, change your impressions, Don't imagine her with those mundane concepts."


   I didn’t say anything.

   Why are you so excited?

   Lin Beichen was a little speechless.

   But who is the domain master?

   He did not dare to refute.

   "You go."

   The Lord of Burning Heaven waved his hand.

   Lin Beichen breathed a sigh of relief.

   Have you seen it? Being a sea king is also good. At least you may be able to tell you that a big guy suddenly pops up among the fish you raise, and you can save your life at the critical moment.


   Wait, when did I count the dog goddess in the fish?

   Lin Beichen's inner drama is very rich.

   He returned to the 【Dawning】.


   Lin Beichen hurriedly urged.

   Ling Taixi was also pale, and immediately ordered the sailor to turn the bow and prepare to speed up to leave.

   But [Dawn], no matter how powerful it is, it can't move even a minute.

   An invisible force fixed it in place.

   "I asked you to leave."

   The Fentian domain master's voice sounded on the deck, saying: "It's not for you to leave, except for you, everyone on the [Dawn] will stay here forever."


   As soon as these words came out, Ling Taixi and others' expressions suddenly changed wildly.

   The words of a domain master-level powerhouse are equivalent to a reminder that directly determines their life and death.

   Lin Beichen also stayed in a daze, only to react.

   "You mean... only allow me to leave?"

   He raised his **** subconsciously and rubbed his eyebrows.

   "Not bad."

   Burning Heaven domain master faintly authentic.

   "Without a starship, I would die if I left. Why don't you let us leave together? When I meet her when I look back, I will say something for you."

   Lin Beichen really intends to be reasonable.

   "No need."

   Burning Tianyu's main voice gradually impatience, and said: "I will give you ten breaths time. If you don't leave after ten breaths... then don't blame me for not keeping promises."

   Lin Beichen's expression suffocated.

   It doesn't give face so much.

   Forget it.

   I'd better let the dog goddess Jian Xue Wuming, tell you directly.

   Through the previous dialogue, Lin Beichen can roughly judge that the status of the Fentian Domain Lord is lower than that of Jian Xue Wuming, and may even be his subordinate.

   He summoned his mobile phone, took out WeChat, and directly started playing the video.

   "Ding Ding Ding Dong..."

   After four full breaths, the video is not connected and hangs up automatically.


   Lin Beichen's face turned pale involuntarily.

   The dog goddess lost contact again at a critical moment.

   He thought for a while, put away his phone, and said, "Senior, I have a gift for you...please check it."

   Then he picked up Type 69 and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

   The seventeenth-order gold grudge shell that was poured just now, and one more.


   The cannonball came out of the air while supporting its tail.

   "Go ahead."

   Lin Beichen drank.

   Do not expect the 69-style to kill the domain master, only hope that he can destroy his control of the [Dawn], and then everyone escapes together.


   The shell hit something and exploded directly.

   Lin Beichen's face showed ecstasy.

   What he was most afraid of was that the Lord Burning Sky had shot the Type 69 cannonballs like he had shot AK47 bullets before.

   Now the shells explode directly, there is absolutely no problem.

   But in the next moment, Lin Beichen saw the scene that shocked him the most in history.

The exploded shells released waves of vindictiveness that ruined the world. Even if it was a kilometer away, he could not help shivering, but the beautiful woman who was more than four meters tall only slowly raised one hand. , With a light grip, the energy that had already exploded and expanded, pinched it back again.

   Lin Beichen: "???"

   Oh my god.

   Is this the domain master?

   He had a chill with Chrysanthemum, knowing that he was in big trouble this time.


A beauty over four meters, do you dare to accept it?

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