Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1420: Net world demon cicada

"Since you shot me, then..."

   A faint smile flashed across the face of the Fentian domain master.

Yes it is.

   is a smile.

   She seemed to have been waiting for Lin Beichen to take action.

   pinched back the energy of the seventeenth-order golden vindictive shell in her hand, and completely absorbed it into the body, then she raised her hand slightly, and across the kilometer, she pressed the [Dawn] far away.

   A terrible scene appeared.

The void in front of you suddenly resembled solidified jelly, shrinking a sheet, a huge flame palm of a hundred meters long appeared, and then pushed through the vacuum layer by layer, the void barrier was shattered like glass, toward the 【Dawn】 Coming from crushing.

   And [Dawn] was locked by the terrifying Qi machine, unable to move at all.

   The despair of death enveloped everyone's hearts in an instant.

   Lin Beichen skipped a thousand thoughts in his mind at this moment, but he couldn't think of any effective cracking method at all.

   He has never encountered such a desperate strong man.

The degree of    is far beyond the scope of understanding.

  When they were in the host Zhenzhou God Realm, those main gods could also easily push down their giant palms in the sky. That kind of power was simply incomparable with the blow of the Lord Burning Heaven.

   is like you can easily make a palm print in the sand with your bare hands, but you can never leave any traces on the steel with your bare hands.

   is like tofu, no amount of tofu can smash steel.

   Those main gods who came to the emptiness and void, may not live for thirty breaths.

   But the Lord Burning Heaven not only survived in the void, but the power he displayed also restrained the void, causing Lin Beichen to feel a sense of despair.

   At this moment, the flow of time seems to be extremely slow.

   Lin Beichen can clearly see the expressions of everyone around him.

  The facial expressions of Ling Taixi, Ling Lingling and others changed, as if in slow motion, every muscle line was slowly involved because of the fear in the heart, and the pupils in the eyes were shrinking little by little...

   The reaction of the priest Qin, the first time he seemed to rush towards him, trying to block him.

A look of horror appeared on    Guangjiang's face, and he was also rushing towards Lin Beichen, sitting in the same motion as the priest Qin.

   The scum tiger's whole body's hair stood straight up, its hair exploded like a golden-striped hedgehog.


   Lin Beichen screamed wildly.

   He only felt that the true energy in his body was surging wildly.

   is like a spring, after being squeezed by the limit, a powerful rebound force begins to erupt.

   Click, click, click.

   There seemed to be something, it shattered in an instant.

   four consecutive beeps.

   broke through.

   I broke through.

   The Returning Primal Chaos True Qi in his body surged frantically.

   Within a single thought, I went up to four levels in a row.

   From the fifth-tier peak to the ninth-tier peak.

   The Great Master of the Ninth Order.

   One more step is the tenth-level pinnacle grandmaster.

   can hit the lord level.

  In a short time, the power of the galaxy tide in the void of the surrounding universe rushed toward his body frantically, and all the hairs and pores all over his body were greedily absorbing this power.

   Lin Beichen's face showed ecstasy.

   At the same time, a question arose in my heart.

   Why is it only oneself, acting as usual during this slow-down time, while everyone else seems to be a snail trapped in a swamp, even the palm of the flame of the Lord of Burning Heaven that is pressed from a distance in the sky is no exception?

what is the problem?

  At this time—

   "Got it-know it-know it..."

   The crisp sound of cicadas sounded.

   is Jin Chan.

   Lin Beichen couldn't be more familiar with this voice.

   He turned his head to look subconsciously, but saw the golden cicada lying on Wang Zhong's shoulder, emitting a faint golden light wave all over his body, and his wings stirred slightly, making this crisp and strange cicada cry.

   This voice has great power.

   Light waves that are almost invisible to the naked eye pass by, and the flow of time is slowed down indefinitely.

she was?

   The old lady still has such power?

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

   At the same time, it feels unexpected and reasonable.

   After all, it was in the host Zhenzhou at that time. When Qinglei was running the [Wheel of Eternity] to control the time of the entire continent, time would only run normally in the old mansion of the Lin family where Jin Chan was.


   The Fen Tian domain master in the distance also noticed something wrong.

   "Pure World Demon Cicada? There is still blood of this kind of wild relic?"

   She was shocked.

   At the same time, perform magic skills again, and press one.

  The palm prints like purple jade glaze, coming first, hitting the edge of the field of time flow heavily.


  Vacuum vibration.

   The terrifying energy of annihilation, like a hurricane that destroys the world, swept out in all directions, and the visible ripples made the vacuum barriers twisted.

   Where Destroy Ripple said, everything is gone.

   The four "Rock Mountain Star Beasts" in the four-sided void, before even the slightest roar, turned into flying ash and dissipated, becoming dust in the universe.

   At the same time, the time flow field was broken.


   "Run away."

"Be careful."


   The moment the time flow field was broken, various exclamations and screams sounded.

   The priest Qin rushed in front of Lin Beichen.

   Guangjiang stood in front of Lord Qin.

   Lin Beichen became the last one to be protected.

   The Ling family alchemists and sailors on the deck backed away in horror...

   Then, everyone looked blank.

   They didn't know what happened just now.

   But the giant flame palm that came over it has really disappeared. Only the aftermath of the horrible annihilation that swayed around [Dawn] reminds everyone that the picture they saw before is not illusory.

   "Quickly go." Lin Beichen reminded loudly.


  【Dawn】shocked, and immediately began to accelerate desperately.

   "Unfortunately, it's not a mature body."

   [Burning Heaven Domain Master]'s voice rang around.

   Everyone was horrified.

   I don't know when, this terrible enemy, with [fury] iron felt, appeared on the deck and stood in front of everyone.

   The huge body of four meters high, everyone in front of her barely reached the waist, like a dwarf.

   A huge and terrifying sense of oppression hits his face.

   The top powerhouse on the Liuyuan Star Road, staring at Wang Zhong with faint eyes.

   To be precise, it was Jin Chan staring at Wang Zhong's shoulder.


   "Protect the young master."

   The lord of Ling Tian Mansion who first reacted, immediately used alchemy, raised his hand and pushed, dozens of golden swords, imagining out of the void, attacked and killed the Lord of the Burning Heaven Realm.

   But the domain master of Burning Heaven didn't even look at it.


   A purple breeze hit.

   The golden sword immediately vaporized and disappeared.

   A dozen powerful men and sailors from Ling Tianfu also disappeared together.

   The gap is too big.

   domain master-level powerhouses, just a ray of energy aftermath, can directly gasify the lord-level existence into fly ash, and disappear between the heavens and the earth.


  Wang Zhong directly bent down and knelt on the ground.

   He put his hands on the ground, and his long black hair fell down.

   The body of Burning Domain Master shook slightly.

   At this time, Lin Beichen didn't hesitate at all. He changed his AK47 to a new magazine, and he jumped straight up.

   But even if it was shot at such a close range, the bullet that could kill the high lord would not get close to one meter in front of the Lord of Burning Heaven, before it gasified, dissipated and disappeared.

   Burning the sky!

   Lin Beichen immediately realized the meaning of the two words "burning sky" as the master of the demon clan domain.

   This is the power of the Demon Dao Flame Wind that far surpasses the fire of the Fire State of Consciousness.

   AK47's attack, not to mention breaking its defenses, even breaking through its body armor cannot be done.

   A trace of killing intent flashed between the beautiful eyes of the Lord of Burning Heaven.

   Press the jade palm.

   The terrible purple colored glass palm print, pressed against Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate at all, raised his left hand, and the power of the 17th-order golden vindictiveness exploded.

   This is the strongest power he has now.


   The amount of purple and gold fluctuates and overflows.

   The Qin priest, Guangjiang, Zhahu and others directly sprayed blood and flew out.


   Lin Beichen's left hand and left arm were instantly fractured, and blood spurted wildly.


The first update, the fourth update today.

I would like to ask everyone for a monthly pass, which starts in July.

The knife still wants to fight for the monthly pass, so I rush it, and I will work hard to update it.

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