Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1421: The big speaker winds north

The blood is sprayed from the pores.

   His skin is intact.

  Broken bones pierced the muscles, but did not pierce the skin, as if a sharp object pierced the rubber, protruding into a shape.

   "Brother Lin, let's go."

   Ling Taixi said loudly.

   Although I don't know why Lin Beichen wanted to change his name to Yu Wen Xiuxian, at such a critical moment, Ling Taixi's heart was still moved by the choice of not retreating.

   "Stop **** nonsense."

   Lin Beichen cursed without looking back.

   He raised his left hand.

   A high-explosive bomb was thrown out.

   then backed frantically, blocking a few people from the priest Qin.

Although it was an intangible thing, the Lord Burning Heaven obviously felt something. He raised his hand and grabbed it with a bang. The terrifying energy exploded in her palm, and she was immediately squeezed back by her white fingers. , Refining the energy of terror directly.

Oh shit.

   Lin Beichen swears directly.

   The domain master level is really a BUG.

   is currently invincible.

   Old Ling, although you are an employer, I can’t protect you now.

   Please ask for your blessings.

   He was cruel and decided to give up Ling Taixi and others.

   There is no way, he can't protect as much as he can, and he can't make a joke about the life of the Lord Qin and others.

   At the moment when you have a thought, you must call the [Lost Fortress] APP on your phone.

   First enter the game world and avoid it for a while.

  At this time—

   "I said not to kill you, but you dare to shoot at me."

  Fentian Territory Lord’s eyes revealed a hint of determination: "All the human races should be killed... How about letting His Highness punish? Death."

   Jade palm pressed again.

   Purple colored glass palm print is unstoppable.

   "I will be back..."

   Lin Beichen will start the [Lost Fortress] game immediately.

  At this time—

   "My old lady, your hand stretched too long."

   A bold and rugged man's voice sounded.


   Something seems to be heavy, it smashed on the base plate of the [Dawn], and the entire starship shook.

   A big rough hand covered with calluses appeared on top of Lin Beichen's head without warning, dragged the purple colored glaze palm print, and squeezed it sharply.


   is like a ball of flour being crushed.

  The five fingers with thick knuckles, and there is a faint purple mist flowing between the fingers.

   Lin Beichen only felt the sudden suffocation pressure disappeared.

   A burly and tall figure has blocked in front of him, like the safest iron wall in the world, blocking the world-destroying coercion of the Lord of Burning Heaven.

who is it?

   At the same time that this thought came to his mind, he led the priest Qin and the others to quickly retreat, constantly pulling away.

   and temporarily stopped entering the [Lost Fortress] trial space.

   Because of Wang Zhong and Jin Chan, I can’t get in.

   It's not a last resort, I really can't leave them both.

   "The Speaker."

   Ling Taixi's madly surprised voice heard.

   "The chairperson is here."

   "It's great... it's saved."

   The few surviving alchemists and galaxy sailors, with ecstasy on their desperate faces, cheered one after another, their gray faces glowing with red light.

   This burly man who suddenly appeared, instantly supported everyone's spirit of collapse.

   Lin Beichen also had time to take a breath.

  The chairperson?

   Liuyuanxing Road has only one chairperson.

   That is the highest position of the Human Race Council, the wind heads north.

   The strongest of the entire Luyuan Star Passerby.

   is also a domain master-level powerhouse.

   Boom boom boom.

   Three consecutive roars sounded.

   I saw the heroic and burly man blasting against the Lord of Burning Heaven three times in a row.

  The power of terror is fleeting.

The battle between the two major domain masters is very subtle, and the destructive power has not been fully exploded—or rather, it is the outstanding cultivation base from the north of the wind, and it is forced to suppress in a small area, even the deck of the [Dawn] is not. Shock open the cracks.

   are old opponents to each other, and have played against each other more than once.

After    three moves, the battle ended immediately.

   The Lord of Burning Heaven flickered, and he reached a hundred meters away from the [Dawn], holding the iron felt of the elder of the demon clan [Xuanxue Sect] [Furious] in his left hand, stagnating in the void.

   She didn't have the first time to watch the wind direction north.

Instead, he took a meaningful look at Lin Beichen, and then took his gaze back, saying: "The wind is north, you left the Blue Pole Star and came here alone, ha ha, could it be because this [Dawn] is better than yours. Is the human capital still important?"

"Hahaha, [Princess Huanzhu] has reached the Blue Pole Star, and a prince from the Gengjin Dynasty is also here. Why should I sit on the Blue Pole Star again? But you, Burning Heaven, you leave the army and come here, afraid I’ll never see your old deployments when I go back."

  The sound of the wind heading north is like the sand in the northern desert, sonorous and powerful, with the vicissitudes of life sweeping across the world.

   "Oh? What a coincidence? Just under the crown of the godless prophet, he has already returned to the mortal world. A little prince of the Gengjin Dynasty is not worth mentioning."

   Burning Heaven Domain Lord looked calm.

   But secretly, the hearts of the two domain masters trembled together.

   At the same time, the two realized that the wind on Liuyuan Star Road was blowing a bit too much, far exceeding the initial estimate.

   "The wind is north, meet again on the battlefield."

   Burning Heaven Domain Lord laughed, and left directly with the iron felt, his figure melted into the void in the distance.

   Domain master-level powerhouses can cross the void.

   In the next moment, the suffocating pressure on [Dawning] disappeared completely.

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  The feeling of the rest of my life after the catastrophe is so wonderful.

  Ling Taixi rushed over, bowed on one knee and saluted, with a look of excitement, as if he had seen an idol, and said: "Junior Ling Tianfu Ling Taixi, meet the speaker."

   "You don't need to be more courteous if you are a lesser man."

   The wind turned north finally.

   Lin Beichen also took the opportunity to see his face clearly.

   Guozi face, square, sharp edges and corners, the face has the color of wind and frost, the skin is rough like the sand on the next door, the nose is straight and the mouth is straight, the eyebrows are big, and the eyes are as clear as the stars in the cloudless night.

   The first feeling for Lin Beichen was like a hero from the land of Mobei in the martial arts novels, and the whole person showed a sense of boldness and ruggedness from the inside out.

   I didn't expect that the first strongest of the Luyuan Star Passer-by, the chairperson of the Liuyuan Human Race Council, turned out to be such a character.

   He was a little surprised.

   is completely different from the supreme, luxurious and majestic superiors in the imagination.

   At this time, Feng Xiang's gaze also looked over.

   "Are you Lin Beichen?"

   There is also a slight scrutiny in his eyes.

   Lin Beichen was taken aback, realizing that this big man had also heard of him, he immediately clasped his fists, not humble and said: "I have seen the speaker, thank you for saving my life."

what happened?

   I have not yet reached Liuyuan Star Road, there is already my legend on the Star Road?

   The domain masters of the two races of humans and demons have already known my name.

   He was a little puzzled, but then realized that it might have something to do with the eldest wife early morning.

Feng Xiangbei's face showed a hearty smile, nodded, and said with appreciation, and said: "Yes, very good, to be able to take the palm of the 30% strength of the old lady of Fentian, among the younger generation of the Luyuan Star Passer You are the first."

Ling Taixi next to    was surprised.

   Such a statement from the speaker of the Speaker is almost equivalent to official approval.

  The first person of the young generation of Luyuan Star passersby!

   This title is heavy enough.

   Can Lin Beichen afford it?

   But then I thought about Lin Beichen's previous record...It seems that there is really no peer who can compete with him.

   The wind turned his gaze to the north, and looked back into the distant deep space.

   "[Yangwei] is Huyan Yulong's starship, why is it in the hands of Brother Lin?"

   he asked again.

   Ling Taixi and Lin Beichen were shocked when they heard this.

   The former is because of the four words ‘Little Brother Lin’. When asked by the speaker as such, it already represents enough meaning and status, and it will definitely scare many people to say it.

   But Lin Beichen was shocked...

   I know a lot about the north direction of the wind.

   Do you want to answer honestly, it's because you killed Hu Yan Yulong.

   If you really said that, will the big speaker in front of you get into trouble and slap yourself to death?


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