Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1431: Holy Scripture Day

The second day.

   The sky is twilight.

Standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the 33rd floor noble suite, through the pure, impurity-free but solid glass, you can see the jagged buildings farther away, and the horizon outside the city, a touch of faintness The Zhaohui is as red as blood.

   The sun has not risen yet.

   The huge Liuyuan City is like a giant beast about to wake up. After the long night, it dimly opened its sleepy eyes and is slowly regaining its vitality.

   Lin Beichen's expression is not very good, a little dark circles under her eyes.

   In order to seize the time to complete the software downloads and upgrades after the system upgrade, he was squeezed alive by his mobile phone for most of the night, which was a loss of energy and blood.

In the morning, Young Master Lin gritted his teeth cruelly, risking being bitten by a dog, opened [Happy Farm], stole from [Huo’s Farm] to the upper limit, and ate dozens of [Cold Star Fruits]. It is considered to have recovered some vitality.

   Open [UU errand].

The interface inside    looks familiar.

  A map with four options underneath: "Get it for me", "Get it for me", "Buy for me", "Help in line" and "Almighty helper".

   The first four are easy to understand.

   This ‘all-round helper’ seems a bit interesting.

   Lin Beichen clicked to enter this category and found that it is really fully functional.

   has the functions of ‘carrying goods’, ‘hourly labor’, ‘caring for pets’, ‘distributing flyers’, ‘event recruitment’, ‘off-site agency’, ‘home cooking’, etc.

   In addition, you can also choose the level of ‘runner’.

   For example, from Tier 1 to Tier 40, from ordinary people to domain master-level and galaxy-level powerhouses, they can all choose.

   Lin Beichen's expression gradually became excited.

   This app is kind of crazy.

   I don’t know if I can help fight on my behalf?

   After thinking about it, he decided to experiment a little to see if this function is expensive, but he quickly closed the app.

  Because thieves are expensive.

The help fee for the lord level is from 11-20, this level, according to the difficulty of the task, the task frequency and other factors, the price ranges from 100 primordial silver to 10,000 primordial silver, while the domain master level is from 21-30, and the price soars. When it comes to hundreds of thousands...

   As for the galaxy-level powerhouse who surpassed the domain owner, it would be even more outrageous. Directly based on the predecessor gold as the unit, the starting price was 1000 predecessor gold—according to the conversion ratio of 1:100, Lin Beichen thought about it and found that he was a poor man.

   can't afford it.

   I really can't afford it.

   It seems that I am trying to make money.

   I thought that after repeated searches, I had nearly 10,000 yuan of silver on the mountain, and I was already a huge wealth. I didn't expect that in front of the mobile phone, I would always be a poor man.

   Krypton makes people stronger.

   But krypton gold will always make people poor.


   There was a knock on the door.

   "My lord, it was the Huo family who sent someone to apologize and pay compensation."

   Confidential Secretary Yi Shunan's voice sounded like a oriole, and his tone was full of respect.


   Lin Beichen was startled.

   I watched Huo Yongnian’s expression when he left last night.

   This old thing is a cannibal fox.

  I'm afraid it's to numb yourself, right?

   Huo’s revenge will definitely come.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said: "Leave the compensation and let the people go."

   "Yes, my lord."

   Yishu South Road.

   after a moment.

   The indemnity of 10,000 Honghuangyin was sent to Lin Beichen.

   "It looks like there was less blackmail last night."

   Lin Beichen regretted a little bit.

   I should have underestimated the wealth of these star road clans. For them, 10,000 yuan silver may be a drop in the bucket.

   Next time you must blackmail severely.

   As for the 10,000 wild silver in front of me...

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, then opened the upgraded [Taobao] APP again, after some selection, and weighing the price, he chose a Zongshen 250 retro motorcycle.

   Strong power.

  The body is thick and heavy.

  The key is not too expensive, only 3,000 yuan.

   This speed must be much faster than a bicycle.

   In case of an escape situation, even if it is overloaded, you can load the priest Qin, Guangjiang, and Wang Zhong, and you can escape directly with the accelerator.

   It's not that Lin Beichen has never thought about buying a car.

   But in the four-wheel option, even the BYD F0 is worth about 40,000 yuan, which is not what Lin Beichen can afford now.

   In addition, Lin Beichen bought outdoor products such as ‘lime’, ‘fluorescent powder’, ‘tactical flashlight’, ‘engineer shovel’, ‘Swiss Army Knife’...

   As for why do you do this?

   Lin Beichen vaguely felt that it seemed to be available.

   After spending a lot of money, his wealth dropped sharply.

   Lin Beichen lamented in his heart that he must find a way to make money quickly, otherwise there are many plug-ins in front of him, and there is no way to get them.

   Close [Taobao] and wait for the delivery.

   Lin Beichen opened [Jingdong Mall] again.

Speaking of it, he hasn’t bought anything on [Jingdong Mall] for a long time. Because of the mobile phone’s magic change, there are only two merchants, such as "Jianxue Wuming Grocery Store" and "Bandit Brother’s Little Store". Not many things.

   Enter the shop interface.

   No surprise, ‘Jianxue Wuming’s Grocery Store’ is still in a half-dead state. The last transaction record is the last purchase record of Lin Beichen. I haven’t made a single order in so many hours, and it’s not far from closing down.

   is "Brother Bandit's Shop"...


   "Store transfer?"

   Lin Beichen entered the shop and found that the ‘bandit brother’s shop’ had displayed a banner, and he was transferring the shop at a low price. The specific price can be negotiated face-to-face.

what happened?

   Is the old bandit already wealthy and ready to retire?

   Lin Beichen curiously sent a private message asking about the situation.

   The result did not wait for an answer.   The old bandit who used to be online at any time and replied like gold at any time, was not online, and did not reply to the message for a long time.

   Lin Beichen had to close the [Jingdong Mall] APP.

  The life of a hero is so unpretentious and boring.


   In the next two days, nothing strange happened.

   The Gale Army did not formally initiate an investigation into what happened that night.

   Huo's family seems to be really honest, no longer provoking and finding fault.

   The fourth day.

   The rumored commendation meeting for human heroes was held in the sacred Emperor's Square in Liuyuan City.

   As one of the human heroes, Lin Beichen was also invited.

   Early in the morning, accompanied by Yi Shunan and Lu Chao, riding in a military vehicle, went to the Holy Emperor's Square to award honors.

   As for why do you want to go?

   Of course, it is not because there is a reward worth 10,000 primordial silver that you must attend the honoring conference to get it.

   It doesn't matter what money is not.

   The most important thing is that the glory of the human hero gleams, which inspires Lin Beichen's great sentiment.

   Military vehicles are driving on the wide road.

   Ryukyu Star City is full of cheerful atmosphere.

   The pavilions and shops on both sides of the street are planted with the totem "Purple Obsidian Flower" star flags of the Luyuan Star Passer tribe, waving in the wind, symbolizing the best wishes.

   The citizens took to the streets spontaneously, painted with purple obsidian flower patterns on their cheeks, waving small purple obsidian star flags in their hands, and lined up long lines, like purple rivers, converging towards the sacred Emperor's Square.

   "It's a grand occasion."

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but sigh.

   This kind of picture, when I was on the earth, was only seen on the TV screen on National Day.

   In it, there is a kind of time disorder

   "A good news came from the front line. The Gale Army regained the basin west of the Tianshui River and confronted the Demon Clan Burning Heaven Army across the 3,000-meter-wide river..."

Yi Shunan sat in the front row, with a fair and pretty face with unconcealable joy, and said, "Today is also the 13th anniversary of the establishment of the Blue Pole Star Human Race Council, so everyone is very happy. At the awards ceremony, you are the protagonist, my lord."

   Lin Beichen smiled faintly, his expression calm and calm.

   I was thinking in my heart, I am the protagonist, isn’t that normal?

   The military vehicle was unblocked all the way.

   The flow of people on both sides of the street is increasing.

   The small purple obsidian star flags waving in the hands of people seem to merge into a purple river, the scene is extremely spectacular.

   Lin Beichen was also infected.

   In any case, these are compatriots of their own race. They have the most simple and true feelings. They all hope that the human race will get better and better, end the war as soon as possible, and return to the peaceful and happy life of the past.

   Suddenly, a warning sign rose in Lin Beichen's heart for no apparent reason.

   Something seems to be dangerous.


   he said suddenly.


First more.

Today is three shifts.

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