Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1432: Ceremony Day (2)

The military vehicle slowed down suddenly.


   violent explosive fluctuations.

   A beam of energy shot out from the crowd on the right without warning, and hit the front of the car heavily.

   Terrifying explosive energy is produced.

  The terrible power instantly caused the military vehicle to lose control, rotating 360 degrees, and tumbling on the road.

   "Be careful, my lord..."

   Amidst the chaos came the exclamation of the confidential female secretary Yi Shunan.

   The military vehicle rolled over and collided with the ground, bursting out clusters of fire everywhere.

   Lin Beichen looked calm, and there was a wave of anger in his heart.

   If it weren't for the sudden stop just now, I'm afraid it was that terrifying beam of light that would strike the center of the military vehicle in an instant. Even with the power of alchemy and the blessing of the formation, it would be broken and broken in an instant.

   There was an exclamation sound from both sides of the street.

   The sudden explosion sent the parade into chaos, and there were crying sounds during the trampling.

   Fortunately, the streets of Liuyuan City are spacious enough, with a width of more than 30 meters. The fluctuations caused by the explosion did not directly affect the civilian population, so there were no direct casualties.

   After three or five breaths—


   The first half of the military vehicle was broken, smashing heavily to the ground.

   The flame burns.

   The sound of the chaotic explosion of the body formation continued to be heard.


  The broken car door was smashed open.

  Yi Shunan, with blood on his forehead as smooth as jade, rushed out of it, and said loudly for the first time: "Master Lin, Master Lin..."

   "I'm fine."

   Lin Beichen's voice appeared behind her.

   "My lord, are you okay, you..."

   Yi Shunan is overjoyed.

   As long as Lin Beichen is intact, thank God.

At this time, the female confidential secretary only felt severe pain in her head, and her sight was blurred with blood, but she did not care about it. She subconsciously raised her hand to launch a signal for help, and at the same time urged her defensive alchemy equipment [Flowing Firefly Dance] for the first time. More than a dozen fluorescent lights danced and turned into a protective cover, covering all the four-meter radius of the broken military vehicle.

   When turning around to look.

   However, I saw Lin Beichen all over his body, only a few damages on his outer robe were not injured. He was breaking through the broken roof of the military vehicle and rescuing another confidential secretary, Lu Chao, who was trapped in it.

   Compared to Yi Shunan, Lu Chao's injury is much heavier.

At least eleven pieces of broken metal pierced between his chest and abdomen, and a sharp piece of metal like an iron stick pierced his right chest. The whole person had lost the ability to move, and blood was gurgling from the wound. Outflow is at stake.

   And at this time, the change suddenly occurred.

Among the chaotic crowds on both sides of the street, four Liu Ying burst out like lightning, holding a dark green saw sword, and instantly smashed Yi Shunan’s alchemy defense equipment [Liu Ying Wu], as fast as a ghost, towards Lin Beichen Struck.

   This scene, due to the angle, fell in Lu Chao's eyes.

   He struggled and was anxious.

   "Go, leave me alone, there are... assassins." Regardless of his own safety, Lu Chao shouted loudly: "My lord, be careful, behind..."

   "Don't talk nonsense."

   Lin Beichen's voice was extremely calm.

   He didn't look back.

Holding the'Swiss Army Knife' that only oneself can see in his hand, he injects Guiyuan Chaos True Qi, the blade flickers, and sneers a few times, just like cutting leather, shredding the broken metal shell of the military vehicle and the metal thorn. Lv Chao was pulled out.


   He flew a kick, kicked the broken military vehicle out, and crashed into a Liuying assassin who rushed forward.


   The assassin's general car opened with a sword.

   But his body shape was blocked, he paused slightly.

   The frontal attack was resolved.

   But the assassinations on the left and right have come.

   The two Liuying Assassins were already close, one on the left and the other on the right. The serrated swords were like green snakes, blooming murderously, and stabbing Lin Beichen's left and right temples.

"grown ups…"

   Yi Shunan, who was trying his best to hold the fourth assassin from the rear, saw this scene and let out a desperate cry.

   She seemed to have seen Lin Beichen's head pierced to death.

   The protection mission failed.

   But the next moment—

   bang bang.

   The heads of the two assassins turned into blood mist and disappeared.

  Instead, it was Lin Beichen who was stabbed in the left and right temples. No vellus hair was broken. The skin at the temples, let alone damaged, did not even leave a trace of white marks.

  Sir is still alive?

   Yi Shunan and Lu Chao were ecstatic almost at the same time.


   The assassin on the front also exploded his head, following in his footsteps.

   The last assassin, seeing the situation is not good, withdrew and retreated like lightning.

   The so-called assassin, miss a hit, and flee thousands of miles away.

   There is absolutely no reason to fight.

   For a truly elite assassin, the most important thing to do before starting an action is to plan a retreat.

   As long as you mix into the chaotic crowd on the roadside, you can complete the dress up instantly, just like a drop of water sinking into the sea and disappearing without a trace.

   Even if it is a strong domain master, it can't be distinguished in the first time.



   His thighs exploded directly and disappeared.

  The unbalanced body fell towards the ground. The assassin reacted very quickly, enduring the severe pain, and supported the ground with one hand, and the force of his arm was about to bounce into the crowd...


   Before he could exert force, his left arm disappeared.


   The assassin could no longer maintain his balance and fell in a pool of blood.

   At this time, the guards of the Gale Army finally came to maintain order.

   "Quickly, catch that live-mouth interrogation."

   Yi Shunan let out a sigh of relief and showed his military, officer, certificate.

"already dead."

   A young human guard of Gale Army came to the assassin with a severed arm and hand. He observed a little, shook his head, and said: "Death by suicide, there is no cure for poisoning under the tongue... eh?"

   The voice did not fall.

   The facial skin of this guard instantly turned dark green, and his whole body stiffened like petrification and fell to the ground.

   Yi Shunan suddenly remembered something, and said: "It's the assassin of [Central Silkworm Broken Soul Tower], the poison of Broken Soul... Retreat quickly, everyone, don't get close, retreat to three meters away, quickly."

  As an elite-level staff officer trained by the military, Yi Shunan's theoretical knowledge is extremely solid. He recognized the origin of the green poison and immediately reminded the military guards to withdraw loudly.

   It is a pity that a young military soldier died in vain.

   The situation was gradually brought under control.

   More military guards arrived.

   The seriously injured confidential staff officer Lu Chao was sent to the hospital for first aid.

   Yi Shunan injured his forehead, but had stopped the blood. After bandaging himself, he insisted on continuing to follow Lin Beichen.

   The little secretary looked very nervous, and wanted to stay alive and dead to protect Lin Beichen, like a vigilant little white rabbit to protect the rough-skinned big bad wolf, and stand in front of Lin Beichen.

   "Meng Wunan, Master Lin, don't panic, please come with me." The middle-aged general in his forties, in armor, walked over to salute.

   "Stop, army. officer. certificate."

   Yi Shunan is very vigilant, loud and authentic.

   The middle-aged general was startled, and immediately smiled, reached out his hand and took out a metal nameplate similar to an ID, and it lit up towards Lin Beichen.

   "Huh, it's the army. The officer. The certificate..."

   Yi Shunan breathed a sigh of relief.

   The voice did not fall.


   A dense turquoise needle beam spouted from the palm of the hand behind the military officer's certificate of "Meng Wunan".

   The distance of three or five steps.

   The speed of the fine needle beam is as fast as lightning.

   Yi Shu Nan instant realized that it was not good, and it was too late to shout, so he subconsciously stepped in front of Lin Beichen, trying to block the conspiracy with his flesh and blood.

   But my shoulders sank.

   She was already stopped by Lin Beichen in her arms, and she turned around abruptly while holding her arms tightly.

   Boom boom boom boom boom.

  The sound of the drumhead resembling a cowhide drum being clicked by the rain came.

   Yi Shunan opened his eyes wide.

   She never dreamed that the person she had sacrificed her life to protect was actually using this desperate way to embrace her with her broad chest, and with a solid back to block the terrible hidden weapon, she saved herself.

   At this moment, Yi Shu Nanji's tears fell.

  If Master Lin is assassinated in this way, it means that the mission has failed. How he can be worthy of the trust and cultivation of the Gale Army is definitely a stain on the entire Army, and it is difficult to wash away.

   comes from the assassin's assassin in the [Central Silkworm Broken Soul Building].

   shelling, breaking the car, killing, and protecting Yi Shunan, Lu Chao died.


There is one more today

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