Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1435: They are also worthy?


   Lin Beichen's heart moved, already vaguely guessed, and nodded calmly at the moment.

  The award ceremony continues.

   The atmosphere is still warm.

   The cheers of the surrounding citizens were like flash floods, wave after wave.

  The parliament and the military department are doing everything possible to inspire the morale of the human race and inspire the fighting spirit of the civilians.

  Establishing idols and heroes is undoubtedly the best way.

   Lin Beichen stood on the main stage, receiving worship from all.

   His smiling face is almost stiff.

   Seeing that the whole ceremony was about to end, Lin Beichen had already begun to turn around and exit. At this time, unexpected changes appeared that no one had expected.

   "Wait a minute."

   A loud cry of sadness sounded in the VIP management area under the main stage.

   The voice was loud, inspired by infuriating energy, and concealed the cheers of the surrounding crowd.

   Everyone looked at the sound source.

I saw an old man with white hair, dressed in white clothes, holding a white banner in his hand, described as haggard, step by step to the main stage, sadly said: "Old man Huo Yongnian, Liuyuan City's "Deshenghui" meeting Long, with great sadness and grievances, I want to ask the human hero Lin Beichen..."

   Deshenghui is the largest Dancao wholesale group in Liuyuan City.

   is also the industry of the Huo family.


   What is this old drama spirit going to do?

  The named Lin Beichen looked indifferent, turned his head in surprise, and looked over with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

at the same time.

   The grand speaker Feng Xiangfeng, several speakers, and the radicals of the four major military headquarters, all of a sudden, their complexions changed slightly, and their expressions were different.

   Obviously, these big guys standing at the top of the pyramid didn't know beforehand that Huo Yongnian would suddenly come out at the enthusiastic commendation meeting.

   "Mr. Huo, what's the matter, please talk about it later."

   The Speaker Feng Xiangbei suddenly got up and said slowly.

   "The old man can't wait."

Huo Yongnian's expression of grief and determination was very firm, and said: "The old man here today does not represent the Huo family, but only on my own behalf. Elderly, besides, I just have a few words to ask the human hero Lin Beichen, as long as he answers truthfully, I immediately retreat."

   At this time, there was finally a burst of noise among the crowd in the square.

   Some civilians recognized Huo Yongnian's identity.

  "Three days ago, on behalf of the Huo family, the old president of the "Deshenghui" who donated a huge amount of military resources to the four major military departments...How did he dress up for nothing? What's wrong?"

   "I heard that his son was killed."

"which one?"

   "Huo Hanshan."

   "Yes, I heard that the young man from the Huo family was very brave on the battlefield. He killed a lot of demons and was named a human hero. Why didn't you see it among those who received the award today?"

   "The donation of military resources by the old president is the conscience of businessmen."

   The crowd talked a lot.

   Some news spread quickly among the crowd.

   Many people saw Huo Yongnian's desolation and grief on his face, and immediately felt strong sympathy.

   A trace of anger flashed in Feng Xiangbei's eyes.

   He has guessed what Huo Yongnian is going to do.

  How did he not know the small movements of the Huo family in these days?

   Secretly slander Lin Beichen, stigmatize this young man, and use various channels and methods to continuously spread the news. This is what Huo Yongnian did.

   However, these were all directly and strongly resolved by the parliament.

   After all, the overall stability of the human race is the most important thing.

   What's more, Huo Hanshan deliberately provoke Lin Beichen with the thought of ‘fishing’, which is really a dead end.

   I thought that with the attitude of the council, it was obvious that Huo Yongnian would converge wittily. He didn't expect this old fox, who had always been very good at weighing, to be so fierce this time, he went straight to the main stage.

Is he crazy?

   "I repeat, President Huo, please return."

   Although the grand speaker Feng Xiangbei looks rough and bold, he is delicate in mind and very decisive. He narrowed his eyes and released a hint of threat.

However, Huo Yongnian obviously came here with a desperate attitude. He ignored the threat of the Speaker at all. He glared at Lin Beichen and said, "Lin Yingxiong, the old man asked you, three days ago, in the Dafeng Building, you were because of a woman. He was jealous of fighting for the wind, and brutally killed Huo Hanshan, who was also a human hero, didn't he?"

   Lin Beichen smiled faintly, and said, "No."

   Huo Yongnian was startled.

   The Speaker Feng Xiangbei, the marshal of the four military headquarters, and others did not expect that Lin Beichen would not make any excuses, but simply and rudely deny it.

   It’s just’s not wise.

   Huo Yongnian sneered, then gritted his teeth and asked: "For this woman to fight for the wind, you also killed Huo Hanquan, the super general of the Qingyan Army, didn't you?"


   Lin Beichen continued to shake his head.

Feng Xiangbei and the others next to    felt a little bit in their heart.

   Direct denial is undoubtedly the worst option.

   What Huo Yongnian said, there must be absolute evidence—in fact, it is not difficult to obtain evidence for everything that happened in Dafenglou that day.

   "Just because of a statement of righteous indignation, you killed my old man Huo Qing from Deshenghui, didn't you?"

   Huo Yongnian took a few more steps and asked sharply.


   Lin Beichen continued to deny it.

   His expression was calm as if it were a frozen lake.

   Huo Yongnian sneered and said: "I'm finished asking what the old man said..."

   As he spoke, he directly used the elemental realm to project a picture of Lin Beichen killing Huo Hanshan, Huo Hanquan and Huo Qing in the void above.


   There was an exclamation in the square.

   Lin Beichen is the ‘human hero’ promoted by the parliament and the military during this upcoming conference, and his previous achievements are also the most grand.

   young hero, handsome and unparalleled.

   had already passed this award ceremony and established a perfect image.

   But as the content of the low-altitude elemental realm screen appeared, many ordinary civilians were stunned, feeling as if something was slowly collapsing, and some people even had the anger of being deceived...

"I know that both the parliament and the military department have big figures to protect you. You are not allowed to have flaws in your heroic image. They are trying their best to suppress your negative, face, and dissipate, but the evil is overwhelming. Even if the old man is fighting. I die, fighting for the lives of thirty-six members of the whole family, fighting for my virtue, and I will expose you..."

   "Old man's son, they shed no less blood on the front line than you, and they made no less contribution to the human race than you, but because of a woman, you killed them..."

   "A butcher like you, a demon like you, what qualifications do you have to be a human hero?"

   "If you don't expose you today, I don't know how many innocent people will be deceived by you little thief, and they will die in your hands..."

   Huo Yongnian was full of expressions and expressions, and repeated angrily, and finally asked: "Why don't you speak anymore? You have a guilty conscience? You speak."

   Lin Beichen smiled.

   raise his hand.

  【Broken invisible sword energy】.

   I said NMB.


   Huo Yongnian’s left chest was directly shot out of a blood hole with a thick bowl. The front and back were translucent, and the organs in the chest cavity were directly exploded into blood sludge.

   He looked down at his chest.

   then slowly raised his head.

   looked incredible.

   On such an occasion, in such a situation, how dare Lin Beichen kill?

  How dare he?

   How dare you?

   Is he a brain-dead?

  Vitality is like the sand between fingers, as it passes away irretrievably.

   Huo Yongnian's body trembled slightly.

"you are wrong."

Lin Beichen blew his hand (gun) and pointed (pipe), his handsome and unparalleled face was full of pity, smiled at Huo Yongnian faintly, and said: "Just your two trash sons are worthy of making me jealous? I will kill them. It’s just because they are so ugly."


The second is more.

There is one more.

I was delayed in urgent matters during the day, the update is late, sorry everyone

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