Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1436: Think about it every day

"Do you know why I didn't shoot your head directly?"

Lin Beichen looked at Huo Yongnian, as if looking at a stupid dog, mockingly said: "Because I just want you to feel my willfulness while you are still alive... Well, I said so, you Can you understand?"

   Huo Yongnian weakly covered the hole in his heart.

   The sticky blood wetted his palm.

   can hold the wound.

   can't catch death.

   He was already speechless.

Lin Beichen’s eyes were full of sarcasm, and said: "You said you worked hard and exhausted all kinds of conspiracy, what is the use? You are too stupid, the so-called reputation, the so-called evaluation, the so-called prestige, these are for me. In terms of meaninglessness, I don't care at all. You hit me with these things that I don't care about? It's so stupid and pitiful."

   Huo Yongnian's face was pale, his body swayed, and he could no longer stand.

   Life is passing away quickly.

   But the ridicule from Lin Beichen scared him more than the passing of life.

   He has never met such a person.

   is like a punch with all his strength, wanting to kill with one blow, but in the end he was lonely and broke himself.



   and fear...

   Feelings are coming like a tide.

   Huo Yongnian's facial expressions are distorted.

   "Okay, I'm finished."

   Lin Beichen smiled happily, and said: "You can go to reunite with your two brute sons. The family must be neat and tidy."


   Huo Yongnian's head exploded and disappeared.

   Solved the trouble cleanly and in the way he was best at, Lin Beichen waved gently and gently at the countless people in the square who were in extreme shock and sluggish silence.

   "Fathers and villagers, meet again, my name is Lin Beichen."

   "I killed a lot of demons."

   "I also killed a lot of bad guys."

   "I am a good person with a bad temper."

   "Everyone try not to mess with me."

   "Because I'm not easy to mess with."

   "Sometimes I get crazy and even afraid of myself."

   After finishing speaking, his chin was slightly raised forty-five degrees, facing the bright sunshine in the sky, showing a smile that was brighter than the sun, Lin Beichen's pose was perfect.

   The white-clothed boy gathers in the sun.

The people below    haven't recovered yet, there is no longer this handsome and jealous young man in white on the main stage.

   There was an uproar.

   The big members of the parliament and the military, including the chairman Feng Xiangbei, also withdrew their foreheads in a complex mood.

   They understood that, in fact, Lin Beichen's last few words were not addressed to ordinary citizens on the square.

   It is specifically for them who are secretly watching for trade-offs.


"it's not like that."

Without knowing where the courage came from, the little secretary Yi Shunan rushed to the main stage, facing the tens of thousands of people in the square below, facing their gazes, shouting loudly: "It's not what Huo Yongnian said. , Master Lin is not that kind of person..."

   She opened the [Elemental Realm] technique.

   When the assassin who encountered the [Tian Can Broken Soul Tower] was assassinated by the sky projected from the sky, Lin Beichen desperately saved himself and Lu Chao.

   "My name is Yi Shunan, the third-level staff officer of the Gale Army, and my colleague Lu Chao and I can testify for Master Lin. The Huo family was rude first..."

   The little girl stood alone on the main stage, trying to explain loudly to the crowd rolling down like a pot of boiling water.



   "Here, right here."

   The Speaker of the Speaker Feng Xiangfeng brought Lin Beichen expressionlessly to the door, and said, "That lord, is waiting for you inside, let's go in."

   How honorable is a person who can be called an adult by the chairman of the Liuyuan Star Road?

   Lin Beichen glanced at him and said, "Won't the speaker go in together?"

   The wind shook his head northward: "I'm waiting for you outside."

   How honorable is the status of the person who can make the Speaker of the House wait outside willingly?

   Lin Beichen pushed the door in.

   Outside the gate is a very wide interior view of the palace.

The white jade ground has a light and rough texture. The white domes support the dome with the arc top. There are ancient tables and stone chairs, fruits and jugs, and the floor-to-ceiling windows on one side are not blocked by glazed glass. The wind from outside blew in and lifted the white tulle hanging on both sides!

  All the layouts are elegant and simple.

   The door rumbled shut behind him.

   Lin Beichen glanced around in the room, but did not see any figures.

   Could it be that Feng Xiang Bei Lao Yan was dim and brought the wrong room?

   He was surprised.

While    was thinking, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him.

   Lin Beichen turned around abruptly.

   A purple shadow has already jumped in front of him, slamming into him with teeth and claws.

   Lin Beichen had time to open his arms, and Qianying got into his arms.

   "I guessed it was you...huh?"

   Before Lin Beichen finished a sentence, his mouth was severely blocked by another small rosy and sweet mouth.

   Wenxiang Nephrite is full of arms.

   Between the lips and teeth, the sweet body fluid exchanges with each other.

   Qianying’s kissing skills are very jerky.

   But it is as passionate as a flame that can melt everything.

   She carried the familiar breath of Lin Beichen.

   A great philosopher once said recently that when a man kisses, he can't help but want to pinch something with his hand.

   Lin Beichen is no exception.

   "Hee hee..."

   Qianying in her arms grabbed his hands, then slammed him against the stone wall, bit his lips, and stared at him viciously, saying, "Say, do you miss me?"

   "I think about it every day."

   "Just every day?"

   "I think about it every hour."

   "Just every hour?"

   "I think about every breath."

   "Although I know you are lying to me, I am still very happy."

In the early morning, he slipped into Lin Beichen’s arms again, and the head leaned tightly against his neck, breathing the warm air coming from his neckline, and said: "I also miss you, when I am awake, I think about it when I am dreaming. , I think even more between half-dreaming and half-waking...I really miss you every time I breathe."

   "So I came to you."

   Lin Beichen gently embraced the beauty in his arms.

   He could feel it, too much thoughts accumulated in his small body in the early morning, and at that moment, desperately unreservedly burst out.

   "Huh, obviously I am looking for you."

   In the early morning, she wrinkled the delicate Qiong nose in dissatisfaction, and said: "I have been waiting for you in Liuyuan City for several days. You must have known it a long time ago, but you have never come to me."

Lin Beichen smiled and scratched his elder wife’s nose, and said, “There is a reason why I didn’t take the initiative to come to you. After you left, I promised my dad that I would bring him to come to you. But now Our dad is still trapped in the host real continent. I was planning to be promoted to the lord level..."

   After he left early in the morning, everything that happened in the host country, Jinshu, was said again.

   The two came to the window holding hands.

   The breeze is coming.

   The world is suddenly beautiful.

   "Let Uncle Feng bring you here, there is a very important thing, I want to tell you."

Early in the morning, he tilted his head and leaned on Lin Beichen’s shoulders, faintly saying: “In the depths of the Blue Pole Star, there is a Grade A void ancient battlefield site sealed, which is very dangerous, but it also stores great opportunities. …The reason why the Demon Race into the Blue Pole Star at all costs is also related to this ancient battlefield ruins. Three days later, the gate of the ruins will appear. As a sacred emperor, you want to advance to the lord level. This is an opportunity. It should be in this ancient battlefield. I have an incomplete map of the ancient battlefield here, from the Gengjin Dynasty scrolls. You read it and write it down in shorthand."

   She took out a light black irregular metal plate.

   is the so-called incomplete map.

   Lin Beichen was startled, and immediately said in astonishment: "This map...couldn't you stole it?"

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