Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1443: Red Armor

The dilapidated walls and gate towers of the ancient city of Dongyang, under the erosion of the years, have become like ghosts.

  Especially the city gate, the scale was originally a hundred feet high and towering like a mountain, but it was a huge odd-shaped three-toed palm print directly smashed into pieces, most of the gate building collapsed, and the three-toed palm print was clear.

   What level of power will be the one who smashes the gates?

   Lin Beichen imagined it for a moment, and felt terrible.

   Because he casually found a broken city gate stone, and found that with his own strength, even such a small stone could not be broken at all.

   "Dongyang City should be the city of the human race in the past."

   Lin Beichen rode a wildfire big motorcycle and brought nine bodyguards into the city.

   The buildings in the city have basically been razed to the ground. Looking at it, they are all in ruins.

   There are also huge three-toed footprints on the ground. Just one of the toes is 100 meters long, and the shadow of Jurassic Tyrannosaurus reappears in Lin Beichen's mind.

   But if you compare it carefully, the footprints of Tyrannosaurus rex are definitely not so big.

In addition to these three-toed footprints, there are various other messy marks, such as dents that seem to be smashed by the tentacles of a hundred-meter octopus, a large pit left by a three-headed monster falling to the ground, and a similar monument. On the building of, a human-shaped embedded trace appeared...

  It can be imagined that a long time ago, what a tragic war broke out in Dongyang City.

   Countless years have passed, and the aura left by the fierce battles of the former extreme powers has dissipated.

   But many traces still remain.

   Lin Beichen's wish to make a fortune in the city broke.

   Because there is nothing but ruins in Dongyang City.

   No gold or silver jewelry, no magic weapon.

   Not even the bones of the dead.

   Lin used [Baidu Map] to search for [Yuan Xue].

   "Huh? In Dongyang City, there really is an existence of vitality."

   Seeing the red-marked target on the map interface, he was overjoyed, and immediately drove the little brother over.

   As shown in the map navigation, there is no danger in the city.

   So he drove quickly.

   Finally, I reached the center of the city.

In front of    there appeared a huge inverted cone-shaped deep crater, which seemed to be a tiankeng smashed by a meteorite. Standing on the edge of the crater and looking down, he couldn't see the bottom at a glance, and was submerged by the chaotic fog.

  【Ancient Battle Soul】Exuding anxiety and anxiety.

   They are a little timid, it seems that there is something terrible hidden in the pit below, and they don't dare to come close.

   "You are waiting for me here."

Lin Beichen thought for a while, and did not force the boys to follow. One of them lost a bone and let them wait outside the pit. He rode a 250 motorcycle, dived, and rumblingly along the pit wall towards the bottom. Rushed away in the chaotic gray fog.

   As for why go down on a motorcycle?

   Of course, it’s because the speed is faster when running.

   Such ‘heroic’ actions surprised the [Ancient Battle Spirits] and admired their boss more and more.


   "The strong."

   "Captain, Captain."

   They communicated their mental fluctuations with each other.

   Amidst the circumstances, they found a reason to follow Lin Beichen other than ‘Bone’.

   The demons have always been a race that worships the strong and the brave.



  The Ghost Fire motorcycle swooped to the bottom of the giant pit.

   Out of Lin Beichen's expectation, the area underneath is quite large, like a football field.

   The chaotic and gray fog disappeared.

   Seeing the scene in front, Lin Beichen's pupils shrank suddenly.

   White bones are like mountains and birds start to fly.

At the point of    a huge pit, where the air is clear and clear, is a small hill piled up with densely packed human bones. The visual impact is too terrifying...

   Lin Beichen stood under the bone mountain and looked up.

   Can't see the top of the mountain.

   The bones are of different shapes and sizes. Obviously they are not from the same creature, so they are different in color. They are gold, silver, purple, white, blood... shining with strange light, colorful, just like that spring flower...

  艹, almost sang it out.

   Lin Beichen shook his purple skull head and continued to observe carefully.

  The colorful skeletons formed a kind of treacherous realm, dispelling the chaotic gray fog in the tiankeng, forming an inverted hood-like clear area.

   According to [Baidu Navigation]...

   "[Yuan Xue] is at the top of Wucai Bone Mountain."

   Lin Beichen sighed.

   just got down a **** and want to climb this mountain again.

   He thought for a while, gave a throttle, and then rushed towards Bone Mountain.

   Since the navigation display is not dangerous, don’t be afraid.


  The ghost fire motorcycle smashed through the bones of hundreds of powerful people.

   after a while.

   reached the top of Bone Mountain.

   "Good fellow."

   Lin Beichen stopped and took a breath of cold air.

   On the top of the mountain, at first glance, there is a white round rock over six meters high. The whole body is white, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not a rock at all, but the skull of an unknown giant spirit creature.

   "It looks like some kind of python or dragon skull."

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

   A skull alone is so huge.

   The complete skeleton is probably fifty or sixty meters high.

   Of course, what shocked Lin Beichen most was a middle-aged man in red armor sitting cross-legged on this giant snow-white skull.

   He has a large frame, a burly stature, a face like white jade, and his facial features are straight. His eyes are closed, and his hands are on his knees, as if he is resting on a vacation.

   The invisible murderous intent radiated from the middle-aged man.

   A simple silver long sword is inserted upside down in the bones of the giant skull around him.

   Is there a living person?

   Could it be a certain Liuyuan Star Road expert who came in before?

Do not.

   is wrong.

   The aura and coercion that this middle-aged person exudes can be far more tyrannical than the domain master.

   And his armor style...obviously an extremely ancient style.

   This is a strong human race in the era of disillusionment.

   Lin Beichen sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi.

   If this is the case, I am afraid it will have hundreds of thousands of years of life at this time.

   How terrible is the strength?

and many more.

   No, there is only coercion and evil spirits in this person, but there is not the slightest breath of life flowing out.

   and the [Nature Blood] marked by [Baidu Navigation] is indeed the location of the middle-aged man in red armor.

   Could it be...

   Lin Beichen suddenly understood something in his heart.

   This person has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years.

   It's just that the cultivation base was too high during his lifetime and the fighting spirit was fierce, so the body is immortal.

   The numerous bone mountains below, I'm afraid it was caused by killing a foreign race before this life.

   Lin Beichen is very respectful.

   With a move, he jumped onto the skull of the giant creature, and stood ten meters away from the middle-aged man in red armor.

  The closer the battle, the more terrible middle-aged people can be felt.

   is burly and majestic.

   in red armor, he is a hundred warriors.

   "Lin Beichen, descendant of the human race, pay respect to senior."

   Lin Beichen removed his [Magic Camera] disguise and respectfully saluted the middle-aged man in front of him.

   If you want to take someone’s [yuan blood], you have to respect it naturally.

   The dead are gone, but they are sages after all.

   Jun did not see Duan Yu, the elder son of Dali, in front of the fairy sister in the cave under Wuliang Mountain, kowtowing for more than a hundred, only to get the [Lingbo Weibu] cheat book.

   Let's talk, Lin Beichen slowly stepped forward, preparing to take the [yuan blood] from his body.

at this time-


   The middle-aged man in Chijia suddenly opened his eyes.

   His eyes are like swords, fierce.


The first is more.

It was too painful and insomnia last night. I got up late in the morning.

Today, people are very haggard, so keep the bottom line.

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