Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1444: Is the human race still alive?

Damn it, cheated on the body?

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   seemed to be seen through the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys by the middle-aged man in red armor. He couldn't even breathe for breath. He just felt his body was stiff, as if he was frozen, unable to move even a single hair.

   "One sword cut the long whale, Tianhe was in the red for three years, and the spirit was intimidated by hundreds of people, and it can strengthen our soul."

   There is a long whistling sound among the middle-aged Chijia population.

   The silver long sword beside him began to buzz and vibrate.

   The sword aura visible to the naked eye burst out.

   The entire Wucai Bone Mountain began to shook.

   In the surrounding void, there is a faint voice of ten thousand souls crying, it seems that there are countless souls roaring, and it seems to be wailing in fear.

   Outside the colorful force field mask, the chaotic gray mist suddenly boiled.

  , like boiling water that suddenly boiled, it stirred violently.

   Lin Beichen was frightened.

   In the next moment, I only felt that between the sky and the earth, the sword intent rushed into the sky, the light and shadow became blurred, the surrounding scene changed, and the sound of killing was looming.

   Time and space flow.

   A majestic city appears in the chaotic air currents like a water screen movie screen.

   is Dongyang City.

   Standing on the head of the city is a stalwart red-armored **** general. Beside him are countless human warriors in armor, densely covered with the wall, their expressions are solemn and nervous, waiting for the arrival of the enemy...

   Suddenly, a change appeared.

   In the sky above Dongyang City, a purple crack tens of thousands of meters long appeared.

Do not.

   is not a crack.

   is a huge eye tens of thousands of meters long.

   What kind of eyeball is that.

   It's hard to imagine what kind of creatures exist between the world and the earth, with such a huge eye.

   Purple eyeballs exude endless magical energy.

   Immediately between the heaven and the earth, countless monsters were summoned and attacked towards Dongyang City overwhelmingly.


   "Swear to the death to guard Dongyang Realm, guard Dongyang City."


   The strong humans and warriors on the head of the city roared loudly.

   They are very brave and will not retreat.

   The ancient star array in the city is excited.

  The war broke out completely.

   This is a bitter battle.

  The void monsters coming from their chests are of different shapes, and they are burning with purple flames, covering the sky and the earth, densely and endlessly, like a flood.

   However, the Scarlet Armored God General and other human race powerhouses have never retreated, and have repelled the attack of the Void Monster again and again.

   Under the city wall, the corpses of monsters are piled up like a mountain.   The strong human race also suffered heavy losses.

   But morale is always high.

   However, chaos broke out in the city suddenly.

   Then the chaos spread to the head of the city, affecting the strong human race who was fighting bravely.

   "The Huanggu clan is making trouble."

   Someone chanted.

I saw a team of people in the city, all wearing golden golden armor, extremely elite, and their appearance is also a human race, but they have a butcher knife at their own people, and they quickly fly to the top of the city, and make a surprise attack on the strong human race who is stationed in the battle. rush ahead.

  Many strong human races who fought **** battles with the void monsters were caught off guard and fell under their own swords...

   The star array in Dongyang City was also destroyed.

   At this moment, the void monsters swarmed in.

   A strange terrestrial bird more than 600 meters high, burning with purple magic light, fell from the sky, stepped on it with one foot, and smashed the gate of Dongyang City directly.

   "This footprint..."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   is exactly the shape of the shattered gate tower I saw outside Dongyang City before.

   The picture in front of you reproduces the war of the era of destruction?

  Dongyang City was breached.

   Monsters flood in like a tide.

   The civilians in the city were slaughtered, and countless human warriors roared and fell into a pool of blood.

   The fierce lick of war. Everywhere in Dongyang City.

   In addition to the defenders, there are countless civilians in the city.

  The human race of this era, the body of ordinary people is all fragile,

   There are also strong human races who will never retreat.

   "Kill, never retreat."

   "If this realm is broken, our ancestors are in danger."

   "Dongyang Army, war and war."

   "My son in Changyang, let's fight to the death for my father, hahahaha."

   Amidst the shouts and killings, a series of strong human figures fought back and desperately resisted. The Chijia God General was obviously the highest-ranking person in this place.

   In the era of a hundred races, the human race was just a small race.

   Especially at this time of the war, the human race has only two planets, Dongyang Star and Ancestral Star, and the number of people has dropped by more than 90%. At critical moments, fire must be retained. Women and children are the hope for the future.

   "The Huanggu clan, Erdeng was originally a Star River Langren, living in an unsettled place, and almost annihilated. My human race has sheltered Erdeng. I don't want to repay the favor, but I betrayed the human race. It's time to kill."

A human veteran with white hair and gray hair, crossing the void, fought with four Huanggu strong men in golden armor, but after beheading several Huanggu traitors, he was finally cut off his limbs and crucified alive in the void Among.


   The veteran's son was desperate to split his eyes, and rushed bravely.

He is the new star Jiang Changyang in the Dongyang Army. He has strong potential and a bright future. At this time, he desperately led his army to charge and block the Void Monster and the traitor of the Huanggu family. In the end, hundreds of people were outside the city. Was trampled in blood mud, stained the city wall...

   "Father, brother..."

   A woman in yellow clothes was crying in the city, tears raining down, and finally she was protected by the sergeant and retreated.

   Countless giant monsters rushed into the city.

   Large blocks of buildings were knocked down like building blocks and razed to the ground.


  The head of the Ancient Clan is tall and exudes immeasurable golden light. He drew the blood-stained sword from the chest of a strong human race and said: "Don't let a human race go, kill all of them."

   In the end, there were only a few strong human races, protecting the women and children, and barely withdrew through the few ultra-long-distance teleportation formations that remained in the city.

   The God of Chijia will not retreat and will be the last cover.

   He destroyed the teleportation formation, and with his own power, he resisted the surging enemies.

  In the end, he fought hard for half a day, beheading the head of the Huanggu family, nailing the three-toed giant bird of the broken city gate to the city, and cutting off the golden dragon with almost a dragon...

   then fell into the dust.

   When everyone thought he died in battle, he suddenly broke out, holding a silver sword, a human sword combined into one, soaring into the sky, and a sword pierced the giant purple eyeball with a diameter of 10,000 meters in the void...

   There was a terrible explosion between heaven and earth.

   The void was blown to pieces.

   At the very center of Dongyang City, a huge hole with no bottom was blown out.

   Terrible energy, clear the field directly.

   Void monsters and some of the remaining Huanggu strong men with golden helmets and golden armors fled frantically.

   I don't know how long it took, a silver sword stained with bright red blood fell from the sky and fell into the sinkhole below.

   Lin Beichen's heart shook as he watched, feeling hard for himself.

  The betrayal of Huang Gu's made him grit his teeth with hatred.

   The death of a human veteran and his son caused him to cry.

  His emotions were infected and influenced by the scenes and pictures, and he wanted to rush into this ancient battlefield and fight with those emptiness and betrayers.

   The picture scroll in front of me disappeared.

  The scene changes.

   He is still standing on the top of Wucai Bone Mountain.

   I don't know when, the Scarlet Armored God General has already stood up and came to Lin Beichen, his eyes softened, looking at Lin Beichen, there is a hint of joy on his face.

   "Years have buried the vicissitudes of life, I am already a ray of remnant soul... young man, my human race, do you survive?"

   He asked.

  'S voice was trembling.

   Lin Beichen's heart was severely touched.

   He couldn't help but blurt out: "The human race is in great prosperity, expedition to the galaxy, occupying countless stars, and is the world's largest family."

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