Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1445: Whale Sword

A smile appeared on the face of Chijia God.

   "One sword cut the mysterious whale, Tianhe Chi three years...hahaha, there are successors. If this is the case, my generation can sleep forever."

   The Scarlet Armored God General finished speaking, and his figure turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared in place.

   There is only a drop of blood the size of a peach, red like a setting sun, floating in the place where the red armor **** will sit cross-legged before, crystal clear, emitting a bright light.

  【Natural Blood】.

   This is a drop of [Essence Blood] left behind after the death of the Chijia God.

   Lin Beichen was overjoyed, stepping forward and plucking this peach-like blood in his hand.

   At the moment when he started, the [Essential Blood] was like water meeting a sponge, and it was directly integrated into Lin Beichen's palm.

   Lin Beichen was taken aback.

  【Natural Blood】Is it automatically integrated into the body?

   only felt a stream of heat, radiating continuously along the right hand, and in a blink of an eye, it filled the whole body and spread to every cell of the body.

   There is no pain as imagined.

   Instead, it is as hot as bathing in a hot spring.

   "It turns out that I got [Metablood]. It's so easy, and it's so easy to integrate."

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

at this time-

   "Remember, if there are descendants of the'Huanggu' who survive in the world, we must cut the grass and root..."

   The voice of the Red Armor God General suddenly rang in his mind.

   Lin Beichen was taken aback.

   "Young man, don't worry, I have been dead for countless years, leaving only a ray of remnant soul, you have passed my test, and I will help you merge [Essence Blood]... and it will be completely dissipated between heaven and earth soon."

   The voice of the red armor **** general is getting weaker and weaker.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, and he instantly understood.

   It turns out that the illusions that I saw before, the battle of Dongyang City in the era of disillusionment, were used by the Red Armor God to test himself.

  The reason is also very simple.

  Only the real human race can empathize with such pictures.

   If you are indifferent to the tragic sacrifices of the sages of the human race, if you are indifferent, I am afraid that you will not pass the test. If you want to get [Essential Blood] today, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

   With the assistance of the remnant soul of the Scarlet Armor God General, Lin Beichen quickly completed the fusion of [Essence Blood].

   I feel very comfortable all over.

   I feel that every cell is full of power.

   Especially his heart, it seems that it has been strengthened, the sound of his heartbeat is like beating a drum, the bang bang is extremely clear, and Lin Beichen can hear it clearly.

   Under the strong heartbeat, Lin Beichen could not imagine that his left chest was really like a drumhead, trembling with the heartbeat.

   Lin Beichen reacted, this is that after fusing the [primal blood], his physique and bloodline are being strengthened.

   Under the fierce heart beat, the blood flow accelerated, Lin Beichen even felt that his blood vessels seemed to be widening, being strengthened, becoming strong and tough.

   Following the flow of blood in his heart, Lin Beichen felt that his internal organs, and even the structure of the blood vessels in the brain, were being transformed by [Natural Blood].

   This feeling is very strange.

  Lin Beichen saw that under his skin, blood vessels that were not visible in ordinary days were protruding like green veins. The blood flow accelerated along the blood vessels, exuding strange energy, strengthening the muscles...

   If it is placed on the earth, such strengthening, I am afraid that the whole person will explode and die if it has not been completed.

   But at this time, Lin Beichen only felt unspeakable comfort.

   Heart strengthening, blood strengthening, blood vessel strengthening...

   The entire blood circulation system has been significantly enhanced.

   Then, Lin Beichen clearly felt that he was getting taller.

   Before, he was about 1.79 to 1.8 meters.

   In a blink of an eye, it has reached 1.85 meters.

   "It seems to be cutting the hair and washing the marrow, like recreating and rebirth."

   Lin Beichen has a clear understanding in his heart.


  The cultivation of the human race lies in the power to intensify the bloodline. The twenty-four bloodline cultivation roads, each of which is to use its own bloodline to go against the sky and control the powerful force.

   Bloodline is actually physique.

  [Metablood] can improve the fusion of the physique. For ordinary people, the transformation of the blood circulation system may be one of the best ways to improve their blood level.

  For Lin Beichen, he himself is the blood of the sacred emperor, so the increase in blood level may be limited, but the increase in physical strength is obvious.

   is like reshaping the body.

   More importantly, it can help Lin Beichen break the shackles of entering the lord level, open up the road that was cut off in front, and smash the iron rule of "Heaven Without Two Days, World Unparalleled Emperor".

   Lin Beichen really clearly felt that the Guiyuan Chaos True Qi that had been silent for a long time in his body was boiling again, with a tendency to improve.

   At the same time, [Huaqi Jue] was also stimulated by [Natural Blood], accelerated its operation, and began to continuously transform the energy of [Natural Blood] into muscle strength.

   He stood on this golden dragon's skull for a full hour.

   The beating sound of the heart gradually subsided.

   is no longer like a drum.

   The blood vessels under the skin gradually disappeared and returned to normal.

   All visions disappeared.

   This transformation has finally been completely completed.

   Lin Beichen has a new-born feeling.

"It has become taller, stronger, and power increased..." Lin Beichen felt his brand new body, and the surging power surged throughout his body: "The power of the pure physical body feels that it can beat the 17th-order lord with one punch. Up."

   This is not an illusion.   If you meet a strong man like [Golden Lion] Jin Wushu again, you don't need to use AWM anymore, you only need to fight in close hands and you can blow it alive.

   The true qi in his body also continued to boil.

   has entered the tenth order.

   is a half-step lord.

   The comprehensive combat power has increased so much that it can definitely scare the wind to the north.

   "If there is enough time to thoroughly refine the power of [Natural Blood], the true Qi cultivation base can definitely be promoted to the lord level..."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, and his eyes fell on the silver long sword beside him.

   I don't know why, he is always predestined with Yinjian.

   reached out and held the hilt of the sword.

   A familiar feeling came through.

   is because it is fused with the [primal blood] of the red armor **** general, so does this silver sword fully recognize itself?

   Countless years have passed, and this sword still shimmers with silver light and is extremely sharp.

   waved casually.


   cut out a wave of air.

   Jian Guang Senhan seemed to cut the void directly.

   good sword.

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   As a sword fairy, he has been playing the role of a swordsman with a plug-in. There is no sword to take advantage of. This sword now happens to be a personal saber.

   On the body of the sword, there are two human characters from the era of disillusionment, carefully distinguished, it is the two characters "Zhan Whale".

   Slash the whale sword.

   "Thank you predecessor for the kind gift."

   Lin Beichen bowed again and saluted forward.

   The aura of the Red Armored God General has completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

   "Oops, forgot to ask this senior's name."

   Lin Beichen patted his forehead.

   His gaze fell on the Wucai Bone Mountain under his feet again.

   These skeletons are all treasures.

  Only the silver sword in his hand can cut these bones.

   Lin Beichen tried to bombard with AWM, but he couldn't break the seemingly thin bones.

   If these bones are used to form a powerful [Ancient Battle Spirit], wouldn’t it be possible to create an army of puppets?

   Lin Beichen became more excited as he thought about it.

   He directly put away this colorful bone mountain directly with [Xunlei] Cloud Space.

   All chances are exhausted.

   The chaotic gray fog surrounding the entire tiankeng also dispersed.

   It's time to leave.

   Lin Beichen contentedly changed back to the appearance of a ‘undead policeman’, burning with purple demon flames all over, riding his own ghost fire motorcycle and rushing out of the sinkhole.

   Next, you can walk sideways among the ruins of this ancient battlefield.

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