Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1446: Fear skeleton

The corpses of the dead piled up like a sea.

  The broken bone foam is like a desert.

   At a glance, there are only bones of various shapes, spreading to the horizon, like an ocean where the dead rest in peace.

   Ten human figures, passing by at low altitude.

   The tumbling waves of air made dents hundreds of meters deep in the sea of ​​bones directly below.


In the sea of ​​bones below   , a pale stream of light suddenly shot out.


   One of the figures uttered a muffled grunt, and a sharp bone pierced their abdomen. As soon as the Qi was choked, it was about to fall down.

   "Old Fang, be careful."

   was grabbed by someone next to him, and even the blood that fell in his belly was taken back by the person who shot it, taking the wounded, and speeding up the flight.

  The person who shot the shot was the speaker, the wind headed north.

   A group of ten people from the north, including Yu Wen Xiuxian, who was imprisoned by the Forbidden Demon.

   The situation is dangerous.

   In this sea of ​​undead bones, there are dead souls at work.

   violent attack, it is very likely that they will be shot down.

  Once a person is, once a drop of blood falls into this sea of ​​bones, it will cause a huge disaster and make this sea of ​​dead people come to life directly.


   Someone cheered.

In front of   , a large ‘island’ appeared.

   It is the back oracle bone of an unknown giant tortoise creature. It is tens of thousands of meters in size and has a five-sided shell pattern, like a valley. Under the turquoise luster, it looks beautiful and terrifying.

   "It's the island of turtle shells."

   Feng Xiangbei also showed joy on his face, saying: "That's right, right here, [Fear Skeleton] is on this island... It seems that the people of the Demon Race have not yet arrived... on the island."


   Ten people fell on the eerie bone island.

   "Old Fang, the injury is fine, right?"

   The wind turned to the north and asked.

  The person who was injured before was named Fang Weiai. He was the patriarch of the Fang family of the nine major families of the Luyuan Star Passerby. He was dressed in white with a square scarf on his head. His body was thin, and he had a kind of elegant bookish spirit.

"I have taken the pill and healed the wound... It's okay." Fang Weiai smiled and said: "Why don't you do it, hurry up and find [Fear Skeleton] is the right thing, absolutely can't let this monster fall to the devil. In the hands of the prophet of the emptiness of the race, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

   It's just that his face is a little pale, his body is finally invaded by the undead demon energy, and it is difficult to get rid of it completely.

   "Boy of the demons, don't you lead the way?"

   Another strong human race stretched out his hand and slammed Yu Wen Xiuxian.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian snorted coldly.

   His face was stubborn and he took advantage of the momentum and slammed directly into the bone rock in front of him.

   but was blocked.

   "I want to find death, dream."

   A strong human race with a bone mask slowly stepped forward, raised his hand and held Yu Wen Xiuxian’s heavenly spirit, operating the secret technique, and intuitively grabbing the information in his mind.

   This is Yu Poxiao, the strongest member of the Yu family among the nine families on Liuyuan Star Road.

   Yu's family is the fourteenth bloodline of the twenty-four bloodlines, the "Hill Emperor Dao". They are good at controlling corpses, searching for souls, and refining corpses. They are considered to be the undead in the human race.

  The reason why the Luyuan Council learned that the [Void Prophet] of the Xuanxue Divine Sect this time is to obtain the [Fear Skeleton] here, which is to search for Yu Wen Xiuxian's mind and consciousness through the means of the Yu Family's "Underworld".

   Under this kind of mystery, no secret is hidden.

   can't hide and fake it at all.

   The only drawback is that the soul searched is almost a waste.

   I learned from my mind that only by refining the power of the magic source in [Fear Skeleton], [Void Prophet] can quickly restore the realm of strength.

   At that time, no one on the entire Liuyuan Star Road will be the opponent of this demon.

   Even the entire Ziwei Star area will be plunged into disaster.

"found it."

   Yu Poxiao retracted his palm, his face was joyful, and said: "Twenty-eight, vertical and thirty-one zone...Be careful, that [fear skeleton] is very powerful."


   Yu Wen Xiuxian spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was relieved, his eyes straightened, and his mind seemed to be destroyed.


   The wind lifted Yu Wen Xiuxian to the north, and led everyone to the destination.

   is coming soon.

   deep into the bone pattern like a valley.

   go forward along the lines.

   100 meters away, a three-meter-high bone hole appeared in front of everyone.

   Or use the description of ‘bone room’ to be more appropriate.

   Inside, there is a two-meter-high humanoid skeleton.

Sitting cross-legged, floating in the air, it has a crystal clear bone color like amethyst. Even if there is no flesh and blood, it also reveals a peculiar sense of elegance in its posture. The perfection seems to be a work of heaven and earth. At a glance, people can't help but get fascinated.

   "Be careful, don't get close to the past."

Yu Poxiao looked wary and said: "This [Fear Skeleton] is the era of great destruction, left by a primitive void creature, and the realm before his death is comparable to the star monarch. Even after so many years of death, it still has terrible pollution. The troubles and minds, if they are contaminated by it, they will turn into demons."

   "Destroy it and forget it."

   Fang Weiai gritted his teeth and said: "This kind of monster is useless if we get it. We only need to destroy it and prevent the [Void Prophet] from getting it."

   Several other people also agree.

   The cost of sealing this [Fear Skeleton] is too great.

   If you are not careful, they all have to die here.

   The wind nodded to the north, and said: "Yes, just destroy it."

   "Let me try."

   Fang Weiai circulated his infuriating energy, condensing three elemental swords in front of him, pushing his palm, instantly turning into three sword lights, and shooting out.


  In the bone room, the air is rippling.

   Three swords of elements with the mighty power of the eighteenth-ranked lord level, submerged in the [Fear Skeleton], like a clay cow entering the sea, and was instantly swallowed.

  , instead of destroying the [Fear Skeleton], it was absorbed energy and became more and more shining, with a faint purple magic qi emanating, making the entire bone chamber look dreamy and blurred.

   "No more shots."

The wind to the north hurriedly stopped, saying: "Our strength, as well as weapons, cannot break [Fear Skeleton]... Instead, it will inject energy into it. Once it has enough energy, it will generate consciousness, and then everyone will have no bones. ."

   "What should I do?"

   Yu Poxiao said: "If we can't destroy it, wouldn't we have come in vain?"

   Fengxiang Beidao: "Now I can only wait."


   Shen Chongyang, the first strongest of the Shen family, the nineteenth-order lord Shen Chongyang frowned, and said: "If you delay, the demon strong will come. We are running out of time, who are we waiting for?"

   "Of course I am waiting..."

   Feng Xiangxi was about to answer.


   Suddenly a palm print hit his back hard and unconsciously.

   Vigorous urge to send out.

   Unexpectedly by the wind to the north, he was beaten to protect his body and staggered forward, with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

  The one who shot is surprisingly Fang Weiai.

   "Old Fang, you..."

   "Patriarch Fang, what are you doing?"

   The others were shocked, and they were on alert for the first time and surrounded Fang Weiai.

   The face of the north wind also showed an incredible color.

   He never dreamed that the person who attacked him turned out to be Fang Weiai who had the best relationship with him on weekdays and was the most trustworthy among the entire Liuyuan Council.


   Fang Weiai let out a painful roar.

   In his eyes, a purple magical energy flickered.

   On the surface of the skin, purple blood vessels are bulging, and the pores of the skin are filled with deep purple. The bookish cheeks turn into deep purple within a few breaths.


   "He is contaminated by Void Demon Qi."

   Yu Poxiao said in disbelief: "When did this happen? Could it be before..."

   Everyone suddenly remembered that Fang Weiai was injured when he had been through the sea of ​​bones before.

   But with such a small injury, how could Fang Weiai be contaminated into a magic seed silently in such a short period of time?

   Is this a trap?

   A bad premonition emerged in the hearts of everyone.

   "Hehehe, who are you waiting for?"

Yu Wen Xiuxian, who had always felt like a silly silly, suddenly shined in her eyes, her expression became clear again, and she laughed, and said, "Of course I am waiting for the two great alchemists of the Ling family, it's a pity. It seems that you can't wait for them to find [Xie Yue Hammer] and return."

  The body is Ubun Soo Hyun.

   But the voice is indeed a strange woman's voice.

   The Speaker Feng Xiangbei suddenly realized something, and his expression changed drastically: "Void Prophet?"


It's still three shifts today.

Strive to finish it sooner.

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