Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1451: Have you been prostituted?

The flag flying over Liuyuan City has changed from the purple obsidian flower banner symbolizing the Liuyuan Star Road Council to the black and white two-color Xuanxue banner of the Demon Clan Xuanxue Sect.

   Liuyuan City, has been occupied by the demon?

   Lin Beichen's heart was shaken.

   This is only three short days.

  Liuyuan City, the largest human city on the Blue Pole Star and the core city of the human race on the Luyuan Star Pass, has actually fallen?

   He took out his binoculars and watched carefully from a distance.

   Most of the patrols on the city wall are demon armor soldiers wearing black and white armor uniforms. In addition, there are some human army...

   Ah, this...

   Are the human races and demons living in harmony?

   Looking from a distance, there is no sign that Liuyuan City has experienced a major battle.

   Whether it is the outermost city wall or the buildings inside, it is very intact, as if nothing happened.

   But Lin Beichen could vaguely smell the faint **** breath in the air.

what happened?

   According to reason, there is a galaxy-level powerhouse like Prince Qi, holding a terrifying weapon like [Xie Yue Hammer], it should be the demons on the Luyuan Star Road who are defeated like a mountain.

  Why did the human race lose Liuyuan City?

  Prince Qi, Wee Chen and Feng Xiangbei and others, where did they go?

   Lin Beichen was shocked and suspicious.

   Finally, he decided to enter Liuyuan City to find out.

   For him with the [Magic Camera], it is not difficult to sneak in.



   After a stick of incense time.

   The streets of Luyuancheng.

Lin Beichen, wearing a purple cosmetic contact lens, appeared on Xiao Se’s street with'Red One' and'Red Two'-the other eight [Ancient Battle Spirits] were temporarily left outside the city by him, lurking After coming down, I am ready to respond at any time.

   With two domain master-level bodyguards by his side, Lin Beichen was still very relaxed.

   The atmosphere in the city seemed strange.

   The shops, clubs, and shopping malls on both sides of the street are all open normally. The gates are open and the service staff in the shop are also on duty. At first glance, everything is normal.

   But there are not many pedestrians.

   Most of the people hide in their homes.

   The door is closed.

   People who go back and forth on the street, not surprisingly, around 90% are demons.

   It must be emphasized that the demon is not the same as the demon.

   The so-called demon is actually a branch of the demon clan.

   The demon race is a big concept, and the demon people have other demon tribe branches such as demonized orcs, demonized beasts, and demonized remnants, which have the same body shape as the human race.

   There are two biggest differences between Majin and Human.

  The first is the power attribute.

   The second is the color of the pupil.

   The purple Void Demon Qi is completely different from the True Qi of the Human Race, which is extremely easy to recognize for the martial arts expert.

   The purple pupil is a way for ordinary people to distinguish whether a demon is from or not. Normal humans are rarely born with purple pupils, while demon people are all purple pupils.

   Ninety-nine percent of the figures walking on the street are demons.

   They all looked very excited, and their faces were filled with a rebirth-like brilliance.

  Many demon parents, with their children, dressed in clean and tidy clothes for the first time, and looked at the surrounding shops and buildings timidly, as if they were villagers from the countryside to the big city.

   The children were innocent and chatting about something.

   "Mother, that fountain is really beautiful."

   "I want to eat this... well, it's delicious."

   "The sun is basting on the body warmly, so comfortable, mother, this time we let the wind out, it has been more than an hour, can we really continue to stay on the ground?"

   "Those bad guys, will they come to catch us?"

   "Dad, can we really live in such a beautiful place? Wouldn't they be captured and sold by humans like our brothers and others?"

   Some demon cubs, clinging to their parents, grabbed the corners of their parents' clothes, as if they were panicked and angry little tits, looking at everything around them with strange and excited eyes.

   There is a pair of demon patrol teams wearing black and white armor uniforms patrolling the streets back and forth.

  There are also flying boats of the demon army in the sky, and they dart through the void from time to time.

   In addition, there are also formations composed of human warriors and sergeants brought by the powerful demons, responsible for maintaining order on the streets of the city.

  Many human service personnel standing in the shop, standing behind the window or the door, looked at the demons coming and going on the street with eyes of curiosity, hatred, fear, or resistance.

  People look complicated.

  Occasionally, a demon summons the courage to enter the store, and the human service staff also summon the courage to accompany the service with laughter.

   When the sale was over, both parties breathed a long sigh of relief.

   Then they would silently think in their hearts: It seems... these guys are not as scary as the rumors.

   Lin Beichen looked at all this happening, feeling very strange in his heart.

   Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of him.

   There are also drum horns.

   It turned out to be in the direction of the execution ground without knowing it.

   Lin Beichen moved in his heart, speeding up his pace.

I saw twenty celebrities and nobles, unkempt, being detained on the execution ground wearing star shackles, and a human superintendent was beheaded. They were on a high platform, reading the crimes of these twenty people aloud, and soon I'm going to be beheaded one by one...

   is surrounded by thousands of people.

   There are humans, and there are demons.

   Lin Beichen originally wanted to save people.

   But after listening, there was a strange look on his face.

   It turns out that the reason why these twenty human nobles were tried was because they were corrupting the law, oppressing the same clan, seeking money and killing...

   They were all sentenced to death in accordance with the law for violating the laws promulgated by the Luyuan Council.

   is not against the law of the devil.

   Could it be a fabricated charge?

   Lin Beichen pricked up his ears and heard the low voices of the human civilians watching the punishment.

   These people are ordinary civilians in the city. They were indeed forced to watch the punishment at the beginning, and they were very frightened and gathered together tightly.

   But as the trial and sentence began, their expressions became surprised.

   Before I knew it, someone shouted aloud.

   "Kill well, Chu Tiannan, a scumbag, should have died long ago..."

   "Unexpectedly, in the end it turned out to be the demon's trial court, avenging us..."

"Father and son Nie deserved their deaths, they should have died long ago. They are in the Qingyan Military Headquarters, and they are utterly desolate. In order to occupy the medicine market in Xicheng District, they have forced Dr. Zhen from Qinglingzhai to dominate the medicine market in Xicheng District. A family of eleven died. Dr. Zhen is a good man. He has persisted in providing free medicine for the poor for twenty years, but he died so miserably. No one is advocating justice for his family. Today, the devil avenged them. ."

   "Kill well."

   Voices of applause one after another in the crowd.

   "Unexpectedly, in the end, it would be a demon who called the shots for those of us powerless civilians..."

   "The revenge has been reported, but my mood is very complicated."

   Seeing that the demons who caused the destruction of their own homes were chopped off one by one, the commoners of the human race were yelling, and their expressions were strange.

  They didn't expect that it was not their own people who avenged themselves, but the demons who had feuds with the race.

   Listening to their discussion, Lin Beichen didn't make a move in the end.

   It is certain that the nobles who were killed were all scumbags who deserved to die 10,000 times.

   It's cheap for them to die.

After   , the Human Race Supervisor on the high platform took the opportunity to loudly announce many provisions and policies issued by the Xuanxue Divine Sect.

   For example, for the governance of the human race in the city, the old law formulated by the Ryukyu Council is still adopted. The devil applies his own law and adopts the basic principle of one city, two systems.

   It also specifically stated that the demons and human races are equal to each other, and the two groups are required to respect each other's customs and living habits.

  In the event of a conflict between individuals of the two races, follow the legal basis of ‘killers die, wound others, and robs pay off the crime’.

   At the same time, the Xuanxue Sect also promulgated other encouraging policies.

   Encourage intermarriage between humans and demons.

   Encourage the common people of the human race to report the nobles who were full of crimes in the past, and try them in accordance with the laws of the human race.

   Encourage business between the two races.

   Encourage children and teenagers of both ethnic groups to enter the same school.

   Encourage human warriors to join the demon army, special training, the same salary as the demon sergeant...

   Encourage the human race to elect new councillors and support.

   Lin Beichen heard these policies and felt familiar.

   This damn, a lot of terms are not the mode of getting along between the human race and the sea race in Chaohui Great City that he personally determined when he was in the Beihai Empire?

  Especially measures such as'one city, two systems','killers and deaths, wounds and robberies against crimes', encouragement of trade, and construction of schools to encourage young classmates of both ethnic groups.

   I seem to have been prostituted?

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.


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