Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1453: I want to see her, the sooner the better

The Xuanxue God Cult seems to be trying hard to let the human race and the demon in the city of Liuyuan merge with each other and resolve their hatred.

   But it is not simple.

When in Chaohui City, there was no age-old hatred between the Sea Race and the Human Race, but because of the previous mutual trade and commerce, they knew each other quite well. Even after the Sea Race aggressively attacked, the accumulated hatred was far less than that of the prehistoric world. The relationship between Human Race and Demon Race is so deep.

  In the city of Liuyuan, there are also ‘demonization spots’ set up everywhere.

  The human race who wants to gain power can inoculate the ‘demon source’ at the ‘demonization point’, receive transformation, and gain the power of the void devil energy, thereby transforming into a demon.

   This is quite attractive to some people.

   After all, power is like tits, who doesn’t love it?

  In the wild world, no matter it is of any race, power has a fatal attraction.

Moreover, inoculation of the'devil source' is not the same as the cultivation of bloodline true qi. Many of the bloodline physiques of the'defective level' and the'inferior level', there is no way out for the cultivation of true energy martial arts. With a powerful advancement, on the contrary, a bright light and talent bloomed on the way of cultivating demons.

   After Lin Beichen inquired several times in the city, he finally figured out the current situation of Blue Pole Star.

   Blue Pole Star has fallen.

   Not only Liuyuan City, but now the entire Blue Pole Star has fallen under the control of Xuanxue God Cult.

   Three days ago, after the Tianshui River Basin site was opened, many powerful men from the Human Race Council, the military headquarters, and the nine major families entered it to find opportunities.

   The devil took the opportunity to launch a long-planned raid.

  Although the Liuyuan Council and the four major military headquarters have taken precautions against this and made many targeted arrangements, they can't resist the appearance of traitors within the human race.

   Headed by the Huo family, the Huo, Kong, and Shen three families among the nine families of the Luyuan Xinglu Human Race, combined with some generals of the Qingyan Army, stabbed the Human Race Council at a critical moment.

   The betrayal of the three major families caused a fatal blow to the human race.

   They merged inside and outside the war headquarters of the three main altars of the Demon Race: Burning Heaven, Zhuhai, and Star Mark, which directly led to the destruction of the Dafeng Army headquarters after the third war in the Tianshui River Basin.

In the battle after   , it was because of the betrayal of the internal traitors. The two armies of the cracked land and the azure also suffered heavy losses in the battle of Liuyuan City. They retreated and retreated. In the end, only a small number of strong men escaped from Blue Pole Star by starship.

   Dozens of large cities of the Blue Pole Star human race, including Liuyuan City, were defeated without a fight, and were taken down by the demon soldiers without blood.

   For the Liuyuan Council and the four major military headquarters, this is a shame.

   But from a certain perspective, it has avoided the destruction of the city where the art, architecture, commerce and other civilization peaks of the Luyuan Star passers-by people are gathered.

   also avoided the life and death of the civilians living in it.

   And Lin Beichen's question was answered.

   At noon today, the strong men such as Prince Qi, Early Morning and Feng Xiangbei, who came out of the ancient battlefield ruins, almost reversed the situation for a while.

   But in the end, the [Void Prophet], who also walked out of the ruins of the ancient battlefield, completely defeated Prince Qi and others in a head-on confrontation with his own power.

   According to reports, this battle took place above Jiuxiao.

The final result was that Prince Qi lost to the [Void Prophet]. After three moves, he was seriously injured. Thanks to such a treasure as [Evil Moon Hammer], supplemented by the master alchemist’s cards and methods, he finally saved his life. , Ran away in a hurry with Wee Chen and others...

   After this battle, it's not just Blue Pole Star.

   The entire human race on Liuyuan Star Road can be said to be over.

  Majin Daxing.

   After Lin Beichen figured out the situation, he was extremely shocked.

what's the situation?

   Did you save a loneliness in the ruins of the ancient battlefield?   Jianxue Wuming possesses such terrifying strength, and three strokes severely injured Prince Qi, a star-level powerhouse, why would he be hammered by Prince Qi when he was on the bone island?

   Is she pretending?

   Or another adventure later?

   Lin Beichen came to Dafenglou.

   was told that Lord Qin, Wang Zhong and others were ‘invited’ to go to the Burning God Altar as a guest shortly after the fall of Liuyuan City.

   "The demon lord who took Miss Qin and the others left a message, saying that if the guest in Suite 1 on the 33rd floor comes back and wants to see his friends, please go to the Burning Temple in person."

  The floor manager reports respectfully.

   Lin Beichen left Dafenglou immediately.

   "Listen to this tone, big wives, they shouldn't be in danger of life."

   Lin Beichen made a judgment.

   Even so, he rushed to the Burning Army headquarters as soon as possible.

   Coincidentally, the Fenfentianzhu altar, one of the three main altars of the Xuanxue Sect, is located at the former site of the Gale Army headquarters of the human race.

   Lin Beichen came to the entrance of the building and reported his identity.

   after a moment.

   "Lin Gongzi, we meet again."

   The muscular beauty "Burning Heaven Domain Lord" who is more than four meters tall appeared in person and came to greet her.

   All parties were alarmed.

   On this planet, apart from the leader of the Xuanxue Divine Sect [Void Prophet], it seems that there is no second person who can make the Fentian Domain Lord entertain with such a standard.

   Lin Beichen, who had a relationship with him, had no good impressions of this demon domain master like King Kong Barbie.

   After all, on the [Dawn of the Morning], the Lord of the Fentian Realm really killed him and wanted to directly kill Lin Beichen alive.

  If the wind hadn't arrived in time for the north, Lin Beichen might have really died.

   But now that time has changed, Lin Beichen's strength has greatly increased, not to mention the two domain master-level thugs, Red One and Red 2, naturally, he has the confidence to fight against the Burning Domain Master.

   But at this moment, Lin Beichen was happy when he saw the domain master of Burning Heaven.

   "Did you get beaten by someone?"

  Lin Beichen looked at the domain master Fen Tian, ​​who had black eye sockets and a splint hanging on his left arm, and made no secret of his gloat.

   "Hehe... This is just some old wounds left over from a battle with the human galaxy-class powerhouse Prince Qi."

   Burning Tianyu's face is calm and authentic.


   Lin Beichen expressed doubt.

   Burning Tianyu said: "Of course."

of course not.

   Actually, it was beaten by the boss [Void Prophet].

She also wondered in her heart that she perfectly implemented the plan of the leader of the blue star, the entire blue pole star city has been taken in hand, and the'human tolerance plan' set for the leader is also implemented in place, why the leader defeated Qi After the prince and other strong humans returned, he glanced at himself and beat him directly.

   There is no reason.

   What is all this?

   However, it was just a violent beating, but it made the other elders, as well as the major altar masters and protectors very envious.

   After all, being able to be beaten with small fists by the supreme leader is also happy.

   "I'll pick someone up."

   Lin Beichen opened the door and said directly: "Several friends in Dafenglou have been invited by your people. I want to take them away. Shouldn't you stop them?"

   Fen Tianyu said: "This matter is easy to say, you follow me."

   The two entered the military building and came to the commander's office on the ninth floor. The secret secretary of the magic man served tea and offered fruit, and the hospitality was extremely polite.

   The Lord of Burning Tianyu ordered people to invite Lord Qin to sacrifice a few people.

Then he sat back behind his desk and directly invited Lin Beichen, saying: "Young Master Lin is a wizard in the world. He is not constrained by race disputes. It is better to join my Xuanxue Sect. I am willing to take the position of chief elder. How about it?"

   Lin Beichen stared into her eyes and said, "Does this mean [Void Prophet]?"

   The Lord of Burning Heaven shook his head and said, "No."

   "Then don't make your own claim."

   Lin Beichen showed a faint mockery on his face.

  While I was holding your patron’s limp body and touching it casually, you were still fighting and fighting outside. No one is a LEVEL person anymore. What qualifications do you have to ‘recruit me’?

  Fentian domain master did not give up, saying: "My family leader, admire you very much..."

   Lin Beichen curled his lips.

   Do you still want to say this?

   is more than appreciation?

   is just coveting, okay?

   He still firmly refused.

"From the first day I came to the Blue Pole Star, I secretly said to myself that I want to protect this planet... I didn’t expect that, before I could react, it has now become the territory of your demons. Fortunately for you There was no great destruction and killing, so we now have the opportunity to sit here peacefully and talk, otherwise..."

   Lin Beichen did not finish.

   But the domain master of Burning Heaven has already understood the implication.

  The reason why she recruited Lin Beichen was vaguely aware that the leader [Void Prophet] admired this young man very much, and had given a special order to treat this person preferentially. It should not be embarrassing.

   But now it seems that solicitation is useless.

   Soon, the priest Qin, Wang Zhong and Jin Chan were taken to the commander's office.

   seems to be in good spirits, not being abused.

   "Invite them to come here for protection, not for detention."

   Burning Heaven Domain Lord explained.

   Lin Beichen was also completely relieved.

   "Please tell your leader, I will always pay attention to Liuyuan Star Road, watch what you do here, and ask her to be kind to the human race here."

   Lin Beichen got up and walked outside the gate.

  Walking to the door, he heard something again, and asked casually: "By the way, there is a confidential secretary of the Gale Army called Lu Chao. He was seriously injured because he was protecting me and he was receiving treatment in the hospital. How is he now?"

   Fen Tianyu shook his head; "I don't know."

   She doesn't pay attention to such trivial matters.

   Lin Beichen frowned and asked, "The other female secretary of the Gale Army, Yi Shunan, where is she now?"

   Fen Tian domain master glanced at his confidential secretary.

"After the attack on Liuyuan City, the staff, secretaries, and most of the political staff of the four major armies of the Human Race have already evacuated from Blue Pole Star. Only a few were taken prisoner after the evacuation. These people were all under the temporary jurisdiction of the Huo family after the war. There is indeed a girl named Yi Shunan who was named by Huo Xuanzhen, the head of the Huo family, and directly asked this person to take away."

  The female secretary in the office replied.


  Huo's family?

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   This is not a good thing.

   "I want to see her."

   Lin Beichen returned to the commander's office, sat down, and said, "Please send someone to invite her... as soon as possible, the better."


The trip to the hospital is not over yet, I have to go tomorrow morning. Please bear with me.

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