Bang bang bang.

   There was a sound of kowtow in the originally extremely noisy celebration hall.

   The guests kneeling on the ground slammed their heads on the floor, smashing cracks, bowl-shaped depressions, and bleeding.

   There are a few of them, they are very rhythmic.

   seems to be playing music.


   Huo Xuan really wants to struggle.

   But the power in Lin Beichen's left hand is unmatched, it is not what he can resist at all, pressing his head, he keeps kowtow.

   bang bang bang.

   Huo Xuanzhen's skull was directly cracked.

   After nine consecutive beeps, Lin Beichen released his hand.

   Huo Xuanzhen's vision dimmed, his eyes were blood red, and he was wearing rough clothes with big mouths. The sharp pain in his legs and head made his thinking almost drift away...


   Lin Beichen raised his hand a few slaps.

   "Cry, you **** cry for me."

  He is cruel.

   Huo Xuan is really tears streaming down.

   It's not that he wants to cry.

   But the tear duct was broken, and I couldn't help it at all.

   Lin Beichen's gaze swept away the messy scene in the hall, and he saw a large table in the distance, which was also placed on delicacies and wine, and raised his hand to grab it.

   wine, meat, dishes.

   was placed in front of the bodies of Yi Shunan and Lu Chao.

   "Xiao Yi, Xiao Lu, don't worry, I will definitely protect the Luyuan Star Passerby race, not to displace them, not to starve them, not to make them cold and unclothed..."

   Lin Beichen made a promise in front of the spiritual position.

   "Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha..."

Huo Xuanzhen knelt on the ground, a pool of blood under him, but laughed grimly: "You? Protect the Luyuan Star passerby? Haha, Lin Beichen, you wake up soon, don’t dream...Fused [Fear Skeleton] My Lord [Void Prophet], the prince of the Gengjin Dynasty is invincible. Haha, just rely on you, how can you protect the human race on the Liuyuan Star Road?"

   Lin Beichen did not speak.


   He directly raised his hand and slapped Huo Xuanzhen to the ground.

   Then, he raised his hand.

   A masterless sword in the distance was photographed by him.


   The sword light flashed.

   A piece of meat on Huo Xuanzhen's left shoulder was directly picked up.


   Lin Beichen's sword is like electricity.

   Huo Xuanzhen's body, piece after piece of meat, was constantly being picked off.

   "Ah, ah..."

   Huo Xuanzhen screamed and rolled.

"do not move."

   Lin Beichen stepped on his chest with one foot.

   The guests were so frightened to see this scene.

  The desire of Kong and Shen Zichen trembled even more.

They understand that this is Lin Beichen's'returning to the other body'. The Huo family once tortured Lu Chao, and now, Lin Beichen imposes everything that the Huo family has done on Lu Chao on Huo Xuanzhen. Body.

   This person is so cruel.

   But at the same time, there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

   make trouble.

   Keep making trouble.

   The bigger the noise and the longer the time delay, the more Lin Beichen can't even think of retreating.

   Xuanxue God Sect will definitely react.

  Wait until the powerhouse of the Demon Race arrives, everything today will end.

   It would be better if Lin Beichen killed Huo Xuanzhen before that, and it was the two of them who benefited the most. They could take everything that belonged to the Huo family before.

  At this time—

   Boom boom boom.

   Great earthquake.

   A huge red figure ‘walked’ in from outside the hall.

   Familiar figure.

   Familiar body type.

   Another red monster appeared.

   The guests who kowtow crazily, the horror in their hearts is simply indescribable, almost unable to believe their eyes.

   What's the situation?

   Another giant red monster appeared.

   Originally thought that the two red and two blue monsters were already the limit, but he didn't expect another one to appear now.

   ‘Red San’ is holding a chain in his hands.

   More than twenty people hung on the iron rope, like a dog, wrapped around it, both men and women, all wailing curses and struggling, but they couldn't get rid of it.

   is from the Huo family.

   Huo Xuanzhen saw it, his eyes went dark, and he almost died out of fright.

   That's a direct member of the Huo family.

   didn't even pull down any of them, they were all caught.

   He was covered in blood before he realized what Lin Beichen said was the true meaning of the killing of the Huo family today.

   If all these people die, then the Huo family is really going to be annihilated.

   This is more terrifying than physical death.

   "Lin...Lin Beichen, you can't, what do you want to do?"

   Huo Xuanzhen collapsed a bit.

"do not move."

   Lin Beichen's expression is serious and focused: "There is still a gap of eighty-nine swords."

   bang bang bang bang.

   Dozens of members of the Huo family were thrown directly in front of the spiritual position by the'Red Three', and they fell into pieces.

   All of these have been screened by the spirit of the'Red Three', and they are all the core family members of the Huo Family, and none of them are good things.

When the "Red Three" was killed, they were carnival in the family residence to celebrate the Huo family's gain. At the same time, in the Huo family mansion, some middle-class wealthy households in the city of Liuyuan were forcibly seized, threatening these people to contribute money and offer their wives and concubines. …

   was originally struggling and yelling and cursing

   "Kill one by one, in honor of Xiao Yi and Xiao Lu."

   Lin Beichen is indifferent.

   He didn't look back, but focused on Huo Xuanzhen.

   Little by little, his flesh and blood were shaved off the bones.

   Lin Beichen flies his sword like flying, with exquisite swordsmanship, like a sculpture artist who is carving masterpieces of the world.


   came the screams.

   Several members of the Huo family's direct line were directly taken off their heads.

   "No, no no no, no..."

Huo Xuanzhen's broken body struggled violently, and said: "I was wrong, I am willing to pay for my life, you killed me, but...Lin Gongzi, Lin Tianjiao, you let my family go, let them go, I am willing to bear it all. All sins."

   "You can't bear it."

   Lin Beichen said one by one: "Xiao Yi's family and Xiao Lu's family were all banned by the Huo family. When you raised the butcher knife, they also pleaded bitterly, but what did you get in the end?"

   Huo Xuanzhen's eyes showed deep despair.

"You Huo family, there is no good species, all should be killed." Lin Beichen refused to be cruel, without the slightest wave in his heart, and said: "I said, if you want to kill the whole family, I will definitely count, even if it is you. A dog like the Huo’s old house will never be let go... Just watch them go on the road."

   screams kept coming from the side.

   Huo family members were beheaded one by one in front of the corpses of the two staff's spiritual positions, and their heads were enshrined in front of the spiritual position.

   Huo Xuanzhen let out a roar like a dying beast.

   There were blood and tears in his eyes, and his face was full of regret, unwillingness and despair.

   There is a word called prosperity and decline.

   But Huo’s ‘decay’ came too fast.

   Before reaching the top, he slipped into the abyss.

   Knowing this a long time ago, then he wouldn't make it difficult for the two little people Yi Shunan and Lu Chao.

  Who would have thought that seeing the Huo family, who was on the Luyuan Star Road, the first family, in the end, it turned out that the family was destroyed because of two little people who were not into the stream.

   all members of the family are dead.

   The Huo family is dead in name.

   Huo Xuan is really crazy and has a nervous breakdown.

   Lin Beichen finished three hundred and sixty swords.

   "I know, you still have the last fluke in your heart. You feel that the strong demon of the Xuanxue God Cult will come to save you... You feel that even if you die, you can take me to perish."

   He sneered, looking down at Huo Xuanzhen, and said sarcastically: "However, since I started uninvited, it has been a time of incense, why hasn't the power of Xuanxue godly sect come yet?"

   Huo Xuanzhen is already dead.

   There were vague roars and growls in his throat.

   Lin Beichen cut off Huo Xuanzhen's head with a sword.

   Offering is before the spiritual position.

   then slowly turned around.

   Lin Beichen's gaze swept across the other guests in the hall.

   Everyone was frightened, crying for mercy.

But Lin Beichen's heart is as strong as iron, without making waves, and said indifferently: "I gave you the opportunity, but didn't cherish it. The Blue Pole Star has fallen. Everyone who is doing it is sinners. Death is not a pity. I killed all of you backbones. A soft dog, no matter who the latecomer is, even if you look at the devil’s rule, you will not dare to pretend to be a fox, and then oppress and abuse ordinary civilians... Everyone, you will be very dead and valuable. Please atone for your merits. You guys use it first."

   After speaking, before everyone could respond, Lin Beichen waved his hand lightly and said, "Kill all of them, don't leave one."

   Red One, Red Two, Red Three, Blue One, Blue Two [Ancient Battle Soul], like a machine, all shot together, beginning to reap and slaughter mercilessly.

   In the dilapidated hall, crying and cursing one after another.

   Lin Beichen ignored it.

   He came to a completely intact stone wall in the back, stopped slowly, thought a little, his wrist flicked, and the long sword in his hand shot out a number of sword lights, and engraved on it—

   "The Huo family is a lesson from the past. From today on, regardless of people, demons, and beasts, if there is anyone who harms Liuyuan civilians, I will kill them."

   The handwriting is like an iron hook and a silver line, with a sharp edge.

   The signature is the five characters of "Sword Fairy Forest Beichen".

   Things are over.

   Throw the sword into the wall.

   turned around and took the bodies of Yi Shunan and Lu Chao, floating away.


Today we will fight for three.

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