Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1459: Sirius Sword My Name

"have they gone?"

   Jianxue Wuming stood on the top of the "Tingxue Tower" of the Xuanxue God Sect, looking at the direction of the Deshengtan branch.

   The lanterns of Liuyuan City are on the first stage.

   But no matter how beautiful the night is, it is not one percent of Jian Xue's nameless elegance.

   She stood quietly on the top floor, which was the most beautiful scenery on Liuyuan Star Road.

"Return to the teacher, after Lin Beichen left Deshengtan, he buried the bodies of Yi Shunan and Lu Chao, and then took the [Yangwei] starship, and left Lanji together with God Qin Lian, Wang Zhong, and three pets. star."

   Ubun Soo Hyun replied respectfully.

   "How about the death and injury of Deshengtan?"

   Jianxue Wuming asked again.

"Returning to the leader, Lin Beichen beheaded the Huo Family Man Sect. After that, he killed all the sixty-seven human experts who were loyal to the holy religion, including Shen Zichen and Kong Zhiyu who were present, and after detecting that there was a kind of demon among them. "Purple Real Flowing Water" Huo Jianlin with top talent."

   Burning Heaven domain master respectfully and authentically.

   Jianxue Wuming glanced at her and said faintly: "You are telling me that Lin Beichen's killing in Deshengtan has caused great losses to the gods?"

Fen Tianyu's heart trembled, nodded, and said: "Master, Lin Beichen's blood is amazing. He has broken the shackles, and his combat power far exceeds his own realm. He also has the [Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi] and [Broken Body Thunder Blast Sword]. Qi] and so on mysterious combat skills, now there are nine more [Ancient Battle Souls] around him, and they also pretend to be sword immortals, and inscribe on the stone wall of the main hall, threatening that if anyone oppresses the common people of the human race, they will kill them... the leader, this is rampant, If we don’t get rid of it early, it will definitely be a big trouble for my sacred church in the future."

   "Yeah, he is great."

   Jianxue Wuming looked at the night scene and laughed.

   The smile seemed to be an instant, eclipsing the sky and the moon.

   is really a second and arrogant smelly brother.

   Pretend to be a sword fairy?

   Jianxue Wuming couldn't help but think of the Moon in the Azure Rain Realm, and the person in the moon night, and the words that the person said under the moon.

he made it.

   Thinking of the message this smelly brother had sent to herself, Jian Xue Wuming slowly exhaled.

After a long time, she slowly turned her head, glanced at the Lord Fen Tian, ​​and said with unprecedented seriousness: "Remember, Shengjiao, no matter when and where in the future, you will not be an enemy of Lin Beichen... I understand. ?"



   "Yes, the subordinate understands."

   "I know what you are thinking, but remember, never be smart, don't be your own...because the scenery you see is only such a small world."

   "Yes, my subordinates remembered it."

   Burning Heaven domain master respectfully and authentically.

She has supported the demon branch of Luyuan Xinglu for hundreds of years. She is an important minister of Xuanxue God Sect. She is very charming and decisive in killing and killing. She was once known as Luyuan Xinglu, whose name can stop the child’s night cry. .

   But the worship and admiration of Jian Xue's namelessness is deeply rooted, and I dare not have the slightest doubt.

   Back then, the Lord of Burning Heaven was nothing but a maid beside Jian Xue Wuming.

   In that **** era, under that collapse-like betrayal, the former glory fell apart. At the critical moment, if it were not for Jian Xue's nameless power to turn the tide, today's Xuanxue God Cult would have been killed long ago.

   In the hearts of every believer of the Xuanxue Sect, Jianxue Wuming is the [Void Prophet].

   is the supreme god.

   Now, it is the [Void Prophet] who is sitting on the Luyuan Star Road, who can truly transform the Blue Pole Star and other realm stars into their own territory, so that they can gain a firm foothold.

"Sacred religions want to expand, and want to rise strongly, they must absorb the followers of the human race. Today, among the seventy-two realm stars on the Liuyuan Star Road, the Azure Rain Realm, the Zhiyuan Realm, the Ruoyan Realm, the Miaoyin Realm, the Lingtian Realm, and the Tassel Realm. , Flying Wing Realm, Sichen Realm, Wu Nian Realm, plus a Blue Pole Star, this is far from enough under our control."

   The light in Jianxue's nameless eyes gradually became deeper and wise.

She looked up at the starry sky and said in a cold voice: "My demon tribe is withered, and the number is too small. However, the human race has a great war potential. It is a suitable target for ruling and wooing. Burning the sky, you can send more people to call on all race warriors. Take the initiative to'seed demons', and then choose the talented, virtuous and loyal people among the'seed demons' human race to take over the positions of the Huo family, Shen family, and Confucian family, use these people to govern the human race, and seize the time to form The "Hoarfrost Army Headquarters", give them enough autonomy and autonomy to build an army as soon as possible. Within one month, I want the "Hoarfrost Army Headquarters" to join the Star Road Expedition. We will bring Liuyuan down in the shortest possible time. The seventy-two stars of the Star Road have all become our territory. Only in this way can we be qualified to deal with the storm that has begun to spread in the Ziwei star field."

   "The subordinate will do it immediately."

   Burning Heaven domain master respectfully and authentically.

   The Battle of Blue Pole Stars, Jian Xue Wuming's plan worked completely, using the ancient void battlefield ruins to destroy the Human Race Council in World War I, making Liuyuan Star Road completely the domain of the demon from then on.

   This is the most glorious moment of the Majin clan in hundreds of years.

   The wandering galaxy, the devil who was chased and suppressed by all parties, finally had a home for his own race to recuperate and rejuvenate.

  History will be rewritten from now on.

  The devil goes up and down, everyone regards Jian Xue as an unnamed god, and worships him, such as Lord Fen Tianyu and other senior officials of the Xuanxue sect, and this is no exception.

   She retired respectfully.

   The night breeze is blowing.

   Blew Jianxue's nameless long hair.

   Woobun Soo Hyun stood aside, eyes flashing with intoxication.

   He is crazy about her.

   But it is very clear that compared with her, he is just a humble grain of sand, not worthy of her at all.

   Therefore, such infatuation can only be hidden deep in my heart.

   "There is a very important thing that you must do."

Jian Xue Wuming looked at the night at her feet, and said faintly: "In the Ziwei star field, the'Sirius Divine Dynasty' established by the human race has collapsed, the Sirius King'Sword My Name' has died, the sword royal family is weakened, and the order is chaotic. Next to the artifact, the Sirius king used to honor and reward the great officials of the dynasty and conquer the frontiers. They have ghosts, support their own soldiers, and attack each other. The unwilling orc alliance is also in troubled waters and expands... geniuses contend for supremacy, the sun contends for glory, chaos The world is also the golden age of the rise of the new king. You go to the Ziwei star field, find a way to become famous, and then approach the prince of the knife clan named "Sword Smile", try your best to assist him and gain his trust. People got the edict of Sirius King’s "Sword My Name" and mastered the secret of the coordinates of the legendary "Star King’s Tomb". You have to find a way to get the edict. This matter is my demon’s line to conquer the crape myrtle in the future. The top priority of the Star Territory must not be careless."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian heard the words and took his orders without hesitation, saying: "The subordinates will complete this mission at all costs."



   A dark vacuum.

   The vast galaxy.

  【Yangwei】 Like a sneaking black shark, swimming silently between the galaxies.

   Captain Ming Xuefeng and twenty-six galaxy sailors control the starship with vigorous spirits, and they dare not neglect the slightest.

   Now, who does not know the methods of the owner Lin Beichen on the boat?

   The drunk Wang Zhong and Guangjiang, said one by one and wrote one by one. They had already told dozens of times what happened in the Hall of Bleeding that day.

   Adoring gazes, they looked at Lin Beichen who was standing on the deck.

   At this time, Young Master Lin was breaking through the final barrier.

   He felt that the Lord-level realm was beckoning to himself.

   Constantly absorbing the power of the stars in the universe, Lin Beichen is about to complete the last step of his great master realm, and is about to enter a new realm.


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