Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1460: Ultimate Lord

After fusing the vitality blood, Lin Beichen's physical strength increased sharply, reaching a peak level comparable to that of a lord level.

   But the Guiyuan Chaos Qi in the body needs to be condensed.

   Lin Beichen cultivated the "Yu Xu deliberately nourishing the sword heart sutra", which fits perfectly with him, and advances quickly.

   The force of the tide between the surrounding stars constantly pouring into the body.

  Lin Beichen really felt that the speed of the Guiyuan Chaos Qi was getting faster, faster and hotter, like a volcano brewed by a gathering flood, constantly climbing towards the highest peak...

   This is a breakthrough.

   is another pinnacle master, the state at the moment is the most dangerous.

  The improvement of the great realm is accompanied by considerable risks.

   Not everyone can succeed with one thought.

   The price of failure is either severe injury or falling into the realm, or disappearance in the world.

   But for Lin Beichen, there is absolutely no problem.

   ‘Essential Blood’ helped him strengthen his physical body. His current physical body can blast the 20th-level peak lord with one punch, and withstand the 11th-level lord’s true energy, naturally.

  The biggest problem that Lin Beichen could not break through was that the road ahead was cut off because of his own blood.

   is not recognized by the Tao in this galaxy.

   But the ‘Natural Blood’ has also broken this shackle.

at last-


   The Guiyuan Chaos Qi in his body surged to a peak, and immediately formed a qualitative change.

   At this moment, Lin Beichen only felt lightened all over.

   It is as if there was some invisible rope grid that was wrapped around his body. At this moment, all the rope nets were cut off, and the whole person got out of the trap, and his hands and feet were relaxed.

not only that.

   Lin Beichen felt that the surrounding sceneries seemed a lot clearer.

   I used to see everything around me like a dirty lens, but now the lens is wiped clean, as if entering the 4K era all at once.

   "Cultivation really is to compete with heaven, earth and universe. Every time you raise a realm, your perception of heaven and earth becomes clearer... Can you penetrate all the secrets between heaven and earth when you reach the peak of cultivation?"

   Lin Beichen has new insights.

   He experienced the 11th-order Guiyuan Chaos Qi in his body.

   Very powerful force.

   The surging return to calm, the higher level of innocence is nourishing his physical body all the time.

   He summoned the Whale Slashing Sword.

   Heavy sword body, ancient and clumsy silver.

   Inject the 11th-order Guiyuan Chaos Qi into the sword body. The blade trembles slightly.

   Clusters of silver light burst out from the blade.

  Lin Beichen looked into the distant vacuum, where there are large tracts of meteorite belts, and meteorites with a diameter of more than one thousand meters are constantly rolling and floating.


   cut out with one sword.

   There was a flash of silver light.

   A huge meteorite 500 meters away was crossed by the sword light, and was chopped in half silently from the middle.

   The cut surface is as smooth as a mirror.

   "So strong?"

   Lin Beichen was taken aback.

   This was a casual sword that didn't urge all the true energy, and its power was actually a full blow from the 20th-level pinnacle lord.

   is incredible.

   "Could it be that this sword..."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved as he lowered his head and looked down at the Whale Sword.

   I'm afraid this sword is not a mortal thing.

   According to the weapon level classification of the prehistoric human races, a long sword with such an increase in Chi attack is comparable to the alchemy equipment of about 50 steps. Whether it is the weapon of the king or the weapon of the monarch, it is temporarily impossible to distinguish.

   But this is also a big leak.

   Lin Beichen then realized afterwards that in addition to getting the'primal blood' during the last expedition, this [Whale Sword] was also a major gain.

   "With this sword in hand, I am worthy of the name'Sword Fairy'."

   Lin Beichen was very excited.

Ever since he got the position of "Sword Immortal" naturally generated by heaven and earth when he was in the host province of Zhenzhou, he has an inexplicable kindness to swords. Even the mind and combat skills related to swords, such as the operation of the death phone, are strange. addition.

   Putting away the'Whale Slashing Sword', Lin Beichen thought about it and tried the only sword skill in the prehistoric world [Elemental Sword] that he currently mastered.

  Using the Guiyuan Chaos True Qi in his body, he condenses an elemental sword that looks exactly like the "Whale Slashing Sword".

   The long sword that is purely condensed and transformed from the true energy, like a metal substance, with an extremely sharp blade, which can cut gold and jade, and can kill warriors of the same rank.

   Then the second handle, the third handle...

   With Lin Beichen's current Zhenqi cultivation base, twenty-one'Elemental Swords' were condensed.

   My heart moved.

   Twenty-one elemental swords, flying around the body.

   can also be aggregated into giant swords.

Lin Beichen integrated the "Sword Formation" technique of Baiyun City into the control of the Elemental Flying Sword. Using the "Elemental Flying Sword" to derive the sword formation, with a full blow, the Sixteenth-Rank Lord Level was actually erupted. Of combat power.

   "Physical body, Whale Slashing Sword, Elemental Sword Formation...all three of them can be advanced to kill the enemy."

   Lin Beichen is very satisfied with the improvement of his strength after entering the lord level.

   After getting acquainted with the new power, Lin Beichen focused his attention on the most important things.

  Explore the ‘field’.

  Only when the domain is mastered, can the host Shinshu be restarted.

   Lin Beichen returned to the command module of the ‘Yangwei’ and began to retreat.

   Regarding the theory of how to open up the field, Master Qin had already studied it, discussed with Lin Beichen for a long time, and decided on the final trial plan.

   In the retreat cabin with the blessing of the star array, Lin Beichen began to try.

  The so-called domain means to be by your side, between this heaven and the earth, to split a small area and refine it into your own ‘territory’.

   Lin Beichen mastered the secret technique of'Reincarnation Despair'.

   is not completely unfamiliar with the ‘domain’ either.

"Others explore the realm, they want to separate a small space between the world where they are located, and make it their own territory, but I don't have to be so troublesome at all, because I have refined the spiritual accumulation of the host Zhenzhou. What we need to do now is to capture the location of the host real continent in the dark with the help of the "spiritual aura", and then refine it to directly make the host real continent its own domain."

   Lin Beichen sat cross-legged, clearing his thoughts.

   Then, I started to try my luck.

   The spirit of the host real continent that had been dormant in the body was instantly ignited.

   Almost at the same time, Lin Beichen had a mysterious and mysterious perception.

   Close your eyes.

   seems to be beyond the endless distance, behind the endless stars, there are strands of strange power, it seems that distant relatives are calling him again and again, and it seems that hometown is calling for a wanderer...

   host Zhenshu.

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   This is too easy.

   At the moment, he concentrates and feels the power of this calling.

  The space seems to be shrinking countless times.

   Lin Beichen felt as if he was using Google Maps, constantly zooming and zooming...Finally, in the vision of the spiritual world, he saw a huge continent floating in the endless void.

   Around the continent, there are dozens of relatively small fragments floating around, like the continent’s "satellites".

   Lin Beichen fixed his vision on the mainland.

  Everything can be seen clearly.

   This is a continent sealed by mysterious power.

   was sealed the world of time by the young woman Qing Lei with the [Wheel of Eternity].

   Host Zhenshu.

   The goal of restarting the host Shinshu was finally achieved.


Goodnight everybody

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