Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1467: The name of the sword fairy moves everywhere

In the command cabin.

   Lin Beichen took the top spot.

   The Lord Qin and Wang Zhong split around.

   Shui Liuguang, Cao Donghao, two former generals of the military department, and now the first-class generals of the Jianxian Army, as well as sixteen second-class generals such as Shui Hanyan and Han Xiao, sat on the left and right sides of the seats.

   The first military division meeting of the Sword Fairy Army is underway.

   Lin Beichen was drowsy as expected.

   The priest Qin and Wang Zhong are both in good spirits.

   The former is eagerly absorbing knowledge to increase experience. After all, the first preparation for a practitioner of the ‘Doctor’s Path’ is to learn from things and understand everything you don’t know.

   The latter is also hungry.

   But not for knowledge, but to enjoy the sense of being a superior person.

   Generally speaking, except for the General Marshal Lin, who is not doing his job properly, the expressions of the others are still very serious and serious.

   "After the bizarre fall of the Lord of Silver Dust, Jian Lianchen, the domestic chaos, members of the royal family, important officials of the big family, and the speakers of the Silver Dust Council formed different factions, each fighting for power and profit, and now they have started wars with each other and contended for the stars..."

"Two months ago, the Blood War Army was targeted by the "Speakers" Army and was forced to go to war. It suffered two defeats, losing 30% of its military strength, and also lost three world stars. The world star is now in control. , Only the last "Blood Sorrow Star" is left."

"In order to expand the military, maintain the situation, and retaliate against the'Speakers' military department, the general sent troops to attack the customs at the junction of Liuyuan Star Road, because this customs is also one of the forces of the'Speakers' military headquarters. One, it's a tooth for a tooth."

  Water Streaming Light gives a general introduction to the current situation on Silverdust Star Road and the situation of the Bloodstained Army Headquarters.

  The Military Headquarters of the Blood War is a ‘family industry’.

   In the generation of Shui Liuguang, the power has declined, and it is no longer considered the first-class power of the Silver Dust Nation.

   Especially twenty years ago, Shui Liuguang killed all competitors in the family in order to usurp the throne, which once caused the strength of the Blood War Army to decline severely.

   However, this woman is also a ruthless character with great ability and means.

   Not to mention the tyrannical personal cultivation base, he is quite talented in military training.

   For twenty years, under the perilous situation that the outside world thought that the Blood War Army was about to be annexed, it has been miraculously supported.

   Lin Beichen listened, his eyes fell on Shui Liuguang's face.

   On the surface, Shui Liuguang is only about twenty years old, with good features, not pretty, but there is a cold and harsh temperament that is rare for ordinary women.

  Because the Shui family has taken the first bloodline of the twenty-four bloodline channels in the ‘Holy Body’ channel in the past dynasties, Shui Liuguang’s body is extremely powerful.

According to the information collected by Wang Zhong, the former General Marshal of the Bloodstained Army was a Tier 24 domain chief cultivation base. Under normal conditions, his height is only about two meters, he is muscular, and he wears alchemy light armor. Living in key positions on the body, the rest of the body is completely naked. The slender waist and strong skin on the limbs are all healthy wheat color, which looks full of explosive power.

   In addition, according to the description of the data, the water streamer will transform into a six-meter-tall giant when the blood erupts and enters the battle, and its defense and strength will enter a super-strength state. The skin is like gold and iron, which can be called a killing machine on the battlefield.

   The huge and super-strengthened body is the biggest feature of the First Blood Vessel’s "Essential Physique Dao".

   Shui Liuguang is cruel and cruel, very military style, after the introduction, there is no nonsense.

   Everyone's eyes fell on Cao Donghao again.

   This former commander of the Xuanyan Army, about forty years old.

He has a pretty face. Danfeng's eyes are slightly squinted, and his face is like a crown of jade. He is also considered to be a beautiful man in the human race. He is tall and strong, but he has the streamlined tendon flesh, ape shoulders and bee waist, and a pretty temperament. For refined.

   Cao Donghao walked on the tenth bloodline of the 24 bloodlines, the "Transformation Dao".

According to the information provided by Wang Zhongxian, Cao Haodong was cultivated as a 24th-level domain master, with three drops of ancient beast essence and blood in his hands, and he could transform into'Red Wing Golden Crown Yao','Explosive Demon Ancient Ape' and'Black Seal Kun' This kind of warcraft has amazing fighting power.

"The Xuanyan Army is in the eleventh army of the Silver Dust Nation." At this point, Cao Donghao, who used the word'Ye', glanced at Shui Liuguang before continuing: "With the blood of the Army. The strength is roughly the same. They are the foundation created by their fathers. They were once glorious, but they are no longer in the past. Especially after the Silver Dust country was in trouble, it was targeted by the "Speaker" military department and rejected the request for merger. Several times, with more defeats than with less victory, the only world stars under control now are'Xuanyan' and'Yuyu'."

   The days of the two military headquarters were not easy.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but vomit: It turns out that these two families are too poor to get rid of the pot, and they are chased and beaten by others. Life is long gone, no wonder they are willing to merge and take refuge in themselves.

   didn't know what Wang Zhong had promised.

"Now that the Sword Immortal Army is newly established, the biggest enemy is the'Speakers' Army. The'Dark Crow Family' that controls the'Speakers' will never allow new challengers to appear. Their original The plan is to annex'Bloodsage' and'Xuanyan', and now we will not let go of'Sword Immortal'."

   Shui Liuguang is definitely authentic.

Cao Donghao also said: "If the Swordsman can be defeated in one fell swoop, then the Sword Immortal Army can be considered to have a complete foothold on the Silver Dust Star Road... Otherwise, unless it is to abandon the Boundary Star Base and leave the Silver Dust Star Road, it will only To perish in the endless flames of war."

   After the two had finished speaking, dozens of soldiers in the command cabin looked towards Lin Beichen with scorching eyes.

   There is an undisguised expectation in his eyes.

   In the previous battle, Lin Beichen showed a powerful force and convinced them.

   Now, after choosing to become Lin Beichen's subordinate, they expect this handsome and demon-like young man to lead them out of their predicament and fight against other major forces on the Silver Dust Road.

   "Deputy Commander Wang, you can figure it out."

   Lin Beichen directly threw the pot to Wang Zhong.

  Wang Zhong is very excited.

He jumped up, patted his chest excitedly, and said, "Master, you can rest assured that with the word'loyal' in my name, you will definitely live up to your trust. Within a month, I will surely let the sword fairy The four words "Military Headquarters" resounded through the Silver Dust Star Road, making the place where the "Sword Fairy" passed by everyone's attention, and no one dared to block it."

   "What is love?"

   Lin Beichen's mind hurts a little when he thinks about leading the army to fight.

   is not his specialty.

   As for Shui Liuguang, Cao Donghao and others?

   Lin Beichen pondered, and when they were awake by the vigor that Wang Zhong had fooled, they might go back to each house to find each mother.

   As everyone knows, things are counterproductive.

   With the previous battle aura blessings, Lin Beichen's casual and unreliable faction, on the contrary, highlights the absolutely superior attitude of overlooking.

   In the eyes of these warriors, it is the same reason that the dragon above the nine heavens does not overlook the dog on the ground.

   On the contrary, it made the warriors in the cabin more awe and expectation in their hearts.

   It seemed that it was just a small fight on the Silver Dust Star Road, and it really couldn't make the boss interested.

   Marshal’s journey is the entire Ziwei star area, right?

   I want to behave well, and if I get into the vision of a handsome man, I will surely ascend to heaven in the future, right?

   Even Cao Donghao and Shui Liuguang are the same.

The two 24th-level domain master-level powerhouses also thought in their hearts: I guessed right, this Young Master Lin is definitely a member of some top power, otherwise, he would not know that his opponent is in control of silver. After the'Dark Crow Family' of the'Speaker' of the No. 1 Military Department on Dust Star Road, it still doesn't matter, this time it seems that he really hugged his thigh.

   The two people are looking forward to it.



time flies.

   In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

  Lin Beichen has been retreating on the starship, racing against time, using the fastest speed to improve his cultivation.

  He succeeded several times with the host Shinshu Sensation.

   has now reached the point where he can actually descend on the host real continent.

   This means that Lin Beichen can bring things of a certain energy level and volume in the prehistoric world to the host real continent, and can also bring certain things of appropriate size in the host real world to the prehistoric world.

   This is a huge improvement.

   However, the arrival time is limited.

   Every time the real body arrives, it can last for a long time for a cup of tea.

In terms of'assimilation', Lin Beichen barely managed to'assimilate' the Yunmeng City Lin Mansion within a kilometer radius, and could grasp the power of heaven and earth within this direction, make it his'domain', and help himself. .

   Among these, it is naturally the merit of the Qin priest.

   The ‘Doctor’, the chief priest of Qin, was pointing on the side, summing up experience, and proposing various hypotheses and theories, and Lin Beichen’s mastery of the various powers and supernatural powers of the Lord-level realm has been rapidly improved all the time.

   At the same time, Lin Beichen's Guiyuan Chaos Qi cultivation level finally broke through again.

   He entered the 12th lord level.

   Complementing each other is that the cultivation base of the priest Qin has also increased at an astonishing speed.

   Especially under the continuous blessing of the various spirit fruit and elixir produced by [Happy Farm], the true Qi cultivation of the main priest of Qin has progressed faster than Lin Beichen, and has reached the 15th lord level.

   As for the light sauce and the scum tiger?

   Now he is a capable officer next to Wang Zhong, the right deputy commander of the Jianxian Army. He has participated in various actions and wars and has gained a lot of benefits.

   The two fathers and sons were very busy, like a fish caught in the water, and their strengths are also rapidly improving, basically there is no time to take care of Lin Beichen.

   During this time, the Silver Dust Star Road can be described as turbulent.

   Sword Fairy Army was born.

   Within five days, he completed the integration of the two armies of the ‘Bloodsage’ and the ‘Xuanyan’ and the mastery of the world star.

   Then it took less than three days to defeat the offensive army of the ‘Speakers’ Army in the northwestern area of ​​Silver Dust Star Road, regain the lost boundary star, and won the victory for the first time.

   The news came out, which completely shook the entire Silver Dust Star Road, large and small forces.

  Many well-informed big people, it is also the first time to hear the word "Sword Fairy Army", and they are all very dazed.

  Where is this sacred?

   Among the eleven military headquarters on Silver Dust Star Road, it seems that there is no such military headquarters, right?

   All major forces have begun to investigate frantically.

   A lot of information gradually surfaced.

   Sword Fairy Forest Beichen?

   Crazy handsome Wang Zhong?

   The names are very strange.

Where did    come from?

   The situation is changing.

The long-running'Dark Crow Family' couldn't accept the shame of defeat. The patriarch was furious and directly declared war on the'Sword Immortal Military Department', and began to cross and isolate the'Sword Immortal Military Department', carrying out various war layouts, and accumulating strength. , Trying to annihilate and annex the'Jianxian Military Department' in one fell swoop.

   However, the actions of the Sword Fairy Military Headquarters were beyond imagination.

   One day later, "Crazy Commander" Wang Zhong swung his army eastward and quickly defeated the ‘Kanshan Army’, which was the lowest ranked among the eleven military departments, and annexed its territory.

   One day, the "Sword Fairy Army Headquarters" will annex the ninth-ranked "Kaguura Army Headquarters"...

On the third day after   , the mad commander Wang Zhong attacked again. It only took half a day to defeat and annex the eighth-ranked ‘Kefeng Army’...

   After this battle, the offensive of the "Sword Fairy Army" stopped.

In just fifteen days, the'Sword Immortal Army' showed its great strength, and blitzed the five majors of'Bloodshang','Xuanyan','Kagura','Kanshan' and'Kefeng'. The military strength and territory of the military headquarters are firmly in control, forming a powerful military division group.

   Judging from the information collected by all parties, in these few wars, the "Sword Fairy Army" has more than one Galaxy-class powerhouse.

   Galaxy class!

The three words    made the forces on the Silver Dust Star Road tremble uncontrollably.

The former King of the Silver Dust Kingdom, Jian Lianchen, was not from a big family. At the beginning, he had no support or background. In the end, he could crush the old forces on the Silver Dust Star Road. One man and one sword defeated the Silver Dust Star Road and established a giant. What does Silver Dust rely on?

  , of course, is a strong strength.

   In addition to the identity of the ‘Sirius King’ sword my name as a man, the most important factor for the nation’s founding is that Jian Lianchen itself is a superb martial arts expert.

   Galaxy-class powerhouse.

   On most of the star roads in the Ziwei Star area, the three words ‘galaxy level’ represent only two words—


   Yes, on the Silver Dust Star Road, the Galaxy Grade is an invincible existence.

  Since the ‘Sword Fairy Army’ has a Galaxy-class powerhouse in charge, it is only logical that it can achieve such an incredible record in a short period of time.

   For a while, all parties looked at him.

   Many people realize that a new era has arrived.

As a result, the'Sword Fairy Army' has gained popularity and has been secretly acknowledged by all parties. It has faintly become the top military group on the Silver Dust Star Road with the'Speaker' Army and the'Wind Dragon' Army. The third force that opposes.

   Such a change obviously made the'Dark Crow Family' unexpected, so that after the declaration of war, the real offensive against the'Sword Immortal Army' was never launched.

   ten more days.

   On the Silver Dust Star Road, the situation has changed more drastically.

   In addition to the three major forces, other forces and military headquarters have been annexed one after another, or they have accepted numerous conditions and chose to rely on them.

  In just half a month, the human race on Silver Dust Star Road was caught off guard into a three-legged situation.

  The ‘Dark Crow Clan’, which has a history of 8,000 years, is in charge of the ‘Speakers’ Army.

   The rumor of controlling the'Wind Dragon Army Headquarters' is a certain second-level speaker of the Human Race Council of the Ziwei Star District.

   is the background of breaking the sky.

   But there is a "Sword Immortal Army Headquarters" where the Galaxy-class powerhouses are seated, and it is not too much.

   Within a short period of time, the human race on the Silver Dust Star Road formed a three-strong situation.

   is in a delicate balance.

   However, the Silver Dust Star Road is not limited to the human race.

   There are also orcs and tribes.

The Orcs happen to be members of the "War God Tribe Union" known for barbaric warfare and plunder. They have three tribes: Vaughan, Holy Axe, and Scarlet Minions. In the era of Silver Dust, they were suppressed by this human kingdom, and their performance was pretty good. Honestly, but now in the chaos, these three tribes have begun to expand frantically, constantly harassing the stars of the human race, looting the population, and robbing resources...

In addition, a giant beast named'Star Devourer' of the predecessor tribe, also straddling the galaxy, with a huge body, occupying a boundary star named'Dazhi' in the southeast of Silver Dust Star Road, and began to devour the planet on this planet. all.

  'Star Devourer' is a kind of patriarch.

It is a very strange ancient life form. It has no permanent shape. It is like a turbid liquid. It can gather or disperse. When gathered, it is like a mountain. When it is spread out, it is like a net. It feeds on a planet. After occupying a planet , Will fuse the body and the planet into one, continuously devour all the life forms on the planet, and finally swallow the entire planet, before changing the target, looking for a planet full of vitality in the next moment.

  Once occupied by the'Star Devourer', it means that the nightmare of all life within the entire star will come.

   What is worthy of being one is that the star swallower’s favorite world star is the civilized planet occupied by the human race, because the huge base of human life is also one of its favorite foods.

   Therefore, the ‘Star Devourer’, a patriarch, can also be regarded as one of the hostile races of the human race.

   An active ‘star swallower’ has tenacious vitality and is difficult to kill, and can often swallow a planet in ten years, which is a huge disaster for the human race.

   Fortunately, the number of demons on the Silver Dust Star Road is sparse and has no climate, so there is no danger of demons raging.

   But even so, all parties’ news about the alien race, coupled with the “involution” of his own people, the ordinary human race on Silver Dust Star Road, the peaceful life was broken, plunged into a deep and fierce state, and entered a period of darkness.

  At this time, the'Sword Fairy Army' once again made an explosive event that shocked Xinglu.

   ‘Sword Fairy’ strikes again.

   But the goal this time is not Human.

   is an orc.

   are the three tribal orcs who raged and slaughtered the stars of the human race on the road of Silver Dust.

The "Sword Fairy" Lin Beichen personally took the seat on the "Sword Fairy", and the "Crazy Handsome" Wang Zhong personally led the army. At the No. 98 jumping anchor on the Silver Dust Star Road, he ambushed and was about to attack the "Kara" Human World Star. The invading and mopping up an army of'scarlet minions' orcs.

   The results of this battle are brilliant.

   ‘Sword Fairy Army’ smashed the enemy. Killed 300,000 orc warriors. The corpses covered a large starry sky. The total number of star beasts killed was 3,000, which caused the ‘Crimson Minions’ orc tribe’s cross-stellar combat capability to suffer a fatal blow.

   In addition, the "Blood Minions" war commander-level high-level, the fallen three, all domain master-level powerhouses, were personally beheaded by "Sword Fairy" Lin Beichen, and then exiled the body to the stars for eternity as a warning.

   "Those who offend our human race will be punishable even though they are far away."

   These are the original words of ‘Sword Fairy’ Lin Beichen utterly loudly.

   These words invigorated the boiling hearts of all the soldiers of the "Sword Fairy Army".

   also seemed to have wings, and quickly spread throughout the entire Silver Dust Star Road, making countless lower-level human warriors and civilians cheer for it.

  'Sword Fairy Army' is now among the three major military groups on the Silver Dust Star Road, the first major force to stand up to protect the people.

   also achieved outstanding combat skills.

   This undoubtedly made ‘Sword Fairy Army’, ‘Sword Fairy’ Lin Beichen, ‘Crazy Handsome’ Wang Zhong, Shui Liuguang, Cao Donghao, etc., become famous on Xinglu and became the idols of the new era worshipped by countless human warriors.

   But it didn't take long before there were many gossips that were enough to crush the teeth of the middle and lower human races.

In order to gain the support of the Orcs, the “Dark Crow Family” that controls the “Speakers’ Army” not only opened one eye and closed one eye to condone the looting and killing of the Human Realm Stars, but also did something. Ceding the six human realm stars such as'Youruo','Fenxiang', and'Silver Fire' to the orc tribe was a matter of losing power and humiliating the race, and placed hundreds of millions of human compatriots on these six realm stars. In spite of this, they regarded them as part of the transaction and allowed the orcs to kill, enslaves and oppress them. In a short time, hundreds of millions of human civilians on these six world stars died in the flames of war and slaughter...

There is also a lot of gossip about the "Wind Dragon Army". They secretly traded with the three major orc tribes. In addition to arresting the people of the human tribe as slaves and selling them to the orcs, they also sold a large number of starships at low prices. Alchemy armor and equipment...

   Against the backdrop of the scandals of these two major military groups, the "Sword Fairy Army" has become the light of the Human Army and the conscience of the Human.

   is all set off by peers.

   "Sword Fairy" Lin Beichen's fame has grown from nothing, from being strong, from strong to peak, and eventually becoming the martial art idol of countless young people on Yinchen Xinglu. It only took one month.

   After that, another half month passed.

   ‘Sword Fairy Army’s continuous attack.

   successively fought against the Vaughan tribe, the Holy Axe tribe, and the Scarlet Minion tribe of the "Orc War God Tribe Alliance".

   and both achieved absolute victory.

   The powerful "Sword Fairy Army" showed its crushing and terrifying power.

   In several battles, they have completely mastered the initiative, and odd tricks have been made frequently. Both the strategic and tactical levels have crushed the three tribes of orcs.

In the end, the three major tribes of orcs on the Silver Dust Star Road that directly fought lost their helmets and abandoned their armor. Their overall strength had gone backwards for fifty years. They almost lost the ability to fight across planets, and honestly shrank back to their own realm stars. And he wrote to ask for peace and surrendered to the'Jianxian Military Headquarters'.

   In this way, the nightmare days of the human races on the major realm stars on the Silver Dust Star Road suffering from orcs raiding can finally come to an end.

After experiencing this series of human-beast wars, the influence of   'Sword Fairy Army' once again soared uncontrollably and completely overwhelmed the two military blocs of the ‘Speaker’ and the ‘Wind Dragon’.

   Suddenly, these two veteran military groups also had to adopt shrinking tactics to avoid the edge of the "Sword Fairy Army".

   And the name of "Sword Fairy" Lin Beichen has almost become a myth on Silver Dust Star Road.


   Sword Fairy.

   In the captain's bedroom with a super big bed that can sleep ten people at the same time.

   The myth of Star Road Lin Beichen is counting money.

   To be precise, it is lying with money.

   a lot of gold and various treasures, piled up with a large bed, and the aisles on both sides of the bed, like a hill.

   And this is only part of it.

   is placed here, mainly to satisfy some of Lin Beichen's evil tastes.

   Lin Beichen was bathing and rolling happily inside.

   got rich.   It turns out that fighting is so profitable.

   "Master, hehehehe, I didn't brag, right? What was promised a month ago is now completely fulfilled, right?"

   Wang Zhong smiled flatteringly and asked for credit.

If seen by outsiders, Wang Zhong, the "crazy handsome" who swept across all sides, the legendary iron-blooded commander with the ruthless military method, would even show this face, I am afraid that he will be instantly shocked and fall out of his eyes, leading to the famous madness. Shuai' took tens of millions of fans overnight...

"Ha ha."

   Lin Beichen unceremoniously sneered and gave a psychological shock.

   He looked contemptuously: "It's not because of me that every time I spend a lot of money to ask the Galaxy-class powerhouses to help out, otherwise, can you have today's results?"

   "Yes, yes, the master is right, everything is due to the master, I just did a little bit of trivial things."

   Wang Zhong's posture is very low, and he never grabs power.

   This makes Lin Beichen a little embarrassed.

   To tell the truth, the ‘Sword Fairy Army’, which is a game player, can achieve such remarkable achievements in a short period of time, and Wang Zhong is absolutely credited with great contributions.

After all, to command an army, you can’t just have a high level of personal cultivation, you also need to master the skills of training, overall planning, marching and formation, involving battle formations, enemy feed, logistics, food and payment, establishment, appointment, rewards and punishments. And so on, countless things, big and small, in all aspects.

   These things were all done by Wang Zhong.

   and it was done very well.

   In the past period of time, what Lin Beichen has done the most is to throw his hand at the shopkeeper in peacetime, to be forced in battle, and to use [UU errands] at critical moments to find one or two galaxy-class powerhouses to help turn the situation around.

   This fits his personality.

   is also a situation that Wang Zhong painstakingly designed.

   Because of this, Lin Beichen's current prestige, whether in the "Sword Fairy Army" or in the entire Silver Dust Star Road, has reached the level of the "Emperor Superstar".

   It is said that even some other forces on the star road in the Ziwei star field have heard of the name "Sword Fairy".

   "Why didn't you see before, you dog, you have the talent for the army."

   Lin Beichen Road.

Wang Zhong smiled and bent over and said, "Master, you forgot, master was the war **** of the Beihai Empire back then. When you were not born, I also went to war with the master, dozens of births and deaths. , I’ve heard and learned a lot by the master’s side. Although land warfare is different from star warfare, the world’s military formations have the same goal... Now that the old slave has been contaminated with your wisdom, you can handle it."

   "Cut, you don't need to explain so much with a guilty conscience, I don't bother to pay attention to it." Lin Beichen said: "You dog, come to me at this time, there must be something, if you have anything, just tell me."

   "The young master who knows me too."

Wang Zhong made a flattering and said, "Master, the situation on the Silver Dust Star Road will basically be like this in a short time. There will be no major changes. We should set off on Sirius Road. ."

   "You reminded me."

   Lin Beichen nodded.

   These days, he stayed on the Silver Dust Star Road. In addition to fighting to make money and pretending to be forced, he has actually been ‘assimilating’ the host Zhenzhou to improve his strength.

   I'm almost ready now.

   He has ‘assimilated’ the entire Yunmeng City and initially established his own domain.

In addition, in the left hand, the power of the 22nd-level domain master-level **** fighting energy of the three domain master-level battle marshals stored with the power of swallowing power, whether it is used to confront the enemy, or to infuse AWM, 69 style, etc. Weapons are more than enough...

   The ability to force is greatly improved.

   You can try to use the soul-returning pills to save people, or you can officially enter the chaotic Ziwei star area core Sirius Road.

   "How about the news?"

   Lin Beichen Road.

   Wang Zhong quickly said: "As for the siblings, there is no news so far, Master, this is not easy for the siblings."

   "Then you don't have to continue searching."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   The siblings are indeed not easy.

   After getting the ‘Returning Soul Grass’, the beautiful Loli sister promised that once the refining pill was refined, he would send it personally no matter where he was.

   Obviously, he was very confident about finding Lin Beichen.

  This shows that they are definitely not aboriginals of the Qingyu world.

   has at least the ability to travel between the stars.

   "What about other news?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

Wang Zhongdao: "The old slave has sent a lot of eyeliners to Sirius Road a few days ago, and reported it an hour ago, and finally found out the approximate whereabouts of the master [Three Caotang] Chen Piyang, but at the same time, he also discovered some strange things. "

   "How strange is it?"

   Lin Beichen raised his eyes to Wang Zhong.

The dog butler looked thoughtful and said: "According to our spies, besides us, there are many different big forces who are looking for Master Chen Piyang, either openly or secretly. At the same time, "Tiancan Broken Soul Tower" 'A reward for the assassination of Master Chen was also released. Master Chen seems to be involved in a certain whirlpool...Master, we have to hurry up, otherwise, Master Chen is likely to be captured by others or become one. Dead body."

   Heavenly Broken Soul Tower?

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   This notorious killer organization had previously assassinated himself on the Blue Pole Star. This account has not yet been settled.

   Now is the time.

"What are you waiting for?"

   Lin Beichen jumped up from the golden pile of money and urged: "Make arrangements and set off immediately."

Wang Zhong said with an inviting expression on his face, and said, "Master, don’t worry, the old slave has already selected elite soldiers and soldiers in the army to prepare for the long journey. This time we are lightly equipped and only need ten starships. After all, the headquarters Here, you must also leave someone you trust to guard."

   "Well, you are the master."

   Lin Beichen Road.

Wang Zhong said again: "According to the young master's request, I have sent someone to the Qingyu Realm on Liuyuan Star Road to pick up Young Master Xiao Binggan and come to the'Sword Fairy Army' to experience. Do you want to bring Li Yu, Long Na and others together? ?"

   "They come if they want, and they don't have to force if they don't want to."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   "Yes, the old slave knows."

   Wang Zhong fully understood the leader's intentions, and after repeated confirmations, he transferred out.



   ten days later.

   The fleet of ‘Sword Fairy Army’, after hundreds of long journeys of anchor jumps, finally came to Sirius Road.

   Lin Beichen sits on the flagship "Sword Fairy".

   Qin priest, Guangjiang and Jin Chan accompanied.

   Crazy handsome Wang Zhong did not accompany him in the end. He was left on the Silver Dust Star Road and was entrusted with the important task of ‘housekeeping’.

   ‘Sword Fairy’’s silver streamlined huge body entered the atmosphere of the first boundary star on Sirius Road, ‘North Falling Division’s Gate’, and delineated a fire mark like a comet flying across the sky.

   In the end, it landed in the big human city "Heavenly Master City" on the Niaozhou mainland in the northern hemisphere.

   Lin Beichen walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck, looking at this strange land, with a look of doubt on his face.

  Is the city in front of you really the most prosperous and wealthy city on the mainland of Xingniaozhou in the'Beiling Shimen'?

   The dry hot wind blows.

   There is dust flying in the air.

   The air PM2.5 index is at least 200.

Looking at it, the scale of the shipyard and port in front of you is huge, beyond imagination, you can imagine the prosperity of the heyday, but at this time it is in a semi-destroyed state, and there is a desolate and lonely atmosphere everywhere, as if someone is already dying. The old man, in his dying breath, is waiting for complete death.

   The city outside the dock is dirty and chaotic.

   Even in the oncoming hot wind, there is a trace of decay, which makes people nauseous.


   lack of vitality.

   This is a barren and chaotic land.

"Marshal," the accompanying guard leader [Blood Sea Moow] Shui Liuguang walked over, respectfully saluting, and said: "The Beiluo Division Gate Boundary Star has become a place of disorder and chaos, banditry is rampant, resources are exhausted, and all parties are There are monsters, ghosts and snakes, and many interstellar thieves are hidden here, disorderly and extremely dangerous. We should not travel far. According to the original plan, after one hour of supply is completed, we will set off immediately."

"I know."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand and said, "You seize the time to supply supplies, I will go down and take a look."

   He took the priest Qin, Guangjiang, and the scum tiger, refused the protection of other soldiers, and left the "Sword Immortal", ready to take a look in the surrounding cities.

   The so-called "read ten thousand books, it is better to travel ten thousand miles".

   The Qin priest walked on the "Doctor Path" in the 24 bloodlines, and his cultivation method was very peculiar, that is, he had to walk around more, increase his experience and knowledge, and broaden his horizons in order to improve his cultivation.

   The dock and port are deserted.

   is like a huge industrial ruin.

   can hardly see the administrator.

   A series of malicious gazes hidden in the dark, scrutinized Lin Beichen and others back and forth, as if they were picking prey.

   There was the sound of footsteps suddenly in front of me.

At the end of the dock bridge, a group of old people and children in rags who had been hiding in the shade saw Lin Beichen and a few people, their eyes lit up, like stray dogs and cats who were starving and rushing desperately. Come here...

   "Master, give me something to eat. As long as you can eat it, anything will do."

   "Okay, let's drool."

   "Honorable sir from afar, if there is any medicine for detoxification, I want one, just one, my son is about to die..."

   "Master, please accept me. I am only sixteen years old. I am an orphan and can do anything for you. As long as I can eat full, no, I can eat half full. You can treat me like a dog!"

   Lin Beichen was surrounded in the middle.

   At this moment, he felt an unreal absurdity.


This seems to be a big chapter.

Good night everyone

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