Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1468: The city is dangerous after dark

Is this the busiest city in Beiluo Shimen?

   Is this the largest dock port in the busiest city?

   This is a ruin at all.

   is like the ruins of the apocalyptic era.

   He looked at the old people and children around him.

   said that they are refugees and they are a little beautified. They are clearly hungry animals, with hope and numbness in their eyes, and some even try to hide their fierceness.

   Lin Beichen even suspected that if it weren’t for the saber and armor on his body, maybe they would rush over to fight in the next moment...

   The priest Qin took out water and food patiently, without the slightest boredom, letting children and old people line up, and then distributed them one by one.

   The news spread quickly.

   More and more refugees are also coming together.

  Among them are young and middle-aged people in ragged clothes.

   There are more and more people, and the line gets longer and longer.

   The priest Qin is still very patient.

   In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

   The ‘Sword Fairy’ fleet had been replenished, and the main guard sent Shui Liuguang to urge him, but Lin Beichen drove him back.

   After another stick of incense, Shui Liuguang came in person and said: "My son, the time is almost there, we should set off..."

   "Go on, go off your sister."

   Lin Beichen furious impatiently, looking like a dude, and said: "I haven't seen my girl... The teacher is helping the victims. When will the relief be over?"

  Water streamer: "..."

   was scolded.

   But it’s kind of happy.

   The General Marshal acts as an expert, mysterious and unpredictable.

   Very often, some weird and inexplicable words came out of the General Marshal's mouth, which seemed vulgar at first glance, but after careful study, I felt that the implications were endless.

   For this, the high-level generals of the Jianxian Army have become accustomed to it.

Shui Liuguang was scolded, not at all irritated, but began to wonder if he had overlooked something. The Generalissimo was here to help these refugees who are like hungry hyenas. Is there any deeper intentions? inside.

   until sunset.

   The water and food on the priest Qin's body were all divided, and this ‘relief’ ended.

   The refugee crowd dispersed reluctantly.

   She stretched slightly, stood on the road bridge, condescendingly looked at the city that had fallen into the dark in the distance.

   The blood of the setting sun dyed the horizon red.

  The cold eyes of the silver-haired beauty reflect the looming sparse lights in the lonely city.

   Everything seemed quiet and silent.

   "Why don't you go for a walk in the city?"

   Lin Beichen suggested.

   Priest Qin nodded and said, "Yeah."

   She really wants to take a walk and take a look.

At this time, the chief priest of the non-face value party, Qin, couldn't help but admire the goodness of the little man around him. This kind of thing is as good as a spring rain and moisturizing things. Not only can he understand himself tacitly, he is also willing to spend time to accompany silently .

   The two walked slowly down the road and bridge.

   As the main guard, Shui Liuguang was about to keep up, he was driven away by Lin Beichen's fierce look of "Believe it or not, I smashed your skull".

Oh shit.

   At this time, who would dare not long eyes to come over to be a light bulb, I stepped on the horse and sent him on the road with a sliding shovel.

   Dock port is located high above, overlooking the entire city.

   By the glimmer of the setting sun, the city below is magnificent and desolate.

   skyscrapers show the grand scenes of the past.

   But the broken glass windows of the building, the bleak yellow sand and debris on the street, the dilapidated stores, the messy market...

   The dim sunset light coated everything with blood.

  Every shot and every frame seems to tell the world that the prosperity of the past has gone, and the current Niaozhou City is burning in chaos!

   Following the winding bridge like stairs, the two arrived at the bottom area of ​​the dock port.

"Be careful."

   Next to the road bridge, in a cave on a giant stone beam that was caused by an unknown impact, the childish little boy shrank in the darkness and issued a reminder: "It is best not to go to the city at night, it is very dangerous."

   is a little boy who received water and food from the hands of the priest Qin before.

   He is skinny, ragged, shrunken in the darkness, like a lonely little beast living in a primitive jungle that eats the weak and eats strong, holding a sharp stone in his hand, and is full of fear for the world outside the cave.

   Perhaps the reminder just now has exhausted all his courage. After speaking, he immediately retracted deeper into the cave, hiding himself in the darkness, as if frightened.

   Priest Qin smiled at the cave and nodded.

   Then continue on with Lin Beichen.

At the exit of   , there is a tall stone wall like a city wall, on which a simple and rough defense facility is made with sharp stones, wooden thorns, and rusty ironware.

   There are dozens of people wearing iron armor, holding swords and sticks and other weapons in their hands, patrolling back and forth, vigilantly monitoring everything outside.

   The door to the outside was closed tightly.

   In the open space inside the door, a few bonfires were burning with crackling, forty or fifty men in ragged armor, patrolling back and forth, guarding the gate and the stone wall...

   The appearance of the two Lin Beichen immediately attracted everyone's attention.

   "Who? Stop, don't come near."

   The sound of the bowstring being pulled faintly sounded in the air, and the crossbowmen hiding in the dark were waiting.

   A dozen men took up their weapons and approached them.

   The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

   "Huh? It's her, the fairy who distributed water and food on the top road bridge today."

   One of the young people recognized Lord Qin.

   A simple surprise appeared on his face, and there was a hint of humble admiration in the eyes of Master Qin.

   There are black stains on the young face, and when he laughs, his white teeth are very eye-catching under the care of the campfire.

   The atmosphere in the air seemed to dissipate suddenly.

   "Who are you?"

   A tall man with the appearance of a leader, holding a spear in his hand, walked a few steps forward, and said, "This is the forbidden area of ​​the dock, please come back soon."

   Lin Beichen smiled kindly and explained: "We want to enter the city, it seems we can only get out from here."

"When the sun goes down, traffic here is prohibited." A tall man with a national character face, a brown-red beard, and a natural curly long hair with the same brown-red, the true aura on his body is quite not weak, probably at the level of the 11th lord. The tone eased a lot, and he said, "Two friends, the city of Niaozhou at night is the most dangerous place. Criminals, killers, and orcs are infested among them. Many people died silently like melting black ice... Please go back. Right."

   This is a kind reminder.

   If it weren't because during the day, Lord Qin distributed food and water to the elderly and children on the dock bridge, Ye Tianling, one of the shipyard gate guard captains, would not have said so kindly.

   "We are in a hurry and want to take a trip to the city."

   Lin Beichen is also very patient and authentic.

   He could see that these people guarding the stone walls and gates did not seem to be bad guys.

   is just these simple fortifications, more than fifty-meter-high stone walls, without the blessing of formations, can you really defend against the martial arts powerhouse who can fly in the air?

   Where is the meaning of their guarding the stone walls and stone gates?

"Sister, big brother, and Uncle Ye are telling the truth. Don't go out at night, you won't be able to come back..." The young man who recognized the priest Qin before couldn't help but remind him, "Look at your clothes. , Should be people from outside stars, and don’t know the disasters that have occurred here. Many high-lord-level powerhouses have fallen into the dark city."

   The young man's eyes were sincere and eager.


First more.

Today is a day to keep working hard.

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