Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1745: New discovery

Unconsciously, Lin Beichen's mentality had already undergone some changes that he hadn't even noticed.

   The priest Qin looked at Lin Beichen and was silent.

   But her beautiful eyes are shining.

   This little man is growing and developing in the direction many people expect.

   At this time, the entire living area of ​​Niaozhou City has been in chaos.

   More than a dozen girls who had survived the catastrophe looked at Lin Beichen with shocked and obsessed eyes.

   No matter how stupid people are, it can be seen at this time that Niaozhou City is about to change.

   This handsome and demon-like young man is not only strong, but also has an amazing origin.

   They seem to be his trophies now?

   Compared with being ruined by Qijiang and others, following such a handsome young man is already a blessing in misfortune.

   There was a shout to kill around.

   It's boring to wait.

   So Lin Beichen and the others turned around and entered the Zuixianlou.

   "Little Er, serve wine."

   He drank.

   It's better to wait while eating.

  Zhou Lang talked and laughed in different time and space.

   Now I, Lin Mei-nan, eats and drinks, and the dragon-patterned army is in smoke. This is also a good story.

The    shop's small second served wine and dishes tremblingly.

   "This lord...does you want us...a dancer?"

   The girl in white who was rescued at the beginning, plucked up the courage to ask.

   Good, good.

   Lin Beichen beamed with joy and glanced at the priest Qin who was sitting opposite him blankly. He dispelled the idea, waved his hand, and said, "No, who are you young masters? You guys come to eat are welcome."

   The girls didn't dare to violate Lin Beichen's meaning, and sat down tremblingly.

   Then I was attracted by the food in front of me.

   couldn't help but gobble up.

   Soon they discovered that this handsome young man who even women would be jealous of his appearance was fierce when facing Qijiang and others, but when facing themselves and others, he looked like a little brother next door.

   A few random ridicules made their emotions relieved unconsciously, and the tension was wiped out. From time to time, Lin Beichen was amused and giggled.

   After a cup of tea time.

   The fighting movement in the living area has completely disappeared.

   Lin Beichen stopped his chopsticks.

"everything is over."

   He and the priest Qin got up at the same time and came to the outside of Zuixianlou.

   on the street outside.

   Thousands of soldiers from the Dragon Mark Army have gathered, with their heads tucked in their crotch, standing still in a strange posture.

   It seems that everyone does not want to die.

   And'Red One' is waiting outside with a dozen guys dressed up as high-ranking military officials.

   Among them is Long Hyun, the commander of the Dragon Army Headquarters in Niaozhou City.

   His face was bloody, one of his right arms was broken, and his face knelt on the ground bitterly. Until now, he hadn't figured out where he had offended these domain master-level monsters.

Long Hyun was originally entertaining guests in his military hall, but before he realized what had happened, he was directly overturned by the big red hand on the roof and caught it like a chicken. After a little resistance, he was interrupted by his arm. .

   was brought to Zuixianlou on the way, and seeing the surrounding scenes, he realized in despair that his Niaozhou City was dead.

  The dragon-patterned military department is not the opponent of these metal monsters at all.

   At this time, looking at the handsome young man in white clothes walking out of the Zuixianlou, Long Xuan vaguely realized that this was the master behind the metal monster.

   But the problem is, he doesn't even know this person.

   can't even remember, when did Sirius Road and even the entire Ziwei Star area appear such a number one person.

In addition to Long Hyun, there is another person who looks like a scholar in his thirties and forties. He is dressed in a Tsing Yi, a square scarf on his head, and a dragon pendant around his waist. Hanging an ancient long sword with a scabbard...

   Its Zhen Qi cultivation base is not inferior to the half-step domain master Long Xuan.

   In addition, there was another person, dressed in black, with a slender and petite figure, wearing a black beak mask, which caught Lin Beichen's attention.

   On her body, Lin Beichen felt some familiar breath.

   "This lord, I don't know what offended me waiting..." Long Hyun met the windshield very much, and his posture was very low, so he apologized when he came up, and said: "My lord, please make it clear that you must correct it next time..."

   Lin Beichen's eyes flashed a trace of contempt.

   This kind of waste, which has been corroded by the power and wine, has become the commander of the military, the ruler of Torishima City, and squeezes so many innocent civilians like pigs and dogs...

there is a problem.

  The great divine emperor of the human race, the designed political system has brought the human race tens of thousands of years of glory, making the human race the first big race in the galaxy, but now, there is a problem.

   This physique is sick.

   At least the human race system in the Ziwei Star area is sick.

   For the human race in the prehistoric galaxy, the chaos in the purple star area may be just a disease of slenderness, but who can guarantee that one day it will develop into a terminal illness that will cause the giant to fall?

   "They are all killed."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand.

   ‘Red One’ raised his arm.

   Long Hyun and others look pale under you.

"and many more."

   The priest Qin suddenly spoke and said, "Leave this Marshal Long Xuan, him, and these people to me for interrogation. I have some questions and want to get answers."

   For the big wife, Lin Beichen will naturally not refuse.   So ‘Red One’ and ‘Red Two’ personally pressed Long Xuan several people, followed the priest Qin, went to the Zuixianlou, and interrogated one by one.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and took the red three, blue two, and blue three to patrol the city of Niaozhou.


"So what happened?"

   Ye Tianling and others hid in the ‘Maomaori Grain Store’, looking nervously at the movement on the street outside.

   Who dared to attack the territory of the Dragon Mark Army?

   Could it be that the other military divisions of the'North Fall Division Gate'?

They saw with their own eyes that there was a blue metal monster over three meters high, directly pressing to death the rebelling Dragon Army warlord on the street. The screen was simply too horrifying, the 16th-tier high-lord warlord, the death is still Not as good as an ant.

   "You have to find a way to get out of here."

Ye Tianling turned to look at Xie Tingyu and others, gritted his teeth and said: "If the chaos continues, the entire living area will be in chaos. At that time, someone will rob food and water. We will be very dangerous. I am not afraid of death. I will die here. It's fine. I'm afraid that the purchased resources will not be kept. When the time comes, the old folks in the docks and ports will be in distress if they don't have life-saving food."

  Several port guys, nodded together, with firm eyes.

   "If... It would be much easier if Big Sister and Big Brother Lin were there." Xie Tingyu said with some worry, "I don't know how they are."

   Ye Tianling's eyes lit up.

   Indeed, that handsome young man named Lin Beichen, powerful, shocking, with one hand of swordsmanship, is like a sword fairy descending, if he is there, the food and water purchased by himself and others should be safe to send out.

   But immediately, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

   No matter how strong Lin Beichen is, I am afraid that it is not as strong as the red and blue monsters. If I encounter that kind of monster, I am afraid it will be more and more fierce.

   "In this way, Tingyu, you and everyone, be careful to hide here, and protect the food and water."

Ye Tianling gritted his teeth and made a decision, saying, "I went outside to look for Brother Lin and Ms. Qin. These two people are not familiar with the terrain and environment of the living area. It is very easy for something to happen. When I find them, I will come back to you. Converge so we can..."

   The voice did not fall.

   He saw that Xie Tingyu and the others looked at her with horror.

what happened?

   He was startled, and suddenly realized something.

   slowly turned around.

   A huge bizarre red metal head appeared at the door of the'Maomaori Grain Shop', behind him, looking into the shop.

   In the eye sockets under the armor, there was a gleam of Lengsen light.

   At this moment, Ye Tianling and others were like falling into an ice cave.

   The terrifying pressure exuding from this metal monster is like an icy mountain, making them feel like their bodies are frozen. For a while, they can't move at all.

   Just when everyone thought it was bound to die...

   "Hey, see you again."

   A familiar frivolous voice sounded: "Unexpectedly, Big Brother Ye cared about me so much behind his back. I was so touched that I couldn't help but want to chant a poem. The water at the door is a thousand feet deep, not as good as Old Ye's gift to me.

   Lin Beichen, dressed in white, slowly walked in from outside the hall with a smile.


   Ye Tianling is an old river and lake after all. He suddenly understood something, but he couldn't believe it, and his voice was trembling.

   "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself."

Lin Beichen raised his handsome head forty-five degrees, smiled with white teeth, and said, "In Lin Beichen, he came from the'Sword Fairy Army' on the Silver Dust Star Road. In addition to being handsome and powerful, he was welcomed by beautiful women. Basically, there are no other advantages. People give the nickname...No, to be precise, it should be called the "Sword Fairy"."

   Sword Fairy?

   Ye Tianling and others were dumbfounded.

Lin Beichen pointed to the "Red San" behind him again, and said: "The one you saw just now, and its partners, are my subordinates... Now the entire Niaozhou City is mine. I am not surprised. Is it irritating? Isn't it unexpected?"

   Ye Tianling, Xie Tingyu and others, seem to be petrified.

   is more than a surprise?

   is just a shock.

   "You... Are you really the'Sword Fairy' Lin Beichen?"

   This time, it was the shy young man Xie Tingyu who reacted first, with incredible surprise and expectation on his face, and said: "Are you...are you here to save us?"

   Sword Fairy Army, Sword Fairy Forest Beichen.

   This is the only hope for ordinary people at the bottom of the realm of ‘North Falling Shimen’ star when they are tortured by life.

   I thought it was out of reach.

   is now in sight.

   is like a dream.

  'S Lin Beichen nodded slowly.

   Xie Tingyu suddenly felt infinitely wronged, and she held her arm and cried.



   after a moment.

   The patrol of the entire activity area has been completed.

   All kinds of hidden dangers were eliminated by Lin Beichen himself.

   Outside the drunk fairy building.

The surviving generals and armored soldiers of the    dragon-patterned army gathered outside the building, surrounded by several [Ancient Battle Spirits], and surrendered in a strange posture.

   When Lin Beichen returned with the excited and dizzy Ye Tianling, Xie Tingyu and others, the priest Qin had miraculously completed the interrogation of Long Xuan and others in less than a stick of incense.

   "I found something very interesting."

   The priest Qin sat in the building and waved to Lin Beichen outside: "Come in and listen."

Lin Dashao walked into the Zuixianlou, sat down, laid a star formation, blocked his breath, and prevented prying eyes. Then he approached curiously and asked, "How interesting?"    Chief Qin said: "Long Xuan said A big secret has emerged. It turns out that there is a [Secret Gold]' raw ore hidden underground in the core area of ​​Niaozhou City."

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

   Even if he is a scumbag, he has heard of such things as [Secret Gold].

  A very rare alchemy material.

   It is a catalyst in alchemy.

   Many vital alchemy experiments and steps require [Secret Gold] to be catalyzed and are indispensable.

   In addition, it is used to refine various special-purpose alchemy supplies to relieve most of the negative states of DEBUFF such as curses, decay, and control.

   At the same time, it is even more worth mentioning that the Secret Gold weapon has an innate restraint effect on the demons and orcs—especially the restraint of the Void Demon Qi to an amazing degree.

   Secret gold is the second companion for the human alchemists who practice the seventh bloodline "Alchemy Dao".

   But its mines are scarce, and in various trading markets, there is often no market.

   A [Secret Gold] vein, the value of which is unimaginable.

   It is more maddening than a prehistoric gold mine.

   "So, we got rich?"

   Lin Beichen's eyes couldn't help but start to flash golden light.

"What's even more incredible is that not only Niaozhou City, but in the entire'Beiling Shimen' world star, there are seven continents, and there are [Secret Gold] veins distributed, and there are many reserves... Niaozhou City is just one of them. "The Lord Qin said: "It is hard to imagine, why no one has discovered this before, and the person who discovered the mineral vein first, guess who it is?"

I do not guess you guess guess?

   Lin Beichen was playing stubbornly in his head, but said: "Su Xiaoqi?"

   The unaccounted fortune prodigal who was a lucky thief who was hunted down because of the [warm golden phoenix bird] token.

Master Qin shook his head and said, "Su Xiaoqi really got the [Warm Golden Phoenix Bird] token and was hunted down by all parties, but the first person who discovered the [Secret Gold] ore was the'North Falling Master. The highest status of the door's realm star, Wang Dan."

   Lin Beichen was taken aback, and gradually recalled, saying: "So...the death of King Tyrant did not know what Ye Tianling and others said, but there was another secret?"

"Yes, protecting Su Xiaoqi is only one aspect, and it is an excuse to the outside world. The biggest reason why Wang Ba Dan's family has been killed is that he explored and determined the existence of [Secret Gold] ore, and rejected the second-level speaker. Lin Xincheng's confidential proposal and cooperative development plan must be reported to the Ziweixing District Human Race Council. After several persuasion was invalid, outsiders took action."

   The Lord Qin said.

   "So, Long Xuan is actually the second-level speaker Lin Xincheng's person?"

   Lin Beichen reacted and asked.

Lord Qin nodded and said, "Not just a dragon, but on the seven continents of Beiluo Shimen, there are a total of seven domain master-level powerhouses who are called [Seven Shenwu], all of whom are from the Lin Xincheng Group. Long Xuan, the commander of the Longwen Army, is just a small **** under Hanmoshu, one of the "Seven Shenwu" of the Yanbing Continent, who is responsible for mining the'secret gold' veins in Niaozhou City."

Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said thoughtfully: "Therefore, the so-called'star swallower' swallows the spiritual energy and vitality of the realm star, leading to the saying that the realm of the'beiluo master gate' is now deserted and barren. , Is also nonsense, is it a lie that the Lin Xincheng Group put out in order to cover up its true purpose?"

   "Not exactly."

Master Qin said: "According to Long Xuan's confession, the degeneration of the'Beiluo Shimen' boundary star is so severe, it is related to the destructive mining of the seven continents at all costs, but the rumors about the'star swallower' are not a renewal, Lin Xincheng The group really transported a juvenile'star swallower' from outside and restocked it on the'North Falling Division Gate' world star.

   "Huh? Why did they do this?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

Master Qin said: "If I am not mistaken, when the Secret Gold mine of the Beiluo Shimen has been mined, they will indulge the Star Devourers to completely devour the planet. In this way, they will There is no right to the death, and even if it is pursued by the higher parliament in the future, it will not be able to find out anything."

   "Damn, these doggies..."

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but cursed.

   These big forces are really inhumane.

  For mining, for money and wealth, you can casually turn a whole world star into ruins, and let the people living in it struggle to death... Isn't this the evil capitalist?

   You can sacrifice everything for profit.

"I have sent a message to the Silver Dust Star Road. I believe that soon, Wang Zhong will send people over. We can occupy the'Northern Luo Shimen' in the shortest time. Once we have a firm foothold here, then' The rise of the "Jianxian Military Headquarters" is more secure."

   "So, there are three things you need to do now."

   "First, defeat [Seven Shenwu]."

   "Second, resist the counterattacks from Lin Xincheng and other big forces..."

"Third, find an orderly and harmless way to mine the'secret gold', and kill the prehistoric species'Star Devourer' that has already taken root on the star of the'North Fall Division Gate', so as to reverse the deterioration of the environment. The trend has brought this planet to life again."

   Qin Master Ji finished in one breath.

   Lin Beichen grievedly asked: "Why me? Isn't it us?"

The priest Qin didn’t catch up, and said: “The second interesting thing is that the woman with the black beak mask is a silver medalist from [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower]. The purpose of coming to Niaozhou City is to assassinate. A person who is very interested in you and me."

   "Zou Tianyun?"

   Lin Beichen was quite surprised.

   No wonder I saw the black-clothed woman in the beak mask before, and felt familiar with her breath. She turned out to be an old enemy.

   Just, why does a killer organization like [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower] deal with the strange and powerful Zou Tianyun who guards the dock and port?


Sorry, it's too late.

Although it is not as big as 9000, it is better than toothpicks.

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