Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1746: Invincible life is lonely

"According to what the assassin said, Zou Tianyun seems to be the remnant of some organization. [Tiancang Broken Soul Tower] was also offered a reward before taking action. The reward is huge. Not only is she a silver medal killer, but there are also three gold medal killers. A silver medal killer also came to the'Beiluo Shimen', waiting for the opportunity."

   The Lord Qin said.

   Lin Beichen's heart was shaken.

  According to his understanding, the gold medal killer of [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower] has the lowest cultivation base and also the domain master level.

   This is already the top killer of [Tian Can Broken Soul Tower].

   sent three people at once?

   It can be seen how terrifying the strength of this strange and powerful Zou Tianyun will be.

   is at least the domain master level.

   may even be a galaxy.

  Think carefully and fear.

   From this calculation, the person or force who issued a reward for killing Zou Tianyun is definitely a real top-level existence. After all, the ants on the roadside are afraid and have no strength to reward the nine-day dragon.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   The whirlpool is bigger than expected.

   then realized another incredible thing.

   He looked at Master Qin in surprise, and said, "Wait, how did you make the silver medal killer of [Tiancang Broken Soul Tower] obediently speak and confess?"

   The priest Qin said indifferently: "It's just a little trick."

   Teacher, you are a bit Versailles.

   I didn’t expect you to have some shades that I don’t know.

The priest Qin said again: "According to the confession of several other people, this time the action of the [Tian Can Broken Soul Tower] was not carried out alone, but in cooperation with the [Seven Shenwu] of the'Beiluo Shimen' Boundary Star. It is unreasonable, because as an organization of killer assassins, [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower] rarely cooperates with external forces."

Lin Beichen thoughtfully, said: "In other words, Zou Tianyun's strength may be much higher than we imagined, so even the [Tian Can Broken Soul Tower] did not have absolute confidence. Shenwu] Cooperation?"

   The priest Qin nodded and said, "This is just a possibility. Have you ever thought about it, there is another possibility."

   Lin Beichen was startled.

   Qin said: "Maybe [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower] and [Seven Shenwu] belong to the same organization or people?"

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, slapped his thigh, and suddenly realized: "Yes, why didn't I think of it."

   "Your hands are a bit heavy."

   The priest Qin felt the tingling on his thigh, and frowned at him.

   "Tap next time."

   Lin Beichen smiled authentically.

   The priest Qin snorted coldly and said, "No next time."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said nothing.

The priest Qin continued: "The female silver medal killer named'Black Bird' came to Niaozhou to find out the details of Zou Tianyun. She is only a peripheral, responsible for contacting Long Xuan, but she was not lucky and was captured. She doesn't know the whole plan of [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower], but I suspect that some assassins have already mixed into the dock of the port, and the hunt for Zou Tianyun has already begun."


   Lin Beichen smiled humblely, and said, "In that case, it is necessary for us to cooperate with Zou Tianyun. The enemy of the enemy is a friend."

"Can try."

   Lord Qin said: "However, I want to remind you that all outstanding people must have a distinctive temperament. If you want to cooperate with Zou Tianyun, I am afraid that it will not go smoothly."

   Lin Beichen nodded in agreement.

   It's a pity, this Zou Tianyun is a man.

   If it's a woman, I'm good at dealing with it.

"My suggestion is that you can try to contact Zou Tianyun, but the most important thing is to get rid of the [Seven Shenwu] first, clear away the killers of [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower], and control the'North Falling Master Gate' in the Sword Immortal Army Headquarters. In the hands of, follow up with Zou Tianyun, cooperate with each other, and guard the boundary star of the'Northern Luo Shimen'."

   The priest Qin gave her plan.


   Lin Beichen nodded.

  Listen to my big wife, don’t let her get hurt...

   "The next step is to appease the human civilians, miners, and farmers in Niaozhou City, so that they can rest assured, gather the army of the Dragon War Department, and control the entire Niaozhou City... In a word: to conquer the hearts of the people."

   The priest Qin said again.

   "I understand this..."

   Lin Beichen laughed: "Grow leeks."

   A black Tic Tac Toe appeared on the bright and white forehead of Lord Qin.

   Lin Beichen said again: "However, although I understand, I can't do it. Why don't you do it for me, Teacher Qin."

   The priest Qin pinched his eyebrows and said, "Okay."

   Lin Beichen was overjoyed, and said: "I have Teacher Qin, like a fish in water."

   The priest Qin asked: "Why is it not like a tiger with wings?"

   Lin Beichen said: "The joy of fish and water."

   The priest Qin finally couldn't help it. He raised a plate and smashed Lin Beichen's forehead, smashed to pieces, and turned around and walked out of the Zuixianlou.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand and touched his forehead, and said in pain, "Ah, I am injured, it is very serious, I need a good one to get better..."

   A cold snort from the priest Qin came from outside the door.

   Lin Beichen rubbed his eyebrows, thinking in his heart: Teacher Qin deserves to be a big shark in the fish pond. He is strong but also has a big temper.

   Thinking of this, Lin Beichen couldn't help but think of Chu Hen, Qianqian, Qianqian, Cui Hao, Cui Minggui, Lin Hun and others trapped in the "East True Continent".

   Lin Beichen believes very much that these people, as long as they adapt to this world, will surely bloom with brilliance, and they will not be inferior to the geniuses of the prehistoric world.

   The host country, Zhenshu, is a huge treasure house.

   can not only help him improve his cultivation, but also has development potential on other levels.

   With so many talents and so many celebrities, if they were to be brought to the prehistoric world, the Sword Immortal Army Department would really be a ‘strategist like a cloud, a fierce general like a rain’.

   Therefore, I have to hurry up to find the master ‘Chen Piyang’, and refine the pill that can make Chu Hen and others ‘rebirth’.



   The next few days.

   The priest Qin showed an amazing ability.

In the first time, she used thunder means to incorporate about ten thousand sergeants from the "Dragon Marked Army", re-integrated, formulated new military disciplines and temporary laws, and severely punished several unruly warriors. The preliminary changes were made. This fallen army.

   Then, calm the hearts of the people.

   In the living area of ​​Niaozhou City, the most common people are miners and farmers.

   These people have the lowest requirements.

   All they need to do is to allow their families to take refuge in the living quarters, and to give them a certain amount of food and water so that they can survive, and they are grateful and willing to sacrifice their lives.

   The priest Qin did not hesitate to open the living area, so that the poor who were frightened day and night outside could also enter the refuge.

   In fact, there are not a lot of food and water sources in Niaozhou City.

Before, Long Hyun and others were hoarding and storing a large amount of food. They blocked hundreds of springs in the city and sealed them, leaving only the nine water sources in the city. They used it as a means to control civilians, so they created the shortage. situation.

   The priest Qin adopted the same strategy as Wang Zhong.

   In the name of Lin Beichen, the ‘Sword Fairy’, she reopened the spring, and distributed grain according to work, shortening the mining time of miners and reducing labor intensity, so that the poorest people at the bottom can also live.

   Within a few days, the tragic phenomenon of selling children, selling children, and changing children for food disappeared completely outside the city.

   Inside and outside the living quarters, there are voices praising Lord "Sword Fairy" everywhere.

   However, when he tried to contact Zou Tianyun, he encountered setbacks.

The biggest reason for    is that this person cannot be found at all.

   It is said that Zou Tianyun has not found a pretty young lady to play games with him for three or four consecutive days, and no one knows where he has gone.

   The people in the dock and port are not surprised by this phenomenon.

   Because this has been the norm in the past period of time.

   Master Zou will disappear for a few days every month.

   But this does not prevent him from protecting everyone.

   Everyone believes that he has always been in the dock and port, and he is in a ‘private visit on WeChat’. Maybe any stranger you’ve seen by your side is him, but you will never notice.

   couldn't find it several times, so Lin Beichen had to give up temporarily.

   He eats and drinks at Zuixianlou every day, hangs up and upgrades.

   At the same time, news about Master Chen Piyang came one after another, but they were not accurate.

   The entire Ziwei Star area is looking for this master alchemy.

   But this alchemy master played peekaboo peekaboo. He is very good at hiding and has not been found. All parties can be sure that he must still be on Sirius Road, but in which realm star he is hiding in.

  The Sword Fairy Army has a short day of development, and the relatively poor tracking system, relying only on the scouts scattered out, naturally can't find accurate clues.   No matter how impatient Lin Beichen is, there is no way.

   In this regard, Master Qin’s suggestion was to look for clues from the killer of [Tian Can Broken Soul Tower].

  Because [Tiancan Broken Soul Tower] is also chasing Chen Piyang all over the world, and as a powerful killer organization that has existed in the Ziwei Star area for hundreds of years, they must have their own powerful intelligence information channels.

   It is a pity that the female silver medal killer who was caught does not know the inside story.

   Five days have passed.

   Lin Beichen's Zhen Qi cultivation base has been upgraded again, reaching level 15.

   The second layer of "Huaqi Jue" is also so diligent.

   Lin Beichen discovered a strange phenomenon.

   With the domain master-level orc fighting qi stored in the left hand, it is continuously refined by the "Huaqi Jue". With the increase of flesh and blood strength, strength is no longer increasing rapidly at all times, and his muscles seem to be...developed?

   There is a trend towards muscular men.

   and the size also increased.

   Unknowingly, it was almost 1.9 meters.

   "Ah this..."

   Lin Beichen became worried.

   Although he has no rejection of eight pack abs.

   But will the fish in your pond resist their new image?

   Fortunately, his handsome face has not become muscular.

   Such unpretentious opening day came to the sixth day.

  The change finally appeared.


   The sound of majestic war drums resounded throughout the world.

   Someone was standing on a tall building and watching.

   I saw clouds in the distant sky, and red starships, covering the clouds and obscuring the sun, were rising like a wave of blood, slowly approaching the sky above Niaozhou City.

   step to step to step.

   The earth trembled slightly.

   In the wilderness outside the city, on the distant horizon, a tornado-like smoke of thousands of meters was raised.

   There are dozens of cavalry battalions, galloping on horseback, approaching in the desert.

Under the illumination of   Yangguan, Senhan’s weapons reflected cold light, appearing from time to time in the smoke and dust, dazzling as silver, approaching quickly.

   The army is coming.

   The enemy has arrived.

  In a short time, a screaming alarm sounded in Niaozhou City.

   The working civilians looked at the sky blankly, and when they reacted, there was a flustered expression on their faces.

   News spread like wildfire in the city.

  Han Moshu, the master of the Yanbing continent and one of the [Seven Shenwu] domain masters, finally brought his iron-blooded army to the outside of the city, wanting to avenge Long Xuan and others.

  【Blood Sea Drifting】Han Moshu!

   That is a horrible butcher who slaughtered the city at every turn. He once killed more than a million creatures with a single knife.

   It is said that every time this blood sea butcher sends out a large army to conquer, wherever he goes, there are no chickens and dogs, no grass.

   In the city of Niaozhou, the hearts of the people suddenly floated.

   Many people panic looking for hiding places.

   After dozens of breaths.

   The army is crushing the border.

   The Fifty Star Searching Fleet, as well as a large number of cavalry and infantry who can't see the side at a glance, were in 20 square formations, slowly stopping outside the city of Niaozhou, and there was no immediate attack.

   The sword and gun are cold.

   Suddenly the day.

   murderous, suffocating.

  The horrible atmosphere made countless civilians in the city panic like the end of the day.

   also made all the soldiers and soldiers recruited in Torishima City look earthy.

   The strength of the enemy and us is too far apart.

  【Sword Fairy】Lonely suspended over the city of Niaozhou.

   Compared with the red flame starship team on the opposite side, it was like a dog facing a terrifying wolf pack, as if it would be submerged and torn apart in the next instant.

   "I came a little later than expected."

   The priest Qin stood on the deck of the [Sword Fairy], looking at the opponent with amazing military strength, thoughtfully. 

   "Not bad, good, tut tut."

   Lin Beichen also stood on the deck, folded his hands on his chest, touched his chin, and laughed heartily, saying: "This Hanmoshu is a wise man with great wisdom. I admire him very much."


   The priest Qin looked at him with doubts.

Li Beichen smiled confidently and explained: "This Hanmo book must have heard the name of my sword fairy Lin Beichen, knowing that I have a sword in my hand, the world is invincible, and handsome, it is his insurmountable peerless enemy. With me in town, the city of Niaozhou is so invaluable, that’s why I came out and led so many troops to attack... This person, able to bend, stretch, and have great foresight is really rare."

   The priest Qin pinched his eyebrows helplessly.

as long as you are happy.

   She didn't say anything.


   The sound of war drums sounded again.

   is getting more and more urgent.

   The flagship of a flame weapon totem, slowly drove out 100 meters from the starship formation.

   Above the bridge.

   A warrior wearing a layered ornate metal light armor, wearing a eagle helmet, strode forward.

   "Who is in charge of Niaozhou City now? Get out and answer."

   The thunderous shouts shook between the sky and the earth, shaking the sky and disappearing, and shaking the hearts of the people in the city.

get out?

   Lin Beichen's smile gradually disappeared.

   Damn, do you say good peerless enemies respect each other?

   I swear words as I come up.

   There was a playful smile on the face of the priest Qin.

   Lin Beichen glanced at the priest Qin, explained forcibly, "When I go out, take care of him and let him be polite..."

   Lin Beichen's figure moved, flew forward a hundred meters, and came into the void.

   "I am Lin Beichen, the commander of the Sword Fairy Army."

He was stagnant in the void, dressed in white, with black hair like a waterfall, and he was unique and romantic, with an unparalleled temperament, self-registration number, and full of compulsiveness. He laughed and said: "But it is one of the [Seven Shenwu] Yanbing Continents. Han Moshu? Come out and answer."

   "Lin Beichen? Never heard of it."

On the other side, the thunderous voice sounded, full of contempt and superiority, and sneered: "The nameless man, not worth mentioning, is worthy to talk to my handsome? If you don't want to die, roll aside and let Those who are truly qualified to speak will come out to answer."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

Oh shit.

   The blue veins on his forehead burst.

   is different from what I imagined.

   Now you don't have to look back, you can know that the big wife standing on the deck must be smiling and showing her teeth.

   "Hey, have you never heard of the prestige of Lin Beichen, the commander of the Sword Immortal Army? Who are you, so ignorant, report your name."

   Lin Beichen decided to struggle a bit.

"Haha, what Lin Beichen, Lin Nanchen, what sword immortal army headquarters, garbage-like things, immediately roll off. I am the Yanbing Continent dominates Lord Han, the first-class warlord Yuan Zidan, you are an unknown junior, you are not worthy to talk to me... "

  The gorgeous bright armored warrior standing on the bow of the ship sneered, and he simply dismissed Lin Beichen.

   riding a horse...

   Lin Beichen's skin twitched.

   There seemed to be Master Qin’s laughter behind him.

   In the city of Niaozhou below, there seemed to be faces of amazement and disappointment.

  I finally set up a person...

   will be ruined.

   If this doesn’t make it back, how will you pretend to be in the future?

   "Your name is Yuan Zidan, right?"

Someone who was irritated and irritated, he drove the rocket launcher on his shoulder directly, pulled the trigger without hesitation, and said viciously: "Let you idiot know, what is the real thing on horseback." Atomic bomb."


  The 69-type rocket artillery shells infused with the master-level orc anger of the domain master dragged the flames that no one saw, and broke through the air, marking an air crack that everyone can see, and shooting towards the opposite flagship.

   "I don't know how to live or die, how dare you..."

   Yuan Zidan sneered.

   The voice did not fall.


   The invisible shells have already blasted on the flagship.

   A dazzling orange light appeared.

   The huge flagship starship began to tremble violently.

   Immediately afterwards, the bow was directly vaporized.

   The dazzling orange brilliance suddenly exploded. Accompanied by the always terrifying energy fluctuations, layer after layer of light waves, like the ripples of the ocean, continue to radiate in all directions...

   Yuan Zidan was horrified.

   "What power?"

   He turned around subconsciously and was about to run, but he hadn't got enough time yet, and instinctively a fiery, destructive force came upon his face, drowning him.

In the next moment, this 20th-level pinnacle-level warlord, along with the 17th-level alchemy armor on his body, made a sigh of relief and turned into ashes and blue smoke, completely disappearing into this world. .

   However, such terrible destructive power is not the end.

   is just the beginning.

   In the flagship command cabin, Han Mo Shu, who had been leaning on the back of his chair for a long time, suddenly showed a look of horror: "No..."

   The infuriating energy of the 23rd-level domain master instantly urged to the extreme, and flew towards the rear.

  The other fighters in the cabin were swallowed by this terrifying orange brilliance before they could react, and instantly turned into fly ash.


   A terrifying explosion sounded.

   The dazzling light ball keeps expanding, so that in the void, there seems to be an extra round of Hao Sun.

  The dazzling brilliance formed a horrible light wave visible to the naked eye, centered on the explosion point, and spread madly in all directions.

   The surrounding starships were first affected by the turbulence of the explosive air, and the formation was instantly disorganized, like a small sampan on a huge ocean, shaking like a sampan.

Then, as the explosion light spread, the star array shield on the outer layer of the starship had time to light up, and it shattered suddenly. The moment it was swallowed by the orange-yellow destructive light, the starships were like flames. Like a paper boat, together with all the warriors, weapons, soldiers and other objects on it, they all turn into fly ash and dissipate.

   Above the sky, the orange-yellow light is dazzling.

   Countless people only feel the sharp pain in their eyes, and they have to close their eyes. People with a lower strength have blood and tears in their eyes...

  Niaozhou city is silent.

   In the sky, the starship formation of Flame Sails completely disappeared.

   The terrifying force of the explosion, like a remnant cloud in the wind, directly destroyed the air formation of more than fifty starships.

   Almost no one can escape.

Apart from…

   A figure held by Lin Beichen in his hand.

  【Blood Sea Drifting】Han Moshu.

Relying on his tyrannical cultivation base, and the 21st-level sword-training armor [Blood Dragon Armor] with excellent defensive power on his body, he took a life, but was seriously injured and lost his fighting power. He was captured by Lin Beichen and lifted in the air. In hand...

   "Who are you?"

   Lin Beichen was also a little surprised.

   This guy is not low in strength.

   is still alive under the 69 style of a domain master level.

   Hanmoshu had a bleeding in his mouth and nose, and he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

   Today’s battle is too bizarre.

   He lost even before he could say a line in the future.

  The defeat is inexplicable.

   defeated and discouraged.

   "He is Han Mo Shu."

   The voice of the priest Qin came from behind.

   "You are Han Mo Shu."

   Lin Beichen suddenly became angry and said, "Are you polite? Huh? I'm not worthy to talk to you? Take a picture and pretend to be forceful in front of me? You are talking, don't pretend to be dead."

   "Lin Beichen is it?"

   Han Moshu knew that he couldn't play dead anymore.

   He opened his eyes and sneered, and said: "I didn't check this seat for a while, and was attacked by you to calculate, accidentally missed...You dare to let this seat be treated for a fair fight?"

   "Are you insulting my IQ?"

   Lin Beichen sneered.

   Does he look like a fool?

Han Moshu smiled coldly and said: "What about making you a villain? Do you dare to kill me? Haha, I will put my words here today. If you dare not kill me, I will avenge myself in the future. Return today's shame a hundredfold."

   "Oh, you look pretty?"

   Lin Beichen smiled: "Isn't you afraid of death?"

Han Moshu continued to sneer, and strongly said: "This seat kills countless people, whether it is old or weak, women, children or strong enemy monks, as long as they are not pleasing to the eye, they will all be killed. The dead souls who died under my sword are not ten million, but nine million. , I’ve long been used to seeing countless lives and deaths, so how can I be afraid of death? Besides, you know some of the identity and background of this seat. If you kill me, you will never escape from heaven and earth. When the time comes..."

   The voice did not fall.


   Lin Beichen twisted his wrist and took off his head directly.

   pressed his left hand on his back, the swallowing force was activated, and the source of the 23rd-level domain master level was swallowed and absorbed, and stored in his left forearm.

   The muscles strengthened by the ‘Huaqi Jue’ have increased endurance and can store more heterogeneous energy.

   The sneer freezes on Han Moshu's face.

   Domain Master Level cultivation base gave him strong vitality, but once he loses the original pure power, he can't even heal flesh and blood.

  The shadow of death strikes.

   He never dreamed that Lin Beichen really dared to kill himself, and he could actually kill himself.

  Life is passing away like a tide breaking a bank.

   Han Moshu's vision began to blur.

   faintly saw that within the swaying horizon, he saw countless horrified faces in his army formation below, looking up at this scene blankly.

   Those warriors and soldiers who followed themselves.

   Their awe and respectful gazes have long since disappeared.

   There was horror in their eyes, their expressions could not be concealed with amazement, and some of them could not even hide their excitement, as if they were happy for their own death...

  The neat military formation began to mess up.

   That is a sign of morale collapse.

   Endless darkness struck.

   Endless fear strikes.

   The human butcher, who is called [Blood Sea Drifting Scull], never thought that he would die in this unexpected way.

   When death really came, he was destroyed by fear.

   The only remaining consciousness in his head made him open his mouth: "No...forgiveness...forgiveness..."

   but did not get the slightest pity.

   The wind blows.

   will fall into the stars.

   The sky is lonely.

   "Han Mo Shu is dead, who dares to confront me?"

  Lin Beichen carried the blood-stained head in his hands, looked down below, and shouted: "Will you surrender? Within five breaths, those with armor and weapons in their hands will be killed."

  The white clothes are like jade, and the black hair is like a waterfall.

   He stands tall in the sky, with eyes wide open, like a **** of war.

   A brief hesitation.

Below   , hundreds of thousands of troops, cavalry dismounted, infantry disarmed.

  The swords, guns and weapons in his hand are all placed on the ground.

  The warlock also put down his staff.

   No one is still wondering whether Lin Beichen's threat can become a reality.

   Because of the fact that the Starship team was destroyed by a single blow, everything has been proved.

   The defensive star array on the starship was much stronger than the marine army, and the result was still wiped out in an instant.

   What about them?

   The war in the Star Age—especially the war in the starry sky of the Star Age, where the top powerhouses often fight against each other can decide everything.

  Once it loses the position of the top powerhouse, the ordinary army may be able to fight against the ordinary powerhouse by relying on the star array, but if confronted with the super powerhouse who masters a wide range of attacking combat skills, there is only one end-


   The cheers came from Niaozhou City uncontrollably.

   is like a volcanic eruption.

  Countless people cried with joy.

   They realized that they not only escaped the war, but also possessed a powerful and incomparable lord, which means that they can get the right to survive if they are sheltered.

   on the "Sword Fairy".

   The guardian turned the water stream's eyes into horror.

   She has seen a handsome shot.

   have seen that amazing swordsmanship.

   But like this, it was the first time I saw the Destroyer Starship team and the terrifying ability of the Territory Master in a single blow.

   The face of the priest Qin also showed shock.

   The little man who pretends to be annoyed by failure is really amazing.

   Above the sky.

   Lin Beichen casually lost the head of the enemy coach.

Below   , hundreds of thousands of troops, all disarmed and abandoned, fell to the ground, afraid to fight him.

   "Invincible life is really lonely as snow."

   He let out a lonely sigh.

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