The point is, there is no one-time love between us at all.

   Lin Beichen almost blurted out these words.

   But at this moment, he suddenly remembered the ecstasy experience in the top suite of Dafeng Building, so he shut up quickly.

   If this is really said, what is the difference between lifting the pants and not recognizing people?

   Still must not be regarded as a scumbag by Teacher Qin, and hammer an adult scum on the spot.


   Lin Beichen sighed, and said in infinite melancholy: "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the midst of each other?"

   Teacher Qin's eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

   Obviously, teachers will always like good students with brilliant literary talents.

   "Remember the bone spear I gave you?"

   Qin said: "It is the relic of Bai Weiyun."

   Lin Beichen nodded, wondering why Teacher Qin mentioned this matter at this time.

   "You should take a good look at it."

   Teacher Qin reminded.

   Lin Beichen was startled.

   Teacher Qin said again: "On that day, I lived because of Bai Rongyun, but she sacrificed herself. Without her, you might have died, and everything in the host Zhenzhou Continent already belongs to Wei Mingchen and Tian Gongzi."

   Lin Beichen was silent.

   Teacher Qin said again: "I once swore to resurrect Bai Weiyun. This oath has become the foundation of my path to the cultivation of'Doctor's Path'... and you shouldn't forget her."

   Lin Beichen nodded heavily.



   The priest Qin is gone.

   All alone, drifting away.

   Lin Beichen didn't even have a chance to give it away.

   This is a pity for God.

   She has always been an independent and intelligent woman.

  Whether in the host Zhenzhou or in the prehistoric world, he has never been attached to the light of Lin Beichen, and has always had his own independent thinking.

   Yiren has drifted away.

   Under the golden sunrise, Lin Beichen stood on the deck of the "Sword Fairy", holding the white bone spear in his hand, and repeatedly rubbing it.

   The relic of Bai Weiyun.

   What is it that Teacher Qin wants me to see?

   Is there any important secret hidden in it?

   Lin Beichen was holding the bone spear, in a daze, as if seeing the arrogant but enthusiastic big-breasted loli again, she stood in front of her with a smile, and then drifted away.

   "Lin Beichen is not dead, what does it have to do with me?"

   She once said that.

   But what almost no one knows is that she also suffered thousands of times in the blood prison of Wei Mingchen.

   In order to help him, the people of the market world sacrificed everything with her.

  Because she sees the future.

   She turned to Wei Mingchen, not to survive.

   She knew her fate of death.

   is for him to live.

   The arrogant big-breasted loli has said more than once, "Lin Beichen is not dead, what does it have to do with me".

   It's not because she doesn't care.

   But because I care too much.

   She knew she would die.

   People die like a lamp.

After    died, the man who made her think and gave her the courage to survive the cruel torture really had nothing to do with him.

  He will belong to another woman.

   In the long years, he might forget her after all.

   But so what?

   She died for him after all.

  The past is like a cloud of smoke, constantly passing through Lin Beichen's mind.

  He was silent.

   used to whip famous horses because of drunkenness, for fear of passionate and tired beauties.

   Holding the bone spear in his hand, Lin Beichen whispered for a long time. Observing carefully, he never noticed the secret hidden in the bone spear.

   Behind him, there were rapid footsteps.

   "Master, Master..."

Wang Zhong ran as if being chased by a dog, and said loudly: "Master, you absolutely can't think of what happened, hahahaha, Lin Xincheng, that old dog actually admitted, instead of counterattack, he sent an invitation to invite you to Sirius to participate. Cut the deer banquet."

   "Cut the deer banquet?"

   Lin Beichen has a clear understanding when he hears it.

   In the huge Chinese historical book "Historical Records: Biography of the Huaiyin Marquis", the great Chinese historical book on the earth, there was a saying that'Qin lost its deer, the world chased it together'.

   means that the Qin Dynasty lost its dominance, and the world's heroes have risen to participate in the struggle for hegemony.

   The deer here refers to the dominant position.

   To cut the deer means to divide the world.

   I didn't expect that there would be such a saying in the prehistoric world.

   is placed in the Ziwei Star area. These two words should refer to the death of the "Sirius King" knife and the collapse of the Sirius Kingdom. Someone wants to divide the territory and hegemony of the Ziwei Star area.

   Those who are eligible to participate in this banquet are afraid that they are all the top power controllers in the Ziwei Star District.

   And Lin Xincheng, as the second-level speaker, is the top giant in the chaos in the Ziwei Star District, and he is naturally qualified to "cut the deer."

The problem is that the Sword Immortal Army captured the Beiluo Shimen and forcibly snatched the cooked duck from the old dog’s mouth. The value of the Secret Gold Mine was self-evident. He didn't lead the army to attack with rage, but invited Lin Beichen to participate in the'Deer Cutting Banquet'...


   Is this a recognition of my strength and influence?

   Is there another conspiracy to put down the Hongmen Banquet?

   "Pharaoh, you go to make arrangements, arrange the garrison, and after ten days, follow me to go to the banquet."

   Lin Beichen put away the white bone spear, got excited, and said: "We will go to meet Lin Xincheng, the second-level speaker, for a while, and we will also meet these big figures in the crape myrtle star field for a while."

   "Master, are you really going to go?"

   Wang Zhong asked quite surprised.

   This is not in line with the young master's style of lying flat.

   "Go, why not go?"

Lin Beichen was very ambitious, looking at the morning sun in the distance, and said loudly: "The world is out of my generation. As soon as I enter the rivers and lakes, the years are reminded, and the sword is lifted. Riding and waving the ghost rain, the bones are like mountains and the birds start to fly... These big people, ask these so-called noble rulers, who are enjoying the anointing of the people, do they know that the human race stars of the big star roads are burning, and thousands of people are struggling between life and death."

   In the void, there seems to be a phantom of the sound of swords.

   This time, Wang Zhong stopped flattering and flattering.

   He just quietly looked at the young master's back.

   A rare grin of relief gradually appeared on his face.

   The departure of the chief priest of Qin is at the right time.

   It is always only women who can make a teenager grow up and take responsibility quickly.

   can be a woman.

   or many women.



   ten days later.

   Sirius star.

  'Sword Immortal' passed through the atmosphere. After the violent turbulence ended, it began to sail smoothly in the sky. Under the guidance of a local guided frigate, it proceeded towards the'Sirius City' without delay.

   Sirius World Star is the capital of Sirius Road.

   is also the capital of the entire purple star area.

   is the planet with the most aura and the largest area that Lin Beichen has ever seen.

   The land and the sea are equally divided.

   Along the way, looking around, the earth is vast, the sea waves are like anger, and all kinds of magnificent and magnificent scenes are emerging. Lin Beichen, who is self-proclaimed and knowledgeable, is also dumbfounded and admired again and again.

   Such beautiful rivers and mountains belong to the human race.

   As a human race, Lin Beichen, how can he not be proud?

   Sail for an hour.

On the vast land below   , traces of human equipment activities can finally be seen. The gentle zone stretches for thousands of miles. Four magnificent cities, like creations of gods, stand between the plains and river valleys.

   Only at this time, a wave of wolves rose into the sky.

  Four cities are burning.

   The breath of war and killing rushed to my face.

   It turns out that war is everywhere.

   There is also on Sirius.


Today's second time will be a little later.

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