Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1481: There are now vacancies


   Lin Beichen gave a clear drink.

   "Sword Fairy" stopped.

   The frigate piloting in front saw this and had to stop.

   The chief officer on the ship, Xu Hang, came to the ‘Jianxian’ with angrily, frowned, and asked, “What’s the matter? Do you understand the rules? Why did you stop suddenly?”

   Lin Beichen pointed to the burning city below and the wolf smoke rising into the sky, and said: "What's the matter?"


Xu Hang chuckled and said casually, "It's just the two marshals of the Dayue Army and the Huazang Army. Recently, there was a conflict over a young beauty. You don't need to be nosy. A war of this scale. You can see it everywhere, it’s no big deal. Don’t worry about them. If you fight for another half a year, your anger will disappear. If more people die, they will naturally disappear."

   It turns out that there are two Terran armies fighting each other?

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   He had long heard that there were so many human army units on Sirius, far more than other star roads. He didn't expect that there would be so many bad streets.

   The outside world has become a mess. On the planet of the human race in the purple star district, the commander of the human army will kill each other because of jealousy?

   Glancing at Xu Hang, Lin Beichen said, "Go down and tell the marshals of these two military headquarters that from now on, there will be a truce and no more swordsmen will be allowed."

   Xu Hang glanced at Lin Beichen, couldn't help but sneered and asked, "Are you kidding me?"

"Do not."

  Lin Beichen looked at him, and said every word: "Every word I just said is 24K pure and serious."

Xu Hang showed a hint of "I am being teased" on his face, and mockingly said: "Hehe, seriously? Why are you? You are just a vulgar hillbilly who also takes care of our Sirians? You think you are. Who?"

   The people of the capital have a natural sense of superiority.

   In the eyes of the Sirians, except for the natives, all the other people in the entire Ziwei Star area are vulgar country folks.

   Lin Beichen raised his middle finger, rubbed his eyebrows, and said faintly: "Tell him who I am."


   ‘Red One’ shot.

   The giant red palm is photographed like the top of Mount Tai.

   "You dare?"

   Mr. Xu was furious, running infuriating, unbelief in evil, raised his hand to accept.


   Bone cracking sounded.

   His arms were like broken rotten wood, fractured and drooped instantly.

  Severe pain hits.

   Xu Hang suddenly believed in evil.

   Perceiving Lin Beichen's unwavering eyes, he realized that it was not good. He had no arrogance before. He recognized the counsel with a shocking speed, and quickly pleaded: "The officer is wrong, no, don't..."

   "Now you know who I am?"

   Lin Beichen looked at him without the slightest pity in his eyes.

   "I know... I know, I know."

   Xu Hang hurriedly said loudly.

   "It's fine if you know."

   Lin Beichen nodded with satisfaction, and said, "I hope you can keep it in mind in your next life."

   The voice fell.

   The red giant palm once again exerted its strength.

   Pei Ran Mo Yu's mighty force suddenly pressed down.


   Xu Hang, who was struggling, was photographed directly into a pile of meat.

   Those who die can't die again.

   The two entourage guards who followed Xu Hang, seeing this scene, their faces were trembling with fright.

   Their first reaction was that they were going to be killed.

   But this is not the case.

  Because Lin Beichen didn't even look at them.

   "Take the body of this Master Xu Hang, and persuade the two warring parties below to say that I am Lin Beichen, I hope they can love each other and help each other."

   Lin Beichen said, throwing three bones at the three ‘Red One’ brothers [Ancient Battle Soul], and continued to order: "If they are not obedient and reasonable, then kill them all."

   ‘Red One’, ‘Red Two’ and ‘Red Three’ are like lively huskies, happily catching their own bones, turning into rainbow lights and swooping down.

   After a cup of tea time.

The war below    was stopped.

   The three ‘Red One’ guys are back.

They sent messages with their spiritual power, saying that they had succeeded in persuading people with reason after they went down. After shooting a few disobedient thorns to death, the commanders of the two military departments finally repented, realized the wrongness of their actions, and changed them painfully. Former wrongs, ended the war very obediently...

   Lin Beichen shook his head and sighed.

   It's so smoky.

   half a day later.

   The "Sword Fairy" landed in Sirius's largest city-"Wolf Howling City".

   The magnificent city is dazzling.

   is unimaginable prosperous.

   But not everyone can enjoy this prosperity.

   Just as light and darkness always accompany each other, prosperity and run-down can always appear in the same place in the same city, just separated by a wall.

   "Lin Shuai, this is the division of the'Sword Fairy Army'."

A parliament member named Hu Zhongxian brought Lin Beichen to a dilapidated small courtyard like a garbage dump, and said: "After ten days, the deer-cutting banquet will begin. Before that, Lin Shuai could only stay here. NS."

   The low earth wall is full of dust and garbage in the courtyard.

   There are three tiled houses and two rooms in the courtyard leaking air, the courtyard door is dilapidated, the door is damaged, and a dry well in the courtyard is bubbling with the stench of black water...

  Who can believe that there is such a disgusting place in Langxiao City.

"What? Let my handsome young master live in such a dirty and smelly place where dogs can't live?" Wang Zhong was furious, and said: "You are deliberately building such a disgusting yard to humiliate my young master. Bar?"

   Hu Zhongxian had no expression on his face, and said: "This is the arrangement of the parliament. If you have any comments, please go to the parliament to respond."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

   He noticed that across the river from the dilapidated courtyard, there were dozens of magnificent manors.

  Any one of these manors covers an area dozens of times the size of the small courtyard.

   Especially the manor directly opposite, it is very magnificent.

The gate is six or seven meters high and full of momentum. It has a brass alchemy armored door, a pair of left and right drum stones, and horse posts; the courtyard and the courtyard are carved with jade railings, red walls and green tiles, water pavilions, cornices, and curved water flow. , Beautiful...

   Compared with the run-down courtyard, this manor is simply a fairyland.

   "Where is that place?"

   He pointed to the manor and asked.

   "Oh, it's also the residence of the guests who came to the deer-cutting banquet..." Hu Zhongxian said: "But it's over, there is no vacant house for you."

   The voice just fell.

   The gate of the manor opposite opens.

   A team of people came out.

The first person, wearing a luxurious black robe, has pale skin, a horse face, squinted eyes, three and a half meters of white beard under his jaw, and a full three meters high head, but he is skinny and looks like a man at first glance. The root rafters, which looked like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of human skin without flesh and blood, looked evil and terrifying.


   Wang Zhong looked surprised and said: "Master, look, that skinny ugly ghost is the eldest son of the contemporary patriarch of the Dark Crow family, and is also the current marshal of the [Speakers] military, named Zhang Ru."

   The Ministry of Words!

   The military power controlled by the "Dark Crow Family" of the first family on the Silver Dust Star Road is also the biggest internal mortal enemy of the Sword Immortal Army on the Silver Dust Star Road.

   "Why does he appear here?"

   Wang Zhong pulled Hu Zhongxian and asked.

   Hu Zhongxian threw his hand away and said, "Marshal Zhang is also one of the invited guests at the Kalu Banquet, why can't he show up here?"

"I bother."

   Wang Zhong disdainfully said: "In the Ziwei Star District, now there are really many marshals like dogs, and the military headquarters are all over the floor. Any cat or dog would dare to claim to be a marshal..."

   hadn't finished speaking, suddenly felt a hot gaze, like a sharp blade to pierce him, quickly turned around to explain, and said: "Master, I didn't mean you..."


"damn thing…"

   Lin Beichen kicked Wang Zhong's ass.

   "Ah, that's how it feels."

   Wang Zhong groaned joyfully.

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   At this moment, across the stream, Zhang Ru's voice suddenly came.

   "Hahaha, isn't this the commander Lin Beichen of the Sword Immortal Army? Why, you, a fellow from a pariah background, are also invited to the deer cutting banquet?"

   Zhang Ru took his subordinates and stood opposite the stream.

   Lin Beichen looked at him without speaking.

   Zhang Ruyou laughed exaggeratedly.

"In the past few days, this commander has been speculating about who the filthy pigsty is for, and now it seems that he has finally got the answer... Hahaha, Lin Beichen, you call yourself a sword immortal. It's extraordinary, but in the eyes of the adults in the council, it's just the weight of a pig, haha, I'm so ridiculous, hahahaha..."


   A gunshot sounded.

   Zhang Ru's head disappeared directly.

   Lin Beichen held the invisible [Snow Eagle] in his hand.

   bang bang bang.

   is another shot in a row.

   Zhangru's close relatives, the "Speaker" general, were unable to escape the headshot, and fell one by one.

   Lin Beichen blew his hand (gun) and finger (pipe).

   He looked at Hu Zhongxian, smiled slightly, and said, "The manor opposite now seems to be vacated. I will move in, do you have any opinion?"

   "[Broken Invisible Sword Qi]?"

   Hu Zhongxian did not answer his question, but out of great shock, horrified, and asked in a hoarse voice: "This is the legendary [Broken Invisible Sword Qi]?"

   "Not bad." Lin Beichen said, "I didn't expect that there will be my legend on Sirius."

   Hu Zhongxian forcibly restored his composure.

He said with a complicated expression: "Dashuai Lin, do you know that the Dark Crow family is an outgoing branch of the current Acting Speaker family of the Parliament. Zhang Ru, who was just killed by you, is nominally the cousin of the Acting Speaker... you It's a disaster."

   The Grand Speaker of the Purple Star Territory Human Race Council, originally the famous [Sirius King] sword my name.

After the death of the sword, after a period of chaotic battles, the parliament formed a short and delicate balance. The former Sirius God took the position of Marshal Marshal Hua, temporarily acting as the chairman of the parliament, and was called ' Acting Speaker of the Congress'.

   Although there is the word ‘generation’, there is no doubt that Huabai is the most powerful ruler in the Ziwei Star District today.

   Offending this'acting speaker' is no different from being targeted by death.

   "I hope the Acting Speaker will not get confused."

   Lin Beichen is sincere and authentic.

   After speaking, he immediately started moving with someone.

   moved directly into the gorgeous manor opposite.

   The news spread.

   All the forces in the city were shaken by it.

   It was also at this time that the news of the killing of Xu Hang, the confidant of the second-level Speaker Lin Xincheng, was thoroughly fermented and spread throughout the entire Wolfsaw City with Zhang Ruzhi's death, causing a tumult of discussion like a tsunami.

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