Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1483: Bi Yuntao

"What? Your lord is going to kill Lin Beichen?"

   Dendrobium Shihu was surprised, and said, "My lord, please think twice. Lin Beichen has become a climate and has the energy to use the power of a Galaxy-class powerhouse. Why not let me go and let Lin Beichen turn the battle into a jade silk, and join forces to fight against the Chinese pendulum?"

   Office of the Speaker.

   As Lin Xincheng's first think tank, Shi Hu is trying his best to persuade his boss to give up the idea of ​​a full confrontation with Lin Beichen.

   Today's Ziwei star field, the real wise men have already realized the terrible Lin Beichen.

   Apart from anything else, simply being able to master the means to influence the will of the Galaxy-class powerhouse is enough to give him the right to stand aloof and truly sit at the negotiating table.

   Many aristocrats in the Ziwei Star area have too late knowledge and still don’t know what the five words "Sword Immortal Forest Beichen" mean today.

   But as the second-level speaker, Lin Xincheng, who has fought against Lin Beichen in the air, should be very clear.

   This young man who came out of the blue rain world is now the top big figure in the entire Ziwei star domain.

   It is unwise to fight against it.

   "Sir, Lord Shi makes sense."

   "China's great momentum and ambition are our enemy."

   "My lord, don't be arrogant, if Lin Beichen is forced to fall to Hua Pendulum, then we will be in big trouble."

   Several other subordinates and legislators are also working hard to persuade Lin Xincheng.

   Lin Xincheng sat behind the desk.

   He wears a black office chairperson's uniform, which is well tailored, has a clear face, and a handsome appearance. Even when his face is expressionless, he can express an approachable and convincing elegant atmosphere.

   This is a perfect man.

Among the five second-level speakers of the Ziwei Star District, Lin Xincheng has always been known for his magnanimity, determination, admonition, magnanimity, and magnanimity. He is the most sought after by the lower-ranking powerhouses and legislators. He is considered to be the five. The head of the second-level speaker.

   But at this time, this perfect man has an indifferent look on his face.

   "I have decided, no need to persuade."

His tone was very firm, saying: "The enmity of the seven adults in Hanmoshu must be reported. If today I betray them who died in the war just because of my interests and status, then one day, I will do the same to you. It’s better to get straight from it than to ask for it... This official will never let Lin Beichen and his comrades go."

   These words are loud and loud.

   Shi Hu and others who persuaded him were speechless.

   was also shaken.

   feel even more ashamed.

  Lin's generous and upright character, isn't it the biggest reason why they choose to follow and be willing to work for it?

  I and others, what face is there to persuade a noble adult to bow his head and beg?

   "Since the lord insists on dealing with Lin Beichen, he must be steady and relentless in his shot this time. One blow will work, and he will definitely not be given a chance to recover his blood."

   "Yes, it must be fast."

   "My lord, my subordinate thinks that while working on Lin Beichen, he must cut off his party members with lightning speed."

"Master Jin is right. Since we are doing it, we must cut the grass and remove the roots. We must do it at the same time on the Silver Dust Star Road and the Boundary Star of the'Beiluo Shimen'. Once we destroy the Sword Immortal Army Headquarters, then Lin Beichen will be considered It’s just one death, one man, one sword, and the threat is limited after all."

   "Don't forget, everyone, we must find a way to fight against the galaxy-level powerhouse behind him, otherwise, once Lin Beichen behind the galaxy-level powerhouse intervenes, all plans will easily be lost."

   "Before doing it, it is necessary to paralyze Lin Beichen, so that he loses his defensive heart and will not be alert."

   In the office, Dendrobium and other advisers and subordinates, as if they had been beaten with blood, began to rack their brains and offer suggestions.

  The big strategy was quickly finalized.

   In the end, the only tricky thing was how to fight against the Galaxy-class powerhouse hiding behind Lin Beichen.

   can't fight the galaxy, everything is vain.

  Absolute strength can crush most scheming.

   "This matter, just leave it to the official."

Lin Xincheng's face finally showed a smile, and she stood up, calm and confident as usual, and said loudly and authentically: "It is not easy for you to plan for this official. The official cannot ask for more, the most difficult One pass is naturally handed over to this seat."

   Everyone was surprised and happy.

   It turned out that Lord Speaker, secretly concealed the capital to fight against the Galaxy-class powerhouse.

   In this way, not only is there no problem with Lin Beichen, isn't it possible that the follow-up battle for hegemony can be achieved?

   "I will wait for this to do my best."

   Everyone exited the office happily.

   The smile on Lin Xincheng's face gradually disappeared.

   He slowly played dozens of star array maneuvers to completely seal off the entire office without revealing the slightest aura. Then he got up, twisted the hidden machine bracket, and a hidden door appeared on the wall behind him.

   Lin Xincheng walked in slowly.

   In the dark room, the light is dim.

   A rusty bronze lamp niche, hung in the center of the dark room, is in the shape of a Kowloon winding. Nine ancient bronze dragons are entwined with each other, pulling each other, and they seem to be swallowing each other.

   The whole shape reveals a rare **** evil.

   The big green bean flame is burning on the wick, and it jumps slightly in the windless room, seeming to be extinguished at any time.

   The dim aquamarine lights flickered, like a dead soul in the dark dancing some kind of cursed dance, making the whole secret room look simple and revealing a trace of evil and gloomy.

   A gleam of turquoise green light projected on Lin Xincheng's face.

   The light is bright and dark.

  His face lightened and darkened.

   A pair of eyes reflected the lights and turned into aquamarine green, making his original elegant and handsome temperament instantly become invisible and terrible, like a ghost crawling out of a ghost.

   "Another sacred emperor bloodline appeared. And it is most likely the legendary king killer."

   "For so many years, those who are hiding without a trace, when their new master arrives, they will definitely be like Zou Tianyun, and they can't wait to jump out one by one."

   "The hunting day my race is waiting for is finally coming."


   Lin Xincheng let out a ghostly laugh like a night owl.

   The air was shaken by laughter, causing the light niche to turn slightly.

   On the other side of it, there are two old and strict characters—

  The ancient.



   Green Willow Manor.

   is the manor that Lin Beichen snatched from the military Zhangru of the "Speaker".

   At the gate, there is a plaque made by Lin Beichen's own dog. Climbing-style inscription, made by skilled craftsmen overnight.

   The name of the manor, which sounds a bit like a place of pleasure, was taken by him after erasing the bad taste of the original name.

   "Master, the guy named Bi Yuntao is here again." Wang Zhong said with a frown, "Or I have someone kill that guy. It's too annoying to come over and over again."

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said: "Didn't you already cooperate with him well before? Zhang Ru's black materials are also given to him, why come to investigate?"

   He is also a little speechless towards this stubborn guy.

  Bi Yuntao, male, 19 years old.

   The sixth ‘Summoning Dao’ monk in the Twenty-Four Bloodline Dao, the 18th-level High Lord level cultivation base.

   With such a humble background as a home for the poor, and being able to cultivate to such a realm before the age of twenty, it is not an exaggeration to say a ‘genius’.

   It is precisely because of this that he was evaluated by the old "Sirius King" knife my name, "young and promising", and he was able to become a special-class law enforcement investigator of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the ‘Wolf Howling City’.

   is also the youngest special-class law enforcement investigator in the history of the bureau.

   used to have unlimited scenery.

   Unfortunately, with the death of the "Sirius King" knife, Bi Yuntao's good days are over.

He has a tough and straightforward personality, he is neither good at collaborating with his boss, but also lacks the scheming to be with his colleagues and the light. Therefore, in a short time, he has changed from the former'star investigator' to today's iron man. .

   Therefore, he was appointed by the Law Enforcement Bureau to investigate the deaths of Xu Hang and Zhang Ru.

  Although the acting speaker, the second-level speaker and other bigwigs have not publicly expressed their opinions on this matter, for the law enforcement bureau of the old town, this is within their scope of responsibility, and it must first investigate and collect evidence in accordance with the procedures.

   Even the cleaning of the toilets by the Law Enforcement Bureau knows that the investigation of Lin Beichen is likely to go to the end of Zhang Ru, Xu Hang and others, and it is no different from sending him to death.

   However, Bi Yuntao, who is a Nailback Potter, gladly accepted the task arranged by his boss, regarded it as a major event, and went all out to do it.

   So there is the story of Bi Yuntao's three visits to Luliu Villa, Lin Beichen tirelessly.

   Change to a scum like Zhang Ru and dare to bother him like this, Lin Beichen may have already finished with his gun.

   But this Bi Yuntao is an exception.

  He is a good principled man for a few years.

According to the information provided by Wang Zhongxian, Bi Yuntao is not greedy for money and bad fortune, does not drink or smoke, and has no bad habits. Even the horrible thing of helping grandma to cross the road was started when he was three or four years old, and it lasted for several days. As a special investigator of the Law Enforcement Bureau, Bi Yuntao never demanded bribes from merchants on weekdays. On the contrary, he took great care of the mobile vendors. What's more, this guy even used his monthly salary. Three-quarters of it sponsored 16 young people born in poverty to go to parliamentary public schools...

   This is clearly a socialist, good-quality youth.

   Can someone like this be killed?

  Of course not.

   "Let him come in."

   Lin Beichen rubbed his eyebrows, a little tired.

   Not only do I have to worry about the peaceful development of the crape myrtle star field every day, but I also have to be harassed by this kind of uncomfortable criticism... It's hard to be a man, and it's even harder to be a good man.

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