Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1484: Clues to the deceased

After a while.

   Wang Zhong led a young man with a sturdy head and head in.

He is about twenty years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his face is stupid, tall, with a large skeleton, a dark black light armor, and a slanting black chopping knife hanging from his waist. The aura that he showed was not weak, his eyes were bright and sharp, and he appeared firm and confident.

   is the special investigator Bi Yuntao of the Law Enforcement Bureau of Langxiao City.

   "Master, I have brought you here."

   Wang Zhong bowed his hand in salute.

   Lin Beichen waved his hand.

   Wang Zhong bowed back.

   In the hall, Lin Beichen and Bi Yutao were left.

   "Let's talk, what are you looking for me again?"

   Lin Beichen rubbed his temples.

   Bi Yuntao arched his hand and said loudly: "The first thing is to ask the Lord of the Stars of the "North Fall Division", some details of the death of the councillor Wang Badan..."

   Lin Beichen said impatiently, "Isn't all the information handed over to you? Come and ask me what to do? Are you annoying."

   "Then about the whereabouts of Wang Ba Dan's son'Su Xiaoqi'..."

   Bi Yuntao asked again.

"have no idea."

   Lin Beichen answered directly, gave the answer in advance, and asked suddenly: "Wait, is Su Xiaoqi actually the son of the bully?"

   This news, he hadn't noticed before.

   Bi Yuntao said: "According to the information obtained by this official investigation, this is indeed the case. This person is the largest strong witness in the entire'Beiluo Shimen' case. If he can show up to cooperate with the case..."

"Shut up."

Lin Beichen directly recovered and interrupted, and said impatiently: "You **** don't need to analyze the case with me, I'm not interested, let alone test me, I have said everything that should be said... If you have nothing else, just let me go. ,do not bother me."

   Of course, Bi Yuntao did not roll.

   He was not irritated by Lin Beichen's bad attitude.

   "This official reminds you that everything you say will become evidence in court."

   In his hand, he holds a ‘Metal Phantom’ that can record images and sounds, recording the entire conversation, his tone is calm, and his posture is neither humble nor overbearing.

   went on to say: "The second thing is that you are also suspected of being involved in a case involving the murder of a grassroots member of the Star Road. The victim is called Hu Yan Yulong. I want to hear your explanation."

   "I will explain a chicken."

Lin Beichen leaned on the backrest, his posture was extremely arrogant, and he sneered disdainfully and said: "I warn you, I am a good citizen, and I will give you the nickname Fair and Justice Xiao Langjun, a pure and flawless and beautiful young man. Don't catch the wind, otherwise. Even if you are a special investigator, I can sue you for libel."

   "This official is not aimless, but because someone in the Law Enforcement Bureau prison accused you of killing MP Hu Yanyulong for meritorious service, you'd better go with the official, face the confrontation and explain clearly."

   Bi Yuntao insisted.   "Don't go."

   Lin Beichen refused on the spot.

He sneered again: "Boy, I'm not afraid to tell you that before you, the law enforcement investigators had been there in total seven, four of them were broken by me, two were broken by me, and A five-legged mouth and a mouth were all rotten, and they were hung at the entrance of the villa for public display, do you know?"


   Hearing this, Bi Yuntao felt nothing in his heart.

   Because he knew too clearly what the seven colleagues were.

   Blackmail and blackmail threatened the lunatic like ‘Sword Fairy’ Lin Beichen, and he was really confused by the swelling of his investigator’s identity. He committed himself to death and couldn’t blame others.

   Lin Beichen said again: "Of all the investigators, only you entered Luliu Villa three times before and after and left safely. It is not because you are handsome, nor because you are too nasty...Do you know why?

   Bi Yuntao proudly said: "Because the official handles cases, he always discusses the matter on the matter, and he will never make use of the topic."


   Lin Beichen said: "You are very self-aware."

Having said that, he raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "But now I feel that you are here to make use of the topic this time. You no longer adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, but you just do your best to get me in jail. "

   Bi Yuntao said loudly: "There is no such thing."

   "Hehe, what?"

   Lin Beichen started a ruthless mockery: "You dare to do it or not to be you?"

Bi Yuntao's expression remained calm, and said: "The person who reported you is Qin Moyan, the head of the Qin family, one of the nine families on Liuyuan Star Road. He is now in the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau. The officer asks you to cooperate in the investigation. The case is reasonable and reasonable."


   Lin Beichen's expression was slightly startled.

   Qin Moyan?

   He has some impressions.

   At the beginning of the Blue Pole Star, the ancient battlefield site opened, in order to fight against the Xuanxue God Cult, the Grand Speaker of the Luyuan Council, Feng Xiangfeng, personally led the top powerhouses of the nine major families on the Luyuan Star Road to explore the site.

   Among the strong people who went with him, one was the Patriarch Qin Moyan of the Qin family.

The strong human races on Luyuan Star Road wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the "Ancient Battlefield Site", but the facts proved that the opening of the ancient battlefield was actually Jian Xue’s nameless layout. In just three days, the entire Luyuan Xinglu became the territory of the demon clan. Even Prince Qi of the Gengjin dynasty was defeated and fled. Feng Xiangbei and others have been missing since they left the ancient battlefield site...

   This Qin Moyan was originally a figure who advanced and retreated with Feng Xiangbei and others. How can he be in the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau of Langxiao City?

   "Apart from Qin Moyan, who else?"

   Lin Beichen tapped his fingers on the tabletop gently, and asked, "Do you know where Feng Xiangbei and others are?"

  Bi Yuntao thought for a while, and said: "And the former Speaker of the Luyuan Star Road, Feng Xiang North, and his accomplices... They should be people you know, and they are all being tried in the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau."    "Associate? Trial?"

   Lin Beichen was taken aback, and said, "What happened? Why are they imprisoned in prison?"

   Bi Yuntao said: "If you want to know, just let me go."

   Yo heh.

   This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes actually used his mind.

   Lin Beichen stood up slowly, without much hesitation, and said: "Let's go, just let you go and see."

   The two left Luliu Villa in tandem.

main entrance.

   Lin Beichen stepped, looked at Wang Zhong, and ordered: "By the way, if I don't come back in an hour, you will take someone to the law enforcement bureau, remember?"

   Wang Zhong nodded his head like smashing garlic: "Don't worry, master, if the law enforcement bureau dares to disadvantage you, I will let the whole Wolfsaw City be buried for you."

  Bi Yuntao: "..."

   Lin Beichen: "..."


   He put his foot on Wang Zhong's **** and said, "You dog, are you looking forward to my death, so you can inherit everything from the'Sword Fairy Army'?"

   "How come? Master, there is a word of loyalty in my name. I always treat you like a son..."



   Wang Zhong agreed and rolled away from Lin Beichen.

  Bi Yuntao: "..."

   Lin Beichen: "..."


   After a stick of incense time.

   The news that Bi Yuntao brought the "Sword Fairy" Lin Beichen into the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau spread quickly in the city of Langxiao as if he had put his wings in.

   The parties were in an uproar.

   In the prison dungeon of the Enforcement Bureau.

   The screams made by the prisoners when they were tortured, like the wailing of wild beasts when they were killed frequently, reverberated in the long corridor, forming a series of creepy echoes that lasted for a long time.

   In the 28 penalty room.

   The daily punishment is in progress.

   The wind was northward, and he was bloody, unable to find a good piece of flesh, and was dropped in mid-air.

   The blood dripped down his toes, ticking downwards. On the black potted stone slabs, they gathered into blood puddles reflecting faint light.

   "The great speaker of the dignified Liuyuan Star Road, why should he ruin his own future for a small person who is only a matter of fate?"

The execution officer sat on the big chair with his feet on the table in front of him, sneered, his eyes flashed with cold light, and said: "As long as you are willing to come forward to testify against Lin Beichen and expose him to collude with the Demon Clan Xuanxue Divine Sect and kill With the crimes of Mr. Star Road Member Hu Yan Yulong, he can be spared the pain of flesh and blood, and he can enjoy the treatment of the Grand Speaker of the Star Road again. How about?"


Recently, the status is very scumbag, and my life is also full of trivial matters... The update will be very unstable, everyone forgive me.

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