Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1491: Took the initiative to come

Lin Beichen decided to wait.

   After all, not everyone can be as fast as him, but we still have to give others a chance to be fault-tolerant.

   What if Lin Xincheng is in a traffic jam on the way here.

   "Go, take all the trial files from the previous two years in the entire prison... I'm looking to relieve my boredom."

   Lin Beichen said again.


   Zeng Jiang did not hesitate to execute 100%.

Lin Beichen turned around and went to Feng Xiangbei and Qin Moyan's bedside. After careful inspection, he found that the improvement was not as expected. It is guessed that although the drugs purchased online have been magically modified, they will not work if the drugs are not right. He sighed silently in his heart. .

   Another hour passed.

   Lin Beichen read all the trial files easily with the speed of a breeze flipping through a book.

   There is still no movement from outside.

   There was such a big noise, the old thief, Lin Xincheng, could sit still.

   Is it persuaded?

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, slowly got up, stretched his waist, looked at Zeng Jiang, and said, "Except Feng Xiangbei and Qin Moyan, where are the other people on Liuyuan Star Road now?"

   In all the files I just saw, there was no mention of Ling Taixi, Ling Lingling and other masters of the big families, which made Lin Beichen a little disappointed.

"Returning to the lord, the villain only knows that the escape group on the Liuyuan Star Road has indeed been to the Sirius Star, especially the Prince Qi and Princess Huanzhu of the Gengjin dynasty. They have also appeared and caused a sensation. , But later these two big figures hurried away, and the whereabouts of the other members of the escape group were unknown."

   Zeng Jiang quickly reported all the information he knew in detail.

   Lin Beichen nodded, and said: "You help me pay attention to the news in this regard. If there are any clues, report to me immediately."

   Zeng Jiang was overjoyed, he knelt down on one knee with a thump, and said respectfully: "Yes, please rest assured, the lord, the villain will do everything he can to ensure that he will not insult his life."

   He knew that from this moment on, he was truly in the eyes of [Headshot Sword Fairy].

   Lin Beichen looked at Bi Yuntao again, and said, "Let’s talk about it. After watching for so long and listening so much, what are your thoughts now?"

   Bi Yuntao was silent.

   "Don't want to say, or dare not to say?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   Bi Yuntao had a complex expression, gritted his teeth, and tightly grasped the black long and narrow cutting knife at his waist, he wanted to say a few more times, still not saying a word.


   Lin Beichen cursed.

   The blue veins in Bi Yuntao's neck violently, and the black ‘well’ appeared on his forehead, but in the end he still lowered his head without saying a word.


   Lin Beichen turned and walked towards the torture room.

   Zeng Jiang immediately ordered people to carry Feng Xiangbei and Qin Moyan's bed in a coma, and followed behind.

  The group soon left the law enforcement prison.

   Fresh air, cool breeze.

   The sky is just right.

   There will be some time before the sky will be dark.

   Lin Beichen stretched out a big lazy waist, and then strode towards the street.

   "My lord, where are you going?"

   Zeng Jiang followed behind and asked curiously.

"Where else to go? Of course it is to find Lin Xincheng." Lin Beichen said indifferently: "He doesn't come to me, I have to go to him, he hurts my friend, and I have to count me. Such a person does not die. I really It’s scary to sleep and sleep."

   Zeng Jiang's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Lin Beichen in disbelief.

   Is this crazy?

   want to hit the door directly?

The second-level chairperson office building where Lin Xincheng is located is also known as the “sincere building”. In addition to the most trusted people, there are also three thousand people, all of them are powerful people with unique skills, and they are willing to do anything at any time. Ruby Lin did his best. Under his years of management, the various star formations inside and outside of the'Chengxin Tower' were guarded by layers. They were solid, but the entire Ziwei Star District was well-known for the Longtan Tiger Den.

   "You... just call the door like this?" Zeng Jiang reminded him in the most euphemistic tone, saying: "Lin Xincheng has been in business for many years and his power is overwhelming. At this time, he must be waiting..."

   "It makes sense."

   Lin Beichen thoughtfully.

   Zeng Jiang was overjoyed.

   But when Lin Beichen heard Lin Beichen's tone of excitement immediately, he said, "It's just to cut the grass and remove the roots."

  Zeng Jiang: =????(???*).



   Chengxin Lou.

   Lin Xincheng, dressed in Tsing Yi, with his hands behind his back, stood by the glass floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, looking at the busy streets below.

   There is a slight sneer on his handsome face.


   "Beheaded Dendrobium in the Law Enforcement Bureau prison, and then deliberately released the news, thinking..."

   "Hehe, how can such a superficial trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain hide it from me."

   "Although I don't know what you are planning, but I will never follow your rhythm."

   "What is the death of a Dendrobium, even if you turn the entire law enforcement bureau prison upside down, how can it be?"

   "Wait in the prison..."

   Lin Xincheng is very proud.

  Because he is certain that Lin Beichen at this moment is absolutely dumbfounded.

   This junior who claimed to be a "Sword Fairy" never expected that under such a provocation, he would not go to the prison to confront him in anger at all.

   Act unexpectedly, so that the opponent can't grasp it.

   This is Lin Xincheng's style of doing things all the time.

   is also thanks to this style of skill, he can defeat countless formidable opponents, step by step to get to where he is today.

   The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength.

   To deal with Lin Beichen, from the very beginning, Lin Xincheng's plan was to use external forces to use a secret means to use thunder to wipe him out. He had never thought of fighting Lin Beichen head-on.

   So, no matter what happens today, it is impossible for him to go to prison himself.

   Lin Beichen is going to make trouble

   Then let him make trouble.

   It's best to make trouble so that all the prisoners are released, killed, or even destroyed the entire prison...

   The bigger the noise, the more sensational the better.

   Only in this way can he give him enough reason to teach this arrogant rising star and let him know that the rules of the game in this world are not played like this.


   There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

   "My lord, with the latest news, Lin Beichen has left the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau."

   "I see, let's go down."

"grown ups…"


   "Lin Beichen brings Feng Xiangbei and Qin Moyan, and is coming towards the'Chenxinlou'?"


   "It's almost here."

   The atmosphere in the office suddenly became strange.

   Lin Xincheng was silent for a moment, waved his hand, and signaled his subordinates to withdraw. The moment the door was gently closed, his brows wrinkled slightly.

   Things are a bit unexpected.

   What is this younger generation doing here in Chengxinlou with such a big fanfare?

   Seeking peace?

   Build momentum?

   Still going to war?

   Lin Xincheng thought about it, suddenly all the feelings in his heart, suddenly looked out of the Liuli French window.

  On the front square downstairs, a group of people were approaching quickly. The head of a handsome young man in white clothes suddenly stopped at this time and looked up at the office.

  Four eyes face each other.

   eyes crossed.

   Lin Beichen!

he came.

   came so fast.

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