Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1492: Awakening, hunting moment

Lin Beichen stood on the square outside the gate of the'Chenxin Tower', looking up at the top of the thirty-story building, the extremely conspicuous office glass that looked like a giant eye.

   He knew that that was where Lin Xincheng was.

   He can also clearly feel that the other person's gaze is looking at him through the glazed window.

Regarding the name Lin Xincheng, I heard that it was because this person was one of the three major military groups on the Silver Dust Star Road. I remembered this person after being nagged by Wang Zhong many times.

   I didn't expect it.

   "I didn't expect the relationship between you and me to be so deep."

   Lin Beichen thought to himself, slowly raising his middle finger.

   did not rub his eyebrows.

   Instead, he gestured fiercely at the giant eye office.

   Then, without waiting for any response from the other party, he directly summoned the Type 69 shoulder anti-rocket. The muzzle of the black hole was inlaid with apple-green shells and aimed at the building in front of him.

   Pull the trigger without hesitation.


   In the whistling of air, the invisible shell made a tangible white mark in the air and trailed its tail. It slammed into the'sincere tower' with the thunder and thunder and the ringing of bells.


   The bomb exploded directly in an area about ten meters away from the building.

  The star array gas shields like a layered cake, seem to be patches, densely appearing on the periphery of the ‘sincere building’, blocking the attack from the Type 69 rocket launcher.

   The energy of the bomb began to erupt.

   The earth shook violently.

   The orange-yellow piercing eyes burst out fiercely around the building.

   Click, click, click.

   Layers of star array shields are constantly shattering, like shattered glazed pieces flying in the void.

The people in the'Chengxinlou' didn't even react to what happened. They only felt that the ground was shaking, and a terrible shock wave rushed towards their faces. It seemed as if the heart was grabbed by the hand of death. Someone subconsciously looked out of the window. , Was immediately blinded by the orange light, blood gurgled down, and kept screaming...


   Lin Xincheng in the top-level office took a step back subconsciously, her eyes showing extreme shock.

   He never thought that this was the purpose of Lin Beichen's coming here.

   There is no opening remark.

   There is no dialogue.

After    a middle finger, immediately there was an undeclared battle.

  How dare he do this?

are you crazy?

   Lin Xincheng's complexion changed drastically.

   The five fingers of his right hand changed the Yin Jue like lightning, and the palm fingers opened and closed like a void.

  The masterpiece of the light mask Shenhua, the spare energy stored in the building is instantly activated, and the star array defense ability is instantly increased several times.

   after a while.

   The terrifying vibration and the dazzling orange light gradually dissipated centered on the ‘Chen Xin Lou’.

   But the terrible deterrence caused by this blow is permeated between the sky and the earth, and it lasts for a long time.


   The deputy warden Zeng Jiang who came with him, his face almost overflowing with horror, had completely lost his voice at this time.

   He stood behind Lin Beichen blankly, his throat thumped several times, but in the end he couldn't even pronounce a syllable.


   It turns out that Lord Lin has reached this state-with a single blow, he can exert his power at the domain master level.

   Is it possible that Master Lin has been trying his best to keep a low profile, his true strength has already reached the domain master level?

   I seem to be hugging a thigh that is thicker than I thought?

   The dust settled.

   "It didn't even collapse."

  Lin Beichen looked at the tall buildings standing in front of him, and said with emotion: "It is indeed the lair of the second-level speaker, and the defense is amazing."

   Type 69 projectiles infused with the energy of the domain master class can be compared to the full blow of the domain master class above tier 22.

   A frontal bombardment within such a short range only caused the facade of this building to fall off and shattered some glazed windows, but did not completely collapse it.

   The power of the star array.

   is the blessing of the star array, which makes the building stand tall.

   This is the first time he has seen the real top star formation power in the prehistoric world, not weaker than the martial arts powerhouse.

   Could it be the powerhouse of the ‘Sky Formation Dao’ with the fifteenth bloodline in the ‘Chengxin Lou’?

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but think of Yue Hongxiang.

   Xiao Xiangxiang has extraordinary talent and inspiration on the path of the mysterious pattern formation in the host Zhenzhou. If she comes to this world, maybe she will choose the direction of the fifteenth bloodline ‘Sky Formation Dao’, right?

   With a good longing for the future life, Lin Beichen didn't say a word, and installed the second Type 69 shell on the barrel of the black hole.

   In this world, there are very few things that cannot be solved with a single shot.

If there is…

   Then have another shot.

   But just as he was about to pull the trigger with his finger, a cold voice passed from the top of the'Chen Xin Lou' and entered Lin Beichen's ears.

   "Do you want to know the whereabouts of Ling Taixi and Ling Lingling?"

   is Lin Xincheng's voice.

   Lin Beichen almost pulled the trigger, and suddenly released it again.

   He looked up.

   After the broken glass window, Lin Xincheng's figure appeared.

  He is condescending.

   The gloomy expression showed the unpleasant mood at this time, his eyes pierced downward like two poisonous daggers, and he locked Lin Beichen firmly.

   Ding Ding.

   In the light of the metal chirping, two alchemy rune tokens were thrown at the feet of Lin Beichen.

   is the family token of Ling Taixi and Ling Lingling.

   Lin Beichen, who has been in contact with these two new generations of Ling Tianfu for a period of time, can instantly determine that these two tokens are not forgeries.

   "Yu Poxiao."

   "Shen Chongyang."

   "Ling Chongyang."

   "These names are familiar to you, right?"

   Lin Xincheng's voice continued to be heard with secret techniques.

This voice contained killing intent, as if a cold blade was slowly rubbing, saying: "If you don't want them to die now, then come to my'sincere building'. There are 33 floors in total. If you can get through these thirty-three floors alive. Three hurdles, I will give you a chance for a fair fight."

   Lin Beichen sneered.

   "Why should I listen to you? If you dare to move them, I will let you die without a place to be buried."

   There is gum in his mouth.

   Lin Xincheng looked down from a condescending position, and said indifferently: "Because they are in this building at the moment, and you destroyed the'Chenxin Tower', they have to be buried with them."

   Lin Beichen laughed upon hearing this.

   "Okay, I promise you."

   He decided to break the building.

   Lin Xincheng didn't understand, the difference between smashing an enmity and rushing to a building was just wasting a little bit of his time.

   The final result will not make any difference.

   "Wait for me here."

   Lin Beichen turned to Zeng Jiangdao.

   "Yes, my lord."

   Zeng Jiang respectfully and authentically.

   Lin Beichen summoned four [Ancient Battle Spirits] to protect Feng Xiangbei and Qin Moyan who were in a coma.

   "Brother Feng, you and Lao Qin are waiting here, don't worry, wait for me to pick up the head of the old thief in Nalin, and make everyone a urinal for the night."

   After Lin Beichen finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the'Chengxin Lou'.

   As he walked, he slowly put on his ‘Tyrannosaurus’ sunglasses, and used Tyrannosaurus gel water to wipe himself a big back and fixed his hairstyle.

   was holding an AK47 in his left hand and a smoke bomb in his right hand. By the way, he placed an urgent order in the "UU errand" on the phone...

   Lin Beichen is ready.

   Awakening, hunting moments.

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