Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1495: This is also OK?

Human race has twenty-four bloodline cultivation roads, and the fourth one is ‘poison’.

   "What is the difference between Hui and Dan Cao Dao?"

   Lin Beichen came to the fourth floor with curiosity.

   The rooms originally used for offices are all closed with metal doors.

   followed the guidance of Baidu map navigation and came to the central area of ​​the fourth floor.

   The air is quiet like frozen water.

   A strange tingle came from the soles of the feet.

Lin Beichen lowered his head and saw that his boots were covered with light green dust. The metal boots of the 15th alchemy level were actually pits and pits corroded by the green dust. The poison passed through the boots and clung to him. The skin of her feet seems to be stained with a layer of green powder.

   Corrosion, paralysis.

   This is the effect of green powder poison.

   Lin Beichen felt that his movements seemed to slow down unconsciously.

   There are five-color and odorless poisonous powder floating in the air.

  Between breathing, there is a fiery irritation in the nasal cavity and respiratory tract.

   It was as if a slight pepper noodle was inhaled.

   But that's all.

   Lin Beichen sneezed, then picked up the AK47 for a burst of fire.

   Several spots of blood spattered in the air.

   A woman with thick eyebrows wearing a strange quilted clothes showed her figure, with a few blood holes in her plump body, she stumbled to the ground with shock on her face, staring at Lin Beichen, her eyes filled with disbelief.

   The poison she placed in this area was enough to kill a star beast.

   is a 24th-level domain master-level powerhouse. Once it is corroded or inhaled, it will also lose most of its combat power.

   But what did Lin Beichen do?


   Then accurately found her whereabouts, the power of [Broken Invisible Sword Qi] did not decay in the slightest.

   Death followed.

   Lin Beichen looked at the dead poison master in front of him, with a hint of surprise on his face.

That's it?

   Is this dead?

   Poisoner's defense is terribly low.

   Her flesh is fragile like porcelain.

   He swallowed several [Bezoar detox tablets] in a row to eliminate the discomfort in the body.

   Then began to touch the corpse.

  The female poison pharmacist’s patchwork contains a total of nine high-level storage bags, which contain different doses of poison powder, venom, poisonous weeds, poisonous insects and other objects.

   In addition, there are some ancient gold and silver, as well as poison training and poisoning formulas.

   and various training experiences, handwritten notes and notebooks.

Through reading, it can be seen that this female poison master is named Luo Nan, who was born in the “Ten Thousand Poison Sect”. She is good at preparing various poison powders. Demon Devouring Heart Noodles' killed a 25th-order'dan grass way' domain master.

   "Living people refining medicine, living people dissecting...death."    Lin Beichen ejected a wisp of return to the original chaotic energy, turned it into flames, and burned his body.

Luo Nan's all weird methods are in poisons. The true Qi cultivation is only the 18th-order high lord, and he is not worthy to be used by Young Master Lin to use the'swallow' skill. This is also the reason why she died so simply. For the poison master, once the most If the poison you are good at fails, that means the nightmare will come.

   Lin Beichen left the fourth floor.


   "Powerful anti-poison..."

   "Is this the commonality of those of the sacred emperor's bloodline?"

   "The strength of the body is far beyond its own realm..."

   "[Broken Invisible Sword Qi] Not affected by poisonous..."

   "He didn't have a headshot this time, but he will keep the habit of not leaving a dead body."

   "By the way, I also like to collect the loot in person."

   In the 33rd floor office, Lin Xincheng is constantly improving his information database.

There are many people under his command, and those who guard at all levels are the strong among the strong. It took him a lot of energy and financial resources to get the allegiance of these people. Watching them one by one is killed, Lin Xincheng's face There is no regret at all.

   are just some lowly human monks.

   For the desolate ancient saints, everything is material, only oneself survives forever.

   He continued to pass the sky array, observing Lin Beichen's breakthrough.

   The fifth floor is Zhou Hailong, the 22nd-level domain master of the fifth bloodline'Beastization' Dao.

Zhou Hailong, who possesses a drop of the essence and blood of the "Wild Dragon", can transform into the legendary wild dragon with the power to swallow the stars. After being transformed into a beast, the combat power is extremely terrible, and he has mastered the talent of the "Wild Dragon". Yun Yu Lei Dian's four powers were defeated by Lin Beichen.

   The sky array screen image was once again shielded by white smoke.

   When the white smoke dissipated, the battle area on the fifth floor was empty.

   "Lin Beichen took away the blood of'Wild Dragon' and destroyed Zhou Hailong's body..."

   Lin Xincheng calculated quickly in her heart.

   He has a ridiculous suspicion—maybe Lin Beichen will use this to master the magical power of ‘beastization’?

   The blood of the sacred emperor is known as the universal blood. To what extent has Lin Beichen developed his blood?

   The sky array screen turned.

   On the sixth floor of the battlefield, even though Wan Zhenshan, the strong ‘Summoning Dao’, had summoned the original beast ‘Black and Silver Bifang’, he still died in the hands of Lin Beichen...

   Then the seventh floor...

   Then there is the eighth floor.



   The eighth floor of Chengxin Building.

   "Unexpectedly, you could break here..."

Tan Fly without a single hair on his body, the facial features look a bit oozing, grinning, like the monster Guru from the Lord of the Rings, with sharp teeth like daggers, and sneered: "But your way , That's it, do you know why?"

   Lin Beichen said: "You ugly monster, do you want to be sick to me?"


Tan Fei sneered and said: "Because I am a'blood demon', I can't kill...your power, your'broken invisible sword aura', all the methods you have at your disposal can't cause any threat to me... "

   As he said, he tore off his left arm and threw it away.

   The blood is surging.

   His body recovered at an incredible speed.

   And that arm that was torn off turned into another him.

   Two Tan Flies appeared opposite Lin Beichen.

   They continued to tear their bodies.

   Remove all limbs and organs one by one.

   then healed quickly, changing into more ‘Tan Flies’.

   The strange thing is that the newly changed body is not a phantom.

   is a real flesh and blood body.

   Lin Beichen was lying in his heart.

   Is this a cell?

   can divide and reproduce continuously.

   "Now you understand, I can't least you can't kill me."

   Dozens of ‘Tan Flies’ spoke at the same time, then rushed over to fight Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen fell into the wind.

   He thought it was strange.

   The power of every ‘Tan Fly’ is consistent with the body, reaching the domain master level.

  According to the law of conservation of matter and energy, a person cannot divide and reproduce indefinitely without paying any price.

   is the martial arts supernatural powers, neither should it.

   What is the meaning of "Blood Demon Dao"?

   He shot continuously.

   One by one ‘Tan Fly’ was headshot.

   but not dead.

   is like a terminator liquid robot, which can recover quickly.

  In the end, the AK47's bullets were all shot out.

   Lin Beichen offered a silver sword.

   bang bang.

   got a few punches on the body.

   I stumbled a bit.

   "This guy from the Blood Demon Dao is indeed the strangest opponent. You have to think of a way..."

   Lin Beichen quickly pondered the counterattack strategy in his heart.

   But at this moment—

   "You...why would you...this is [Green Devil Heart Eater], you are so mean."

   The Tan Flies staggered back suddenly.

   Their bodies turned light green.

   Green blood stains overflowed from the mouth and nose at the same time.

   "Give me an antidote, an antidote, quickly give me..."

   Dozens of ‘Tan Flies’ roared together, and then crashed to the ground.

   Lin Beichen was dumbfounded, with a smile on his face.

   This also works?


One more

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