Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1496: Strong pervert

The Tan Fly was poisoned to death.

   is not the poison of Lin Beichen.

   was poisoned by "Poison Master" Luonan's expert in the highly toxic "Green Devil Heart Eater".

   The main reason is that Lin Beichen's body was contaminated with this poisonous powder, and it was not completely eliminated. As a result, the Tan Flies were affected by the poisonous powder during Lin Beichen's fight, and the poisoning was deep unknowingly.

   figured out the whole story, Lin Beichen laughed and laughed.

   Isn’t this a coincidence, isn’t it?

   He looked at his body.

  'Green Devil's Heart Powder' is like phosphor.

   Invisible to the naked eye, it actually covered his body.

   He is a little bit painful.

   How is this neat?

   I became a poisoner.

   From now on, no matter it is anyone else, as long as you touch yourself, you will soon die.

   In this way, my own happiness and sexual happiness will all fly away?

   I have to think of a way to solve it. Poisoning is absolutely impossible.

   Lin Beichen squatted down anxiously to observe Tan Fei's body, and at the same time began to touch the body.

   Unsurprisingly, I got all kinds of gold and silver properties, materials, and practice secrets.


   A smoke bomb walked away.

   Lin Beichen squatted in the smoke, while it was hot, he began to "swallow" the Tan Fly's blood demon innocent energy.

   A strange flow of heat poured into the palm, and began to flow along the palm lines.

   after a moment.

   Lin Beichen's left arm has an extra circle of bright red.

   "The power of the Blood Demon Dao is very peculiar. It is completely different from other Zhen Qi. It seems to have superb recovery and healing abilities..."

   Lin Beichen felt it carefully, and then left the eighth floor.

   The gatekeeper on the ninth floor disappointed Lin Beichen, and he was not the monk of the ninth bloodline'Time and Space Dao' he was expecting.

   is a domain master of Eucharist Tao.

   Lin Beichen didn't take much effort to solve it directly.

   A smoke bomb hissed, and Lin Beichen squatted in the smoke and began to "swallow".

   The power of the Saint Physique Dao powerhouse can directly strengthen Lin Beichen's body without the transformation of [Huaqi Jue].

   After a few breaths, Lin Beichen became huge again.

His height officially broke through the two-meter mark and reached 2.5 meters. His shoulder width, lower back, arms and legs are all like a giant body. The muscles all over his body are uplifted like molten iron. The golden ratio of inverted triangles is full of visual explosiveness. The muscle mass contains the same explosive power...

   "I have grown bigger and stronger."

   Lin Beichen wears new alchemy armor, like a giant spirit god.

   However, what he didn't expect was that the gatekeepers from the tenth to the twenty-first floor were all the powerhouses of the ‘Eastern Dao’.

   After a little entanglement, Lin Beichen chose to take it all.

   Constantly ‘swallow’.

   When he walked out of the twenty-first floor, Lin Beichen's body was already six meters tall, a finger was comparable to a normal person's waist, and his muscles were so powerful that he couldn't even describe him.

   The power of a pure physical body can squeeze to death a domain master-level powerhouse below rank 25 with one slap.

   "Am I still a person?"

   Lin Beichen walked on the stairs, feeling very complicated.

   I have to find a way to change it back.

   Otherwise, if you continue like this, you really have to stay away from sex.

and many more?

   Not really.

   For example, the domain master of Burning Heaven is actually a'giant' who is more than four meters tall.

He now somewhat understands why some domain masters with strong cultivation bases, such as Burning Domain Masters, Shui Liuguang, and others, have physiques that surpass ordinary people. It turns out that it is not the reason for the natural bloodline, but the acquired practice of certain skills. The result of the law.

   He should belong to this list now.

   "I have a strong physical body right now, but my true qi has only just been level 15, so the partial discipline is very serious."

   Lin Beichen thought while walking.

   Do you really want to follow the cultivating genre of ‘East Body Tao’?

   At the same time, another huge question mark appeared in his mind.

   Lin Xincheng can become the second-level speaker of the Ziwei Star District. He is definitely not a foolish idiot. It is impossible for him to have no awareness of the previous twenty-floor battles—he prefers to believe that Lin Xincheng has been secretly watching the battle.

   Then the question is coming.

   Knowing that the gatekeepers he dispatched were not his opponents, why would he still play this game?

   Why do you want to send your own high-quality doormen to death?

   Domain master-level powerhouses are a scarce resource in the middle and high levels for any force.

   Why did Lin Xincheng send these people to death?

   With a huge question in his heart, Lin Beichen came to the 22nd floor.

   The situation finally changed.

   The gatekeeper at this level is a 21st-level primary domain master ‘celestial formation division’.

With'Baidu Navigator' in hand, the formation was unable to trap him. After breaking the formation with violence, Lin Beichen did not kill the female celestial formation master who was about 40 years old—because the scan showed that the opponent was not the one The wicked person.

   The gatekeepers of the twenty-third to twenty-sixth are the "Witch Zhu Dao", "Plant Dao", "Shadow Dao" and "Nether Emperor Dao".

   was easily solved by Lin Beichen.

   He didn't even open the hook, relying entirely on physical strength, he forcibly held the attack of these genre powerhouses, and then blasted his opponent.

   "It's just delivering food..."

  The color of doubt in Lin Beichen's eyes increased.

   He couldn't understand Lin Xincheng's thoughts a little bit.

   Is it to use these people to delay time?


   Because it is not necessary.

   Lin Xincheng doesn't seem to need time to escape.



   "Who deserves to be the blood of the holy emperor, after killing the opponent, he will gain his power..."

   "It looks similar to the ability of the twenty-third bloodline'Swallow Dao'."

   "But the endurance and upper limit are far beyond the general blood of the "Swallow Dao"..."

   "The level 24 plant path secret technique [Green Disaster] can't hold him, the power has reached the full blow of the level 25 domain master..."

   "The defense is even more terrifying, I'm afraid that the 28th-level domain master can't break his defense."

   "Alchemy weapons below level 30 cannot hurt him."

   "Can bear the curse of a 24th-level curse..."

   "It's worthy of the blood of the Holy Emperor, it's a monster."

   "It seems that there is still room for enhancement..."

   "Don't you kill the innocent? Ha ha, naive."

   "Then give you another chance to show you where is your limit, don't let me down."

   Lin Xincheng's face was filled with joy.

   He whispered secretly and issued a new order again.



   The gatekeepers from twenty-seven to thirty-two have once again become the domain master-level powerhouse of the ‘East Physique Dao’.

   Although they are all lower-level domain masters of the 22nd level, they are genuine ‘Communist Dao’ domain masters.

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate, after distinguishing through the ‘scan,’ all beheaded, and then swallowed and absorbed its original pure power.

   The direct consequence is that his size and height finally broke the ten-meter mark.

   is ten meters and 13 meters tall.

   The muscles are well-developed, like hills and peaks.

   The black hair was scattered, and the vigorous blood surging around him like the ocean.

   When he breathes, the sound of wind and thunder will be formed in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the air will be squeezed.

   The density of the body is even more terrifying, and the weight has increased sharply.

   If it weren’t for the blessing of the ‘Chen Xin Lou’ by the Heavenly Formation Master, I’m afraid Lin Beichen would collapse the entire building in an instant.

   A feeling of unprecedented power surges throughout the body.

   Distance [Huaqi Jue] The second layer of Dzogchen, it seems that there is only a little bit of distance like the last hair.

   Lin Beichen felt that he could strangle the domain master with a single hair, and he could directly blow up a warrior below rank 24 in one breath.

   Strong pervert.


   boom boom.

   In the sound of heavy footsteps, Lin Beichen pushed open the door of the final office on the 33rd floor.

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