Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1592: lucky person

Lin Beichen was about to say something, suddenly after the light caught a hundred thousand meters away from the right side, his complexion suddenly changed.

I saw in the starry sky, countless figures floating among the stars, struggling hard, the old wooden antique starship I saw before, after experiencing this ultra-long-distance teleportation, could not bear the hugeness of the teleportation process. The pressure, directly disintegrated and turned into broken wood, looks very embarrassed. People without the protection of starships, some foresighted people prepare winged alchemy equipment and breathing equipment, and some strengths reach the lord level and above can survive temporarily. Most people couldn't even utter the struggle and wailing, so they were gradually frozen, and their vitality was fading fast...


   Wang Fengliu shook his head and sighed.

   Lin Beichen said: "How much will it cost to help save people?"

   Wang Fengliu was taken aback, and said: "Master, you are really a bodhisattva... Such trivial things, for us, can be regarded as accumulating yin virtue, and there is no charge."

   Immediately turned around in a hurry, commanded his men, dressed properly, put down four small lifeboats, and hurried to the scene of the incident.

   At this time, Lin Beichen saw that in the ‘air crash area’, some starships and small boats had already approached and started to rescue people. They all ‘fished’ a dying person.

   "There are still many good people in this world."

   Seeing this scene, Lin Beichen couldn't help but sighed with relief.

But in the next moment, he saw from outside that the'rescue team' led by Wang Fengliu seemed to have a dispute with other rescuers, and then it turned into a confrontation. It seemed that they would not give up until Wang Feng came out and showed After a token-like token, the other rescuers retreated angrily...

   In the end, about 70% of the victims of the plane crash were rescued.

   The other 30%, except for a few deaths, were taken away by other rescue teams.

Wang Fengliu brought a total of more than three hundred survivors to the deck and said, "Master, everyone who can bring is brought. There is also a part that is unwilling to accept our help, I did not force..." Having said this, he paused, gritted his teeth and said: "Of course, if you must have someone, Master, I will take someone to grab it. I want to see, in the four-way transit starry sky area, which one is not a bastard? , Dare to oppose us [Sword of Revival]."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand and said, "Okay, we are not robbers. It is also a good intention to save people from other people's homes, so we don't need to rob them."

   Wang Fengliu hesitated and said, "Master, they are not going to save people."


   Lin Beichen was startled and said: "What do you mean?"

Wang Fengliu approached and whispered: "Those guys belong to the corpse hunting team, who are specializing in making money in the air. When encountering this kind of unlucky starship disintegrating after the teleportation, if they die, they will directly take the belongings of the deceased and discard them. If the corpse is alive, if it is caught, it will be searched and squeezed out. After the property is drained, the old, the weak and the sick will directly kill the Star Feeding Beasts. "

   Lin Beichen heard it, and instantly felt his hair horrified.

   A hint of chill rose from the soles of his feet, and went straight down his spine for inspiration, as if he was about to blow his skull directly into the air.

   There is still such a frenzied thing?

   "Doesn't anyone care about this kind of thing? Which empire belongs to this star field?"

   he asked.

   Wang Fengliu said: "This is the control area of ​​the Chaos Alliance."

Chaos Alliance is a conceptual name. It refers to the state of disorder and it is not under the control of any race of the human, demons, orcs, but is located in the edge zone where the forces of all parties intersect. Races, empires, and powers all have tentacles stretching here, and everyone has formed a common tacit understanding, and any disputes will be resolved by strength.

   Of course, there are only a few forces that really have weight.

   One of them is [Sword of Revival].

   Lin Beichen listened and was silent.

In areas like   , the strong eating of the weak is an eternal melody.

   To some extent, maintaining such a state of chaos is not what all parties want. After all, only muddy waters are good for fish.

   "Go and ask if you can buy those people back."

   Lin Beichen said again.

   Knowing the danger of the people taken away by other forces, Lin Beichen suddenly wanted to do good deeds.

   In addition to the huge amount of gold on his body now, he wants to do something good to accumulate some luck for the people such as Wee Chen, Han Buxiang.

   Wang Fengliu said: "Don't worry, Master, I will negotiate in person."

   He knows that this is a good opportunity to perform.

   After that, he immediately turned around and took the people back aggressively.

Lin Beichen's gaze swept across the faces of everyone on the deck, revealing a smile, and said: "Don't be nervous, everyone, like you, I am also teleported from the Hunter Domain, and I can be regarded as a half fellow. You can prepare first and wait until After a while, I entered the brood transfer station, and you can leave by yourself according to the original plan."

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

   came here from home, unaccompanied, and encountered an air crash, almost walking on the death line.

   Fortunately, I met good people.

   "Thank you, sir."

  "Excuse me, my surname, Gao? I also ask for your instructions. I have a family of three in Liu Dezhu, and I am willing to go back and pray for the adults to burn incense day and night."

   "Old and old Mu Yunya, thank you for his life-saving grace."

   Everyone came forward to salute and thank you.

  The people who can ride on the Starship and pay the ultra-long-distance teleportation fee are indeed not ordinary people. They are also people in the Hunter Kingdom. They are very polite in their words and deeds.

Lin Beichen smiled and waved his hand and said, "Why have you met before when you meet? Everyone, it's just a matter of raising your hand. Don't worry about it. If there is another opportunity, we may meet again. If you really want to repay me, please be within your reach. Within this, help a bunch of compatriots who have encountered difficulties so that we can pass on this mutual help among our human races."

   When everyone heard the words, they all stood in awe.

   I didn't expect that this young man, at a young age, would have such a grand character.

   Lin Beichen waved his hand, not taking away a cloud.

   Everyone also temporarily settled on the deck.

   After a while, Wang Fengliu returned to the command cabin and returned with more than 20 other survivors.

   They obviously suffered terrible things on the starships of other forces. Their possessions were looted, and they also suffered a certain amount of torture, all in a state of shock.

   The experience of these people spread to the ears of other survivors, and they immediately made these people thankful that they had met Lin Beichen, otherwise, I'm afraid it would have already turned into a cloud of dust in the starry sky.

   At this time, Lin Beichen, who was thought of by everyone, smiled and touched his boudoir in the early morning.

   Before parting, it is hard to separate.

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