Prince Qi's expression is ugly.

   walking around outside the room, walking around.

   sighed and struggled with her constipation-like expression.

   several times raised his hand to knock on the door, but finally retracted.

   Now this young man can't stand his temper at all, don't you know how long it will be in Japan?

   But think about it, this is not easy for children.

Although I told Lin Beichen about the so-called'strong man' theory before, and Lin Beichen's answer made him very satisfied, but to be honest, Prince Qi is not optimistic that Lin Beichen can really become a strong man who'masters his own destiny'. By.

   Among the vast galaxies, there are countless talents of Tianjiao, but facing the top empires and families, personal strength is like a smashing tree, which is not worth mentioning.

  Lin Beichen may one day find a way to move the Gengjin dynasty, but at that time, the red face is old and everything has been overwhelmed, and there is no turning back, so what can he do?

   Therefore, he sympathizes with Lin Beichen and Ling Chen in his heart.

   After much deliberation, in the end he didn't really knock on the door, but stayed outside.

  A maid or a guard came to deliver the meal, but they were all supported by Prince Qi and said: "The princess is practicing in a retreat. No one can disturb."

   half an hour later.

  【Polang】 entered the Sanqi Brood Transit Station.

   When we parted, it finally came.

   Lin Beichen and Ling Chen walked out of the room.

   Wee Chen's eyes were reddish, in front of everyone, he gave Lin Beichen a deep kiss, and then turned away.

  Prince Qi looked up and down Lin Beichen.

   "What are you looking at?"

   Lin Beichen raised his head and said, "Don't think about it, we are innocent."

  Prince Qi: "..."

   I also want to believe.

   Lin Beichen said again: "Uncle Emperor, as the person I respect most, you must protect Xiao Chener, you know what I mean."

  Prince Qi nodded, turned and left.

   "Boy, come early."

   Ling Junxuan nodded to Lin Beichen.

Elder Ling Taixu also said: "Brother, I am waiting for you in the Gengjin Shenchao... By the way, if it is convenient, when you come, I will go to the Gengjin Shenchao and find some more for them. sisters."

   Ling Junxuan was directly speechless, this generation is a bit messy.

   Lin Beichen said: "My old man, your thinking is very dangerous, I advise you to restrain yourself."

   Ling Taixu laughed and turned away.

   after a while.

   A group of people from the Gengjin God Dynasty hired a planetary starship at the Brood Transit Station, left directly, and embarked on a boundless journey.

   Standing on the deck, watching the group of people leave early morning, Lin Beichen secretly vowed in his heart that he must go to the Gengjin dynasty and marry Xiao Chenchen gracefully.

   "Master, where are we going next?"

   Chief Manager Wang Fengliu followed behind like a tail, and asked with a smile.


   Lin Beichen frowned: "You want to follow me?"

   Wang Fengliu immediately lowered his eyebrows and said: "Because you are our supreme VIP member, Master, the headquarters has decided to appoint a villain to provide personal services for you to meet all your needs."

   "Everything needs?"

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   "Yes, yes."

Wang Fengliu leaned over, winking his eyebrows and said: "Master, I know that there are several star king-level oirans in this chaotic alliance area. That kind of taste, tut tut..."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   This dog day really didn't have the wrong name, it was really romantic.

   And the palace galaxy is really a magical place, even the star king class will be an oiran.

   Is this the prosperous face of the great galaxy in the primordial universe?

   Would that be another star emperor class oiran?

   He thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

   Wang Fengliu was overjoyed when he saw this.

   It seems that the master is right, my master is really a fan of female sex.

   It doesn't hurt to be more romantic.

   What's more, my own master, who is so handsome to the point of anger and resentment, is afraid that those oirans who don’t want money to post, are enough to leave a story between the galaxies.

   "No, from now on, I won't enter the brothel or see the oiran again."

   Lin Beichen let out a long breath, and said categorically: "From today onwards, I am going to defend myself like a jade."

   Wang Fengliu was stunned, seeing Lin Beichen's solemn expression, not pretending to shirk, knowing that he had decided, he stopped persuading him now, and said, "Then where are we going?"

   Lin Beichen said: "Didn't Wang Zhong tell you the destination?"

   I came out to practice, but Wang Zhong, this dog, fooled around, and said that he was going to get his own things, so it should be planned.

   Wang Fengliu said: "Master Wang...The butler said, within a short time, everything will be in accordance with your ideas, Master."

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and said: "Do you know the Beichen Military Headquarters?"

Wang Fengliu nodded and said, "Return to Master, the Beichen Military Headquarters is the strongest human military group in the'Tianyu Galaxy', and it is a powerful force that directly confronts the sacred emperor. It has a remarkable record and is now a rising upstart. , With a reputation, it’s hard not to know."

   "I want to meet the commander of the Beichen Military Headquarters, what can you do?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

The previous assassins of the Beichen Military Department, although they said they would bring the news back, they still have nothing to follow. They have left the Hunting Domain and came to the Palace Galaxy. I'm afraid they can't be contacted anymore, so I might as well take the initiative to find them. , Maybe you can see Han live up to it soon.

   Wang Fengliu was taken aback.

   See the commander of the Beichen Military Headquarters?

He thought about it seriously, and said: "We [Sword of Revival] have some secret cooperation with the Beichen Military Headquarters and can get on the line, but the commander of the Beichen Military Headquarters is one of the few big figures among the major galaxies. His status is not trivial, and he is extremely low-key and very mysterious. It is not easy to see him... It takes time to release the news, and the villain can't guarantee whether he will be seen in the end."

   There is no big deal.

   It can be seen that the man whose name has the word ‘love’ in his name is still very reliable.

   "You only need to contact the people in the Beichen Military Headquarters. I naturally have a way. Let the commander show up, hurry up and get in touch."

   Lin Beichen Road.

After listening, Wang Fengliu took the order and said, "Master, if you really want to see the commander of the Beichen Legion, I suggest that we go to the Tianyu Galaxy first. This adult is a human being in peace, and he will act very cautiously. , It is rumored that the Holy Emperor Court, Orcs, and Demon Race have assassinated and blocked this person several times, and it is impossible for him to leave the'Tianyu Galaxy' for the time being."


   Lin Beichen promised: "Hurry up to replenish and set off at the fastest speed."

   He can't wait any longer.

   Old Han.

   must be you.

   The commander of the Beichen Military Headquarters can only be you.

   This time, don't let me down.

   My sister, my aunt, and your classmates and friends are all waiting for your return.

   Lin Beichen became more excited as he thought about it.

   And Wang Fengliu immediately went to do it.

   At the same time, under Wang Zhong's filming, the refugees who had been rescued by the [Bow Wave] were also properly placed at the transfer station.

   It is naturally impossible for Lin Beichen to take them through the galaxy, and everyone has their own way.

  【Broken Wave】Hurry up to replenish and prepare to continue the long journey.

   Lin Beichen always stood on the deck, observing the pictures inside the brood transfer station.

Similar to the war fortress of the "Red Lianzhihua", this is also a galaxy base built with asteroids. Starships are being swallowed all the time. The metal frame on the outside supports the brood like an exoskeleton, and the inside is even more illuminated. Brightly illuminated, various formations and alchemy equipment have built an environment suitable for ordinary humans. The entire space is made of metal, and the waterways are like highways, full of a sense of unreal science fiction.

   This brood transfer station belongs to a strength called the ‘Swire Merchant League’.

   In the Chaos Alliance area, the strength of the ‘Swire Merchant League’ can be ranked in the top three.

   It is said that behind it is backed by the top great forces in the depths of the prehistoric universe, and it is also extremely arrogant to act on weekdays.

   "Put down the sampan and get checked."

   An arrogant voice came.

   is the law enforcement guards of the ‘Swire Commercial League’ approached [Polang].

   "Hasn't it been checked?"

   Chu Hen asked loudly on the deck.

   "The temporary increase in search...whatever it costs, quickly extinguish the formation and stop the engine."

   The captain of the guard is impatient and authentic.

   "Master, it's not right."

   Wang Fengliu appeared like a ghost and said: "Several law enforcement teams from the Taikoo Business League are secretly approaching us...they want to do things."


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