Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1595: Take me a blow

The burly and majestic middle-aged man with the ancient surname watched Lin Beichen's counterattack interestingly.

   is like a wolf king who enjoys torturing his prey before launching and finally attacking.

   He knew all kinds of information about Lin Beichen.

   But I still want to see it with my own eyes.

   After all, for those of the sacred emperor's blood, you can't overestimate it.

   After about ten breaths, Lin Beichen eliminated all the energy cannons on the gunboats.

It is almost impossible for a strong person of the same level to complete the task. For him, it is extremely simple—because no defense is needed, all attacks fall on him and cannot cause damage, and his attack is any one. The opponent can't resist and block. This way of fighting makes the guards on the gunships of the Taikoo Commercial League seem ridiculous as if they were infants holding wheat straws and wanted to kill the giants.

   The bombardment stopped.

  Wang Fengliu and others in the distance suddenly reduced their pressure.

   also breathed a sigh of relief.

   The young master really hides his strength.

   Wang Fengliu also took a breath, shocked and excited in his heart.

   This is the true identity of the young master.

   Maybe the teacher didn't take action, that's why.

Teacher    trusts the young master's strength very much, and hopes that through these small twists and turns, he can exercise the young master's abilities.

   "Master, come back here soon...leave the brood first."

   Wang Fengliu waved from a distance and shouted loudly.

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate, raising his hand was another shuttle suddenly, opening a path of blood, his figure flickering, and he was about to join Wang Fengliu and others.

   At this moment, there was a sudden alarm in my heart.

   There is a flower in front of my eyes.

   I saw a burly and tall figure, which appeared in front of him like a ghost.

   "You can't go."

   It was a middle-aged man surnamed Gu who made the shot.

   He was dressed in a cloth robe, no armor, long light yellow curly hair, dark green pupils, fair skin, thick brown body hair on the back of his hand and forearms, raised his hand and grabbed it towards Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen subconsciously cut out with a sword.


  【Whale Slashing Sword】When slashed on this person's arm, clusters of sparks were directly exploded, as if slashed on a piece of gold and iron.


   Lin Beichen was taken aback.

   The sharpness of the [Whale Sword], so far I have not encountered a weapon that can block its blow, was it actually stopped by this person's flesh and blood palm?

   Before he could react, the middle-aged man grabbed his five fingers and held the [Whale Sword] in his hand and pulled it hard.

   Lin Beichen's figure suddenly lost control and lost his balance.

   A lot of strength.

   Lin Beichen realized that he had met a real top powerhouse.

   What he is best at is power and body, followed by swordsmanship.

   But the white-skinned man in front of him, not only is his physical strength not inferior to his own, but his strength is far beyond.

   Star King?

When the three words    popped up in his mind, Lin Beichen let out a low growl, exploding with physical strength.

Layers of turbulent air visible to the naked eye exploded centered on his body, surging like a huge wave, and terrifying power burst out along the [Whale Slashing Sword]. I wanted to take the long sword back, and it was also in my heart. Do not admit defeat and want to compete.

   How can you recognize counsel in the field you are best at?


   Furukawa Prefecture laughed playfully, holding the palm of the tip of the [Whale Sword], and shook it slightly: "Compared with your strength, you still can' let go."

   Click, click, click, click.

   In the crisp sound of crashing, [Whale Sword] instantly shattered, shattering and flying like a chaotic butterfly.

  【Whale Sword】Destroyed.

   Fortunately, there was no vow that the sword is there, and the sword is dead.

   Lin Beichen only felt a powerful surge of power, and the tiger's mouth in his right hand burst instantly, dripping with blood, and he could no longer hold the hilt of the sword.

   The force of the counter-shock spread along his left arm, causing him to numb on the right side of his body, and he almost lost consciousness.

   "What power is this?"

   He was shocked.

   The middle-aged man in front of him is definitely the most terrifying enemy he has ever encountered in his life.

   A feeling of being crushed hits his face, suffocating.

   da da da da da da.

   Raised the AK47 with his left hand and sprayed wildly.

   After being blessed by firearms, the invisible intangible energy bullets directly shot into the face of Furukawa Prefecture with terrifying destructive power.

   But in the next moment, a scene that made Lin Beichen horrified and inexplicable appeared.

   Those bullets that only he could see were directly bounced off by the dough of Furukawa Prefecture.

   That is an energy bullet that can tear the middle and low-level star king instantly.

   In the case of a frontal hit, he couldn't shoot even a small depression on the opponent's face.

   finally met someone with a thicker skin than me.

   Lin Beichen didn't hesitate in his heart, and immediately backed away, distanced himself from the battlefield.

   This person is too thick-skinned to be an opponent.

   But Furukawa Prefecture has been deployed for a long time, how can he be allowed to get out?

   "Haha, kid, stay."

   With a movement of his figure, the air exploded in an instant, forming a terrible and harsh air explosion.

Under the ultra-high-speed movement beyond imagination, the thin air was shattered like a solid, and the figure of Guhezhou left a series of afterimages in the void, and it instantly arrived in front of Lin Beichen, with five fingers bent like claws. , Grabbed it directly towards his neck.

   Lin Beichen instantly felt as if he was imprisoned by the whole body, being pulled by the opponent's qi, as if he had been subjected to a hold technique.

not good.

   Every hair on the whole body is madly warning.

   Lin Beichen roared, and did not hesitate to open up, his body instantly soared, swelled continuously, directly shook the locked Qi machine, and turned into a giant nearly thirty meters away.

   Under the eruption of tyrannical pure power, the air was like a wave, lingering around him.

   "Take me a blow."

   He lifted his palm the size of a door, and screamed directly.

   "Hahaha, it turned out to have hidden a hand."

  The size of Guhe Prefecture, raised his hand and blasted out with a punch, saying: "But it doesn't work...Secret Skill·Bengtian Hammer."

   A fist mark came out, bombarding Lin Beichen's giant hand.


   The power shook wildly, like a stormy sea.

   Within fifty meters of a radius, all objects, whether they were people, starships, or metal buildings, were instantly shaken and dissipated.

   The blood is dripping and dripping.

   Lin Beichen staggered back, and in the palm of his right hand, a hole of flesh and blood with a diameter of half a meter was exploded.


   is still a rare penetrating injury.

   Lin Beichen was shocked to the extreme.

   This is the first time since he was on the third level of [Huaqi Jue], he has encountered an opponent who has completely crushed himself in all aspects in terms of physical body and pure strength.

   The number one martial artist among the twenty-four bloodlines of the [Holy Physique Path]?

   "Who are you on earth?"

   Lin Beichen couldn't help asking.

   In the wound on the palm of his right hand, the flesh and blood squirmed and rolled, and after a while, he reorganized and healed.

   "Hehe, you will know later."

   Guhezhou didn't intend to tell his origins. He looked at Lin Beichen's recovery from the injury in his palm, and his eyes were even more surprised.

This sacred emperor bloodline has at least reached about 10% of the power of its own bloodline. It is the best material specimen found by the saint so far. It will play a vital role in the research plan of the saint. The role of.

"game over."

   Guhezhou put away his ridicule and banter, and prepared to fight quickly to avoid long nights and dreams.

   Secret Skill·Wind and Fire Tornado.

   held his hands empty, and suddenly spread his fingers and rubbed it.

Dozens of air were twisted into a giant tornado of hundreds of meters long, spinning around and entwining rapidly, rubbing dazzling flames in the air, and delineating prisons on all sides, directly imprisoning Lin Beichen's huge body, and then Tightening quickly, the flame force tornado is like a giant rope that binds the gods, entwined around Lin Beichen's body, and the roasted barbecue body makes a sizzling sound. For a while, I don't know how many body hairs Lin Beichen burned...

  What secret technique is this?

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   The air that frustrates out can even hurt yourself?

   He struggled to make a profit.

   actually failed to break free.

   "This is a combat technique specially designed for your sacred emperor's bloodline [Prisoner Prisoner Cage], you can't get rid of it."

   Guhezhou smiled faintly.

at this time-


   A long whip hit the back of his head fiercely.

   Wang Fengliu arrived with his whip.

   "Let go of my master."

  He was very brave.

   After all, this is a rare performance opportunity.


   Guhezhou didn't turn his head back, and gently waved his palm backwards.

   Wang Fengliu's figure suddenly fell apart, turned into a rain of blood, and split directly.

  The rain of blood rolled.

He was reunited three hundred meters away, his face was pale, his face could not hide the horror, he walked on the line of death, if it weren't for the star king realm with strong energy and blood, he could be reborn from flesh and blood, I'm afraid it's already dead. Lost.

   "Damn it, you must ask Master to do it..."

   Wang Fengliu realized that this sudden enemy should be the one who planned this attack on the [Sword of Revival]. The horror of strength is beyond his ability to solve.

  What is he about to say...


   Several bursts of air sounded.

   Yue Hongxiang, Chu Hen, and Xiao Binggan actually rushed up at the same time.

   "You guys... come back soon, you will die."

   Wang Feng exiles the soul of the dead.

  What a joke.

   These guys are still far behind in strength. If they are shattered, they can't regenerate like him.

   is really going to die.

  Aren’t they scared at all?

   He quickly took out a long whip from under his crotch, shook his wrist, and entangled all of them until they were pulled back, saying: "Don't go to death, you are not strong enough, but you will become a burden to the master..."


   I missed my mouth.

   He quickly observed and found that Xiao Binggan and the others did not seem to have noticed anything, and then continued: "You retreat, I will find a way..."

  Master, Master, if you don’t make a move, I won’t be able to figure it out.

   Wang Fengliu looked around, hoping to find Wang Zhong.

   At this time, Lin Beichen's situation has become more and more dangerous.

   The burning flame air column tightened his huge body, as if to split him.

   "Damn, this battle is difficult."

   Lin Beichen glanced at Xiao Binggan and Yue Hongxiang who were desperately struggling to rush in the distance, and told him rationally that he must find a way to take everyone away.

   Otherwise, there will be a risk of attrition.

   His current strength is at the Star River level, and his overall strength can be at the top of the Star King, but he is really helpless when encountering a star king-level powerhouse.

   The opponent in front of him would definitely get in the way of the strong in the Star Monarch level, at least around 55.

   If you want to defeat this person, you must reach the Star King level to have any hope.

   The key to becoming a star king is time.

   Just complete the KEEP mission.

   But the impulse and will to fight made Lin Beichen not want to retreat.

   Where in this world will always give you an enemy who is absolutely suppressed by your strength?

   The real tough battles are all made with a sword, a sword, a drop of sweat, and a drop of blood.


   "Blind Ji Ba Da·Bao Shi Da."

   Lin Beichen yelled, running vigor, struggling to earn, and punching out.


   The flame that wrapped around the body suddenly broke every inch.


Although today is two chapters, but the weight is quite sufficient

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